 function BxDolPrivacySearch($iOwnerId, $sValue)
     global $oSysTemplate;
     $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iOwnerId;
     $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword']['value'] = process_db_input($sValue, BX_TAGS_STRIP);
     $this->_sSearchUnitTmpl = $oSysTemplate->getHtml('ps_search_unit.html');
 function BxDolTextSearchResult(&$oModule)
     $this->_oModule = $oModule;
     $this->aCurrent['name'] = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getSearchSystemName();
     $this->aCurrent['title'] = '_' . $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getUri() . '_lcaption_search_object';
     $this->aCurrent['table'] = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getPrefix() . 'entries';
  * Class constructor ;
 function BxPollSearch($oPollObject = null)
     // call the parent constructor ;
     if (!$oPollObject) {
         $this->oPollObject = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPollModule');
     } else {
         $this->oPollObject = $oPollObject;
     // init some needed db table's fields ;
     /* main settings for shared modules
           ownFields - fields which will be got from main table ($this->aCurrent['table'])
           searchFields - fields which using for full text key search
           join - array of join tables
                join array (
                    'type' - type of join
                    'table' - join table
                    'mainField' - field from main table for 'on' condition
                    'onField' - field from joining table for 'on' condition
                    'joinFields' - array of fields from joining table
     $this->aCurrent = array('name' => 'poll', 'title' => '_bx_polls', 'table' => $this->oPollObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data', 'ownFields' => array('id_poll', 'poll_question', 'poll_answers', 'poll_date'), 'searchFields' => array('poll_question', 'poll_answers', 'poll_tags', 'poll_categories'), 'join' => array('profile' => array('type' => 'left', 'table' => 'Profiles', 'mainField' => 'id_profile', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => array('NickName'))), 'restriction' => array('activeStatus' => array('value' => 'active', 'field' => 'poll_status', 'operator' => '='), 'approvalStatus' => array('value' => '1', 'field' => 'poll_approval', 'operator' => '='), 'tag' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'poll_tags', 'operator' => 'against', 'paramName' => 'tag'), 'category' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'poll_categories', 'operator' => 'against', 'paramName' => 'categoryUri'), 'owner' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'id_profile', 'operator' => '=', 'paramName' => 'userID'), 'featured' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'poll_featured', 'operator' => '='), 'unfeatured' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'poll_featured', 'operator' => '='), 'my' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'id_profile', 'operator' => '='), 'calendar-min' => array('value' => "", 'field' => 'poll_date', 'operator' => '>=', 'no_quote_value' => true), 'calendar-max' => array('value' => "", 'field' => 'poll_date', 'operator' => '<=', 'no_quote_value' => true), 'allow_view' => array('value' => "", 'field' => 'allow_view_to', 'operator' => 'in')), 'paginate' => array('perPage' => 6, 'page' => 1, 'totalNum' => 10, 'totalPages' => 1), 'sorting' => 'last', 'view' => 'full', 'ident' => 'id_poll');
  * Class constructor ;
 function BxSpySearch($oSpyObject = null)
     // call the parent constructor ;
     if (!$oSpyObject) {
         $this->oSpyObject = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxSpyModule');
     } else {
         $this->oSpyObject = $oSpyObject;
     // init some needed db table's fields ;
     /* main settings for shared modules
           ownFields - fields which will be got from main table ($this->aCurrent['table'])
           searchFields - fields which using for full text key search
           join - array of join tables
                join array (
                    'type' - type of join
                    'table' - join table
                    'mainField' - field from main table for 'on' condition
                    'onField' - field from joining table for 'on' condition
                    'joinFields' - array of fields from joining table
     $this->aCurrent = array('name' => 'spy', 'title' => '_bx_spy', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data', 'ownFields' => array('id', 'sender_id', 'lang_key', 'params', 'date'), 'join' => array('profile' => array('type' => 'left', 'table' => 'Profiles', 'mainField' => 'sender_id', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => array('NickName'))), 'restriction' => array('global' => array('value' => '', 'field' => '', 'operator' => '='), 'friends' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'friend_id', 'operator' => '=', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'friends_data'), 'no_my' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'sender_id', 'operator' => '<>', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data'), 'over_id' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'id', 'operator' => '>', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data'), 'type' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'type', 'operator' => '=', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data'), 'only_me' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'recipient_id', 'operator' => '=', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data'), 'viewed' => array('value' => '', 'field' => 'viewed', 'operator' => 'in', 'table' => $this->oSpyObject->_oDb->sTablePrefix . 'data')), 'paginate' => array('perPage' => $this->oSpyObject->_oConfig->iPerPage, 'page' => 1, 'totalNum' => 10, 'totalPages' => 1), 'sorting' => 'last', 'view' => 'full', 'ident' => 'id');