<?php $mode = PostVar('mode'); $val = PostVar('val'); if (trim($val) == '' || $val < 1 || trim($mode) == '') { exit; } if (!isset($b2spaObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association.php"; $b2spaObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association(); } if (!isset($b2spavObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify.php"; $b2spavObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify(); } if (!isset($emailObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php'; $emailObj = new EmailTemplate(); } $flds = "b2spa.*, (Select vCompanyName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master where iOrganizationID=b2spa.iBuyer2Id) as vBuyer2,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(Select vProductName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sproduct_organization where iProductId=b2spa.iProductId) as vProduct"; $assocs = $b2spaObj->getDetails($flds, " AND b2spa.eStatus IN ('Active','Inactive') AND b2spa.eNeedToVerify!='Yes' AND b2spa.iAssociationId IN ({$val}) "); // pr($assocs); exit; $assocsids = multi21Array($assocs, 'iAssociationId'); $vl = ''; if (is_array($assocsids) && count($assocsids) > 0) { $vl = @implode(',', $assocsids); } $rs = false; $type = ''; $esubtyp = ''; if ($mode == 'status' && trim($vl) != '') {
<?php if (!isset($b2spaObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association.php"; $b2spaObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association(); } if (!isset($b2spavObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify.php"; $b2spavObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify(); } $iAssociationId = GetVar('id'); // $msg = GetVar('msg'); $mod = ''; $flds = " b2spav.*, org.vCompanyName as vBuyer2, org.vCompCode, spo.vProductName as vProduct, spo.vProductCode "; $jtbl = " LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sproduct_organization spo on spo.iProductId=b2spav.iProductId\r\n LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master org on org.iOrganizationID=b2spav.iBuyer2Id "; $vb2sprdtls = $b2spavObj->getJoinTableInfo($jtbl, $flds, " AND b2spav.iAssociationId={$iAssociationId} ", ' b2spav.iVerifiedID DESC ', '', ' LIMIT 0,1'); $vrq = $b2spavObj->isVerifyReq($vb2sprdtls); $vsts = ''; if ($vrq == 'vreq') { $vsts = $b2spavObj->chkRecVrf($vb2sprdtls); if ($vsts == 'nr' || $vsts == 'om') { header('Location: ' . SITE_URL_DUM . 'b2sprodtasoclist'); exit; } } else { if ($vrq == 'nr') { $flds = " b2spa.*, org.vCompanyName as vBuyer2, org.vCompCode, spo.vProductName as vProduct, spo.vProductCode "; $jtbl = " LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sproduct_organization spo on spo.iProductId=b2spa.iProductId\r\n LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master org on org.iOrganizationID=b2spa.iBuyer2Id "; $vb2sprdtls = $b2spaObj->getJoinTableInfo($jtbl, $flds, " AND iAssociationId={$iAssociationId} "); $vrq = $b2spavObj->isVerifyReq($vb2sprdtls); if ($vrq == 'vreq') {
<?php $iAssociationId = GetVar('id'); /*if($sess_usertype == 'orgadmin' && $asoc != $iAssociationId) { header("Location: ".SITE_URL_DUM."oadashboard"); exit; }*/ if (!isset($b2spaObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association.php"; $b2spaObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association(); } if (!isset($b2spavObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify.php"; $b2spavObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association_ToVerify(); } $b2sprdtls = $b2spaObj->select($iAssociationId); $b2sprdthistory = $b2spavObj->getHistory($iAssociationId); // prints($b2sprdthistory); exit; $smarty->assign('b2sprdtls', $b2sprdtls); $smarty->assign('b2sprdthistory', $b2sprdthistory);
$buyer2 = isset($_POST['buyer2']) ? $_POST['buyer2'] : ''; $code = isset($_POST['code']) ? $_POST['code'] : ''; $product = isset($_POST['product']) ? $_POST['product'] : ''; $stype = isset($_POST['styp']) ? $_POST['styp'] : ''; $page = $_POST['page']; if (trim($page) == '' || trim($page) < 1) { $page = 1; } // prints($_POST); exit; if (!isset($orgObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php"; $orgObj = new Organization(); } if (!isset($assObj)) { include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Buyer2_SProduct_Association.php"; $assObj = new Buyer2_SProduct_Association(); } $where = ""; $_POST['srchval'] = isset($_POST['srchval']) ? $_POST['srchval'] : ''; if ($_POST['srchval'] == 'act') { $where .= " AND b2spa.eStatus='Active' "; } else { if ($_POST['srchval'] == 'inact') { $where .= " AND b2spa.eStatus='Inactive' "; } } if ($mode == 'all') { if ($val != '') { $where .= " AND ((Select vCompanyName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master where iOrganizationID=b2spa.iBuyer2Id) LIKE '%{$val}%' OR\r\n (Select vProductName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sproduct_organization where iProductId=b2spa.iProductId) LIKE '%{$val}%' OR vACode LIKE '%{$val}%' )"; } // echo $where; exit;