public function actionIndex() { if (isset($_COOKIE['mainbtc'])) { return; } if (!LimitRequest('explorer')) { return; } $id = getiparam('id'); $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $id); $height = getparam('height'); if ($coin && intval($height) > 0) { $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $hash = $remote->getblockhash(intval($height)); } else { $hash = getparam('hash'); } $txid = getparam('txid'); if ($coin && !empty($txid) && ctype_alnum($txid)) { $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); $tx = $remote->getrawtransaction($txid, 1); $hash = $tx['blockhash']; } if ($coin && !empty($hash) && ctype_alnum($hash)) { $this->render('block', array('coin' => $coin, 'hash' => substr($hash, 0, 64))); } else { if ($coin) { $this->render('coin', array('coin' => $coin)); } else { $this->render('index'); } } }
<?php $remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport); echo "<table class='dataGrid2'>"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Transaction Hash</th>"; echo "<th>Value</th>"; echo "<th>From (amount)</th>"; echo "<th>To (amount)</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>"; $tx = $remote->getrawtransaction($txhash, 1); if (!$tx) { continue; } $valuetx = 0; foreach ($tx['vout'] as $vout) { $valuetx += $vout['value']; } echo "<tr class='ssrow'>"; echo "<td><span style='font-family: monospace;'><a href='/explorer?id={$coin->id}&txid={$tx['txid']}'>{$tx['txid']}</a></span></td>"; echo "<td>{$valuetx}</td>"; echo "<td>"; foreach ($tx['vin'] as $vin) { if (isset($vin['coinbase'])) { echo "Generation"; } } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>";
$hashRate = $rpc->getnetworkhashps() / 1000000; } $hashRate = sprintf('%.2f', $hashRate); echo "<div class=\"mid\"><table><tr><td class=\"urgh\"><b><a href=\"{$coinHome}\">{$coinName}</a></b> block explorer</td><td>Blocks:</td><td><a href=\"?{$info['blocks']}\">{$info['blocks']}</a></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td /><td>{$diffNom}:</td><td>{$diff}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Powered by <a href=\"\">RPC Ace</a> v{$aceVersion} (RPC AnyCoin Explorer)</td><td>Network hashrate: </td><td>{$hashRate} MH/s</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td /><td /></tr></table>"; if (preg_match("/^([[:xdigit:]]{64})\$/", $query) === 1) { if (($block = $rpc->getblock($query)) === false) { echo 'No matching block hash.<br />'; } else { echo '<table>'; foreach ($block as $id => $val) { if ($id === 'tx') { foreach ($val as $txid) { echo "<tr><td class=\"key\">{$id}</td><td class=\"value\">{$txid}</td></tr>"; if (($tx = $rpc->getrawtransaction($txid, 1)) === false) { continue; } foreach ($tx['vout'] as $entry) { if ($entry['value'] > 0.0) { // nasty number formatting trick that hurts my soul, but it had to be done... echo '<tr><td /><td class="value"> ' . rtrim(rtrim(sprintf('%.8f', $entry['value']), '0'), '.') . " -> {$entry['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]}</td></tr>"; } } } } else { if ($id === 'previousblockhash' || $id === 'nextblockhash') { echo "<tr><td class=\"key\">{$id}</td><td class=\"value\"><a href=\"?{$val}\">{$val}</a></td></tr>"; } elseif (in_array($id, $blockFields) === true) { echo "<tr><td class=\"key\">{$id}</td><td class=\"value\">{$val}</td></tr>"; }