protected function _command() { Buffer::set('command', self::COMMAND, 'post'); Buffer::set('action', self::ACTION, 'post'); require_once BASEPATH . 'strategies/commands.php'; $class_name = 'Commands_strategy'; $command = new $class_name(); $command->execute(); }
unset($words); } return $structures[$name]; } } if (!function_exists('config')) { function config() { static $conf; $key_buffer = 'reloading_config_status'; if (empty($conf) or !is_array($conf)) { include_once BASEPATH . 'config/config.php'; if (!isset($config) or !is_array($config)) { exit('Config error'); } $conf = $config; unset($config); } $status = Buffer::get($key_buffer); $ap_name = Buffer::get(URL_AP); if (!empty($ap_name) and $status != $ap_name) { if (!is_array($conf)) { $conf = array(); } include_once APPPATH . "modules/{$ap_name}/config.php"; if (array_key_exists(URL_AP, $conf)) { unset($conf[URL_AP]); } if (!isset($config)) { exit('Config error'); } $conf[URL_AP] = $config; Buffer::set($key_buffer, $ap_name); unset($config); } $argv_list = func_get_args(); $cursor =& $conf; foreach ($argv_list as $key) { if (!is_array($cursor) or !array_key_exists($key, $cursor)) {
} $controller = (string) str_replace('-', '_', $controller); Buffer::set(URL_CONTROLLER, $controller); if (!empty($path[$i])) { $method = $path[$i]; ++$i; } $method = (string) str_replace('-', '_', $method); Buffer::set(URL_METHOD, $method); if (!empty($path[$i])) { for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { unset($path[$j]); } $options = array_values($path); } Buffer::set(URL_OPT, $options); //Проверяем корректность сессии if (!Session::analysis()) { Session::create(); } //Разрешён ли вообще доступ пользователю? $access_zone = config(URL_AP, 'access', 'zone'); $access_users = (array) config(URL_AP, 'access', 'user'); if ($access_zone != Z_PUBLIC) { $user = Loader::get_user(); if (!empty($access_users) and !in_array(User::T_ALL, $access_users) and $user->is_visitor() or !in_array($user->get_type(), $access_users)) { require_once PATH_STRATEGIES . 'identification.php'; $class_name = 'Identification' . $postfix; $strategy = new $class_name(); } }