$moduleInfo = get_module_info($module_id); $typeReq = $moduleInfo['type']; $dialogBox->success(get_lang('Module installation succeeded')); } else { $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed'); $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details)); } } else { $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed'); $details = get_lang('Module directory not found'); $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details)); } } else { $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed'); $details = get_lang('Missing module directory'); $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details)); } } if (empty($typeReq) && $module_id) { $moduleInfo = get_module_info($module_id); $typeReq = $moduleInfo['type']; } //---------------------------------- // FIND INFORMATION //---------------------------------- // $moduleTypeList = claro_get_module_types(); // $moduleTypeList = array_merge($moduleTypeList, array_keys($typeLabel)); switch ($typeReq) { case 'applet': $sqlSelectType = " D.`id` AS dock_id, " . "\n" . " D.`name` AS dockname," . "\n"; $sqlJoinType = " LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_dock . "` AS D " . "\n" . " ON D.`module_id`= M.id " . "\n";
/** * Get (and not display !) the debug banner html code * @return string */ function claro_disp_debug_banner() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/backlog.class.php'; $html = ''; $claroMsgList = getClaroMessageList(); if (is_array($claroMsgList) && count($claroMsgList) > 0) { $claroMsgCount = 0; $html .= '<div class="debugBar">' . "\n" . get_lang('Debug') . "\n"; $html .= get_lang('Messages') . ' : '; foreach ($claroMsgList as $bloc => $msgList) { $html .= Backlog_Reporter::report($bloc . ' : ' . count($msgList), claro_html_msg_list($msgList), '+', true); $claroMsgCount += count($msgList); $html .= ' | '; } $html .= get_lang('%nb message(s)', array('%nb' => $claroMsgCount)); $html .= '<div class="spacer"></div>' . "\n\n" . '</div>' . "\n" . '<!-- end of debugBanner -->' . "\n\n"; } return $html; }