/** * Generates batch mode control HTML for batch editor relationship bundles * * @param BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes $t_item * @param string $ps_id_prefix * * @return string HTML implementing the control */ function caBatchEditorRelationshipModeControl($t_item, $ps_id_prefix) { $vs_buf = "\t<div class='editorBatchModeControl'>" . _t("In batch") . " " . caHTMLSelect($ps_id_prefix . "_batch_mode", array(_t("do not use") => "_disabled_", _t('add to each item') => '_add_', _t('replace value') => '_replace_', _t('remove all values') => '_delete_'), array('id' => $ps_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . '_rel_batch_mode_select')) . "</div>\n\n\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $ps_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . "_rel_batch_mode_select').change(function() {\n\t\t\t\tif ((jQuery(this).val() == '_disabled_') || (jQuery(this).val() == '_delete_')) {\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $ps_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . "_rel').slideUp(250);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $ps_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . "_rel').slideDown(250);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t</script>\n"; return $vs_buf; }
/** * Prepopulate record fields according to rules in prepopulate.conf * * @param BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes $t_instance The table instance to prepopulate * @param array $pa_options Options array. Available options are: * prepopulateConfig = override path to prepopulate.conf, e.g. for testing purposes * @return bool success or not */ public function prepopulateFields(&$t_instance, $pa_options = null) { if (!$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()) { return false; } if ($vs_prepopulate_cfg = caGetOption('prepopulateConfig', $pa_options, null)) { $this->opo_plugin_config = Configuration::load($vs_prepopulate_cfg); } if (!($this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_fields_on_save') || $this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_fields_on_load'))) { return false; } $va_rules = $this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_rules'); if (!$va_rules || !is_array($va_rules) || sizeof($va_rules) < 1) { return false; } global $g_ui_locale_id; // we need to unset the form timestamp to disable the 'Changes have been made since you loaded this data' warning when we update() $this // the warning makes sense because an update()/insert() is called before we arrive here but after the form_timestamp ... but we chose to ignore it //$vn_timestamp = $_REQUEST['form_timestamp']; //unset($_REQUEST['form_timestamp']); $vb_we_set_transaction = true; if (!$t_instance->inTransaction()) { $t_instance->setTransaction(new Transaction($t_instance->getDb())); $vb_we_set_transaction = true; } // process rules $va_expression_vars = array(); // we only process those if and when we need them foreach ($va_rules as $vs_rule_key => $va_rule) { if ($t_instance->tableName() != $va_rule['table']) { continue; } // check target $vs_target = $va_rule['target']; if (strlen($vs_target) < 1) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because target is not set"); continue; } // check template $vs_template = $va_rule['template']; if (strlen($vs_template) < 1) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because template is not set"); continue; } $vs_mode = caGetOption('mode', $va_rule, 'merge'); // respect restrictToTypes option if ($va_rule['restrictToTypes'] && is_array($va_rule['restrictToTypes']) && sizeof($va_rule['restrictToTypes']) > 0) { if (!in_array($t_instance->getTypeCode(), $va_rule['restrictToTypes'])) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because current record type " . $t_instance->getTypeCode() . " is not in restrictToTypes"); continue; } } // skip this rule if expression is true if ($va_rule['skipIfExpression'] && strlen($va_rule['skipIfExpression']) > 0) { $va_tags = caGetTemplateTags($va_rule['skipIfExpression']); foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) { if (!isset($va_expression_vars[$vs_tag])) { $va_expression_vars[$vs_tag] = $t_instance->get($vs_tag, array('returnIdno' => true, 'delimiter' => ';')); } } if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_rule['skipIfExpression'], $va_expression_vars)) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because skipIfExpression evaluated true"); continue; } } // evaluate template $vs_value = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $t_instance->tableNum(), array($t_instance->getPrimaryKey()), array('path' => true)); Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] processed template for rule {$vs_rule_key} value is: " . $vs_value); // inject into target $va_parts = explode('.', $vs_target); // intrinsic or simple (non-container) attribute if (sizeof($va_parts) == 2) { // intrinsic if ($t_instance->hasField($va_parts[1])) { switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) { case 'overwrite': // always set $t_instance->set($va_parts[1], $vs_value); break; case 'addifempty': default: if (!$t_instance->get($va_parts[1])) { $t_instance->set($va_parts[1], $vs_value); } else { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] rule {$vs_rule_key}: intrinsic skipped because it already has value and mode is addIfEmpty or merge"); } break; } // attribute/element } elseif ($t_instance->hasElement($va_parts[1])) { $va_attributes = $t_instance->getAttributesByElement($va_parts[1]); if (sizeof($va_attributes) > 1) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] containers with multiple values are not supported"); continue; } switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) { case 'overwrite': // always replace first value we find $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($va_parts[1] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]); break; default: case 'addifempty': // only add value if none exists if (!$t_instance->get($vs_target)) { $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($va_parts[1] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]); } break; } } // "container" } elseif (sizeof($va_parts) == 3) { // actual container if ($t_instance->hasElement($va_parts[1])) { $va_attr = $t_instance->getAttributesByElement($va_parts[1]); switch (sizeof($va_attr)) { case 1: switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) { case 'overwrite': $vo_attr = array_pop($va_attr); $va_value = array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value); foreach ($vo_attr->getValues() as $o_val) { if ($o_val->getElementCode() != $va_parts[2]) { $va_value[$o_val->getElementCode()] = $o_val->getDisplayValue(); } } $t_instance->_editAttribute($vo_attr->getAttributeID(), $va_value); break; case 'addifempty': $vo_attr = array_pop($va_attr); $va_value = array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value); $vb_update = false; foreach ($vo_attr->getValues() as $o_val) { if ($o_val->getElementCode() != $va_parts[2]) { $va_value[$o_val->getElementCode()] = $o_val->getDisplayValue(); } else { if (!$o_val->getDisplayValue()) { $vb_update = true; } } } if ($vb_update) { $t_instance->editAttribute($vo_attr->getAttributeID(), $va_parts[1], $va_value); } break; default: Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] unsupported mode {$vs_mode} for target bundle"); break; } break; case 0: // if no container value exists, always add it (ignoring mode) $t_instance->addAttribute(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]); break; default: Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] containers with multiple values are not supported"); break; } // labels } elseif ($va_parts[1] == 'preferred_labels' || $va_parts[1] == 'nonpreferred_labels') { $vb_preferred = $va_parts[1] == 'preferred_labels'; if (!($t_label = $t_instance->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($t_instance->getLabelTableName(), true))) { continue; } if (!$t_label->hasField($va_parts[2])) { continue; } switch ($t_instance->getLabelCount($vb_preferred)) { case 0: // if no value exists, always add it (ignoring mode) $t_instance->addLabel(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value), $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred); break; case 1: switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) { case 'overwrite': case 'addifempty': $va_labels = $t_instance->getLabels(null, $vb_preferred ? __CA_LABEL_TYPE_PREFERRED__ : __CA_LABEL_TYPE_NONPREFERRED__); if (sizeof($va_labels)) { $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels); $va_label = array_shift($va_labels); $va_label = $va_label[0]; $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value; $vb_update = false; if (strtolower($vs_mode) == 'overwrite') { $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value; $vb_update = true; } else { if (strlen(trim($va_label[$va_parts[2]])) == 0) { // in addifempty mode only edit label when field is not set $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value; $vb_update = true; } } if ($vb_update) { $t_instance->editLabel($va_label['label_id'], $va_label, $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred); } } else { $t_instance->addLabel(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value), $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred); } break; default: Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] unsupported mode {$vs_mode} for target bundle"); break; } break; default: Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] records with multiple labels are not supported"); break; } } } } $vn_old_mode = $t_instance->getMode(); $t_instance->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_instance->update(); $t_instance->setMode($vn_old_mode); //$_REQUEST['form_timestamp'] = $vn_timestamp; if ($t_instance->numErrors() > 0) { foreach ($t_instance->getErrors() as $vs_error) { Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] there was an error while updating the record: " . $vs_error); } if ($vb_we_set_transaction) { $t_instance->removeTransaction(false); } return false; } if ($vb_we_set_transaction) { $t_instance->removeTransaction(true); } return true; }