function render()
     // we need to get all the blogs
     // get the data itself
     $this->_status = $this->getStatusFromRequest();
     $blogs = new Blogs();
     $siteBlogs = $blogs->getAllBlogs($this->_status, $this->_page, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     $numBlogs = $blogs->getNumBlogs($this->_status);
     if (!$siteBlogs) {
         $siteBlogs = array();
     // throw the right event
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_BLOGS_LOADED, array("blogs" => &$siteBlogs));
     // calculate the links to the different pages
     $pager = new Pager("?op=editSiteBlogs&status=" . $this->_status . "&page=", $this->_page, $numBlogs, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     $this->setValue("siteblogs", $siteBlogs);
     $this->setValue("pager", $pager);
     $this->setValue("currentstatus", $this->_status);
     $this->setValue("blogstatus", BlogStatus::getStatusList(true));
     // let the parent view do its job
 function render()
     // do nothing if the contents of our view are cached
     if ($this->isCached()) {
         return true;
     // get the data itself
     $blogs = new Blogs();
     $siteBlogs = $blogs->getAllBlogs(BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE, $this->_page, $this->_numBlogsPerPage);
     $numBlogs = $blogs->getNumBlogs(BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE);
     if (!$siteBlogs) {
         // if there was an error, show the error view
         $siteBlogs = array();
     // calculate the links to the different pages
     $pager = new Pager("?op=BlogList&page=", $this->_page, $numBlogs, $this->_numBlogsPerPage);
     $this->setValue("blogs", $siteBlogs);
     $this->setValue("pager", $pager);
     // let the parent view do its job