function update($id, $fields, $values = false, $ignore_cache = false) { $id = sqlescape($id); // Turn a key => value array into pairs if ($values === false && is_array($fields)) { $values = $fields; $fields = array_keys($fields); } // Multiple columns to update if (is_array($fields)) { $query_parts = array(); foreach ($fields as $key) { $val = current($values); if (is_array($val)) { $val = BigTree::json(BigTree::translateArray($val)); } else { $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($val); } $query_parts[] = "`{$key}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "'"; next($values); } sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET " . implode(", ", $query_parts) . " WHERE id = '{$id}'"); // Single column to update } else { if (is_array($values)) { $val = json_encode(BigTree::translateArray($values)); } else { $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($values); } sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET `{$fields}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); } if (!$ignore_cache) { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $this->Table); } }
<?php if (is_numeric($id)) { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $table); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem(substr($id, 1), $table, true); }
$email .= $address["city"] . ", " . $address["state"] . " " . $address["zip"] . "\n"; $email .= $address["country"]; $email .= "\n\n"; $email .= "Credit Card Info:\n"; $email .= $card["type"] . "\n"; $email .= "**** **** **** " . $pg->Last4CC . "\n"; $email .= "Expires " . $card["month"] . "/" . $card["year"]; $email .= "\n\n"; $email .= "Total Charged: \$" . number_format($total, 2); } // Get rid of saved data or errors. unset($_SESSION["form_builder"]); // Add the entry to the entries table. BigTreeAutoModule::createItem("btx_form_builder_entries", array("form" => $form["id"], "data" => $entry, "created_at" => "NOW()")); // Update the totals for the form and recache it. sqlquery("UPDATE btx_form_builder_forms SET entries = (entries + 1), last_entry = NOW(), total_collected = (total_collected + " . round($total, 2) . ") WHERE id = '" . $form["id"] . "'"); BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($form["id"], "btx_form_builder_forms"); // Get the no-reply domain $no_reply_domain = str_replace(array("http://www.", "https://www.", "http://", "https://"), "", DOMAIN); $email_title = $page_header ? $page_header : $bigtree["page"]["nav_title"]; $email = $email_title . ' - Form Submission ' . str_repeat("=", strlen($email_title)) . '================== ' . $email; // Send out email alerts $emails = explode(",", $emails); foreach ($emails as $e) { $e = trim($e); mail($e, $email_title . " - Form Submission", $email, "From: no-reply@{$no_reply_domain}"); } BigTree::redirect($page_link . "thanks/");
<?php // Update the count sqlquery("UPDATE btx_form_builder_forms SET entries = (entries - 1) WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($_POST["form"]) . "'"); BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($_POST["form"], "btx_form_builder_forms"); // Delete the entry BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem("btx_form_builder_entries", $_POST["id"]); // Show the growl and update the table header("Content-type: text/javascript"); ?> BigTree.growl("Form Builder","Deleted Entry"); $("#row_<?php echo $_POST["id"]; ?> ").remove();
<?php $change = $admin->getPendingChange($_POST["id"]); // See if we have permission. $item_id = $change["item_id"] ? $change["item_id"] : "p" . $change["id"]; if ($change["module"]) { // It's a module. Check permissions on this. $data = BigTreeAutoModule::getPendingItem($change["table"], $item_id); $permission_level = $admin->getAccessLevel($admin->getModule($change["module"]), $data["item"], $change["table"]); } else { if ($change["item_id"]) { $permission_level = $admin->getPageAccessLevel($page); } else { $f = $admin->getPendingChange($change["id"]); $permission_level = $admin->getPageAccessLevel($f["changes"]["parent"]); } } // If they're not a publisher, they have no business here. if ($permission_level != "p") { die; } $admin->deletePendingChange($change["id"]); if (!is_numeric($item_id)) { BigTreeAutoModule::uncacheItem($item_id, $change["table"]); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($item_id, $change["table"]); }