public function saveCommentAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); //$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $this->view->userId = $userNs->userId; if (is_null($userNs->userId) && !numeric($userNs->userId)) { echo "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>Please login to submit your comment on this wall.</span>"; exit; } if ($this->_getParam('comment') == "" || $this->_getParam('comment') == "Comment...") { echo "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>Please enter your comment.</span>"; exit; } $commentM = new Application_Model_Comment(); $commentM->setComment($this->_getParam('comment')); $commentM->setItemId($this->_getParam('item_id')); $commentM->setItemType($this->_getParam('item_type')); $commentM->setParentId(0); $commentM->setPublish(1); $commentM->setUserId($userNs->userId); $id = $commentM->save(); $this->view->item_id = $this->_getParam('item_id'); //get user details who submit comment $userM = new Application_Model_User(); $user = $userM->find($userNs->userId); $strCommentedByName = $user->getFirstName() . " " . $user->getLastName(); //get user details to who wrote the blog (blog owner details) $commentedUserId = $this->_getParam('user_id'); $objCommentedUser = $userM->find($commentedUserId); $params['CommentedPersonName'] = $objCommentedUser->getFirstName() . " " . $objCommentedUser->getLastName(); $params['Comment'] = $this->_getParam('comment'); $params['wall_id'] = $this->_getParam('item_id'); $params['CommentedByName'] = $strCommentedByName; $params['email'] = $objCommentedUser->getEmail(); //now send notification email to blog owner user if ($id > 0) { //send email to user if not commenting own profile if ($commentedUserId != $userNs->userId) { $mail = new Base_Mail(); $mail->sendNotificationMail("comment", $params); } //display comment $commentM = new Application_Model_Comment(); $this->view->comment = $commentM->find($id); } else { exit("error"); } }
public function messagesAction() { $username = $this->_getParam('username'); $user = $this->getLeftPanel($username); //Redirect user if not active, added by Mahipal Adhikari on 3-jan-2011 $userM = new Application_Model_User(); if (false === $userM->checkUserActiveStatus($user->getId())) { $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index'); } //diaply username on left panel of user profile page $this->view->userObject = $user; $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $form = new Application_Form_CreateMessages(); if ($userNs->userId) { $form->getElement('toEmail')->setValue($user->getFirstName() . ' ' . $user->getLastName()); $form->getElement('toId')->setValue($user->getId()); } $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $params = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($params)) { $params['status'] = 'inbox'; //$params['fromId'] = $userId; $params['fromId'] = $userNs->userId; $params['parentId'] = 0; $messages = new Application_Model_Message($params); $savemsg = $messages->save(); if ($savemsg) { /*------------------------- NOTIFICATION EMAIL ---------------------------*/ $userObj = new Application_Model_User(); $valTo = $userObj->find($params['toId']); $toFirstName = $valTo->getFirstName(); $toLastName = $valTo->getLastName(); $option['toName'] = $toFirstName . ' ' . $toLastName; $option['toEmail'] = trim($valTo->getEmail()); $option['message'] = $params['body']; $option['messageId'] = $savemsg; $valfrom = $userObj->find($userNs->userId); $option['fromName'] = $valfrom->getFirstName() . ' ' . $valfrom->getLastName(); $mail = new Base_Mail(); $mail->sendNotificationMail("message_notification", $option); $_SESSION["flash_msg"] = "Message has been sent."; $form->reset(); } else { $_SESSION["flash_msg"] = "Error occured while sending message, please try again later."; } //redirect user $this->_redirect($this->view->seoUrl('/profile/messages/username/' . $username)); } $this->view->form = $form; } }
public function myMessagesAction() { $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('2column'); $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $userId = $userNs->userId; $msg = $this->_getParam('msg'); $reply = $this->_getParam('reply'); $username = $this->_getParam('username'); $form = new Application_Form_CreateMessages(); $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->selectedTab = 0; //set update messages if (isset($_SESSION['session_error_msg']) && $_SESSION['session_error_msg'] != "") { $session_error_msg = $_SESSION['session_error_msg']; if ($session_error_msg == "success") { $this->view->msg = "Message has been sent."; $this->view->selectedTab = 2; } if ($session_error_msg == "failed") { $this->view->msg = "Message can not be sent, please try again later."; $this->view->selectedTab = 2; } if ($session_error_msg == "accept") { $this->view->msg = "Friend request has beed accepted."; $this->view->selectedTab = 1; } if ($session_error_msg == "decline") { $this->view->msg = "Friend request has beed declined."; $this->view->selectedTab = 1; } unset($_SESSION['session_error_msg']); } //set reply message if (!empty($reply)) { $id = base64_decode($reply); $modelMessages = new Application_Model_Message(); $modelUser = new Application_Model_User(); $valMessages = $modelMessages->find($id); $messageSenderId = $valMessages->getFromId(); $valUser = $modelUser->find($messageSenderId); $senderName = $valUser->getFirstName() . ' ' . $valUser->getLastName(); $valMessage = $modelMessages->find($id); $msg_subject = "Re: " . $valMessage->getSubject(); $this->view->receipentArr = array("receipent_id" => $messageSenderId, "receipent_name" => $senderName, "msg_subject" => $msg_subject); //$form->getElement('toEmail')->setValue($senderName); //$form->getElement('toId')->setValue($messageSenderId); //$form->getElement('subject')->setValue($valMessage->getSubject()); $this->view->selectedTab = 2; } //send message to particuar user if (!empty($username)) { $id = base64_decode($username); $modelUser = new Application_Model_User(); $userRes = $modelUser->find($id); if (false !== $userRes) { $senderName = $userRes->getFirstName() . ' ' . $userRes->getLastName(); $msg_subject = "Hello"; $this->view->receipentArr = array("receipent_id" => $id, "receipent_name" => $senderName, "msg_subject" => $msg_subject); } $this->view->selectedTab = 2; } //get inbox message and search $messageM = new Application_Model_Message(); $searchParams = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $where = "to_id='{$userId}'"; $search_message = false; if (isset($searchParams['msgsearch']) && $searchParams['msgsearch'] != '' && $searchParams['msgsearch'] != 'Search Messages') { $msgsearch = $searchParams['msgsearch']; $where .= " and (subject like '%{$msgsearch}%' OR body like '%{$msgsearch}%')"; $this->view->msgsearch = $msgsearch; $this->view->param = array("msgsearch" => $msgsearch); $this->view->selectedTab = 0; $search_message = true; } $settings = new Admin_Model_GlobalSettings(); $page_size = $settings->settingValue('message_pagination_size'); $page = $this->_getParam('page', 1); $pageObj = new Base_Paginator(); $paginator = $pageObj->fetchPageData($messageM, $page, $page_size, $where, 'id desc'); $this->view->total = $pageObj->getTotalCount(); $this->view->messages = $paginator; /*----------------------- START SENT MESSAGE ------------------------*/ $whereSent = "from_id='{$userId}'"; $paginator = $pageObj->fetchPageData($messageM, $page, $page_size, $whereSent, 'id desc'); $this->view->totalSent = $pageObj->getTotalCount(); $this->view->sentMessages = $paginator; /*------------------------ END SENT MESSAGE -------------------------*/ $friendM = new Application_Model_Friend(); $where = "friend_id='{$userId}' and status='pending'"; $friendMN = $friendM->fetchAll($where); $this->view->friend = $friendMN; //send message if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $search_message == false) { $params = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); $error = ""; if (!isset($params['toEmail']) || count($params['toEmail']) < 1) { $error = "Please select receipents."; } if (empty($params['subject']) || $params['subject'] == "") { $error .= "<br />Subject can not be left blank."; } if (empty($params['body']) || $params['body'] == "") { $error .= "<br />Message can not be left blank."; } if ($error == "") { //send email to all receipents for ($cntR = 0; $cntR < count($params['toEmail']); $cntR++) { //if(!empty($params['toId'])) if (is_numeric($params['toEmail'][$cntR])) { $params['toId'] = $params['toEmail'][$cntR]; $params['status'] = 'inbox'; $params['fromId'] = $userId; $params['parentId'] = 0; $params['read'] = 0; $messages = new Application_Model_Message($params); $savemsg = $messages->save(); /*------------------------- NOTIFICATION EMAIL ---------------------------*/ $userObj = new Application_Model_User(); $valTo = $userObj->find($params['toId']); $toFirstName = $valTo->getFirstName(); $toLastName = $valTo->getLastName(); $option['toName'] = $toFirstName . ' ' . $toLastName; $option['toEmail'] = trim($valTo->getEmail()); $option['message'] = $params['body']; $option['messageId'] = $savemsg; $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $loggedInUserId = $userNs->userId; $valfrom = $userObj->find($loggedInUserId); $option['fromName'] = $valfrom->getFirstName() . ' ' . $valfrom->getLastName(); $mail = new Base_Mail(); $mail->sendNotificationMail("message_notification", $option); } else { $_SESSION['session_error_msg'] = "failed"; $this->_redirect($this->view->seoUrl('/gapper/my-messages/')); } } //end of for $_SESSION['session_error_msg'] = "success"; $this->_redirect($this->view->seoUrl('/gapper/my-messages/')); } else { $form->getElement('subject')->setValue($params['subject']); $form->getElement('body')->setValue($params['body']); $this->view->msg = $error; $this->view->selectedTab = 2; } $this->view->form = $form; } //end if }