public function saveApk($file, $label, $name, $icon) { $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); $parser = new ApkParser\Parser($file->getRealPath()); $version = $parser->getManifest()->getVersionCode(); $bundle = $parser->getManifest()->getPackageName(); if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version); } $label_model = Label::where('label_name', '=', $label)->where('build_type_id', '=', self::BUILD_ANDROID_TYPE_ID)->first(); if ($label_model != null) { $version_model = $label_model->versions()->where('version', '=', $version)->first(); if ($version_model != null) { $build_version_count = Build::where('version_id', '=', $version_model->id)->count(); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => $build_version_count + 1)); } else { $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } } else { $label_model = Label::create(array('label_name' => $label, 'build_type_id' => self::BUILD_ANDROID_TYPE_ID)); $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } $fn = public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.apk'; if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build); } $fileSystem->move($file->getRealPath(), $fn); $fileSystem->move($icon->getRealPath(), public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.png'); return Config::get("app.domain") . "/android/builds/{$label}/{$version}/{$build->build}"; }
public function getIndex() { $builds = Build::where('is_published', '=', '1')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); $modversions = Modversion::whereNotNull('md5')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); $rawChangeLog = UpdateUtils::getLatestChangeLog(); $changelogJson = array_key_exists('error', $rawChangeLog) ? $rawChangeLog : array_slice($rawChangeLog, 0, 10); return View::make('dashboard.index')->with('modversions', $modversions)->with('builds', $builds)->with('changelog', $changelogJson); }
public function anyBuild($build_id = null) { $build = Build::find($build_id); if (empty($build)) { return Redirect::to('modpack/list')->withErrors(new MessageBag(array('Modpack not found'))); } if (Input::get('action') == "delete") { if (Input::get('confirm-delete')) { $switchrec = 0; $switchlat = 0; $modpack = $build->modpack; if ($build->version == $modpack->recommended) { $switchrec = 1; } if ($build->version == $modpack->latest) { $switchlat = 1; } $build->modversions()->sync(array()); $build->delete(); if ($switchrec) { $recbuild = Build::where('modpack_id', '=', $modpack->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $modpack->recommended = $recbuild->version; } if ($switchlat) { $latbuild = Build::where('modpack_id', '=', $modpack->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $modpack->latest = $latbuild->version; } $modpack->save(); Cache::forget('modpack.' . $modpack->slug); return Redirect::to('modpack/view/' . $build->modpack->id)->with('deleted', 'Build deleted.'); } return View::make('')->with('build', $build); } else { if (Input::get('action') == "edit") { if (Input::get('confirm-edit')) { $rules = array("version" => "required", "memory" => "numeric"); $messages = array('version.required' => "You must enter in the build number.", 'memory.numeric' => "You may enter in numbers only for the memory requirement"); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('modpack/build/' . $build->id . '?action=edit')->withErrors($validation->messages()); } $build->version = Input::get('version'); $minecraft = explode(':', Input::get('minecraft')); $build->minecraft = $minecraft[0]; $build->minecraft_md5 = $minecraft[1]; $build->min_java = Input::get('java-version'); $build->min_memory = Input::get('memory-enabled') ? Input::get('memory') : ''; $build->save(); Cache::forget('modpack.' . $build->modpack->slug . '.build.' . $build->version); return Redirect::to('modpack/build/' . $build->id); } $minecraft = MinecraftUtils::getMinecraft(); return View::make('')->with('build', $build)->with('minecraft', $minecraft); } else { return View::make('')->with('build', $build); } } }
public function action_build($build_id = null) { if (empty($build_id)) { return Redirect::to('modpack'); } $build = Build::find($build_id); if (empty($build)) { return Redirect::to('modpack'); } if (Input::get('action') == "delete") { if (Input::get('confirm-delete')) { $switchrec = 0; $switchlat = 0; $modpack = $build->modpack; if ($build->version == $modpack->recommended) { $switchrec = 1; } if ($build->version == $modpack->latest) { $switchlat = 1; } $build->modversions()->delete(); $build->delete(); if ($switchrec) { $recbuild = Build::where('modpack_id', '=', $modpack->id)->order_by('id', 'desc')->first(); $modpack->recommended = $recbuild->version; } if ($switchlat) { $latbuild = Build::where('modpack_id', '=', $modpack->id)->order_by('id', 'desc')->first(); $modpack->latest = $latbuild->version; } $modpack->save(); Cache::forget('modpack.' . $modpack->slug); return Redirect::to('modpack/view/' . $build->modpack->id)->with('deleted', 'Build deleted.'); } return View::make('')->with('build', $build); } else { return View::make('')->with('build', $build); } }
public function addBundle() { if (!Input::hasFile('ipa')) { exit(0); } else { $ipa = Input::file('ipa'); } $payload = exec("unzip -l " . $ipa->getRealPath() . " | sed -e 's/ /\\n/g' | grep app/Info.plist | sed -e 's/Info.plist//g'"); $default_icon = public_path() . "/images/default_icon.png"; $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); if (!$fileSystem->exists('/tmp/bundle')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory('/tmp/bundle'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists('/tmp/bundle/tmp')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory('/tmp/bundle/tmp'); } $path = "/tmp/bundle" . $ipa->getRealPath(); if ($fileSystem->exists($path)) { $fileSystem->deleteDirectory($path); } $fileSystem->makeDirectory($path); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($ipa->getRealPath()); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($path); $zip->close(); } $dirs = scandir($path); array_shift($dirs); array_shift($dirs); $APP_PATH = $path . "/" . $dirs[0]; $dirs = scandir($APP_PATH); array_shift($dirs); array_shift($dirs); $APP_PATH = $APP_PATH . "/" . $dirs[0]; $plist = CFPropertyList::getInstance(); $plist->setFile($APP_PATH . "/Info.plist"); $plist->load(); $info = $plist->toArray(); $name = $info['CFBundleName']; $build = isset($info['CFBundleVersion']) && array_key_exists("CFBundleVersion", $info) ? $info['CFBundleVersion'] : 1; $version = isset($info['CFBundleShortVersionString']) && array_key_exists("CFBundleShortVersionString", $info) ? $info['CFBundleShortVersionString'] : 0; if (array_key_exists("CFBundleIconFiles", $info)) { $icons = $info['CFBundleIconFiles']; } else { if (array_key_exists("CFBundleIcons", $info)) { $icons = $info["CFBundleIcons"]["CFBundlePrimaryIcon"]["CFBundleIconFiles"]; } else { $icons = array(); } } $bundle = $info['CFBundleIdentifier']; $label = $_POST['label']; if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/ios')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/ios'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version); } $icons_ready = array(); foreach ($icons as $icon) { $img = "{$path}/tmp5646431.png"; $icon = str_replace(".png", "", $icon) . ".png"; $processor = PPngUncrush::getInstance(); if (is_file("{$APP_PATH}/{$icon}")) { $processor->setFilePath("{$APP_PATH}/{$icon}"); try { $processor->decode($img . $icon); } catch (ErrorException $e) { $img = $default_icon; $icon = ""; } $sz = getimagesize($img . $icon); $icons_ready[] = array("image" => $img . $icon, "size" => $sz); } // $fileSystem->copy($img.$icon ,public_path().'/builds/ios/'.$label.'/'.$version.'/'.$bundle.$sz[0].'x'.$sz[1].'.png'); } $label_model = Label::where('label_name', '=', $label)->where('build_type_id', '=', self::BUILD_IOS_TYPE_ID)->first(); if ($label_model != null) { $version_model = $label_model->versions()->where('version', '=', $version)->first(); if ($version_model != null) { $build_version_count = Build::where('version_id', '=', $version_model->id)->count(); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => $build_version_count + 1)); } else { $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } } else { $label_model = Label::create(array('label_name' => $label, 'build_type_id' => self::BUILD_IOS_TYPE_ID)); $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } $fn = public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.ipa'; if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build); } $fileSystem->move($ipa->getRealPath(), $fn); $max_size = 0; foreach ($icons_ready as $icon) { if ($icon["size"][0] > $max_size) { $max_size = $icon["size"][0]; } } foreach ($icons_ready as $icon) { if ($icon["size"][0] == $max_size) { $fileSystem->copy($icon["image"], public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.png'); } } if (empty($icons_ready)) { $fileSystem->copy($default_icon, public_path() . '/builds/ios/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.png'); } $fileSystem->deleteDirectory('/tmp/bundle/tmp'); echo Config::get("app.domain") . "/ios/builds/{$label}/{$version}/{$build->build}\n"; return ""; }
private function getModpackBuilds($modpack, $details) { foreach ($details['builds'] as $version => $data) { $build = Build::where('version', '=', $version)->first(); if (empty($build)) { $build = new Build(); $build->modpack_id = $modpack->id; $build->version = $version; $build->minecraft = $data['minecraft']; if (isset($data['forge'])) { $build->forge = $data['forge']; } $build->save(); } else { $build->minecraft = $data['minecraft']; if (isset($data['forge'])) { $build->forge = $data['forge']; } $build->save(); } if (!$this->getBuildMods($build, $data['mods'])) { return false; } } return true; }