/** * recalculates packets limits * * @param array $packets */ protected function recalcTrafficLimits() { $config = $this->BILL->GetCADBiSConfig(); $maximumMonthTraffic = $config['max_month_traffic']; $monthAccts = $this->BILL->GetMonthTotalAccts(); $this->usedMonthTraffic = $monthAccts['traffic'] ? $monthAccts['traffic'] : 0; $this->restDaysCount = date("t") - date("j") + 1; $this->restMonthTraffic = $maximumMonthTraffic - $this->usedMonthTraffic; $this->allowedDayTraffic = $this->restMonthTraffic / $this->restDaysCount; $SumOfRangs = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->packets); ++$i) { $SumOfRangs += $this->packets[$i]['rang'] * $this->packets[$i]['simuluse_sum']; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->packets); ++$i) { $this->packetsCoefs[$this->packets[$i]['gid']] = (double) $this->packets[$i]['rang'] * (double) $this->packets[$i]['simuluse_sum'] / (double) $SumOfRangs; } $this->onePointCost = round($this->allowedDayTraffic / (double) $SumOfRangs); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->packets); ++$i) { $dayLimit = round($this->allowedDayTraffic * $this->packetsCoefs[$this->packets[$i]['gid']]); $restPacketMonthTraffic = $dayLimit * $this->restDaysCount; $this->monthTrafficLimits[$this->packets[$i]['gid']] = $restPacketMonthTraffic; if (($this->packets[$i]['exceed_times'] + 1) * $dayLimit <= $restPacketMonthTraffic) { $dayLimit *= $this->packets[$i]['exceed_times'] + 1; } else { $dayLimit = $restPacketMonthTraffic; } $this->dayTrafficLimits[$this->packets[$i]['gid']] = $dayLimit; } }
<?php if (!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) { die("Access denied!"); } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $gid = 0; $packet = null; if (isset($_POST['btnSave'])) { $gid = $_POST['hdnGid']; $BILL->SetUrlCategoriesDenied($gid, array()); foreach ($_POST['deniedcats'] as $gid => $dencats) { $BILL->SetUrlCategoriesDenied($gid, array_keys($dencats)); } } if (isset($_POST['btnFilter'])) { $gid = $_POST['selPacket']; } if ($gid > 0) { $packet = $BILL->GetTarifData($gid); } $packets = $BILL->GetTarifs(); $cats = $BILL->GetUrlCategories();
">назад</a></div> <?php $form = 0; } else { $form = true; echo $res; } } } else { echo $error; $form = 1; } } if ($form) { if (!isset($mod) && isset($mode) && $mode == "edit" && isset($gid)) { $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $data = $BILL->GetTarifData($gid); $vars[0] = $data['packet']; $activated = !$data['blocked']; $time_vals[0] = gethours($data['total_time_limit']); $time_vals[1] = getmins($data['total_time_limit']); $time_vals[2] = getsecs($data['total_time_limit']); $time_vals[3] = gethours($data['month_time_limit']); $time_vals[4] = getmins($data['month_time_limit']); $time_vals[5] = getsecs($data['month_time_limit']); $time_vals[6] = gethours($data['week_time_limit']); $time_vals[7] = getmins($data['week_time_limit']); $time_vals[8] = getsecs($data['week_time_limit']); $time_vals[9] = gethours($data['day_time_limit']); $time_vals[10] = getmins($data['day_time_limit']); $time_vals[11] = getsecs($data['day_time_limit']);
<?php $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $list = $BILL->GetTarifs(); if (count($list)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { $data = $list[$i]; $total_time_limit = $data[total_time_limit] ? gethours($data[total_time_limit]) . ":" . getmins($data[total_time_limit]) . ":" . getsecs($data[total_time_limit]) : "неограничено"; $month_time_limit = $data[month_time_limit] ? gethours($data[month_time_limit]) . ":" . getmins($data[month_time_limit]) . ":" . getsecs($data[month_time_limit]) : "неограничено"; $week_time_limit = $data[week_time_limit] ? gethours($data[week_time_limit]) . ":" . getmins($data[week_time_limit]) . ":" . getsecs($data[week_time_limit]) : "неограничено"; $day_time_limit = $data[day_time_limit] ? gethours($data[day_time_limit]) . ":" . getmins($data[day_time_limit]) . ":" . getsecs($data[day_time_limit]) : "неограничено"; $session_timeout = $data[session_timeout] ? gethours($data[session_timeout]) . ":" . getmins($data[session_timeout]) . ":" . getsecs($data[session_timeout]) : "неограничено"; $total_traffic_limit = $data[total_traffic_limit] ? bytes2mb($data[total_traffic_limit]) . " Мб" : "неограничено"; $month_traffic_limit = $data[month_traffic_limit] ? bytes2mb($data[month_traffic_limit]) . " Мб" : "неограничено"; $week_traffic_limit = $data[week_traffic_limit] ? bytes2mb($data[week_traffic_limit]) . " Мб" : "неограничено"; $day_traffic_limit = $data[day_traffic_limit] ? bytes2mb($data[day_traffic_limit]) . " Мб" : "неограничено"; $times_d = NULL; $times_hf = NULL; $times_ht = NULL; $times_mf = NULL; $times_mt = NULL; makelogintimearrays($data[login_time], &$times_d, &$times_hf, &$times_ht, &$times_mf, &$times_mt); $times_d_template_s = array("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Wk", "Al"); $times_d_template_t = array("Понедельник", "Вторник", "Среда", "Четверг", "Пятница", "Суббота", "Рабочие дни", "Все дни недели"); if (isset($times_d) && count($times_d)) { $timeslist = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < count($times_d); ++$j) { $dsel = "<select name=times_d[] style=\"width:100%;\" class=tbl1>"; for ($k = 0; $k < count($times_d_template_s); ++$k) { if ($times_d[$j] == $times_d_template_s[$k]) { $timeslist .= $times_d_template_t[$k];
} else { ?> <div align=left><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show=tbl&page={$page}"); ?> ">Отобразить в виде таблицы</a></div> <?php } if ($form) { if (!isset($page) || $page < 1 && $page != "all") { $page = 1; } if (!isset($sort)) { $sort = ""; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $ulist = $BILL->GetUsersList($sort); if ($sort == "traffic" || $sort == "time") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($ulist); ++$i) { $data = $BILL->GetUserTotalAcctsData($ulist[$i]); $tmplist[$i]["traffic"] = $data["traffic"]; $tmplist[$i]["uid"] = $ulist[$i]; $tmplist[$i]["time"] = $data["time"]; } if ($sort == "traffic") { usort($tmplist, "accts_compare_traffic_desc"); } elseif ($sort == "time") { usort($tmplist, "accts_compare_time_desc"); } $tmplist = array_values($tmplist); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmplist); ++$i) {
<?php include "restore_confs.php"; error_reporting(E_PARSE); if ($BILLEVEL < 3 && $action != "topurl") { die($CURRENT_USER["level"] . ""); } elseif ($BILLEVEL <= 1) { die(""); } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); include "graph_class.php"; $gr = new CGraph(); //настройки графика $params = array(); $params[0] = 600; $params[1] = 500; $params[2] = 255; $params[3] = 255; $params[4] = 255; $params[5] = 0; $params[6] = 0; $params[7] = 0; $params[8] = 155; $params[9] = 155; $params[10] = 155; $params[11] = 50; $params[12] = 50; $params[13] = "./GOST_A.TTF"; $params[15] = ""; $params[16] = ""; $params[17] = 6;
<?php define('COUNT_ON_PAGE', 30); if (!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) { die("Access denied!"); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/SMPHPToolkit/SMAjax.php"; CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/buffer.js'); CADBiSNew::instance()->link_href('skins/smadbis/css/grid.css'); $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $cats = $BILL->GetUrlCategoriesAssoc(); // any action on selected keywords if (isset($_POST['selected_kwds'])) { $selkwds = $_POST['selected_kwds']; foreach ($selkwds as $word => $on) { if (isset($_POST['btnLeave'])) { $BILL->ResolveUrlCategoryConflict($word); } elseif (isset($_POST['btnDelete'])) { $BILL->DeleteUrlCategoryKeyword($word); $BILL->ResolveUrlCategoryConflict($word); } elseif (isset($_POST['btnReplace'])) { $keyword = $BILL->GetUrlCategoryConflictKeyword($word); $BILL->ReplaceUrlCategoryKeyword($word, $keyword['forcid']); $BILL->ResolveUrlCategoryConflict($word); } elseif (isset($_POST['btnUnsense'])) { $BILL->AddUrlCategoryUnsenseword($word); $BILL->DeleteUrlCategoryKeyword($word); $BILL->ResolveUrlCategoryConflict($word); } } }
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 3) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $BILL->KillInactiveUsers(); if (!isset($sort)) { $sort = "start_time"; } $list = $BILL->GetOnlineUsersData($sort); if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if ($action == "message") { if ($sure == "true") { $klmessage = str_replace("'", "", $klmessage); $klmessage = $FLTR->DirectProcessString($klmessage); $prg = $GV["send_program"] . " " . $klip . " '" . $klmessage . "'" . " &"; //die($prg); //$res=shell_exec("nohup $prg> /dev/null 2>&1 &"); $res = shell_exec("{$prg}"); //echo($prg.":<br>".$res."<br>"); //exec($GV["kill_program"]." ".$user." ".$server." ".$ip." ".$port); //$BILL->KillUser($port); //$list=$BILL->GetOnlineUsersData(); setpage("?p={$p}&act={$act}"); } else { ?> <div align=center><b>Напишите сообщение следующим пользователям:</b></div> <table width=100% align=center class=tbl2><td>
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 3) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); /** * render icon for file format * * @param string $ctype */ function log_url_format_ctype($ctype) { $ctype_ico_match = array('text/html' => 'img/icons/html.jpg', 'avi' => 'img/icons/avi.jpg', 'javascript' => 'img/icons/js.gif', 'pdf' => 'img/icons/pdf.jpg', 'image/png' => 'img/icons/png.png', 'image/gif' => 'img/icons/gif.gif', 'image/jpeg' => 'img/icons/jpeg.gif', 'text/plain' => 'img/icons/txt.png', 'text/x' => 'img/icons/xml.png', 'rar' => 'img/icons/rar.png', 'text/xml' => 'img/icons/xml.png', 'mp3' => 'img/icons/mp3.png', 'swf' => 'img/icons/swf.jpg', 'x-icon' => 'img/icons/gif.gif', 'image/icons' => 'img/icons/gif.gif', 'rdf+xml' => 'img/icons/xml.png', 'shockwave-flash' => 'img/icons/swf.jpg', 'text/css' => 'img/icons/css.jpg', 'default' => 'img/icons/file.png', 'video/' => 'img/icons/video.gif', 'audio/' => 'img/icons/mp3.jpg', 'application/xml' => 'img/icons/xml.png', 'application/json' => 'img/icons/js.gif'); $res = ""; foreach ($ctype_ico_match as $key => $value) { if (stristr($ctype, $key)) { $res = $value; break; } } if (!empty($res)) { $res = '<img src="' . $res . '" width="30px" height="30px" title="' . $ctype . '"/>'; } else { $res = $ctype; } return $res; } /** * Primitive paging *
function IsUserExistsById($id) { global $MDL, $GV, $CURRENT_USER; $MDL->Load("smadbis"); $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); return $BILL->IsUserExistsByUid($id); /*include $this->list_file; return (file_exists($this->data_dir."/".$id) && is_file($this->data_dir."/".$id));*/ }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $SSIfile = "../skins/" . $SkinName . "/standard_cfg.php"; if (file_exists($SSIfile)) { include $SSIfile; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require $Root_Path . "bin/CR3DCQuery.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CAdmin.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/config.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CBilling.php"; require $Root_Path . "includes/siteconfig.php"; require $Root_Path . "includes/language.php"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Instantiate the Classes $oR3DCQuery = new CR3DCQuery($config); $oBilling = new CBilling($config); $bCronEnabled = $oR3DCQuery->IsCronManagementEnabled(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// //Login Processing //////////////////////////////////////////////// //Check if admin is logged in already if (!isset($_SESSION['LOGIN'])) { $login = "******"; header('Location: ./index.php'); } else { if ($_SESSION['LOGIN'] != true) { if (isset($_SESSION['UNAME'])) { unset($_SESSION['UNAME']); } if (isset($_SESSION['LOGIN'])) {
<?php if (!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) { die("Access denied!"); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CADBiS/recognize.php'; if (isset($_GET['urlcheck']) || !empty($_GET['urlcheck'])) { die(Recognizer::recognizeByUrlCheck($_GET['url'])); } else { $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $result = ""; $url = "www.yandex.ru"; if (isset($_REQUEST['url'])) { $url = $_REQUEST['url']; } $current_cid = $BILL->GetUrlCategory($url); $cats = $BILL->GetUrlCategories(); $kwds_weights = $BILL->GetKeywordsWeights(); $cat_by_cid = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($cats as &$cat) { $cat_by_cid[$cat['cid']] = $i++; $cat['keywords'] = $BILL->GetUrlCategoryKeywords($cat['cid']); } // Setting url category if (isset($_GET['set']) || isset($_POST['btnAttach'])) { if ($setcid > 0 && !empty($url)) { $BILL->AddUrlCategoryMatch($url, $setcid); } } // Applying conflicts resolves
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 3) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); if (isset($mod) && $mod == "users") { $tdata = $BILL->GetTarifData($gid); $list = $BILL->GetUsersOfTarif($gid); ?> <div align=center><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}"); ?> ">назад</a></div> <div align=center><b>Список пользователей тарифа '<?php OUT($tdata['packet']); ?> '</b></div> <table width=100% class=tbl2> <tr> <td class=tbl1>№</td> <td class=tbl1>Логин</td> <td class=tbl1>ФИО</td> <td class=tbl1>Трафик</td> <td class=tbl1>Время</td> <td class=tbl1>Действия</td> </tr> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { $adata = $BILL->GetUserTotalAcctsData($list[$i]["uid"]); ?>
return; } if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if (!isset($mod)) { $mod = ""; } if (!isset($sort)) { $sort = ">traffic"; } if ($action) { if (!isset($gid)) { $gid = "all"; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); switch ($action) { case "today": $accts = $BILL->GetTodayUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid); $wday = date("w"); if ($wday == 0) { $wday = 6; } $head = "Статистика по пользователям за " . $wdaysto[$wday - 1] . ", " . date("d") . " " . $monthsof[date("n") - 1] . "" . date(" Y года"); break; case "month": $accts = $BILL->GetMonthUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid); $head = "Статистика по пользователям за " . $months[date("n") - 1] . " " . date("Y") . " года:<br>\n <small>(по состоянию на " . date("d") . " " . $monthsof[date("n") - 1] . ")</small>"; break; case "week": $accts = $BILL->GetWeekUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid);
<?php } elseif ($act == "users") { if ($BILLEVEL < 3) { return; } ?> <div align=center><b>Пользователи</b></div><br> <?php if (isset($action) && $action == "add") { include SK_DIR . "/billing/admin_add_user.php"; } elseif (isset($action) && $action == "delete") { include SK_DIR . "/billing/admin_delete_user.php"; } elseif (isset($action) && $action == "edit") { include SK_DIR . "/billing/admin_edit_user.php"; } elseif (isset($action) && $action == "block") { $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); if ($BILL->IsUserActivated($uid)) { $BILL->BlockUser($uid); ?> <div align=center><b>Пользователь заблокирован!</b></div> <?php } else { $BILL->ActivateUser($uid); ?> <div align=center><b>Пользователь активирован!</b></div> <?php } ?> <div align=center><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}"); ?>
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 5) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $BILL->KillInactiveUsers(); $list = $BILL->GetOnlineUsersData(); if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if ($action == "save") { $error = ""; $GV['max_month_traffic'] = mb2bytes($max_month_traffic); $GV['start_year'] = $start_year; $res = "<?php\r\n"; $res .= "\$GV['start_year']=" . $GV['start_year'] . ";\r\n"; $res .= "\$GV['max_month_traffic']=" . $GV['max_month_traffic'] . ";\r\n"; $res .= "\$GV['max_month_time']=" . $GV['max_month_time'] . ";\r\n"; $res .= "?>"; $fp = fopen($GV["modules_conf_dir"] . "/smadbisext.conf.php", "w+"); if (!$fp) { $error .= "<b>Ошибка:</b> Невозможно открыть файл!"; } if (!$error) { fwrite($fp, $res); fclose($fp); } if (!$error) { OUT("<div align=center>Сохранено!</div><br><div align=center><a href=\"?p={$p}&act={$act}\">назад</a></div>"); } else {
function is_gid_allowed($gid, $BILLEVEL) { global $GV, $CURRENT_USER; $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $data = $BILL->GetTarifData($gid); if (!$data) { return true; } return $data[level] <= $BILLEVEL; }
<?php if (!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) { die("Access denied!"); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/SMPHPToolkit/SMAjax.php"; CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/buffer.js'); CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/manager.js'); CADBiSNew::instance()->link_href('skins/smadbis/css/grid.css'); $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); if (isset($_REQUEST['renderkwdsfor'])) { $cid = $_REQUEST['renderkwdsfor']; die(implode(", ", $BILL->GetUrlCategoryKeywordsWithWeights($cid))); } $ajaxbuf_cats = new ajax_buffer("update_buffer_cats"); $ajaxbuf_cats->show_progress(true); $emanager = new ajax_entities_manager('entities_manager', $ajaxbuf_cats); class cats_formatter extends grid_formatter { protected $_field = ''; /** * Entities manager * @var ajax_entities_manager */ protected $_entities_manager = null; /** * @param string $field * @param ajax_entities_manager $entities_manager */ public function __construct($field, $entities_manager) {
<?php error_reporting(E_PARSE); include "restore_confs.php"; $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $cur = $BILL->GetMonthTotalAccts(); $mon = $BILL->GetMonthMaxAccts(); $imgnum = 20.0; $prc_tr = (double) $cur["traffic"] / (double) $mon["traffic"] * 100.0; $perimg = 100.0 / $imgnum; $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); $daycount = date("t"); $maxtraf = 0; $daynorm = $mon["traffic"] / $daycount; $rest = $mon["traffic"] - $cur["traffic"]; $dnrm = $rest / ($daycount - $day + 1); $k = $dnrm < 0 ? -90000 : 100; $prc_tr2 = (double) $daynorm / (double) $dnrm * 100.0 - $k; if ($prc_tr2 > 100) { $prc_tr2 = 100; } if ($prc_tr2 < 0) { $prc_tr2 = 0; } $imgnum = (int) ((double) $prc_tr2 / $perimg); $imgnum += 1; if ($imgnum > 20) { $imgnum = 20; }
<?php if ((!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) && $BILLEVEL != 2) { die("Access denied!"); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/SMPHPToolkit/SMAjax.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CADBiS/PacketsTodayLimits.php"; CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/buffer.js'); $ajaxbuf = new ajax_buffer("update_buffer"); $ajaxbuf->show_progress(true); $ajaxbuf->set_postback_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CADBiS/cadbis_statistic_backend.php"; $packets = $BILL->GetTarifs(); $config = $BILL->GetCADBiSConfig(); $packets_confs = array(); foreach ($packets as &$packet) { $accts = $BILL->GetTarifTodayAccts($packet['gid']); $packet['accts']['traffic'] = $accts['traffic']; $packet['accts']['time'] = $accts['time']; $packets_confs[$packet['gid']]['rang'] = new ajax_var('rng' . $packet['gid'], $packet['rang']); $packets_confs[$packet['gid']]['exceed_times'] = new ajax_var('et' . $packet['gid'], $packet['exceed_times']); $ajaxbuf->register_vars($packets_confs[$packet['gid']]); } $max_month_traffic = new ajax_var('max_month_traffic', $config['max_month_traffic'] / 1024 / 1024); $ajaxbuf->register_var($max_month_traffic); if ($ajaxbuf->is_post_back()) { foreach ($packets as &$packet) { $packet['rang'] = $packets_confs[$packet['gid']]['rang']->get_value(); $packet['exceed_times'] = $packets_confs[$packet['gid']]['exceed_times']->get_value(); $BILL->UpdateTarif($packet['gid'], $packet);
?> ">назад</a></div> <?php $form = 0; } else { $form = true; echo $res; } } } else { echo $error; $form = 1; } } if ($form) { $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); if (!isset($mod) && isset($mode) && $mode == "edit" && isset($uid)) { $vars = array(); $user = $BILL->GetUserData($uid); $k = 0; $vars[$k++] = $user['user']; $k += 2; //$vars[1]=$user['password']; //$vars[2]=$user['password']; $vars[$k++] = $user['gid']; $vars[$k++] = $user['max_total_traffic']; $vars[$k++] = $user['max_month_traffic']; $vars[$k++] = $user['max_week_traffic']; $vars[$k++] = $user['max_day_traffic']; $vars[$k++] = $user['simultaneous_use']; $vars[$k++] = $user['fio'];
<?php if (!check_auth() || $CURRENT_USER['level'] < 7) { die("Access denied!"); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/SMPHPToolkit/SMAjax.php"; CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/buffer.js'); CADBiSNew::instance()->script_src('js/ajax/manager.js'); CADBiSNew::instance()->link_href('skins/smadbis/css/grid.css'); $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $cats = $BILL->GetUrlCategories(); global $cats_cid; $cats_cid_title = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $cats_cid[$cat['cid']] = $cat; } $ajaxbuf_url_cats = new ajax_buffer("update_buffer_cats"); $emanager = new ajax_entities_manager('entities_manager', $ajaxbuf_url_cats); $ajaxbuf_url_matched_cats = new ajax_buffer("update_buffer_cats_matched"); //$emanager_matched = new ajax_entities_manager('entities_manager_matched', $ajaxbuf_url_matched_cats); class cat_urls_formatter extends grid_formatter { protected $_field = ''; /** * Entities manager * @var ajax_entities_manager */ protected $_cats_cid_title = null; protected $_manager = '{}'; /** * @param string $field
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 4) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); if (isset($mod) && $mod == "users") { $tdata = $BILL->GetTarifData($gid); $list = $BILL->GetUsersOfTarif($gid); ?> <div align=center><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}"); ?> ">назад</a></div> <div align=center><b>Список пользователей тарифа '<?php OUT($tdata['packet']); ?> '</b></div> <table width=100% class=tbl2> <tr> <td class=tbl1>№</td> <td class=tbl1>Логин</td> <td class=tbl1>ФИО</td> <td class=tbl1>Трафик</td> <td class=tbl1>Время</td> <td class=tbl1>Действия</td> </tr> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { $adata = $BILL->GetUserTotalAcctsData($list[$i]["uid"]); ?>
<?php if ($BILLEVEL < 5) { return; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $countries = $BILL->GetAvailableCountries(); if ($_POST['country'] || $_GET['country']) { $country = $_POST['country'] ? $_POST['country'] : $_GET['country']; } ?> <b>Выберите страну:</b> <form action="<?php echo "?p={$p}&act={$act}"; ?> " method="post"> <select name="country"> <?php foreach ($countries as $ctry) { $sel = isset($country) && $country == $ctry['ctry'] ? "selected" : ""; ?> <option value="<?php echo $ctry['ctry']; ?> " <?php echo $sel; ?> ><?php echo $ctry['country'] . "(" . $ctry['ctry'] . ")"; ?> </option><?php
?> <br><br> <div align=center><input type=submit class=button value="Удалить!"></div> </form> <div align=center><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&page={$page}"); ?> ">назад</a></div> <?php } } if ($form) { if (!isset($page) || $page < 1) { $page = 1; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $ulist = $BILL->GetTarifs(); $pgcnt = $PDIV->GetPagesCount($ulist); $list = $PDIV->GetPage($ulist, $page); for ($i = 0; $i < $pgcnt; ++$i) { if ($page != $i + 1) { $pagestext .= "<a href=\"?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&page=" . ($i + 1) . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } else { $pagestext .= "" . ($i + 1) . ""; } if ($i < $pgcnt - 1) { $pagestext .= ", "; } } ?> <form action="<?php
OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&page={$page}"); ?> ">Отобразить с подробными данными</a></div> <?php } else { ?> <div align=left><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show=tbl&page={$page}"); ?> ">Отобразить в виде таблицы</a></div> <?php } if (!isset($page) || $page < 1 && $page != "all") { $page = 1; } $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); $ulist = $BILL->GetUsersList(); $pgcnt = $PDIV->GetPagesCount($ulist); if ($page != "all") { $list = $PDIV->GetPage($ulist, $page); } else { $list = $ulist; } for ($i = 0; $i < $pgcnt; ++$i) { if ($page != $i + 1) { $pagestext .= "<a href=\"?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show={$show}&page=" . ($i + 1) . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } else { $pagestext .= "" . ($i + 1) . ""; } $pagestext .= ", "; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $SSIfile = "./skins/" . $SkinName . "/standard_cfg.php"; if (file_exists($SSIfile)) { include $SSIfile; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require $Root_Path . "bin/CR3DCQuery.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CTipOfTheDay.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CBilling.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CServMsg.php"; require $Root_Path . "includes/language.php"; require $Root_Path . "includes/siteconfig.php"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Instantiate the Classes $oR3DCQuery = new CR3DCQuery($config); $oBilling = new CBilling($config); $bCronEnabled = $oR3DCQuery->IsCronManagementEnabled(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Check if the logged in user has access if (!isset($_SESSION['sid']) && !isset($_SESSION['user']) && !isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $_SESSION['PageRef'] = $url; header('Location: ./chess_login.php'); } else { $oR3DCQuery->CheckSIDTimeout(); if ($oR3DCQuery->CheckLogin($config, $_SESSION['sid']) == false) { $_SESSION['PageRef'] = $url; header('Location: ./chess_login.php'); } else { $_SESSION['PageRef'] = ""; $oR3DCQuery->UpdateSIDTimeout($ConfigFile, $_SESSION['sid']);
<?php //session_start(); error_reporting(0); require_once "DrClass.php"; require_once "restore_confs.php"; require_once "funcs.php"; require_once "cadbisnew/graph/charts.php"; $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); //include charts.php in your script if (isset($chart_type)) { switch ($chart_type) { case "loading": $title = "Нагрузка"; if (!isset($_SESSION['graph_prev_values'])) { $_SESSION['graph_prev_values'] = array($title, 0); } if (!isset($_SESSION['graph_prev_indexes'])) { $_SESSION['graph_prev_indexes'] = array(0, 1); } //��� ������� $chart['chart_type'] = "line"; //����� ������� $chart['legend_label'] = array('font' => "Tahoma"); $chart['chart_grid_h'] = array('alpha' => 10, 'color' => "000000", 'thickness' => 1, 'type' => "solid"); $chart['chart_grid_v'] = array('alpha' => 10, 'color' => "000000", 'thickness' => 1, 'type' => "solid"); $chart['chart_pref'] = array('line_thickness' => 2, 'point_shape' => "none", 'fill_shape' => false); //������ ��� ������� $_SESSION['graph_prev_values'][] = $BILL->getChannelLoading(); $_SESSION['graph_prev_indexes'][] = $_SESSION['graph_prev_indexes'][count($_SESSION['graph_prev_indexes']) - 1] + 1; if (count($_SESSION['graph_prev_values']) == 15) {
//Skin - standard includes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $SSIfile = "./skins/" . $SkinName . "/standard_cfg.php"; if (file_exists($SSIfile)) { include $SSIfile; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require $Root_Path . "bin/CR3DCQuery.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CTipOfTheDay.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/CBilling.php"; require $Root_Path . "includes/siteconfig.php"; require $Root_Path . "bin/config.php"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Instantiate the Classes $oR3DCQuery = new CR3DCQuery($config); $oBilling = new CBilling($config); $bCronEnabled = $oR3DCQuery->IsCronManagementEnabled(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $RequiresPayment = $oBilling->IsPaymentEnabled(); if (!$bCronEnabled) { if ($oR3DCQuery->ELOIsActive()) { $oR3DCQuery->ELOCreateRatings(); } $oR3DCQuery->MangeGameTimeOuts(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['sid']) && !isset($_SESSION['user']) && !isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $user = trim($_POST['txtName']); $pass = trim($_POST['txtPassword']); if ($user != "" && $pass != "") { $sid = $oR3DCQuery->Login($user, $pass); $id = $oR3DCQuery->GetIDByUserID($config, $user);
<body> <?php if (!isset($action)) { $action = ""; } if (!isset($act)) { $act = ""; } if (!isset($sort)) { $sort = ">traffic"; } if (!isset($gid)) { $gid = "all"; } if ($action && $act == "smadbisrept") { $BILL = new CBilling($GV["dbhost"], $GV["dbname"], $GV["dblogin"], $GV["dbpassword"]); switch ($action) { case "today": $accts = $BILL->GetTodayUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid); $wday = date("w"); if ($wday == 0) { $wday = 6; } $head = "Статистика по пользователям за " . $wdaysto[$wday - 1] . ", " . date("d") . " " . $monthsof[date("n") - 1] . "" . date(" Y года"); break; case "month": $accts = $BILL->GetMonthUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid); $head = "Статистика по пользователям за " . $months[date("n") - 1] . " " . date("Y") . " года:<br>\n <small>(по состоянию на " . date("d") . " " . $monthsof[date("n") - 1] . ")</small>"; break; case "week": $accts = $BILL->GetWeekUsersAccts($sort, 0, $gid);