function create_national_report() { $year = date('Y'); $headers = "Summary Report for Vaccine Status in Kenya\n\t\nDepot: National Store\tReporting Date: " . date("d/m/Y") . "\t\n"; $data = "Analytical Areas\t"; $vaccines = Vaccines::getAll(); $from = date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y'))); //This sets the begining date as the 1st of january of that particular year $to = date('U'); //This sets the end date as the current time when the report is being generated //Loop all vaccines and append the vaccine name in the excel sheet content. foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $data .= $vaccine->Name . "\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line! //Begin adding data for the areas being analysed! $data .= "Annual Needs Coverage\t"; //Loop all vaccines and append the needs coverage for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $population = Regional_Populations::getNationalPopulation($year); $yearly_requirement = $population * $vaccine->Doses_Required * $vaccine->Wastage_Factor; $vaccine_totals = Disbursements::getNationalReceiptsTotals($vaccine->id, $from, $to); $coverage = ceil($vaccine_totals / $yearly_requirement * 100); $data .= $coverage . "%\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line $data .= "Stock Availability (Stock at Hand)\t"; //Loop all vaccines and append the stock at hand for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $stock_at_hand = Disbursements::getNationalPeriodBalance($vaccine->id, $to); $data .= $stock_at_hand . "\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line $data .= "Stock at Hand Forecast (In Months)\t"; //Loop all vaccines and append the stock at hand forecast for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $population = Regional_Populations::getNationalPopulation($year); $population = str_replace(",", "", $population); $monthly_requirement = ceil($vaccine->Doses_Required * $population * $vaccine->Wastage_Factor / 12); $stock_at_hand = Disbursements::getNationalPeriodBalance($vaccine->id, $to); $forecast = $stock_at_hand / $monthly_requirement; $data .= $forecast . "\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line $data .= "Shipments Expected Dates\t"; //Loop all vaccines and append the shipments expected for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $plans = Provisional_Plan::getYearlyPlan($year, $vaccine->id); $plans_string = ""; foreach ($plans as $plan) { $plans_string .= $plan->expected_date . " (" . $plan->expected_amount . ") "; } if (strlen($plans_string) < 1) { $plans_string = "None"; } $data .= $plans_string . "\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line $data .= "Shipments received Dates\t"; //Loop all vaccines and append the shipments received for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $receipts = Batches::getYearlyReceipts($year, $vaccine->id); $receipts_string = ""; foreach ($receipts as $receipt) { $receipts_string .= $receipt->Arrival_Date . " (" . $receipt->Total . ") "; } if (strlen($receipts_string) < 1) { $receipts_string = "None"; } $data .= $receipts_string . "\t"; } $data .= "\n"; //New Line /*header("Content-type: application/; name='excel'"); header("Content-Disposition: filename=Country_Vaccine_Status_Summary.xls"); // Fix for crappy IE bug in download. header("Pragma: "); header("Cache-Control: ");*/ $result = $headers . $data; return $result; }
public function get($year, $vaccine) { $receipts = Batches::getYearlyReceipts($year, $vaccine); $plans = Provisional_Plan::getYearlyPlan($year, $vaccine); $month_margins = array(0, 31, 60, 90, 121, 151, 182, 213, 243, 274, 304, 335, 366); $chart = ' <chart palette="2" caption="Provisional Plan" subcaption="For the year ' . $year . '" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="Quantity" showValues="0" alternateHGridColor="FCB541" alternateHGridAlpha="20" divLineColor="FCB541" divLineAlpha="50" canvasBorderColor="666666" baseFontColor="666666" lineColor="FCB541" xAxisMaxValue="366" xAxisMinValue="0"> <categories verticalLineColor="666666" verticalLineThickness="1"> <category label="Jan" x="0" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Feb" x="31" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Mar" x="60" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Apr" x="90" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="May" x="121" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Jun" x="151" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Jul" x="182" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Aug" x="213" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Sep" x="243" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Oct" x="274" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Nov" x="304" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Dec" x="335" showVerticalLine="1"/> <category label="Jan" x="366" showVerticalLine="1"/> </categories> <dataSet seriesName="Planned Arrivals" color="009900" anchorSides="3" anchorRadius="7" anchorBgColor="D5FFD5" anchorBorderColor="009900">'; foreach ($plans as $plan) { $date = $plan->expected_date; $quantity = $plan->expected_amount; $split_date = explode("/", $date); $month = $split_date[0] - 1; $month_delimiter = $month_margins[$month]; $day = $split_date[1]; $x_axis_value = $month_delimiter + $day; $chart .= '<set y="' . $quantity . '" x="' . $x_axis_value . '" toolText="' . $quantity . " Expected on " . $date . '"/>'; } $chart .= ' </dataSet> <dataSet seriesName="Actual Arrivals" color="0000FF" anchorSides="7" anchorRadius="7" anchorBgColor="C6C6FF" anchorBorderColor="0000FF">'; foreach ($receipts as $receipt) { $date = $receipt->Arrival_Date; $quantity = $receipt->Total; $split_date = explode("/", $date); $month = $split_date[0] - 1; $month_delimiter = $month_margins[$month]; $day = $split_date[1]; $x_axis_value = $month_delimiter + $day; $chart .= '<set y="' . $quantity . '" x="' . $x_axis_value . '" toolText="' . $quantity . " (Batch No. " . $receipt->Batch_Number . ") Arrived on " . $date . '"/>'; } $chart .= ' </dataSet> <styles> <definition> <style name="Anim1" type="animation" param="_xscale" start="0" duration="1"/> <style name="Anim2" type="animation" param="_alpha" start="0" duration="0.6"/> <style name="DataShadow" type="Shadow" alpha="40"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="DIVLINES" styles="Anim1"/> <apply toObject="HGRID" styles="Anim2"/> <apply toObject="DATALABELS" styles="DataShadow,Anim2"/> </application> </styles> </chart> '; echo $chart; }
function create_national_report() { $year = date('Y'); $total_vaccines = Vaccines::getTotalNumber(); $total_vaccines *= 2; $html = "<table border='2px solid black'>"; $html .= "<tr ><th rowspan=3>Analytical Areas</th><th style='text-align: center' colspan=" . $total_vaccines . ">Summary Report for Vaccine Status in Kenya</th></tr>"; $html .= "<tr ><th style='text-align: center' colspan=" . $total_vaccines . ">Depot: National Store Reporting Date: " . date("d/m/Y") . "</th></tr>"; $headers = "Summary Report for Vaccine Status in Kenya\n\t\nDepot: National Store\tReporting Date: " . date("d/m/Y") . "\t\n"; $data = "Analytical Areas\t"; $vaccines = Vaccines::getAll(); $from = date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y'))); //This sets the begining date as the 1st of january of that particular year $to = date('U'); //This sets the end date as the current time when the report is being generated //Loop all vaccines and create a table data element for it $html .= "<tr>"; foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $html .= "<td colspan=2 style='background-color:#" . $vaccine->Tray_Color . "'>" . $vaccine->Name . "</td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; //New Line! //Begin adding data for the areas being analysed! $html .= "<tr><td class='title'>Annual Needs Coverage</td>"; //Loop all vaccines and append the needs coverage for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $population = Regional_Populations::getNationalPopulation($year); $yearly_requirement = $population * $vaccine->Doses_Required * $vaccine->Wastage_Factor; $vaccine_totals = Disbursements::getNationalReceiptsTotals($vaccine->id, $from, $to); $coverage = ceil($vaccine_totals / $yearly_requirement * 100); $html .= "<td colspan=2>" . $coverage . "%</td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; $html .= "<tr><td class='title'>Number of Days of Stock Outage</td>"; //Loop all vaccines and append the needs coverage for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $html .= "<td colspan=2>N/A</td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; //New Line $html .= "<tr><td class='title'>Stock Availability (Stock at Hand)</td>"; //Loop all vaccines and append the stock at hand for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $stock_at_hand = Disbursements::getNationalPeriodBalance($vaccine->id, $to); $html .= "<td colspan=2>" . $stock_at_hand . "</td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; //New Line $html .= "<tr><td class='title'>Stock at Hand Forecast (In Months)</td>"; //Loop all vaccines and append the stock at hand forecast for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { $population = Regional_Populations::getNationalPopulation($year); $population = str_replace(",", "", $population); $monthly_requirement = ceil($vaccine->Doses_Required * $population * $vaccine->Wastage_Factor / 12); $stock_at_hand = Disbursements::getNationalPeriodBalance($vaccine->id, $to); $forecast = $stock_at_hand / $monthly_requirement; $forecast = number_format($forecast, 2, '.', ''); $html .= "<td colspan=2>" . $forecast . "</td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; //New Line $html .= "<tr><td class='title'>Shipments Expected/Received Dates</td>"; //Loop all vaccines and append the shipments expected for that particular vaccine in that store foreach ($vaccines as $vaccine) { //Get and display the expected dates $plans = Provisional_Plan::getYearlyPlan($year, $vaccine->id); $plans_string = ""; $html .= "<td><table>"; foreach ($plans as $plan) { $plans_string = $plan->expected_date . " (" . $plan->expected_amount . ") "; $html .= "<tr><td class='no_border'>" . $plans_string . "</td></tr>"; } if (strlen($plans_string) < 1) { $plans_string = "None"; $html .= "<tr><td class='no_border'>" . $plans_string . "</td></tr>"; } $html .= "</table></td>"; $receipts = Batches::getYearlyReceipts($year, $vaccine->id); $receipts_string = ""; $html .= "<td><table>"; foreach ($receipts as $receipt) { $receipts_string = $receipt->Arrival_Date . " (" . $receipt->Total . ") "; $html .= "<tr><td class='no_border'>" . $receipts_string . "</td></tr>"; } if (strlen($receipts_string) < 1) { $receipts_string = "None"; $html .= "<tr><td class='no_border'>" . $receipts_string . "</td></tr>"; } $html .= "</table></td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; //New Line //New Line /*header("Content-type: application/; name='excel'"); header("Content-Disposition: filename=Country_Vaccine_Status_Summary.xls"); // Fix for crappy IE bug in download. header("Pragma: "); header("Cache-Control: ");*/ $result = $headers . $data; $html .= "</table>"; return $html; }