// load old language file include CAT_PATH . '/languages/old/' . LANGUAGE . '.php'; global $database, $wb, $admin; require_once CAT_PATH . '/framework/class.database.php'; $database = new database(); // old template engine require_once CAT_PATH . "/include/phplib/template.inc"; // old language definitions - needed for some older modules, like Code2 define('ENABLE_OLD_LANGUAGE_DEFINITIONS', true); // map new date and time formats to old ones $wb2compat_format_map = array('%A, %d. %B %Y' => 'l, jS F, Y', '%e %B, %Y' => 'jS F, Y', '%d %m %Y' => 'd M Y', '%b %d %Y' => 'M d Y', '%a %b %d, %Y' => 'D M d, Y', '%d-%m-%Y' => 'd-m-Y', '%m-%d-%Y' => 'm-d-Y', '%d.%m.%Y' => 'd.m.Y', '%m.%d.%Y' => 'm.d.Y', '%d/%m/%Y' => 'd/m/Y', '%m/%d/%Y' => 'm/d/Y', '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' => 'r', '%A, %d. %B %Y' => 'l, jS F Y', '%H:%M' => 'H:i', '%H:%M:%S' => 'H:i:s', '%I:%M %p' => 'g:i a'); // global settings if (defined('CAT_DATE_FORMAT') && !defined('DATE_FORMAT') && array_key_exists(CAT_DATE_FORMAT, $wb2compat_format_map)) { define('DATE_FORMAT', $wb2compat_format_map[CAT_DATE_FORMAT]); } if (defined('CAT_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT') && !defined('DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT') && array_key_exists(CAT_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $wb2compat_format_map)) { define('DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT', $wb2compat_format_map[CAT_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT]); } if (defined('CAT_TIME_FORMAT') && !defined('TIME_FORMAT') && array_key_exists(CAT_TIME_FORMAT, $wb2compat_format_map)) { define('TIME_FORMAT', $wb2compat_format_map[CAT_TIME_FORMAT]); } if (defined('CAT_DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT') && !defined('DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT') && array_key_exists(CAT_DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, $wb2compat_format_map)) { define('DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT', $wb2compat_format_map[CAT_DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT]); } CAT_Registry::set('WB2COMPAT_FORMAT_MAP', $wb2compat_format_map); if (!function_exists('show_menu')) { function show_menu() { return show_menu2(); } }
/** * installs additional modules (located in ./optional subfolder) **/ function install_optional_modules() { global $admin, $bundled, $config, $lang, $dirh; write2log('> [install_optional_modules()]'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['installer_optional_addon']) || !is_array($_REQUEST['installer_optional_addon']) || !count($_REQUEST['installer_optional_addon'])) { fwrite($logh, 'no additional addons to install'); fclose($logh); return array(true, array()); } else { $config['optional_addon'] == $_REQUEST['installer_optional_addon']; } write2log('------------------------------------'); write2log('-----installing optional addons-----'); write2log('------------------------------------'); write2log(print_r($config['optional_addon'], 1)); $cat_path = $dirh->sanitizePath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); $errors = array(); // try to set max_execution_time ini_set('max_execution_time', CAT_INST_EXEC_TIME); // set installed CMS version for precheck.php CAT_Registry::set('CAT_VERSION', $config['installed_version'], true); // set other constants init_constants($cat_path); include $cat_path . '/framework/class.database.php'; $database = new database(); foreach ($config['optional_addon'] as $file) { if (!file_exists($dirh->sanitizePath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/optional/' . $file))) { write2log('file not found: ' . $dirh->sanitizePath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/optional/' . $file)); $errors[] = $lang->translate('No such file: [{{file}}]', array('file' => $file)); } else { write2log('installing optional addon [' . $file . ']'); if (!CAT_Helper_Addons::installModule($dirh->sanitizePath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/optional/' . $file), true)) { write2log('-> installation failed! ' . CAT_Helper_Addons::getError()); if (CAT_Helper_Addons::getError() != 'already installed') { $errors[] = $lang->translate('-> Unable to install {{module}}! {{error}}', array('module' => $file, 'error' => CAT_Helper_Addons::getError())); } } else { write2log('-> installation succeeded'); } } } write2log('< [install_optional_modules()]'); return array(count($errors) ? false : true, $errors); }
/** * enable csrf-magic by including csrf-magic.php * will throw a fatal error if the lib is not available! * * @access public * @return void **/ public function enableCSRFMagic() { if (is_object(self::$csrf)) { return self::$csrf; } if (!function_exists('csrf_ob_handler')) { $path = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath(CAT_PATH . '/modules/lib_csrfmagic/csrf-magic.php'); if (!file_exists($path)) { $this->printFatalError('Missing library CSRF-Magic!'); } include $path; CAT_Registry::set('CSRF_PROTECTION_ENABLED', true, true); } }
/** * initializes template search paths for backend * * @access public * @return **/ public static function initPaths() { global $parser; // =================================== // ! initialize template search path // =================================== $parser->setPath(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/default', 'backend'); $parser->setFallbackPath(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/default', 'backend'); if (file_exists(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/default')) { $parser->setPath(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/default', 'backend'); if (!CAT_Registry::exists('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT') || CAT_Registry::get('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT') == '') { CAT_Registry::set('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT', 'default'); $parser->setGlobals('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT', 'default'); } } if (CAT_Registry::get('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT') != '' && file_exists(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/' . CAT_Registry::get('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT'))) { $parser->setPath(CAT_THEME_PATH . '/templates/' . CAT_Registry::get('DEFAULT_THEME_VARIANT'), 'backend'); } }