httpResponse($friends->delete((int) $params[1])); break; case validateRoute('PATCH', 'friends/\\d+'): $friends = new Friends($db, $user); httpResponse($friends->update((int) $params[1]), $postdata); break; case validateRoute('GET', 'blocked'): $blocked = new Blocked($db, $user); httpResponse($blocked->query()); break; case validateRoute('POST', 'blocked'): $blocked = new Blocked($db, $user); httpResponse($blocked->create($postdata)); break; case validateRoute('DELETE', 'blocked/\\d+'): $blocked = new Blocked($db, $user); httpResponse($blocked->delete((int) $params[1])); break; case validateRoute('GET', 'bookmarks'): $bookmarks = new Bookmarks($db, $user); httpResponse($bookmarks->query(null)); break; case validateRoute('POST', 'bookmarks'): $bookmarks = new Bookmarks($db, $user); httpResponse($bookmarks->create($postdata)); break; case validateRoute('DELETE', 'bookmarks/\\d+'): $bookmarks = new Bookmarks($db, $user); httpResponse($bookmarks->delete((int) $params[1])); break; case validateRoute('GET', 'subtitles'):
public function get_formbap($id = false) { Log::write('info', Request::ip() . ' User : '******' Event: Open Form BAP', true); if (!$id) { return false; } $checkout = Checkout::find($id); //membuat tidak tapil form jika belum waktunya $time = Myfungsi::sysdate(); //date ajustment $t = strtotime($checkout->operasi_time . " 7 hours 0 seconds"); if ($time <= $t) { return false; } $financial_fleet = DB::table('financial_report_bykso')->where('kso_id', '=', $checkout->kso_id)->first(); $financial_fleet_part = DB::table('wo_financial_report_bykso')->where('kso_id', '=', $checkout->kso_id)->first(); $kso = Kso::find($checkout->kso_id); $driver_status = 'Bravo'; if ($kso->bravo_driver_id !== $checkout->driver_id) { $driver_status = 'Charlie'; } $fleet_ks = 0; $fleet_cicilan_ks = 0; $fleet_tabungan_sparepart = 0; $fleet_cicilan_db_kso = 0; $fleet_cicilan_sparepart = 0; $fleet_dp_sparepart = 0; if ($financial_fleet) { $fleet_ks = $financial_fleet->ks; $fleet_cicilan_ks = $financial_fleet->cicilan_ks; $fleet_tabungan_sparepart = $financial_fleet->tabungan_sparepart; $fleet_cicilan_db_kso = $financial_fleet->cicilan_dp_kso; $fleet_cicilan_sparepart = $financial_fleet->cicilan_sparepart; $fleet_dp_sparepart = $financial_fleet->hutang_dp_sparepart; } $total_pemakaian_part = 0; if ($financial_fleet_part) { $total_pemakaian_part = $financial_fleet_part->pemakaian_part; } $maxno = Bap::max('id'); //MyFungsi::numberComplate($maxno,5) $nosurat = 'DT-xxxxxx/BAP/' . Fleet::find($checkout->fleet_id)->taxi_number . '/' . date('m') . '/' . date('Y'); $this->data['saldo_sparepart'] = $fleet_tabungan_sparepart + $fleet_cicilan_sparepart + $fleet_dp_sparepart - $total_pemakaian_part; $this->data['saldo_ks'] = $fleet_ks - $fleet_cicilan_ks; $this->data['saldo_unit'] = $fleet_ks - $fleet_cicilan_ks + ($fleet_tabungan_sparepart + $fleet_cicilan_sparepart + $fleet_dp_sparepart - $total_pemakaian_part); $this->data['nosurat'] = $nosurat; $this->data['checkout'] = $checkout; $this->data['listpelanggaran'] = Stdbap::all(); $this->data['options'] = array('6' => 'Cicilan KS'); $this->data['infodriver'] = Driver::find($checkout->driver_id); $this->data['listkewajibans'] = Kewajiban::join('financial_types as ft', '', '=', 'kewajibans.financial_type_id')->where_fleet_id($checkout->fleet_id)->where_driver_id($checkout->driver_id)->get(); $this->data['status_pengemudi'] = $driver_status; $kep = Keputusanbap::all(); $pelanggaran = Blocked::where_driver_id($checkout->driver_id)->where_fleet_id($checkout->fleet_id)->where_proses(0)->get(); $pel_id = array(); foreach ($pelanggaran as $pel) { array_push($pel_id, $pel->std_bap_id); } $optionskeputusan = array(); foreach ($kep as $v) { $optionskeputusan[$v->id] = $v->keputusan; } $this->data['keputusans'] = $optionskeputusan; $this->data['checklistpelanggaran'] = $pel_id; //return View::make('themes.modul.'.$this->views.'.formbap',$this->data); return View::make('themes.modul.' . $this->views . '.suratbap', $this->data); }
public function post_savePayment() { Log::write('info', Request::ip() . ' User : '******' Event: Save Setoran', true); $jsondata = Input::json(); //lihat KS $tabungan_pengemudi = 0; $ks_pengemudi = 0; if ((int) $jsondata->ks > 0) { $tabungan_pengemudi = (int) $jsondata->ks; } else { $ks_pengemudi = abs((int) $jsondata->ks); } $setoran = array(); $setoran['1'] = (int) $jsondata->setoran_wajib; $setoran['2'] = (int) $jsondata->tab_sp; $setoran['3'] = (int) $jsondata->denda; $setoran['4'] = (int) $jsondata->pot; $setoran['5'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_spart; $setoran['6'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_ks; $setoran['7'] = (int) $jsondata->biaya_tc; $setoran['8'] = (int) $jsondata->iuran_laka; $setoran['9'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_cicilan_dp; $setoran['10'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_hut_lama; $setoran['11'] = (int) $ks_pengemudi; $setoran['12'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_other; $setoran['13'] = (int) $jsondata->tag_dp_spart; $setoran['20'] = (int) $jsondata->setoran_cash; $setoran['21'] = (int) $tabungan_pengemudi; try { foreach ($setoran as $key => $value) { $payment = Checkinfinancial::create(array('checkin_id' => $jsondata->checkin_id, 'financial_type_id' => $key, 'amount' => $value)); } $checkin = Checkin::find($jsondata->checkin_id); /* /* membuat super block berdasarkan parameter ini /* 1. KS Pengemudi Melebihi atau sama dengan 500.000,- dalam bulan berjalan /* 2. Belum di devinisikan ( besar akumulasi batas KS ) */ $finandriver = DB::table('financial_report_monthly_driver_status')->where('month', '=', date('n', strtotime($checkin->operasi_time)))->where('year', '=', date('Y', strtotime($checkin->operasi_time)))->where('driver_id', '=', $checkin->driver_id)->where('operasi_status_id', '=', 1)->order_by('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($setoran['11'] > 0) { Blocked::create(array('driver_id' => $checkin->driver_id, 'fleet_id' => $checkin->fleet_id, 'std_bap_id' => 4, 'checkin_id' => $checkin->id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Myfungsi::sysdate()))); $block = Driver::find($checkin->driver_id); $block->fg_blocked = 1; /*super block melebihi ks 500000*/ if ($finandriver) { if ($finandriver->selisi_ks < -500000) { //$block->fg_super_blocked = 1; } } $block->save(); } //update status checkin //informasi siapa yang menerima setoran dan waktu setoran $checkin->checkin_step_id = 3; $checkin->finance_check_user_id = Auth::user()->id; $checkin->finance_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Myfungsi::sysdate()); $checkin->save(); $pothutanglama = Driverfinancial::where_driver_id($checkin->driver_id)->where_financial_type_id(18)->first(); if ($pothutanglama) { $pothutanglama->amount = $pothutanglama->amount - $jsondata->tag_hut_lama; } $tabunganpengemudi = Driverfinancial::where_driver_id($checkin->driver_id)->where_financial_type_id(21)->first(); if ($tabunganpengemudi) { $tabunganpengemudi->amount = $tabunganpengemudi->amount + $tabungan_pengemudi; } else { Driverfinancial::create(array('driver_id' => $checkin->driver_id, 'financial_type_id' => 21, 'amount' => $tabungan_pengemudi)); } $ks = Kewajiban::where_fleet_id($checkin->fleet_id)->where_driver_id($checkin->driver_id)->where_financial_type_id(6)->first(); if ($ks) { $ks->total_amount = $ks->total_amount + $setoran['11'] - $setoran['6']; } else { Kewajiban::create(array('fleet_id' => $checkin->fleet_id, 'driver_id' => $checkin->driver_id, 'financial_type_id' => 6, 'amount' => 0, 'total_amount' => $setoran['11'])); } $setor = Fleet::find($checkin->fleet_id); $setor->fg_setor = 0; $setor->save(); /* if((int)$jsondata->denda > 10000) { Blocked::create(array( 'driver_id'=>$checkin->driver_id, 'fleet_id' => $checkin->fleet_id , 'blocked_status_id' => 6, 'checkin_id' => $checkin->id, 'date'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); $block = Driver::find($checkin->driver_id); $block->fg_blocked = 1; $block->save(); } */ return json_encode(array('id' => $jsondata->checkin_id, 'msg' => 'Setoran berhasil di simpan')); } catch (Exception $e) { return json_encode(array('id' => $jsondata->checkin_id, 'msg' => 'Setoran Sudah pernah di input')); } }
/** * Add or update blocked items * * @param string $type - e.g. url, email, ip * @param string $value - item to block * @param bool $msg - show a success/failure message on Maintenance page * @return bool */ public function addToBlockedList($type = '', $value = 0, $msg = false) { $blocked = Blocked::instance(); return $blocked->addToBlockedList($this, $type, $value, $msg); }
/** * Determine and respond to actions from the Blocked list */ public function blocked($h) { require_once LIBS . 'Blocked.php'; $blocked = new Blocked(); $blocked_items = $blocked->buildBlockedList($h); return $blocked_items; }
/** * Add or update blocked items * * @param string $type - e.g. url, email, ip * @param string $value - item to block * @param bool $msg - show a success/failure message on Maintenance page * @return bool */ public function addToBlockedList($type = '', $value = 0, $msg = false) { require_once LIBS . 'Blocked.php'; $blocked = new Blocked(); return $blocked->addToBlockedList($this, $type, $value, $msg); }