 public function testAddFilesFromDirPattern()
     // create files data for testing
     $testFileContentTpl = '<html><h1>Toto %s</h1></html>';
     $testFileExt = 'html';
     $testFileExtExcluded = 'php';
     $testFiles = array($this->_getTmpFile('.' . $testFileExt, 'subdir1/') => array(), $this->_getTmpFile('.' . $testFileExt, 'subdir1/') => array(), $this->_getTmpFile('.' . $testFileExtExcluded, 'subdir1/') => array());
     // create test files list and properties for checking
     foreach ($testFiles as $testFile => &$testFileData) {
         $testFileContent = sprintf($testFileContentTpl, $testFile);
         file_put_contents($testFile, $testFileContent);
         $testFileData = array('name' => '/' . basename($testFile), 'data' => $testFileContent, 'ext' => pathinfo($testFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), 'length' => mb_strlen($testFileContent));
         $dirPath = dirname($testFile);
     // create archive
     $archiveFilePath = $this->_getTmpFile('.tar');
     $newArchive = BaseZF_Archive::newArchive('tar', $archiveFilePath);
     $newArchive->addFiles($dirPath . '/*.' . $testFileExt);
     // extract archive && test archive format detection
     $readArchive = BaseZF_Archive::extractArchive($archiveFilePath);
     // check file after extract
     $archiveFiles = $readArchive->getFiles();
     // checking integrety of data and check file did no have testFileExtExcluded value
     foreach ($archiveFiles as $archiveFile => $archiveFileData) {
         $testFile = $testFiles[$dirPath . $archiveFileData['name']];
         $this->assertEquals($archiveFileData['name'], $testFile['name']);
         // test file name extraction
         $this->assertEquals($archiveFileData['data'], $testFile['data']);
         // test file data extraction
         $this->assertEquals($archiveFileData['ext'], $testFile['ext']);
         // test file ext
         $this->assertNotEquals($archiveFileData['ext'], $testFileExtExcluded);
         // excluded file extentions
         $this->assertEquals($archiveFileData['stat'][7], $testFile['length']);
         // test file size
 public function exportPoFiles(array $locales, array $domains = null, $archiveFormat = 'zip')
     $domainsPaths = $this->getDomainsPaths($domains);
     // new archive
     $archive = BaseZF_Archive::newArchive($archiveFormat);
     $poDomainFiles = array();
     foreach ($locales as $locale) {
         foreach ($domainsPaths as $domain => $paths) {
             $poDomainFile = $this->getPoFileForLocaleDomain($locale, $domain);
             $archive->addFile($poDomainFile, $locale . '/' . $domain . '.po');
     // create and download
     $archive->setOption('path', 'export_language-' . date('dmY') . '-(' . implode('_', $locales) . ').zip');
     return $archive;