public function renderGraph()
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     $graph = new Graph($this->_controllerAction->getRequest()->getParam('type') == 'month' ? 400 : 300, 200, 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(0, 30, 20, 40);
     $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#EFEFEF@0.5', '#BBCCFF@0.5');
     $labelsy = array();
     $datay = array();
     switch ($this->_controllerAction->getRequest()->getParam('type')) {
         case 'month':
             $this->_populateMonthData($labelsy, $datay);
         case 'year':
             $this->_populateYearData($labelsy, $datay);
             $this->_populateWeekData($labelsy, $datay);
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_WIDE_MIDVER);
 public function renderGraph()
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php';
     $graph = new Graph(300, 200, 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(0, 30, 20, 65);
     $graph->y2axis->SetColor("black", "red");
     $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#EFEFEF@0.5', '#BBCCFF@0.5');
     $labelsy = array();
     $datay = array();
     $datay2 = array();
     switch ($this->_controllerAction->getRequest()->getParam('type')) {
         case 'year':
             $this->_populateYearData($labelsy, $datay, $datay2);
             $this->_populateWeekData($labelsy, $datay, $datay2);
     $locale = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale');
     if ($locale == 'ja') {
         // the ttf file for FF_MINCHO is already encoded in utf-8
         $legend1 = $this->view->translate('Trusted sites');
         $legend2 = $this->view->translate('Sites per user');
     } else {
         // default ttf files are latin-1 encoded
         $legend1 = utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Trusted sites'));
         $legend2 = utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Sites per user'));
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_WIDE_MIDVER);
     $p1 = new LinePlot($datay2);
     if ($locale == 'ja') {
         $graph->legend->setFont(FF_MINCHO, FS_NORMAL);
     $graph->legend->Pos(0.5, 0.99, "center", "bottom");
 public function executeBarGraph()
     //Set the response header to a image JPEG datastream
     // Change this defines to where Your fonts are stored
     DEFINE("TTF_DIR", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/");
     // Change this define to a font file that You know that You have
     DEFINE("TTF_SANS", "FreeSans.ttf");
     $util = new util();
     $dataDVDrip = $util->getTotalFormat('DVDrip', 'movies');
     $dataHDrip = $util->getTotalFormat('HDrip', 'movies');
     $data720p = $util->getTotalFormat('720p', 'movies');
     $data1080p = $util->getTotalFormat('1080p', 'movies');
     $datay = array($dataDVDrip, $dataHDrip, $data720p, $data1080p);
     $graph = new Graph(199, 145);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, '#393939');
     $top = 25;
     $bottom = 20;
     $left = 50;
     $right = 20;
     $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
     // Setup labels
     $lbl = array("DVDrip", "HDrip", "720p", "1080p");
     $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
     $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
     // Create a bar pot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient(array(250, 2, 2), array(109, 2, 2), GRAD_VERT);
     return sfView::NONE;
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 200);
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 30, 50);
// Set up the title for the graph
$graph->title->Set("Example negative bars");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 16);
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
// Setup X-axis labels
// Set X-axis at the minimum value of Y-axis (default will be at 0)
// "min" will position the x-axis at the minimum value of the Y-axis
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "steelblue", GRAD_MIDVER);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
  * 横柱图
 function createhorizoncolumnar($title, $subtitle, $data = array(), $size = 40, $height = 100, $width = 80, $legend = array())
     $datay = $data;
     $datax = $legend;
     foreach ($datax as $k => $v) {
         $datax[$k] = iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $v);
     // Size of graph
     $count = count($datay);
     $addheight = 0;
     if ($count > 10) {
         $addheight = ($count - 10) * 20;
     $height = $height + $addheight;
     // Set the basic parameters of the graph
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height, 'auto');
     // No frame around the image
     $graph->SetFrame(false, '#ffffff', 0);
     // Rotate graph 90 degrees and set margin
     $graph->Set90AndMargin(70, 10, 50, 30);
     // Set white margin color
     // Use a box around the plot area
     // Use a gradient to fill the plot area
     $graph->SetBackgroundGradient('white', 'white', GRAD_HOR, BGRAD_PLOT);
     // Setup title
     $graph->title->Set(iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', "{$title}"));
     $graph->title->SetFont(FF_SIMSUN, FS_BOLD, 12);
     $graph->subtitle->Set("(" . iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $subtitle) . ")");
     $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_SIMSUN, FS_NORMAL, 10);
     // Setup X-axis
     $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_SIMSUN, FS_NORMAL, 10);
     // Some extra margin looks nicer
     // Label align for X-axis
     $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center');
     // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go
     // all the way to the end of the plot area
     // We don't want to display Y-axis
     // Now create a bar pot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     //You can change the width of the bars if you like
     // Set gradient fill for bars
     $bplot->SetFillGradient('blue', '#0080C0', GRAD_HOR);
     // We want to display the value of each bar at the top
     $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 7);
     $bplot->value->SetAlign('left', 'center');
     // Add the bar to the graph
     // Add some explanation text
     $txt = new Text('');
     $txt->SetPos(130, 399, 'center', 'bottom');
     $txt->SetFont(FF_COMIC, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     // .. and stroke the graph
//Setup Mian Title
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 8);
//Setup x axis
$graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 8);
$graph->xaxis->title->Set("{$txt_rain} ({$rain_unit})");
// Setup y axis
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 8);
$graph->yaxis->HideTicks(true, true);
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
$bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD);
$bplot->SetFillGradient("{$rain_col}", "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
//Add plot
// Finally send the graph to the browser
$ybplot1->SetFillGradient("#408CFF", "#F0F0FF", GRAD_HOR);
$ybplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($ybplot1, $bplotzero));
// Setup font for axis
//Bottom Lables
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_GEORGIA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
//Left Lables
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_GEORGIA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Create the "Y2" axis group
$ybplot2 = new BarPlot($datay);
$ybplot2->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
$ybplot2->SetFillGradient("#80FF80", "#E8FFE8", GRAD_HOR);
$y2bplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($bplotzero, $ybplot2));
// Setup X-axis labels
// Add the grouped bar plots to the graph
// .. and finally stroke the image back to browser
             $graph->xaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
             // Some extra margin looks nicer
             // Label align for X-axis
             // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go
             // all the way to the end of the plot area
             $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
             // Create a bar pot
             $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
             // Adjust fill color
             $bplot->SetFillGradient("#007acf", "white", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
             // Setup the titles
             $graph->yaxis->title->Set('Total User');
             $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
             // Setup font for axis
             $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL, 10);
             $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL, 10);
             // Display the graph
function print_graph($g, $pgwidth)
    $splines = false;
    $bandw = false;
    $percent = false;
    $show_percent = false;
    $stacked = false;
    $h = false;
    $show_values = false;
    $hide_grid = false;
    $hide_y_axis = false;
    if (isset($g['attr']['TYPE']) && $g['attr']['TYPE']) {
        $type = strtolower($g['attr']['TYPE']);
    if (!in_array($type, array('bar', 'horiz_bar', 'line', 'radar', 'pie', 'pie3d', 'xy', 'scatter'))) {
        $type = 'bar';
    // Default=bar
    if (isset($g['attr']['STACKED']) && $g['attr']['STACKED']) {
        $stacked = true;
    // stacked for bar or horiz_bar
    if (isset($g['attr']['SPLINES']) && $g['attr']['SPLINES'] && $type == 'xy') {
        $splines = true;
    // splines for XY line graphs
    if (isset($g['attr']['BANDW']) && $g['attr']['BANDW']) {
        $bandw = true;
    // black and white
    if (isset($g['attr']['LEGEND-OVERLAP']) && $g['attr']['LEGEND-OVERLAP']) {
        $overlap = true;
    // avoid overlap of Legends over graph (line, bar, horiz_bar only)
    if (isset($g['attr']['PERCENT']) && $g['attr']['PERCENT'] && $type != 'xy' && $type != 'scatter') {
        $percent = true;
    // Show data series as percent of total in series
    if (isset($g['attr']['SHOW-VALUES']) && $g['attr']['SHOW-VALUES']) {
        $show_values = true;
    // Show the individual data values
    if (isset($g['attr']['HIDE-GRID']) && $g['attr']['HIDE-GRID']) {
        $hide_grid = true;
    // Hide the y-axis gridlines
    if (isset($g['attr']['HIDE-Y-AXIS']) && $g['attr']['HIDE-Y-AXIS']) {
        $hide_y_axis = true;
    // Hide the y-axis
    // Antialias: If true - better quality curves, but graph line will only be 1px even in PDF 300dpi
    // default=true for most except line and radar
    if (isset($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS']) && ($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] == '' || $g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] == 0)) {
        $antialias = false;
    } else {
        if (isset($g['attr']['ANTIALIAS']) && $g['attr']['ANTIALIAS'] > 0) {
            $antialias = true;
        } else {
            if ($type == 'line' || $type == 'radar') {
                $antialias = false;
            } else {
                $antialias = true;
    if ($g['attr']['DPI']) {
        $dpi = intval($g['attr']['DPI']);
    if (!$dpi || $dpi < 50 || $dpi > 2400) {
        $dpi = 150;
    // Default dpi 150
    $k = 0.2645 / 25.4 * $dpi;
    // mPDF 4.5.009
    global $JpgUseSVGFormat;
    if (isset($JpgUseSVGFormat) && $JpgUseSVGFormat) {
        $img_type = 'svg';
        $k = 1;
        // Overrides as Vector scale does not need DPI
    } else {
        $img_type = 'png';
    if (isset($g['attr']['TITLE']) && $g['attr']['TITLE']) {
        $title = $g['attr']['TITLE'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['LABEL-X']) && $g['attr']['LABEL-X']) {
        $xlabel = $g['attr']['LABEL-X'];
    // NOT IMPLEMENTED??????
    if (isset($g['attr']['LABEL-Y']) && $g['attr']['LABEL-Y']) {
        $ylabel = $g['attr']['LABEL-Y'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['AXIS-X']) && $g['attr']['AXIS-X']) {
        $xaxis = strtolower($g['attr']['AXIS-X']);
    if (!in_array($xaxis, array('text', 'lin', 'linear', 'log'))) {
        $xaxis = 'text';
    // Default=text
    if ($xaxis == 'linear') {
        $xaxis = 'lin';
    if (isset($g['attr']['AXIS-Y']) && $g['attr']['AXIS-Y']) {
        $yaxis = strtolower($g['attr']['AXIS-Y']);
    if (!in_array($yaxis, array('lin', 'linear', 'log', 'percent'))) {
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    // Default=lin
    if ($yaxis == 'percent') {
        $show_percent = true;
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    // Show percent sign on scales
    if ($yaxis == 'linear') {
        $yaxis = 'lin';
    if ($splines) {
        $xaxis = 'lin';
    $axes = $xaxis . $yaxis;
    // e.g.textlin, textlog, loglog, loglin, linlog (XY)
    // mPDF 4.0
    if (isset($g['attr']['cWIDTH']) && $g['attr']['cWIDTH']) {
        $w = $g['attr']['cWIDTH'] / 0.2645;
    // pixels
    if (isset($g['attr']['cHEIGHT']) && $g['attr']['cHEIGHT']) {
        $h = $g['attr']['cHEIGHT'] / 0.2645;
    if (isset($g['attr']['SERIES']) && strtolower($g['attr']['SERIES']) == 'rows') {
        $dataseries = 'rows';
    } else {
        $dataseries = 'cols';
    // Defaults - define data
    $rowbegin = 2;
    $colbegin = 2;
    if ($type == 'scatter' || $type == 'xy') {
        if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
            $rowbegin = 1;
        } else {
            $colbegin = 1;
    $rowend = 0;
    $colend = 0;
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'] > 0)) {
        $rowbegin = $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-BEGIN'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'] > 0)) {
        $colbegin = $g['attr']['DATA-COL-BEGIN'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'] != 0)) {
        $rowend = $g['attr']['DATA-ROW-END'];
    if (isset($g['attr']['DATA-COL-END']) && ($g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'] === '0' || $g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'] != 0)) {
        $colend = $g['attr']['DATA-COL-END'];
    $nr = count($g['data']);
    $nc = 0;
    foreach ($g['data'] as $r) {
        $cc = 0;
        foreach ($r as $c) {
        $nc = max($nc, $cc);
    if ($colend == 0) {
        $colend = $nc;
    } else {
        if ($colend < 0) {
            $colend = $nc + $colend;
    if ($rowend == 0) {
        $rowend = $nr;
    } else {
        if ($rowend < 0) {
            $rowend = $nr + $rowend;
    if ($colend < $colbegin) {
        $colend = $colbegin;
    if ($rowend < $rowbegin) {
        $rowend = $rowbegin;
    //	if ($type == 'xy' || $type=='scatter') { $colstart=0; }
    // Get Data + Totals
    $data = array();
    $totals = array();
    for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
        for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
            if (isset($g['data'][$r][$c])) {
                $g['data'][$r][$c] = floatval($g['data'][$r][$c]);
            } else {
                $g['data'][$r][$c] = 0;
            if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
                $data[$r + 1 - $rowbegin][$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
                $totals[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] += $g['data'][$r][$c];
            } else {
                $data[$c + 1 - $colbegin][$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
                if (isset($totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin])) {
                    $totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin] += $g['data'][$r][$c];
                } else {
                    $totals[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][$r][$c];
    // PERCENT
    if ($percent && $type != 'pie' && $type != 'pie3d') {
        for ($r = 0; $r < count($data); $r++) {
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($data[$r]); $c++) {
                $data[$r][$c] = $data[$r][$c] / $totals[$r] * 100;
    // Get Legends and labels
    $legends = array();
    $labels = array();
    $longestlegend = 0;
    $longestlabel = 0;
    if ($dataseries == 'cols') {
        if ($colbegin > 1) {
            for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
                $legends[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][0];
                $longestlegend = max($longestlegend, strlen($g['data'][$r][0]));
        if ($rowbegin > 1) {
            for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
                $labels[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][0][$c];
                $longestlabel = max($longestlabel, strlen($g['data'][0][$c]));
    } else {
        if ($dataseries == 'rows') {
            if ($colbegin > 1) {
                for ($r = $rowbegin - 1; $r < $rowend; $r++) {
                    $labels[$r + 1 - $rowbegin] = $g['data'][$r][0];
                    $longestlabel = max($longestlabel, strlen($g['data'][$r][0]));
            if ($rowbegin > 1) {
                for ($c = $colbegin - 1; $c < $colend; $c++) {
                    $legends[$c + 1 - $colbegin] = $g['data'][0][$c];
                    $longestlegend = max($longestlegend, strlen($g['data'][0][$c]));
    // Default sizes
    $defsize = array();
    $defsize['pie'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['pie3d'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['radar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 300);
    $defsize['line'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['xy'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['scatter'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['bar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 400);
    $defsize['horiz_bar'] = array('w' => 600, 'h' => 500);
    // Use default ratios
    if ($w && !$h) {
        $h = $w * $defsize[$type]['h'] / $defsize[$type]['w'];
    if ($h && !$w) {
        $w = $h * $defsize[$type]['w'] / $defsize[$type]['h'];
    if (!$h && !$w) {
        $w = $defsize[$type]['w'];
        $h = $defsize[$type]['h'];
    if (count($data) > 0 && $type) {
        $figure_file = "graph_cache/" . rand(11111, 999999999) . "." . $img_type;
        if ($bandw) {
            $colours = array('snow1', 'black', 'snow4', 'snow3', 'snow2', 'cadetblue4', 'cadetblue3', 'cadetblue1', 'bisque4', 'bisque2', 'beige');
        } else {
            $colours = array('cyan', 'darkorchid4', 'cadetblue3', 'khaki1', 'darkolivegreen2', 'cadetblue4', 'coral', 'cyan4', 'rosybrown3', 'wheat1');
        $fills = array('navy', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'purple', 'navy', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow', 'purple');
        // LEGENDS
        if ($type == 'pie' || $type == 'pie3d') {
            $graph = new PieGraph($w * $k, $h * $k);
        } else {
            if ($type == 'radar') {
                $graph = new RadarGraph($w * $k, $h * $k);
            } else {
                $graph = new Graph($w * $k, $h * $k);
        // mPDF 4.5.009
        //	$graph->img->SetImgFormat($img_type) ;
        //	if (strtoupper($img_type)=='JPEG') { $graph->img->SetQuality(90); }
        if ($antialias) {
        $graph->SetShadow(true, 2 * $k);
        // TITLE
        $graph->title->SetMargin(10 * $k);
        $graph->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetLineSpacing(3 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetMarkAbsSize(6 * $k);
        $graph->legend->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
        if ($type == 'pie' || $type == 'pie3d') {
            $psize = 0.3;
            $pposxabs = $w / 2;
            $pposy = 0.55;
            if ($longestlegend) {
                // if legend showing
                $pposxabs -= ($longestlegend * 5 + 20) / 2;
            $pposx = $pposxabs / $w;
            $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.5, 'right', 'center');
        } else {
            if ($type == 'radar') {
                $psize = 0.5;
                $pposxabs = $w / 2;
                $pposy = 0.55;
                if ($longestlabel) {
                    // if legend showing
                    $pposxabs -= ($longestlabel * 5 + 20) / 2;
                $pposx = $pposxabs / $w;
                $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.5, 'right', 'center');
            } else {
                if ($type == 'xy' || $type == 'scatter') {
                    $pml = 50;
                    $pmr = 20;
                    $pmt = 60;
                    $pmb = 50;
                    $xaxislblmargin = $pmb - 30;
                    $yaxislblmargin = $pml - 15;
                    $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'line' || $type == 'bar') {
                        $pml = 50;
                        $pmr = 20;
                        $pmt = 60;
                        $pmb = 50;
                        $xlangle = 0;
                        $ll = $longestlegend * 5;
                        // 45 degrees 8pt fontsize
                        if ($ll > 5 || $ll > 3 && count($data) > 10) {
                            $pmb = max($pmb, $ll + 30);
                            $xlangle = 50;
                        $xaxislblmargin = $pmb - 30;
                        $yaxislblmargin = $pml - 15;
                        if ($longestlabel && !$overlap) {
                            // if legend showing
                            $pmr = $longestlabel * 5 + 40;
                        $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
                    } else {
                        if ($type == 'horiz_bar') {
                            $pml = 50;
                            $pmr = 20;
                            $pmt = 50;
                            $pmb = 45;
                            $ll = $longestlegend * 6.5;
                            // 8pt fontsize
                            $pml = max($pml, $ll + 20);
                            $xaxislblmargin = $pml - 20;
                            $yaxislblmargin = $pmb - 15;
                            if ($longestlabel && !$overlap) {
                                // if legend showing
                                $pmr = $longestlabel * 5 + 40;
                            $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.1, 'right', 'top');
        // DRAW THE GRAPHS
        if ($type == 'pie') {
            $p1 = new PiePlot($data[0]);
            if ($show_values) {
                $p1->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                if ($percent) {
                } else {
                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                } else {
                // Enable and set policy for guide-lines. Make labels line up vertically
            } else {
            $p1->SetCenter($pposx, $pposy);
            if ($labels[0]) {
                $graph->subtitle->SetMargin(10 * $k);
                $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
        } else {
            if ($type == 'pie3d') {
                $p1 = new PiePlot3d($data[0]);
                if ($show_values) {
                    $p1->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                    if ($percent) {
                    } else {
                    if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                $p1->SetCenter($pposx, $pposy);
                if ($labels[0]) {
                    $graph->subtitle->SetMargin(10 * $k);
                    $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_BOLD, 11 * $k);
            } else {
                if ($type == 'radar') {
                    $graph->SetPos($pposx, $pposy);
                    // labels each axis
                    $graph->axis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->title->SetMargin(5 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->SetWeight(1 * $k);
                    $graph->axis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 6 * $k);
                    $group = array();
                    foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                        $rdata = array();
                        foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                            $rdata[] = $row;
                        if (count($rdata) < 3) {
                            die("ERROR::Graph::Cannot create a Radar Plot with less than 3 data points.");
                        // Create the radar plot
                        $bplot = new RadarPlot($rdata);
                        $bplot->mark->SetWidth(3 * $k);
                        if ($series == 0) {
                        } else {
                        $bplot->SetLineWeight(1 * $k);
                        if ($bandw) {
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'line') {
                        // Setup the graph.
                        $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                        // LRTB
                        $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                        if ($ylabel) {
                            $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                            $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                        $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                        if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                        // Percent
                        // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                        if ($hide_y_axis) {
                        if ($hide_grid) {
                        // Setup X-axis labels
                        $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                        $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                        // X-axis title
                        if ($xlabel) {
                            $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                            $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                        foreach ($data as $series => $rdata) {
                            $bplot = new LinePlot($rdata);
                            $bplot->mark->SetWidth(4 * $k);
                            if ($show_values) {
                                // Not if scatter
                                $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                } else {
                            // Set color for each line
                            $bplot->SetWeight(2 * $k);
                            if ($bandw) {
                            // Indent the X-scale so the first and last point doesn't fall on the edges
                    } else {
                        if ($type == 'xy' || $type == 'scatter') {
                            // Setup the graph.
                            $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                            // LRTB
                            // Setup font for axis
                            $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            // Y-axis title
                            if ($labels[1]) {
                                $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($labels[1], 'middle');
                            $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                            if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                            // Percent
                            // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                            // Just let the maximum be autoscaled
                            if ($hide_y_axis) {
                            if ($hide_grid) {
                            // Setup X-axis labels
                            $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                            // mPDF 2.5 Corrects labelling of x-axis
                            //			$graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($legends);
                            $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                            // X-axis title
                            if ($labels[0]) {
                                $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($labels[0], 'middle');
                            // Create the bar plot
                            // SPLINES
                            if ($splines && $type == 'xy') {
                                $spline = new Spline($data[0], $data[1]);
                                list($newx, $newy) = $spline->Get(100);
                            } else {
                                $newx = $data[0];
                                $newy = $data[1];
                            if ($type == 'xy') {
                                // LINE PLOT
                                $bplot = new LinePlot($newy, $newx);
                                // Set color for each line
                                $bplot->SetWeight(4 * $k);
                                if ($bandw) {
                            // SCATTER PLOT
                            $cplot = new ScatterPlot($data[1], $data[0]);
                            $cplot->mark->SetWidth(8 * $k);
                            if ($show_values) {
                                // mPDF 2.5
                                if ($type == 'xy') {
                                // Not if scatter
                                $cplot->value->SetMargin(8 * $k);
                                $cplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 6 * $k);
                                if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                } else {
                            // Set color for each line
                            $cplot->SetWeight(4 * $k);
                            if ($bandw) {
                        } else {
                            if ($type == 'bar') {
                                // Setup the graph.
                                $graph->img->SetMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                                // LRTB
                                // Setup y-axis
                                $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                if ($hide_y_axis) {
                                if ($hide_grid) {
                                $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                if ($ylabel) {
                                    $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                                // Setup X-axis labels
                                $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                // X-axis title
                                if ($xlabel) {
                                    $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                $group = array();
                                foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                                    $rdata = array();
                                    foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                                        $rdata[] = $row;
                                    // Create the bar plot
                                    $bplot = new BarPlot($rdata);
                                    // for SINGLE??
                                    // Setup color for gradient fill style
                                    if ($bandw) {
                                    } else {
                                        $bplot->SetFillGradient($fills[$series], "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
                                    // Set color for the frame of each bar
                                    if ($bandw) {
                                    if ($show_values) {
                                        $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                        $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                        } else {
                                    $group[] = $bplot;
                                if (count($data) == 1) {
                                } else {
                                    // Create the grouped bar plot
                                    if ($stacked) {
                                        $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($group);
                                    } else {
                                        $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($group);
                            } else {
                                if ($type == 'horiz_bar') {
                                    $graph->Set90AndMargin($pml * $k, $pmr * $k, $pmt * $k, $pmb * $k);
                                    // LRTB
                                    // Setup y-axis
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                    // Intersect at top of x-axis i.e. y axis is at bottom
                                    // First make the labels look right
                                    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'top');
                                    if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                    // sets 10% headroom
                                    if ($hide_y_axis) {
                                    if ($hide_grid) {
                                    // The fix the tick marks
                                    if ($ylabel) {
                                        $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        $graph->yaxis->SetTitle($ylabel, 'middle');
                                        $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin($yaxislblmargin * $k);
                                        // Finally setup the title
                                        // To align the title to the right use :
                                    // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
                                    // Setup X-axis labels
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                    $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(4 * $k);
                                    // X-axis title
                                    if ($xlabel) {
                                        $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                        $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin($xaxislblmargin * $k);
                                        $graph->xaxis->SetTitle($xlabel, 'middle');
                                    $group = array();
                                    foreach ($data as $series => $dat) {
                                        $rdata = array();
                                        foreach ($data[$series] as $row) {
                                            $rdata[] = $row;
                                        // Create the bar pot
                                        $bplot = new BarPlot($rdata);
                                        // for SINGLE??
                                        // Setup color for gradient fill style
                                        if ($bandw) {
                                        } else {
                                            $bplot->SetFillGradient($fills[$series], "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
                                        // Set color for the frame of each bar
                                        if ($bandw) {
                                        if ($show_values) {
                                            $bplot->value->SetMargin(6 * $k);
                                            $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_USERFONT, FS_NORMAL, 8 * $k);
                                            if ($percent || $show_percent) {
                                            } else {
                                        $group[] = $bplot;
                                    if (count($data) == 1) {
                                    } else {
                                        // Create the grouped bar plot
                                        if ($stacked) {
                                            $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($group);
                                        } else {
                                            $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($group);
        if ($graph) {
            $graph->Stroke(_MPDF_PATH . $figure_file);
            $srcpath = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)) . "/";
            $srcpath .= $figure_file;
            return array('file' => $srcpath, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h);
    return false;
$datax = $title;
$datay = $count;
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto', 10, true);
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 35, 75);
// Set up the title for the graph
$graph->title->Set("Bar gradient with left reflection");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
// Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
// Setup X-axis labels
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy:0.9", "navy:1.85", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
$datay = array(0.3031, 0.3044, 0.3049, 0.304, 0.3024, 0.3047);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 200, "auto");
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 30, 30, 40);
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// This is how you make the bar graph start from something other than 0
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$tcol = array(100, 100, 255);
$fcol = array(255, 100, 100);
$bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_VERT);
// Set up the title for the graph
//$graph->title->Set("Bargraph which doesn't start from y=0");
// Setup color for axis and labels
$graph->xaxis->SetColor("black", "white");
$graph->yaxis->SetColor("black", "white");
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Setup X-axis title (color & font)
 * Un tableau contenant les moyennes des eleves pour chaque sequences
 * @param type $moyennes = array()
function genererCourbe($moyennes, $rang, $codeperiode = "S")
    try {
        # Donnees de la courbe
        $ydata = $moyennes;
        $ydata2 = $moyennes;
        /* for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
           $r = rand(0, 20);
           $ydata[] = $r;
           $ydata2[] = $r;
           } */
        /** Definition des label de l'axe x */
        if ($codeperiode === "T") {
            $datax = array("TRIM1", "TRIM2", "TRIM3");
        } else {
            $datax = array("seq 1", "seq 2", "seq 3", "seq 4", "seq 5", "seq 6");
        # Creation du graph
        $graph = new Graph(350, 250, 'auto');
        # Definir le max et le min des valeur X
        $graph->SetScale('textlin', 0, 20);
        $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 12);
        $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 12);
        if ($codeperiode === "T") {
            $graph->xaxis->SetTitle("Trimestres", "middle");
        } else {
            $graph->xaxis->SetTitle("Séquences", "middle");
        $graph->SetBackgroundGradient('white', 'lightblue', GRAD_HOR, BGRAD_PLOT);
        # Adjuster les margins (left, right, top, bottom)
        $graph->SetMargin(40, 5, 21, 45);
        # Box autour du plotarea
        # Un cadre ou frame autour de l'image
        # Definir le titre tabulaire
        $graph->tabtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 8);
        # Definir le titre du graphe
        $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 8);
        if (count($ydata) > 1) {
            $prev = $ydata[count($ydata) - 2];
            if ($prev < $ydata[count($ydata) - 1]) {
                $graph->title->Set("Performance en hausse");
            } elseif ($prev == $ydata[count($ydata) - 1]) {
                $graph->title->Set("Performance constante");
            } else {
                $graph->title->Set("Performance en baisse");
        # Definir les grid X et Y
        $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#BBBBBB@0.9', '#FFFFFF@0.9');
        $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        # Creation d'une bar pot
        $bplot = new BarPlot($ydata);
        $fcol = '#440000';
        $tcol = '#FF9090';
        $bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
        # Set line weigth to 0 so that there are no border around each bar
        # Create filled line plot
        $lplot = new LinePlot($ydata2);
        # Afficher les moyenne au dessus des barres
        $accbarplot = new AccBarPlot(array($bplot));
        # Definir un fond d'ecran pour l'image
        $background = SITE_ROOT . "public/photos/eleves/" . $rang['PHOTOEL'];
        if (!empty($rang['PHOTOEL']) && file_exists(ROOT . DS . "public" . DS . "photos" . DS . "eleves" . DS . $rang['PHOTOEL'])) {
            $graph->SetBackgroundImage($background, BGIMG_FILLPLOT);
            # $icon = new IconPlot($background, 25, 25, 0.8, 50);
        } else {
            //$graph->SetBackgroundImage(SITE_ROOT . "public/img/". LOGO, BGIMG_FILLPLOT);
            # $icon = new IconPlot(SITE_ROOT . "public/img/ipw.png", 25, 25, 0.8, 50);
        # $icon->SetAnchor('right', 'bottom');
        // Display the graph
        $filename = ROOT . DS . "public" . DS . "tmp" . DS . $rang['IDELEVE'] . ".png";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
        //echo "<img src='" . SITE_ROOT . "public/tmp/emp.png' />";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
// Balken- und Liniendiagramme hinzufügen
// Überschrift und Achsenbeschriftung definieren
$graph->title->Set('Flugstunden und -bewegung(en) im Segelflug');
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 11);
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$bplot_neu->SetFillGradient('#61a9f3', '#c0c0ff', GRAD_HOR);
$bplot_neu->SetLegend(sprintf('Flugstunden %d', date('Y')));
$bplot_alt->SetFillGradient('orange', '#ffff00', GRAD_HOR);
$bplot_alt->SetLegend(sprintf('Flugstunden %d', date('Y') - 1));
// Liniendiagramm definieren für Anzahl der Landungen im aktuellen Jahr
$lplot_neu->SetLegend(sprintf('Flugbewegung(en) %d', date('Y')));
$lplot_neu->mark->SetType(MARK_UTRIANGLE, '', 1.0);
// Liniendiagramm definieren für Anzahl der Landungen im Vorjahr
 * Show Horizontal Bar graph
function ShowHBar(&$legend, &$value)
    $height = 50 + count($value) * 18;
    $width = 500;
    // Set the basic parameters of the graph
    $graph = new Graph($width, $height, 'auto');
    $top = 30;
    $bottom = 20;
    $left = 100;
    $right = 50;
    $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
    // Label align for X-axis
    $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
    // Label align for Y-axis
    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
    // Create a bar pot
    $bplot = new BarPlot($value);
    // We want to display the value of each bar at the top
    $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
    $bplot->value->SetFormat('%.d votes');
    // Setup color for gradient fill style
    $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_MIDVER);
     $color2 = '';
     for ($x = 1; $x < 6; $x += 2) {
         $dec = hexdec($color[$x] . $color[$x + 1]);
         if ($dec + $degree < 256) {
             if ($dec + $degree > -1) {
                 $dec += $degree;
             } else {
                 $dec = 0;
         } else {
             $dec = 255;
         $color2 .= dechex($dec);
     $color2 = "#{$color2}";
     $plot->SetFillGradient($color, $color2, $options['graph_gradient']);
 if (!empty($options['graph_show_values'])) {
     if (!isset($plot->value) || !method_exists($plot->value, 'show')) {
         mydie("This JPGraph version does not support 'Show values'");
 if ($options['graph_plotshadow']) {
 //$graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(5); //show 5% more values than max
 //$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(40); // only with TTF fonts

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once '../jpgraph.php';
require_once '../jpgraph_bar.php';
$datay1 = array(13, 8, 19, 7, 17, 6);
$datay2 = array(4, 5, 2, 7, 5, 25);
// Create the graph.
$graph = new Graph(350, 250);
// Setup title
$graph->title->Set('Acc bar with gradient');
// Create the first bar
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay1);
$bplot->SetFillGradient('AntiqueWhite2', 'AntiqueWhite4:0.8', GRAD_VERT);
// Create the second bar
$bplot2 = new BarPlot($datay2);
$bplot2->SetFillGradient('olivedrab1', 'olivedrab4', GRAD_VERT);
// And join them in an accumulated bar
$accbplot = new AccBarPlot(array($bplot, $bplot2));

include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_bar.php";
// We need some data
$datay = array(4, 8, 6);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(200, 150, "auto");
$graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25);
// Setup font for axis
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient('navy', 'orange', GRAD_RAISED_PANEL);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
// We need some data
$datay = array(4, 8, 6);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(200, 150);
$graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25);
// Setup font for axis
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_CENTER);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
// We need some data
$datay = array(130, 250, 210, 350, 310, 660, 130, 250, 210, 350, 310, 660);
$datax = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Septr", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 200, "auto");
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 30, 50);
// Set up the title for the graph
$graph->title->Set("Bar gradient (Left reflection)");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 12);
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
// Setup X-axis labels
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("#FF7315", "#00BF00", GRAD_HOR);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
 $graph = new Graph(500, 250, 'auto');
 $graph->img->SetMargin(30, 15, 15, 30);
 if (count($mediciones) === 1) {
 } else {
     $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('1', '2', '3'));
 if (count($mediciones) === 1) {
     $datay1 = array($datay1[0]);
 $bplot1 = new BarPlot($datay1);
 // Setup color for gradient fill style
 $bplot1->SetFillGradient("dodgerblue4", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_HOR);
 // Set color for the frame of each bar
 if (count($mediciones) === 1) {
     $datay2 = array($datay2[0]);
 $p1 = new LinePlot($datay2);
 $nombreImagen = '' . uniqid() . '.png';

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php";
// We need some data
$datay = array(4, 8, 6);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(200, 150);
$graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25);
// Setup font for axis
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_WIDE_MIDVER);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
$graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#DDDDDD@0.5', '#BBBBBB@0.5');
// Setup month as labels on the X-axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
// Create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($ydata);
$fcol = '#440000';
$tcol = '#FF9090';
$bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
// Set line weigth to 0 so that there are no border
// around each bar
// Create filled line plot
$lplot = new LinePlot($ydata2);
// .. and finally send it back to the browser
// Some extra margin looks nicer
// Label align for X-axis
$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center');
// Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go
// all the way to the end of the plot area
// We don't want to display Y-axis
// Now create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
//You can change the width of the bars if you like
// Set gradient fill for bars
$bplot->SetFillGradient('darkred', 'yellow', GRAD_HOR);
// We want to display the value of each bar at the top
$bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
// Add the bar to the graph
// Add some explanation text
$txt = new Text('Note: Higher value is better.');
$txt->SetPos(190, 399, 'center', 'bottom');
$txt->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
// .. and stroke the graph
$datay = array(0.3031, 0.3044, 0.3049, 0.304, 0.3024, 0.3047);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 200);
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 30, 30, 40);
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// This is how you make the bar graph start from something other than 0
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$tcol = array(100, 100, 255);
$fcol = array(255, 100, 100);
$bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_HOR);
// Set up the title for the graph
$graph->title->Set("Bargraph which doesn't start from y=0");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 12);
// Setup color for axis and labels
$graph->xaxis->SetColor("black", "white");
$graph->yaxis->SetColor("black", "white");
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Setup X-axis title (color & font)

include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_bar.php";
// We need some data
$datay = array(4, 8, 6);
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(200, 150, "auto");
$graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25);
// Setup font for axis
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_MIDHOR);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
$datax[] = $_REQUEST["actual"];
$datay[] = "Prima Actual";
$datax[] = $_REQUEST["provart"];
$datay[] = "Prima Provincia ART";
$graph = new Graph(400, 256, "auto");
$graph->SetScale("textlin", $min, $max);
$graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 20, 40);
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign("center", "bottom");
if ($leyenda) {
    $txt = new Text(" (En miles)");
$bplot = new BarPlot($datax);
$bplot->SetFillGradient("#00a4e4", "#00a4e4", GRAD_VER);
$bplot->SetShadow("black", 8, 4);
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
$graph->Stroke(GRAFICO_CARTA_COTIZACION . $_REQUEST["archivo"]);
    //agregamos los datos al array
    $datos[] = $row['cantidad'];
    $labels[] = $row['alias'];
$grafico = new Graph(1140, 400, 'auto');
$grafico->title->Set("GRAFICO ESTADISTICO DE AREAS");
$grafico->yaxis->title->set("CANTIDAD DE ATENCIONES");
$barplot1 = new BarPlot($datos);
$barplot1->SetFillGradient("#BE81F7", "#E3CEF6", GRAD_HOR);

// We need some data
$datay = array(0.13, 0.25, 0.21, 0.35, 0.31, 0.06);
$datax = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June");
// Setup the graph.
$graph = new Graph(400, 200, "auto");
$graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 30, 50);
// Set up the title for the graph
$graph->title->Set("Bar gradient (Left reflection)");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 12);
// Setup font for axis
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10);
// Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show)
// Setup X-axis labels
// Create the bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Setup color for gradient fill style
$bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "#EEEEEE", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
// Legend
$graph->legend->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 7);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.02, "right", "top");
// Create the bar pot
$colors = array("#aa5500", "#55aa00", "#0055aa", "#aa0055", "#5500aa", "#00aa55", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ffff00", "#ff00ff", "#00ffff");
$listPlots = array();
foreach ($opbysalle as $key => $value) {
    $bplot = new BarPlot($value["sejour"]);
    $from = $colors[$key];
    $to = "#EEEEEE";
    $bplot->SetFillGradient($from, $to, GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
    $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
    $listPlots[] = $bplot;
$gbplot = new AccBarPlot($listPlots);
// Set color for the frame of each bar
// Finally send the graph to the browser
 public function drawGraph()
     // generate graphic
     $graph = new Graph($this->width, $this->height, "auto");
     // add shadow
     // change border
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 20, 40);
     $graph->legend->Pos(0.05, 0.05, "right", "top");
     // generate bars
     $bplot = new BarPlot(array_values($this->dataPdf));
     $bplot2 = new BarPlot(array_values($this->dataFrontdoor));
     $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($bplot, $bplot2));
     // format bars
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("orange", "yellow", GRAD_HOR);
     $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $bplot->value->SetColor("darkblue", "darkred");
     $bplot2->SetFillGradient("blue", "lightblue", GRAD_HOR);
     $bplot2->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $bplot2->value->SetColor("darkgreen", "darkred");
     // format graphic
     $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     // show graphic