require_once '../../server/classes/class.user.php';
require_once '../../server/config.php';
if (count($_GET) != 0 && isset($_SESSION['userSession'])) {
    // Check that all parameters have valid values
    if (!is_numeric($_GET['buildingId']) || !is_numeric($_GET['x']) || !is_numeric($_GET['y']) || intval($_GET['x']) < 0 || intval($_GET['y']) < 0 || intval($_GET['x']) > GRID_X || intval($_GET['y']) > GRID_Y) {
    // DB name
    if ($DB) {
        $UserUtil = new UserUtil($DB);
        $BuildingUtil = new BuildingUtil($DB);
        $OperUtil = new OperationsUtil($DB);
        // Check if it's a valid building
        $building = $BuildingUtil->getBuildingById((int) $_GET['buildingId']);
        if ($building) {
            $user = $UserUtil->getUserById($_SESSION['userSession']->getId());
            // Does the user have enough money to purchase it?
            if ($user && $user->getBalance() >= $building->getCost()) {
                // Grab this user's building instances
                $inst = $OperUtil->findBuildingInstanceByXY($user->getId(), $_GET['x'], $_GET['y']);
                // Purchase
                if (!$inst) {
                    // Create the building instance
                    $bi = new BuildingInstance(null, $user->getId(), $building->getId(), (int) $_GET['x'], (int) $_GET['y']);
                    $bi = $OperUtil->create($bi);
                    // Take the money away
                    $user->setBalance($user->getBalance() - $building->getCost());
                    // Update the user
 echo "<br /><br />";
 $building = new Building(null, 'example', '*****@*****.**');
 $building = $BuildingUtil->create($building);
 if ($building != null) {
     echo '<strong>BuildingUtil->create()</strong>';
     echo '<pre>';
     echo '</pre>';
 } else {
     echo "A problem ocurred while trying to create the building";
 if ($building != null) {
     $id = $building->getId();
     $building2 = $BuildingUtil->getBuildingById($id);
     if ($building2 != null) {
         echo '<strong>BuildingUtil->getBuildingById()</strong>';
         echo '<pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     } else {
         echo "A problem ocurred while trying to get a building by ID";
 if ($building != null) {
     if ($BuildingUtil->removeBuilding($building)) {
         echo '<strong>BuildingUtil->remove()</strong>';
         echo '<br />OK<br/><br />';
     } else {
         echo "A problem ocurred while trying to remove the building from the database";
 * with JavaScript, but i found that it was terribly inefficient and took a very long time
 * and resources to initialize. Printing and initializing the objects directly (using an
 * approach similar to the one below is noticeably faster.
 * Additionally, the reason why it's being done here (on the same file as the rest of the
 * HTML code) is to minimize the number of requests (which is great for mobile devices with
 * high bandwidth and low latency)
 * Although it looks a bit weird, I used this approach to appeal amateur developers as it
 * seemed to me that it'd be easier to understand.
for ($i = 0, $len = count($arrBldInst); $i < $len; $i++) {
    // Position information of the building instance
    $xpos = $arrBldInst[$i]->getXPos();
    $ypos = $arrBldInst[$i]->getYPos();
    // Also, we need to access additional information about each building
    $building = $BuildingUtil->getBuildingById($arrBldInst[$i]->getBuildingId());
    switch ($arrBldInst[$i]->getBuildingId()) {
        case 1:
            // Ice cream shop
            echo "obj = new IceCreamShop(" . $arrBldInst[$i]->getId() . ", icss);";
        case 2:
            // Hotel
            echo "obj = new Hotel(" . $arrBldInst[$i]->getId() . ", hs);";
        case 3:
            // Cinema
            echo "obj = new Cinema(" . $arrBldInst[$i]->getId() . ", cs);";
        case 4:
            // Tree