function fix($bill_id)
     $products = $this->getByBillId($bill_id);
     $product = new Product();
     $price = new Price();
     $tax = new Tax();
     $bill = new Bill();
     $tmp = $bill->get($bill_id);
     $bill_data = $tmp[0];
     $customer = new Customer();
     $tmp = $customer->get($bill_data[1]);
     $customer_data = $tmp[0];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) {
         $tmp = $this->getByBillIdAndProductId($bill_id, $products[$i][2]);
         $bill_product_data = $tmp[0];
         $tmp = $product->get($products[$i][2]);
         $product_data = $tmp[0];
         $tmp = $price->getPrice($customer_data[11], $product_data[0]);
         $price_data = $tmp[0];
         $tmp = $tax->get($product_data[4]);
         $tax_data = $tmp[0];
         $this->update($bill_product_data[0], array($bill_product_data[1], $bill_product_data[2], $bill_product_data[3], $bill_product_data[4], $bill_product_data[5], $price_data[3], $tax_data[2]));
 function index_get()
     $filters = $this->get("filter")["filters"];
     $page = $this->get('page') !== false ? $this->get('page') : 1;
     $limit = $this->get('limit') !== false ? $this->get('limit') : 50;
     $sort = $this->get("sort");
     $data["results"] = array();
     $data["count"] = 0;
     $obj = new Contact(null, $this->entity);
     if (!empty($sort) && isset($sort)) {
         foreach ($sort as $value) {
             $obj->order_by($value["field"], $value["dir"]);
     if (!empty($filters) && isset($filters)) {
         $deleted = 0;
         foreach ($filters as $value) {
             if (!empty($value["operator"]) && isset($value["operator"])) {
                 if ($value["operator"] == "where_in") {
                     $obj->where_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                 } else {
                     if ($value["operator"] == "or_where_in") {
                         $obj->or_where_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                     } else {
                         if ($value["operator"] == "where_not_in") {
                             $obj->where_not_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                         } else {
                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_where_not_in") {
                                 $obj->or_where_not_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($value["operator"] == "like") {
                                     $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($value["operator"] == "or_like") {
                                         $obj->or_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($value["operator"] == "not_like") {
                                             $obj->not_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_not_like") {
                                                 $obj->or_not_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($value["operator"] == "startswith") {
                                                     $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "after");
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($value["operator"] == "endswith") {
                                                         $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "before");
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($value["operator"] == "contains") {
                                                             $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "both");
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_where") {
                                                                 $obj->or_where($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($value["operator"] == "search") {
                                                                     $obj->like("number", $value["value"], "after");
                                                                     $obj->or_like("surname", $value["value"], "after");
                                                                     $obj->or_like("name", $value["value"], "after");
                                                                     $obj->or_like("company", $value["value"], "after");
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     $obj->where($value["field"] . ' ' . $value["operator"], $value["value"]);
             } else {
                 if ($value["field"] == "deleted") {
                     $deleted = $value["value"];
                 } else {
                     $obj->where($value["field"], $value["value"]);
         $obj->where("deleted", $deleted);
     if (!empty($limit) && !empty($page)) {
         $obj->get_paged_iterated($page, $limit);
         $data["count"] = $obj->paged->total_rows;
     if ($obj->result_count() > 0) {
         foreach ($obj as $value) {
             $bal = new Bill(null, $this->entity);
             $bal->where("contact_id", $value->id);
             $bal->where("status", 0);
             if ($value->contact_type_id == 5) {
                 $bal->where("type", "bill");
             } else {
                 $bal->where("type", "invoice");
             $fullname = $value->surname . ' ' . $value->name;
             if ($value->contact_type_id == 3 || $value->contact_type_id == 5) {
                 $fullname = $value->company;
             $data["results"][] = array("id" => $value->id, "currency_id" => $value->currency_id, "user_id" => $value->user_id, "contact_type_id" => $value->contact_type_id, "number" => $value->number, "surname" => $value->surname, "name" => $value->name, "gender" => $value->gender, "dob" => $value->dob, "pob" => $value->pob, "address" => $value->address, "family_member" => $value->family_member, "id_number" => $value->id_number, "phone" => $value->phone, "email" => $value->email, "job" => $value->job, "company" => $value->company, "image_url" => $value->image_url, "memo" => $value->memo, "credit_limit" => $value->credit_limit, "status" => $value->status, "registered_date" => $value->registered_date, "deleted" => $value->deleted, "fullname" => $fullname, "fullIdName" => $value->number . ' ' . $fullname, "contact_type" => $value->contact_type->get_raw()->result(), "balance" => floatval($bal->amount));
     // //Response Data
     $this->response($data, 200);

require_once "util.php";
require_once "DataBase/Product.php";
require_once "DataBase/Bill.php";
require_once "DataBase/Tour.php";
require_once "DataBase/Bill_Product.php";
$tour_id = var_get("tour_id", "");
$date = var_get("date", "");
$bill = new Bill();
$bill_data = $bill->get("", array("bill_id"), "tour_id='" . $tour_id . "' AND date='" . $date . "'");
$tour = new Tour();
$tmp = $tour->get($tour_id);
$tour_data = $tmp[0];
$bill_product = new Bill_Product();
$product = new Product();
$product_data = $product->get();
include "Druckvorlagen/tour.php";

    if (var_post("date_from", "")) {
        if ($search) {
            $search .= " AND (date >='" . var_post("date_from", "") . "') ";
        } else {
            $search .= "(date >='" . var_post("date_from", "") . "') ";
    if (var_post("date_to", "")) {
        if ($search) {
            $search .= " AND (date <='" . var_post("date_to", "") . "') ";
        } else {
            $search .= "(date <='" . var_post("date_to", "") . "') ";
    $bill_data = $bill->get("", array("bill_id"), $search);
    $bill_product = new Bill_Product();
    $tour_data[1] = "( Alle Touren )";
    $product = new Product();
    $product_data = $product->get();
    include "Druckvorlagen/tour.php";
} else {
    $toolbar_box = new NTKVBox("toolbar_box", 0, 0, False);
    $main_box = new NTKTable("main_box", 5, 4, False);
    $main_box->setStyle("background-color: #dfe7f3;");
    $main_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "<b>Rechnungszusammenfassung nach Datum</b>"), 0, 0);
    $main_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "Von:"), 2, 0);
    $main_box->add(new NTKEntry("date_from", ""), 2, 1);
    $main_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "Bis:"), 2, 2);
    $main_box->add(new NTKEntry("date_to", ""), 2, 3);
    $main_box->add(new NTKButton("submit", "Druckvorschau", "document.forms['print_re'].submit();"), 4, 3);

require_once "util.php";
require_once "DataBase/Bill.php";
require_once "DataBase/Assistant.php";
require_once "DataBase/Customer.php";
require_once "DataBase/Product.php";
require_once "DataBase/Bill_Product.php";
require_once "DataBase/Price.php";
require_once "DataBase/Priceset.php";
require_once "DataBase/Tax.php";
$bill_id = var_get_post("bill_id", "");
$bill = new Bill();
$tmp = $bill->get($bill_id);
$bill_data = $tmp[0];
$customer = new Customer();
$tmp = $customer->get($bill_data[1]);
$customer_data = $tmp[0];
$assistant = new Assistant();
$tmp = $assistant->get($bill_data[4]);
$assistant_data = $tmp[0];
$priceset = new Priceset();
$tmp = $priceset->get($customer_data[11]);
$priceset_data = $tmp[0];
$bill_product = new Bill_Product();
$bill_product_data = $bill_product->getByBillId($bill_id);
$product = new Product();
$price = new Price();
$tax = new Tax();
include "Druckvorlagen/zeilen.php";
include "Druckvorlagen/rechnung.php";
 function amount_get()
     $filters = $this->get("filter")["filters"];
     $page = $this->get('page') !== false ? $this->get('page') : 1;
     $limit = $this->get('limit') !== false ? $this->get('limit') : 50;
     $sort = $this->get("sort");
     $data["results"] = [];
     $data["count"] = 0;
     $obj = new Bill(null, $this->entity);
     if (!empty($sort) && isset($sort)) {
         foreach ($sort as $value) {
             $obj->order_by($value["field"], $value["dir"]);
     if (!empty($filters) && isset($filters)) {
         $deleted = 0;
         foreach ($filters as $value) {
             if (!empty($value["operator"]) && isset($value["operator"])) {
                 if ($value["operator"] == "where_in") {
                     $obj->where_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                 } else {
                     if ($value["operator"] == "or_where_in") {
                         $obj->or_where_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                     } else {
                         if ($value["operator"] == "where_not_in") {
                             $obj->where_not_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                         } else {
                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_where_not_in") {
                                 $obj->or_where_not_in($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($value["operator"] == "like") {
                                     $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($value["operator"] == "or_like") {
                                         $obj->or_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($value["operator"] == "not_like") {
                                             $obj->not_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_not_like") {
                                                 $obj->or_not_like($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($value["operator"] == "startswith") {
                                                     $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "after");
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($value["operator"] == "endswith") {
                                                         $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "before");
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($value["operator"] == "contains") {
                                                             $obj->like($value["field"], $value["value"], "both");
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($value["operator"] == "or_where") {
                                                                 $obj->or_where($value["field"], $value["value"]);
                                                             } else {
                                                                 $obj->where($value["field"] . ' ' . $value["operator"], $value["value"]);
             } else {
                 if ($value["field"] == "deleted") {
                     $deleted = $value["value"];
                 } else {
                     $obj->where($value["field"], $value["value"]);
         $obj->where("deleted", $deleted);
     $data["results"][] = floatval($obj->amount);
     //Response Data
     $this->response($data, 200);
 case "set_number":
     $bill->setNumber(var_get("bill_id", ""));
     $bill_product->fix(var_get("bill_id", ""));
     global $onload;
     $onload .= "'print_bill.php?bill_id=" . var_get("bill_id", "") . "', '', '');";
 case "delete":
     $bill->delete(var_get("bill_id", ""));
     if ($fp_tour_id != "") {
         $onload .= "location.href = 'tour.php?action=list_tour&tour_id=" . $fp_tour_id . "&date=" . $fp_date . "';";
 case "position_add":
     $bill_data = $bill->get(var_post("bill_id", ""));
     /* autoset anmerkung vom produkt, wenn nichts als anmerkung gegeben */
     $details = var_post("details", "");
     if ($details == "") {
         $product_data = $product->get(var_post("product_id", ""));
         $details = $product_data[0][8];
     if ($bill_data[0][5] == -1) {
         $bill_product->create(array(var_post("bill_id", ""), var_post("product_id", ""), var_post("amount", ""), $details, var_post("rabatt", ""), 0, 0));
     } else {
         $customer_data = $customer->get($bill_data[0][1]);
         $price_data = $price->getPrice($customer_data[0][11], var_post("product_id", ""));
         $product_data = $product->get(var_post("product_id", ""));
         $tax_data = $tax->get($product_data[0][4]);
         $bill_product->create(array(var_post("bill_id", ""), var_post("product_id", ""), var_post("amount", ""), $details, var_post("rabatt", ""), $price_data[0][3], $tax_data[0][2]));