function testFunction(&$object, $function_name, $params = array()) { $str_params = implode(",", $params); $result = $object->{$function_name}($str_params); $log = "<div class=\"message\">" . get_class($object) . "::{$function_name}({$str_params}) -> {$result}</div>" . CAppUI::getMsg(); $this->addLog($log); }
/** * Fonction utilitaire pour la sauvegarde rapide d'un object avec génération du message * * @param CMbObject $object Objet à enregister * * @return void */ function storeObject($object) { $title = $object->_id ? "-msg-modify" : "-msg-create"; if ($msg = $object->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr(get_class($object) . $title), UI_MSG_OK); }
/** * Redirect to the last page * * @return void */ function redirect() { if (CValue::post("ajax")) { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } $m = CValue::post("m"); $tab = CValue::post("tab"); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}"); }
/** * Fonction utilitaire pour la sauvegarde rapide d'un object avec génération du message * * @param CMbObject $object Objet à enregister * * @return void */ function storeObject($object) { $title = $object->_id ? "-msg-modify" : "-msg-create"; if ($msg = $object->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); // Il peut y avoir un msg de retour postérieur à la création de l'objet // On continue donc le processus de création de la naissance //CApp::rip(); } CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr(get_class($object) . $title), UI_MSG_OK); }
function doRedirect($demandeSynchro = false) { if ($this->ajax) { if ($this->synchro) { $del = CValue::post("del", 0); $tmp_repas_id = CValue::post("_tmp_repas_id", 0); $msgSystem = CAppUI::getMsg(); $smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/dPrepas"); $smarty->assign("del", $del); $smarty->assign("tmp_repas_id", $tmp_repas_id); $smarty->assign("demandeSynchro", $demandeSynchro); $smarty->assign("msgSystem", $msgSystem); $smarty->assign("callBack", $this->callBack); if ($demandeSynchro) { $smarty->assign("object", $this->_old); } $smarty->display("add_del_repas_offline.tpl"); } CApp::rip(); } if ($this->redirect !== null) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirect); } }
if ($root_name == $format_config->_class) { $xpath = new CMbXPath($dom); $nodeList = $xpath->query("//{$root_name}/*"); $array_configs = array(); foreach ($nodeList as $_node) { $config = $xpath->getValueAttributNode($_node, "config"); $value = $xpath->getValueAttributNode($_node, "value"); $array_configs[$config] = $value; } if ($count = array_diff_key($array_configs, $fields)) { CAppUI::setMsg("Trop de données ('" . count($array_configs) . "') par rapport aux \n champs de l'objet ('" . count($fields) . "')", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { foreach ($array_configs as $key => $value) { $format_config->{$key} = $value; if ($msg = $format_config->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg("Erreur lors de l'import de la configuration : " . $msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Configuration correctement importée"); } } } } else { CAppUI::setMsg("La classe du fichier de configuration importé ('{$root_name}'), ne correspond pas à celle \n de la configuration choisie ('{$format_config->_class}')", UI_MSG_ERROR); } CAppUI::callbackAjax('window.parent.uploadCallback', array("message" => CAppUI::getMsg(), "sender" => array("sender_class" => $actor->_class, "sender_id" => $actor->_id))); } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("actor_guid", $actor_guid); $smarty->assign("format_config_guid", $format_config_guid); $smarty->display("import_config.tpl");
/*if ($_field->formula == null) { continue; } */ $formula_token_values[$_field->name] = array("values" => $_field->getFormulaValues(), "formula" => $_field->formula, "formulaView" => utf8_encode($_field->_formula)); } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("ex_object", $ex_object); $smarty->assign("ex_object_id", $ex_object_id); $smarty->assign("ex_class_id", $ex_class_id); $smarty->assign("object_guid", $object_guid); $smarty->assign("object", $object); $smarty->assign("_element_id", $_element_id); $smarty->assign("event_name", $event_name); $smarty->assign("grid", $grid); $smarty->assign("out_of_grid", $out_of_grid); $smarty->assign("groups", $groups); $smarty->assign("formula_token_values", $formula_token_values); $smarty->assign("can_delete", $can_delete); $smarty->assign("parent_view", $parent_view); $smarty->assign("preview_mode", $preview); $smarty->assign("ui_msg", CAppUI::getMsg()); $smarty->assign("ex_class_event", $ex_class_event); $smarty->assign("readonly", $readonly); $smarty->assign("print", $print); $smarty->assign("autoprint", $autoprint); $smarty->assign("only_filled", $only_filled); $smarty->assign("noheader", $noheader); $smarty->assign("form_name", $form_name); $smarty->assign("printer_id", $printer_id); $smarty->display("view_ex_object_form.tpl");
unset($fields["object_id"]); if ($root_name == $object_config->_class) { $xpath = new CMbXPath($dom); $nodeList = $xpath->query("//{$root_name}/*"); $array_configs = array(); foreach ($nodeList as $_node) { $config = $xpath->getValueAttributNode($_node, "config"); $value = $xpath->getValueAttributNode($_node, "value"); $array_configs[$config] = $value; } if ($count = array_diff_key($array_configs, $fields)) { CAppUI::setMsg("Trop de données ('" . count($array_configs) . "') par rapport aux \n champs de l'objet ('" . count($fields) . "')", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { foreach ($array_configs as $key => $value) { $object_config->{$key} = $value; if ($msg = $object_config->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg("Erreur lors de l'import de la configuration : " . $msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Configuration correctement importée"); } } } } else { CAppUI::setMsg("La classe du fichier de configuration importé ('{$root_name}'), ne correspond pas à celle \n de la configuration choisie ('{$object_config->_class}')", UI_MSG_ERROR); } CAppUI::callbackAjax('window.parent.uploadCallback', array("message" => CAppUI::getMsg(), "object_id" => $object->_id, "object_configs_guid" => $object_config->_guid)); } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("object_config_guid", $object_config_guid); $smarty->display("import_config.tpl");
$name = CValue::get("file_name"); $category_id = CValue::get("category_id"); $allowed = array("CFile", "CCompteRendu"); if (!in_array($file_class, $allowed)) { CAppUI::stepAjax("CFile-msg-not_allowed_object_to_move", UI_MSG_ERROR); } /** @var CFile|CCompteRendu $file */ $file = new $file_class(); $file->load($file_id); $file->file_category_id = $category_id && $category_id != $file->file_category_id ? $category_id : $file->file_category_id; if ($file instanceof CFile) { $file->file_name = $name ? $name : $file->file_name; } $destination = CStoredObject::loadFromGuid($destination_guid); if ($file->object_id == $destination->_id && $file->object_class == $destination->_class) { CAppUI::stepAjax("CFile-msg-from_equal_to", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $file->setObject($destination); // check category $cat = new CFilesCategory(); $cat->load($file->file_category_id); if ($cat->class && $cat->class != $destination->_class) { $file->file_category_id = ""; } if ($msg = $file->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("CFile-msg-moved"); } echo CAppUI::getMsg();
/** * @see parent::store() */ function store() { if ($this instanceof CSejour || $this instanceof COperation) { global $can; $this->loadOldObject(); $this->completeField("cloture_activite_1", "cloture_activite_4", 'codes_ccam'); if (!$can->admin && CAppUI::conf("dPsalleOp CActeCCAM signature") && ($this->cloture_activite_1 || $this->cloture_activite_4) && $this->fieldModified("codes_ccam") && strcmp($this->codes_ccam, $this->_old->codes_ccam)) { $new_code = substr($this->codes_ccam, strlen($this->_old->codes_ccam) + 1); $code_ccam = new CDatedCodeCCAM($new_code); $code_ccam->getRemarques(); $activites = $code_ccam->getActivites(); if (isset($activites[1]) && $this->cloture_activite_1) { CAppUI::setMsg("Impossible de rajouter un code : l'activité 1 est clôturée", UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } if (isset($activites[4]) && $this->cloture_activite_4) { CAppUI::setMsg("Impossible de rajouter un code : l'activité 4 est clôturée", UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } } } // Standard store if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } if ($this->_delete_actes && $this->_id) { if ($msg = $this->deleteActes()) { return $msg; } } return null; }
CApp::$chrono->stop(); CApp::preparePerformance(); // Unlocalized strings if (!$suppressHeaders || $ajax) { CAppUI::$unlocalized = array_map("utf8_encode", CAppUI::$unlocalized); $unloc = new CSmartyDP("modules/system"); $unloc->display("inc_unlocalized_strings.tpl"); } // Inclusion du footer if (!$suppressHeaders) { //$address = get_remote_address(); if ($infosystem = CAppUI::pref("INFOSYSTEM")) { $latest_cache_key = "{$user->_guid}-latest_cache"; $latest_cache = array("meta" => array("module" => $m, "action" => $action, "user" => $user->_view), "totals" => Cache::$totals, "hits" => Cache::$hits); SHM::put($latest_cache_key, $latest_cache, true); } $tplFooter = new CSmartyDP("style/{$uistyle}"); $tplFooter->assign("offline", false); $tplFooter->assign("performance", CApp::$performance); $tplFooter->assign("infosystem", $infosystem); $tplFooter->assign("errorMessage", CAppUI::getMsg()); $tplFooter->assign("navigatory_history", CViewHistory::getHistory()); $tplFooter->display("footer.tpl"); } // Ajax performance if ($ajax) { $tplAjax = new CSmartyDP("modules/system"); $tplAjax->assign("performance", CApp::$performance); $tplAjax->assign("requestID", CValue::get("__requestID")); $tplAjax->display("ajax_errors.tpl"); }
*/ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $sejour = new CSejour(); $group = CGroups::loadCurrent(); // Supression de patients $suppr = 0; $error = 0; $qte = CValue::get("qte", 1); $date_min = CValue::get("date_min", CMbDT::date()); $date_min = $date_min ? $date_min : CMbDT::date(); $where = array("entree" => ">= '{$date_min} 00:00:00'", "group_id" => "= '{$group->_id}'"); $listSejours = $sejour->loadList($where, null, $qte); foreach ($listSejours as $_sejour) { CAppUI::setMsg($_sejour->_view, UI_MSG_OK); if ($msg = $_sejour->purge()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ALERT); $error++; continue; } CAppUI::setMsg("séjour supprimé", UI_MSG_OK); $suppr++; } // Nombre de patients $nb_sejours = $sejour->countList($where); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("resultsMsg", CAppUI::getMsg()); $smarty->assign("suppr", $suppr); $smarty->assign("error", $error); $smarty->assign("nb_sejours", $nb_sejours); $smarty->display("inc_purge_sejours.tpl");
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage PlanningOp * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ $copy_operation_id = CValue::post("copy_operation_id"); $date = CValue::post("date"); $salle_id = CValue::post("salle_id"); $sejour_id = CValue::post("sejour_id"); $time_operation = CValue::post("time_operation"); $operation = new COperation(); $operation->load($copy_operation_id); $operation->_id = $operation->_time_urgence = null; $operation->date = $date; $operation->salle_id = $salle_id; $operation->sejour_id = $sejour_id; $operation->time_operation = $time_operation; $msg = $operation->store(); CAppUI::setMsg($msg ? $msg : CAppUI::tr("COperation-msg-modify"), $msg ? UI_MSG_ERROR : UI_MSG_OK); CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip();
if (!isset($line[1])) { continue; } $line = array_map("getValue", $line); $etab = new CEtabExterne(); $etab->finess = getNum($line[0]); if ($etab->loadMatchingObject()) { continue; } $etab->siret = getNum($line[1]); $etab->ape = $line[2]; $etab->nom = $line[3]; $etab->raison_sociale = $line[3]; $etab->adresse = "{$line['4']}\n{$line['5']}\n{$line['6']}"; $etab->cp = $line[7]; $etab->ville = $line[8]; $etab->tel = getNum($line[9]); $etab->fax = getNum($line[10]); $etab->repair(); $type = $etab->_id ? "modify" : "create"; if ($msg = $etab->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("CEtabExterne-msg-{$type}", UI_MSG_OK); } } fclose($fp); unlink($_file); } CAppUI::callbackAjax('window.parent.$("systemMsg").show().insert', CAppUI::getMsg()); CApp::rip();
$totaux["impute"]["dates"]["{$reglement->date}"] = array("count" => 0, "total" => 0.0); } $totaux["impute"]["dates"]["{$reglement->date}"]["count"]++; $totaux["impute"]["dates"]["{$reglement->date}"]["total"] += $reglement->montant; } if ($facture->_du_restant_patient - $reglement->montant > 0) { $results[$i]["warning"][] = "Paiement partiel"; } // Dry run to check references if ($dryrun) { continue; } // Creation $existing = $reglement->_id; if ($msg = $reglement->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); $results[$i]["errors"][] = $msg; continue; } CAppUI::setMsg($existing ? "CReglement-msg-modify" : "CReglement-msg-create", UI_MSG_OK); } } fclose($fp); } CAppUI::callbackAjax('$("systemMsg").insert', CAppUI::getMsg()); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("results", $results); $smarty->assign("totaux", $totaux); $smarty->assign("facture_class", $facture_class); $smarty->display("vw_rapprochement_banc.tpl");
CAppUI::setMsg("Ligne {$line_number} : {$msg}", UI_MSG_WARNING); continue; } else { CAppUI::setMsg("{$concept->_class}-msg-modify", UI_MSG_OK); } } } } // TAG BINDING $tag_item = new CTagItem(); $tag_item->setObject($concept); $tag_item->tag_id = $tag2->_id; $tag_item->loadMatchingObject(); if (!$tag_item->_id) { if ($msg = $tag_item->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg("Ligne {$line_number} : {$msg}", UI_MSG_WARNING); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("{$tag_item->_class}-msg-create", UI_MSG_OK); } } } break; } fclose($fp); CAppUI::setMsg("Import terminé", UI_MSG_OK); } } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("message", CAppUI::getMsg()); $smarty->display("inc_import.tpl");
} if ($indexFile) { // Création du fichier index.html $plats = new CPlat(); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("plats", $plats); $smarty->assign("mediboardScriptStorage", mbLoadScriptsStorage()); $smartyStyle = new CSmartyDP(); $smartyStyle->assign("offline", true); $smartyStyle->assign("localeInfo", $locale_info); $smartyStyle->assign("mediboardShortIcon", CFaviconLoader::loadFile("style/{$uistyle}/images/icons/favicon.ico")); $smartyStyle->assign("mediboardStyle", CCSSLoader::loadFiles()); $smartyStyle->assign("mediboardScript", CJSLoader::loadFiles()); $smartyStyle->assign("messages", $messages); $smartyStyle->assign("infosystem", CAppUI::pref("INFOSYSTEM")); $smartyStyle->assign("errorMessage", CAppUI::getMsg()); $smartyStyle->assign("uistyle", $uistyle); ob_start(); $smartyStyle->display("header.tpl"); $smarty->display("repas_offline.tpl"); $smartyStyle->display("footer.tpl"); $indexFile = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); file_put_contents("tmp/index.html", $indexFile); if ($typeArch == "zip") { $zipFile->addFile("tmp/index.html", "index.html"); } elseif ($typeArch == "tar") { $zipFile->addModify("tmp/index.html", null, "tmp/"); } } function delSvnAndSmartyDir($action, $fileProps)
/** * Edition des journaux selon le type * * @param bool $read lecture * @param bool $create_journal Création du journal * * @return void */ function editJournal($read = true, $create_journal = true) { if ($create_journal) { $journal = new CJournalBill(); $journal->type = $this->type_pdf; $journal->nom = "Journal_" . $this->type_pdf . "_" . CMbDT::date(); $journal->_factures = $this->factures; if ($msg = $journal->store()) { mbTrace($msg); } else { $this->journal_id = $journal->_id; } } // Creation du PDF $this->pdf = new CMbPdf('l', 'mm'); $this->pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $this->pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $this->font = "vera"; $this->fontb = $this->font . "b"; $this->pdf->setFont($this->font, '', 8); $this->page = 0; $this->editEntete(); switch ($this->type_pdf) { case "paiement": $this->editPaiements(); break; case "debiteur": $this->editDebiteur(); break; case "rappel": $this->editRappel(); break; case "checklist": $this->editCheckList(); break; } if ($create_journal) { $file = new CFile(); $file->file_name = $journal->nom . ".pdf"; $file->file_type = "application/pdf"; $file->author_id = CMediusers::get()->_id; $file->file_category_id = 1; $file->setObject($journal); $file->fillFields(); $file->putContent($this->pdf->Output('Factures.pdf', "S")); if ($msg = $file->store()) { echo $msg; } if ($this->type_pdf == "checklist") { $user = CMediusers::get(); $printer = new CPrinter(); $printer->function_id = $user->function_id; $printer->label = "justif"; $printer->loadMatchingObject(); if (!$printer->_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Les imprimantes ne sont pas paramétrées", UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); return false; } $file = new CFile(); $pdf = $this->pdf->Output('Factures.pdf', "S"); $file_path = tempnam("tmp", "facture"); $file->_file_path = $file_path; file_put_contents($file_path, $pdf); $printer->loadRefSource()->sendDocument($file); unlink($file_path); } } if ($read) { //Affichage du fichier pdf $this->pdf->Output('Factures.pdf', "I"); } }
/main.css";</style> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./style/<?php echo $uistyle; ?> /favicon.ico" type="image/ico" charset="utf-8"/> </head> <body bgcolor="#f0f0f0" onload="//document.loginform.username.focus();"> <?php include 'createuser.php'; ?> <?php if ($AppUI->getVersion()) { ?> <div align="center"> <span style="font-size:7pt">Version <?php echo $AppUI->getVersion(); ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div align="center"> <?php echo '<span class="error">' . $AppUI->getMsg() . '</span>'; ?> </div> </body> </html>
/** * Make JavaScript callback * * @return void */ function doCallback() { $messages = CAppUI::$instance->messages; echo CAppUI::getMsg(); $fields = $this->_obj->getProperties(); $fields["_guid"] = $this->_obj->_guid; $fields["_class"] = $this->_obj->_class; foreach ($messages as &$_level) { $_keys = array_map("utf8_encode", array_keys($_level)); $_values = array_map("utf8_encode", array_values($_level)); $_level = array_combine($_keys, $_values); } $fields["_ui_messages"] = $messages; $id = $this->_obj->_id ? $this->_obj->_id : 0; if ($this->callBack) { CAppUI::callbackAjax($this->callBack, $id, $fields); } else { $guid = "{$this->className}-{$id}"; CAppUI::callbackAjax("Form.onSubmitComplete", $guid, $fields); } if (!CAppUI::$mobile) { CApp::rip(); } }
/** * Impression des factures * * @param bool $ts tiers soldant * * @return void */ function printBill($ts = false) { if (count($this->factures)) { $user = CMediusers::get(); $printer_bvr = new CPrinter(); $printer_bvr->function_id = $user->function_id; $printer_bvr->label = "bvr"; $printer_bvr->loadMatchingObject(); $printer_justif = new CPrinter(); $printer_justif->function_id = $user->function_id; $printer_justif->label = "justif"; $printer_justif->loadMatchingObject(); if (!$printer_bvr->_id || !$printer_justif->_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Les imprimantes ne sont pas paramétrées", UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); return false; } $file = new CFile(); foreach ($this->factures as $facture) { $facture_pdf = new CEditPdf(); $facture_pdf->factures = array($facture); $pdf = ""; $pdf = $facture_pdf->editFactureBVR($ts, "S"); $file_path = tempnam("tmp", "facture"); $file->_file_path = $file_path; file_put_contents($file_path, $pdf); $printer_bvr->loadRefSource()->sendDocument($file); unlink($file_path); $pdf = ""; $pdf = $facture_pdf->editJustificatif($ts, "S"); $file_path = tempnam("tmp", "facture"); $file->_file_path = $file_path; file_put_contents($file_path, $pdf); $printer_justif->loadRefSource()->sendDocument($file); unlink($file_path); } } }
/** * import the patient file * * @param string $file path to the file * @param int $start start int * @param int $count number of iterations * @param resource $file_import file for report * * @return null */ function importFile($file, $start, $count, $file_import) { $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); $csv_file = new CCSVFile($fp); $csv_file->column_names = $csv_file->readLine(); if ($start == 0) { $start++; } elseif ($start > 1) { $csv_file->jumpLine($start); } $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $treated_line = 0; while ($treated_line < $count) { $treated_line++; $patient = new CPatient(); $_patient = $csv_file->readLine(true); if (!$_patient) { CAppUI::stepAjax('Importation terminée', UI_MSG_OK); CApp::rip(); } $patient->bind($_patient); $patient->loadFromIPP($group_id); if ($patient->_id) { $start++; continue; } $nom = $_patient['nom'] ? $_patient['nom'] : $_patient['nom_jeune_fille']; if (!$patient->nom) { if ($patient->nom_jeune_fille) { $patient->nom = $patient->nom_jeune_fille; } else { CMbDebug::log("Ligne #{$start} : Pas de nom"); $start++; continue; } } $naissance = null; if ($patient->naissance) { $naissance = preg_replace('/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{4})/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $patient->naissance); $patient->naissance = $naissance; } $patient->repair(); if (!$patient->naissance) { CMbDebug::log($_patient); CMbDebug::log("Ligne #{$start} : Date de naissance invalide ({$_patient['naissance']})"); $start++; continue; } $patient->loadMatchingPatient(); if (!$patient->_id) { $patient->bind($_patient); $patient->nom = $nom; $patient->naissance = $naissance; $patient->tel = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $patient->tel); $patient->tel_autre = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $patient->tel_autre); $patient->sexe = strtolower($patient->sexe); $patient->repair(); if ($msg = $patient->store()) { CMbDebug::log($patient, null, true); CMbDebug::log("Ligne #{$start} :{$msg}"); $start++; continue; } } $ipp = CIdSante400::getMatch($patient->_class, CPatient::getTagIPP($group_id), $patient->_IPP, $patient->_id); if ($ipp->_id && $ipp->id400 != $patient->_IPP) { CMbDebug::log("Ligne #{$start} : Ce patient possède déjà un IPP ({$ipp->id400})"); $start++; continue; } if (!$ipp->_id) { if ($msg = $ipp->store()) { CMbDebug::log("Ligne #{$start} :{$msg}"); $start++; continue; } } CAppUI::setMsg('CPatient-msg-create', UI_MSG_OK); } echo CAppUI::getMsg(); }
/** * $Id: do_prescription_export.php 19460 2013-06-07 09:39:26Z kgrisel $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 19460 $ */ function redirect() { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); }
if (!$username) { CAppUI::setMsg("Auth-failed-nousername", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { if ($user->user_type == 1 && (!$ldap_connection || $allow_login_as_ldap)) { // If admin: no need to give a password $_REQUEST['loginas'] = $username; CAppUI::login(); } else { if (!$password) { CAppUI::setMsg("Auth-failed-nopassword", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { $_REQUEST['loginas'] = $username; if (CAppUI::conf("admin LDAP ldap_connection")) { $_REQUEST['passwordas'] = $password; CAppUI::login(true); } else { if (!CUser::checkPassword($username, $password)) { CAppUI::setMsg("Auth-failed-combination", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::login(true); } } } } } if ($msg = CAppUI::getMsg()) { echo $msg; return; } else { CAppUI::callbackAjax('UserSwitch.reload'); }
CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } continue; } } foreach ($dests as $_dest) { $destinataire = new CUserMessageDest(); $destinataire->user_message_id = $usermessage->_id; $destinataire->from_user_id = $usermessage->creator_id; $destinataire->to_user_id = $_dest; $destinataire->loadMatchingObject(); if ($send_it) { $destinataire->datetime_sent = $date; } if ($msg = $destinataire->store()) { CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } } $msg = $_POST["usermessage_id"] ? 'CUserMessage-msg-modify' : 'CUserMessage-msg-create'; if ($send_it) { $msg = 'CUserMessage-msg-sent'; } } CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_OK); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $messages = CAppUI::getMsg(); $smarty->assign('messages', $messages); $smarty->display('inc_callback_modal.tpl'); if ($callback) { CAppUI::callbackAjax($callback, 'internal', $message_id); }