function main() { BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(NEW_LIBRARIES_USAGE); $libraries = BoostLibraries::load(); $master = $libraries->get_for_version('master'); $unreleased_libs = array(); foreach ($master as $lib) { if ($lib['boost-version']->is_unreleased()) { $unreleased_libs[$lib['name']] = $lib; } } if ($unreleased_libs) { ksort($unreleased_libs, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); $count = count($unreleased_libs); echo "For release notes:\n\n"; echo "[section New Libraries]\n\n"; foreach ($unreleased_libs as $lib) { echo "* [phrase library..[@/{$lib['documentation']} {$lib['name']}]:]\n"; echo " {$lib['description']}\n\n"; } echo "[endsection]\n\n"; } else { echo "No new libraries yet.\n"; } }
function main() { $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(SET_RELEASE_STATUS_USAGE); if (!count($options->positional)) { echo $options->usage_message(); exit(1); } $version = BoostVersion::from($options->positional[0]); $releases = new BoostReleases(__DIR__ . '/../generated/state/release.txt'); $releases->setReleaseStatus($version, 'released'); $releases->save(); }
function main() { $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(LOAD_RELEASE_DATA_USAGE); if (count($options->positional) != 1) { echo $options->usage_message(); exit(1); } $path = realpath($options->positional[0]); if (!$path) { echo "Unable to find release file: {$options->positional[0]}\n"; exit(1); } $release_details = file_get_contents($path); if (!$release_details) { echo "Error reading release file: {$options->positional[0]}\n"; exit(1); } $releases = new BoostReleases(__DIR__ . '/../generated/state/release.txt'); $releases->loadReleaseInfo($release_details); $releases->save(); }
function main() { $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse("Usage: {} location version"); if (count($options->positional) != 2) { echo $options->usage_message(); exit(1); } $location = $options->positional[0]; $version = $options->positional[1]; $libraries = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(__DIR__ . '/../doc/libraries.xml'); $unknown_libs = array(); $maintainers = BoostMaintainers::read_from_text(file($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt')); // TODO: Want to include hidden libraries here. $library_details = $libraries->get_for_version($version, null); $libs_index = array(); foreach ($library_details as $index => $details) { if (isset($details['maintainers'])) { $maintainers->update_maintainer($details['key'], $details['maintainers']); } } file_put_contents($location . '/libs/maintainers.txt', $maintainers->write_to_text()); }
function main() { BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(); $path = realpath(STATIC_DIR); if (!$path || !is_dir($path)) { echo "Unable to find documentation directory\n"; exit(1); } $releases = new BoostReleases(__DIR__ . '/../generated/state/release.txt'); foreach (new DirectoryIterator(STATIC_DIR) as $dir) { if ($dir->isDot()) { continue; } $name = $dir->getFilename(); if ($name == 'develop' || $name == 'master') { // Store this somewhere? } else { if (preg_match('@^boost_[0-9_]+$@', $name)) { $releases->addDocumentation(BoostVersion::from($name), "/doc/libs/{$name}"); } } } $releases->save(); }
function main() { global $quiet; $options = BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse(UPDATE_DOC_LIST_USAGE, array('quiet' => false)); $quiet = $options->flags['quiet']; $location = null; $version = null; switch (count($options->positional)) { case 2: $version = $options->positional[1]; case 1: $location = $options->positional[0]; case 0: break; default: echo $options->usage_message(); exit(1); } if ($version) { // BoostVersion dies if version is invalid. $version = BoostVersion::from($version); } $libs = BoostLibraries::from_xml_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../doc/libraries.xml'); $updates = array(); if ($location) { $real_location = realpath($location); if ($real_location && !is_dir($real_location)) { echo "Not a directory: {$location}\n"; exit(1); } $location = $real_location; // If this is not a git repo. // TODO: Don't output stderr. exec("cd \"{$location}\" && git rev-parse --git-dir", $output, $return_var); if ($return_var != 0) { if (!$version || !$version->is_numbered_release()) { echo "Error: Release version required for release.\n"; exit(1); } $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_filesystem($location, $version); } else { if (get_bool_from_array(BoostSuperProject::run_process("cd '{$location}' && git rev-parse --is-bare-repository"))) { if ($version) { $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_git($location, $version); } else { $updates[(string) 'master'] = read_metadata_from_git($location, 'master'); $updates[(string) 'develop'] = read_metadata_from_git($location, 'develop'); } } else { // TODO: Could get version from the branch in a git checkout. if (!$version) { echo "Error: Version required for local tree.\n"; exit(1); } $updates[(string) $version] = read_metadata_from_filesystem($location, $version); } } } if ($updates) { foreach ($updates as $update_version => $update) { $libs->update($update_version, $update); } } else { $libs->update(); } if (!$quiet) { echo "Writing to disk\n"; } file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../doc/libraries.xml', $libs->to_xml()); $libs->squash_name_arrays(); file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../generated/libraries.txt', serialize($libs)); }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php # Copyright 2007 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2011, 2015 Daniel James # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or $usage = <<<EOL Usage: {} Update the html pages and rss feeds for new or updated quickbook files. EOL; require_once __DIR__ . '/../common/code/bootstrap.php'; BoostSiteTools\CommandLineOptions::parse($usage); $site_tools = new BoostSiteTools(__DIR__ . '/..'); $site_tools->update_quickbook();