  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // redefine fields
         $fileFile = $this->frm->getField('file');
         $chkOverwrite = $this->frm->getField('overwrite');
         // name checks
         if ($fileFile->isFilled(BL::err('FieldIsRequired'))) {
             // only xml files allowed
             if ($fileFile->isAllowedExtension(array('xml'), sprintf(BL::getError('ExtensionNotAllowed'), 'xml'))) {
                 // load xml
                 $xml = @simplexml_load_file($fileFile->getTempFileName());
                 // invalid xml
                 if ($xml === false) {
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // import
             $statistics = BackendLocaleModel::importXML($xml, $chkOverwrite->getValue());
             // trigger event
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_import', array('statistics' => $statistics));
             // everything is imported, so redirect to the overview
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&report=imported&var=' . ($statistics['imported'] . '/' . $statistics['total']) . $this->filterQuery);
  * Execute the action
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files
     // user is god?
     $isGod = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->isGod();
     // get possible languages
     if ($isGod) {
         $possibleLanguages = array_unique(array_merge(BL::getWorkingLanguages(), BL::getInterfaceLanguages()));
     } else {
         $possibleLanguages = BL::getWorkingLanguages();
     // get parameters
     $language = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('language', array_keys($possibleLanguages), null, 'string');
     $module = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('module', BackendModel::getModules(false), null, 'string');
     $name = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('name', null, null, 'string');
     $type = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('type', BackendModel::getDB()->getEnumValues('locale', 'type'), null, 'string');
     $application = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('application', array('backend', 'frontend'), null, 'string');
     $value = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('value', null, null, 'string');
     // validate values
     if (trim($value) == '' || $language == '' || $module == '' || $type == '' || $application == '' || $application == 'frontend' && $module != 'core') {
         $error = BL::err('InvalidValue');
     // in case this is a 'act' type, there are special rules concerning possible values
     if ($type == 'act' && !isset($error)) {
         if (!SpoonFilter::isValidAgainstRegexp('|^([a-z0-9\\-\\_])+$|', $value)) {
             $error = BL::err('InvalidActionValue', $this->getModule());
     // no error?
     if (!isset($error)) {
         // build item
         $item['language'] = $language;
         $item['module'] = $module;
         $item['name'] = $name;
         $item['type'] = $type;
         $item['application'] = $application;
         $item['value'] = $value;
         $item['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
         $item['user_id'] = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getUserId();
         // does the translation exist?
         if (BackendLocaleModel::existsByName($name, $type, $module, $language, $application)) {
             // add the id to the item
             $item['id'] = (int) BackendLocaleModel::getByName($name, $type, $module, $language, $application);
             // update in db
         } else {
             // insert in db
         // output OK
     } else {
         $this->output(self::ERROR, null, $error);
  * Sets the filter based on the $_GET array.
 private function setFilter()
     $this->filter['language'] = $this->getParameter('language', 'array') != '' ? $this->getParameter('language', 'array') : BL::getWorkingLanguage();
     $this->filter['application'] = $this->getParameter('application');
     $this->filter['module'] = $this->getParameter('module');
     $this->filter['type'] = $this->getParameter('type', 'array');
     $this->filter['name'] = $this->getParameter('name');
     $this->filter['value'] = $this->getParameter('value');
     $this->filterQuery = BackendLocaleModel::buildURLQueryByFilter($this->filter);
  * Sets the filter based on the $_GET array.
 private function setFilter()
     // if no language is selected, set the working language as the selected
     if ($this->getParameter('language', 'array') == null) {
         $_GET['language'] = array(BL::getWorkingLanguage());
         $this->parameters['language'] = array(BL::getWorkingLanguage());
     // if no type is selected, set labels as the selected type
     if ($this->getParameter('type', 'array') == null) {
         $_GET['type'] = array('lbl');
         $this->parameters['type'] = array('lbl', 'act', 'err', 'msg');
     // set filter
     $this->filter['application'] = $this->getParameter('application') == null ? 'frontend' : $this->getParameter('application');
     $this->filter['module'] = $this->getParameter('module', 'string', null);
     $this->filter['type'] = $this->getParameter('type', 'array');
     $this->filter['language'] = $this->getParameter('language', 'array');
     $this->filter['name'] = $this->getParameter('name') == null ? '' : $this->getParameter('name');
     $this->filter['value'] = $this->getParameter('value') == null ? '' : $this->getParameter('value');
     // build query for filter
     $this->filterQuery = BackendLocaleModel::buildURLQueryByFilter($this->filter);
  * Create the XML based on the locale items.
  * @return	void
 private function createXML()
     // create XML
     $xmlOutput = BackendLocaleModel::createXMLForExport($this->locale);
     // xml headers
     $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="locale_' . BackendModel::getUTCDate('d-m-Y') . '.xml"';
     $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8';
     $headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($xmlOutput);
     // set headers
     // output XML
     echo $xmlOutput;
     // stop script
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // redefine fields
         $txtName = $this->frm->getField('name');
         $txtValue = $this->frm->getField('value');
         // name checks
         if ($txtName->isFilled(BL::err('FieldIsRequired'))) {
             // allowed regex (a-z and 0-9)
             if ($txtName->isValidAgainstRegexp('|^([a-z0-9])+$|i', BL::err('InvalidName'))) {
                 // first letter does not seem to be a capital one
                 if (!in_array(substr($txtName->getValue(), 0, 1), range('A', 'Z'))) {
                 } else {
                     // this name already exists in this language
                     if (BackendLocaleModel::existsByName($txtName->getValue(), $this->frm->getField('type')->getValue(), $this->frm->getField('module')->getValue(), $this->frm->getField('language')->getValue(), $this->frm->getField('application')->getValue())) {
         // value checks
         if ($txtValue->isFilled(BL::err('FieldIsRequired'))) {
             // in case this is a 'act' type, there are special rules concerning possible values
             if ($this->frm->getField('type')->getValue() == 'act') {
                 if (urlencode($txtValue->getValue()) != SpoonFilter::urlise($txtValue->getValue())) {
         // module should be 'core' for any other application than backend
         if ($this->frm->getField('application')->getValue() != 'backend' && $this->frm->getField('module')->getValue() != 'core') {
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // build item
             $item['user_id'] = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getUserId();
             $item['language'] = $this->frm->getField('language')->getValue();
             $item['application'] = $this->frm->getField('application')->getValue();
             $item['module'] = $this->frm->getField('module')->getValue();
             $item['type'] = $this->frm->getField('type')->getValue();
             $item['name'] = $this->frm->getField('name')->getValue();
             $item['value'] = $this->frm->getField('value')->getValue();
             $item['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             // update item
             $item['id'] = BackendLocaleModel::insert($item);
             // trigger event
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_add', array('item' => $item));
             // everything is saved, so redirect to the overview
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index', null, null, null) . '&report=added&var=' . urlencode($item['name']) . '&highlight=row-' . $item['id'] . $this->filterQuery);
  * Build items array and group all items by application, module, type and name.
  * @return	void
 private function setItems()
     // init
     $this->locale = array();
     // get items
     $frontend = BackendLocaleModel::getNonExistingFrontendLocale($this->filter['language']);
     // group by application, module, type and name
     foreach ($frontend as $item) {
         $item['value'] = null;
         $this->locale[$item['application']][$item['module']][$item['type']][$item['name']][] = $item;
     // no need to keep this around
     // get items
     $backend = BackendLocaleModel::getNonExistingBackendLocale($this->filter['language']);
     // group by application, module, type and name
     foreach ($backend as $item) {
         $item['value'] = null;
         $this->locale[$item['application']][$item['module']][$item['type']][$item['name']][] = $item;
     // no need to keep this around
  * Set locale
  * It will require the correct file and init the needed vars
  * @param string $language The language to load.
 public static function setLocale($language)
     $language = (string) $language;
     // require the BackendLocaleModel
     require_once BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/locale/engine/model.php';
     // validate file, generate it if needed
     if (!SpoonFile::exists(BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/en.php')) {
         BackendLocaleModel::buildCache('en', APPLICATION);
     if (!SpoonFile::exists(BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/' . $language . '.php')) {
         BackendLocaleModel::buildCache($language, APPLICATION);
     // store
     self::$currentInterfaceLanguage = $language;
     // attempt to set a cookie
     try {
         // store in cookie
         CommonCookie::set('interface_language', $language);
     } catch (SpoonCookieException $e) {
         // settings cookies isn't allowed, because this isn't a real problem we ignore the exception
     // init vars
     $err = array();
     $lbl = array();
     $msg = array();
     // set English translations, they'll be the fallback
     require BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/en.php';
     self::$err = (array) $err;
     self::$lbl = (array) $lbl;
     self::$msg = (array) $msg;
     // overwrite with the requested language's translations
     require BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/' . $language . '.php';
     foreach ($err as $module => $translations) {
         if (!isset(self::$err[$module])) {
             self::$err[$module] = array();
         self::$err[$module] = array_merge(self::$err[$module], $translations);
     foreach ($lbl as $module => $translations) {
         if (!isset(self::$lbl[$module])) {
             self::$lbl[$module] = array();
         self::$lbl[$module] = array_merge(self::$lbl[$module], $translations);
     foreach ($msg as $module => $translations) {
         if (!isset(self::$msg[$module])) {
             self::$msg[$module] = array();
         self::$msg[$module] = array_merge(self::$msg[$module], $translations);
  * Create an XML-string that can be used for export.
  * @param array $items The items.
  * @return string
 public static function createXMLForExport(array $items)
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', SPOON_CHARSET);
     // set some properties
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     // locale root element
     $root = $xml->createElement('locale');
     // loop applications
     foreach ($items as $application => $modules) {
         // create application element
         $applicationElement = $xml->createElement($application);
         // loop modules
         foreach ($modules as $module => $types) {
             // create application element
             $moduleElement = $xml->createElement($module);
             // loop types
             foreach ($types as $type => $items) {
                 // loop items
                 foreach ($items as $name => $translations) {
                     // create application element
                     $itemElement = $xml->createElement('item');
                     // attributes
                     $itemElement->setAttribute('type', BackendLocaleModel::getTypeName($type));
                     $itemElement->setAttribute('name', $name);
                     // loop translations
                     foreach ($translations as $translation) {
                         // create translation
                         $translationElement = $xml->createElement('translation');
                         // attributes
                         $translationElement->setAttribute('language', $translation['language']);
                         // set content
                         $translationElement->appendChild(new DOMCdataSection($translation['value']));
     return $xml->saveXML();
  * Imports the locale XML file
  * @param string $filename The full path for the XML-file.
  * @param bool[optional] $overwriteConflicts Should we overwrite when there is a conflict?
 protected function importLocale($filename, $overwriteConflicts = false)
     $filename = (string) $filename;
     $overwriteConflicts = (bool) $overwriteConflicts;
     // load the file content and execute it
     $content = trim(SpoonFile::getContent($filename));
     // file actually has content
     if (!empty($content)) {
         // load xml
         $xml = @simplexml_load_file($filename);
         // import if it's valid xml
         if ($xml !== false) {
             // import locale
             require_once BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/locale/engine/model.php';
             BackendLocaleModel::importXML($xml, $overwriteConflicts, $this->getLanguages(), $this->getInterfaceLanguages(), $this->getDefaultUserID(), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
  * Load the datagrids
 private function loadDataGrids()
      * Frontend datagrid
     $this->dgFrontend = new BackendDataGridArray(BackendLocaleModel::getNonExistingFrontendLocale(BL::getWorkingLanguage()));
     // overrule default URL
     $this->dgFrontend->setURL(BackendModel::createURLForAction(null, null, null, array('offset' => '[offset]', 'order' => '[order]', 'sort' => '[sort]'), false));
     // sorting columns
     $this->dgFrontend->setSortingColumns(array('language', 'application', 'module', 'type', 'name'), 'name');
     // check if this action is allowed
     if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction('add')) {
         // set colum URLs
         $this->dgFrontend->setColumnURL('name', BackendModel::createURLForAction('add') . '&language=[language]&application=[application]&module=[module]&type=[type]&name=[name]');
     // set column functions
     $this->dgFrontend->setColumnFunction(array(__CLASS__, 'formatFilesList'), '[used_in]', 'used_in', true);
     // check if this action is allowed
     if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction('save_translation')) {
         // add columns
         $this->dgFrontend->addColumn('translation', null, null, null, BL::lbl('Add'));
         // add a class for the inline edit
         $this->dgFrontend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('class' => 'translationValue'));
         // add attributes, so the inline editing has all the needed data
         $this->dgFrontend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('data-id' => '{language: \'[language]\', application: \'[application]\', module: \'[module]\', name: \'[name]\', type: \'[type]\'}'));
         $this->dgFrontend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('style' => 'width: 150px'));
     // disable paging
      * Backend datagrid
     $this->dgBackend = new BackendDataGridArray(BackendLocaleModel::getNonExistingBackendLocale(BL::getWorkingLanguage()));
     // overrule default URL
     $this->dgBackend->setURL(BackendModel::createURLForAction(null, null, null, array('offset' => '[offset]', 'order' => '[order]', 'sort' => '[sort]'), false));
     // sorting columns
     $this->dgBackend->setSortingColumns(array('language', 'application', 'module', 'type', 'name'), 'name');
     // check if this action is allowed
     if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction('add')) {
         // set column URLs
         $this->dgBackend->setColumnURL('name', BackendModel::createURLForAction('add') . '&language=[language]&application=[application]&module=[module]&type=[type]&name=[name]');
     // set column functions
     $this->dgBackend->setColumnFunction(array(__CLASS__, 'formatFilesList'), '[used_in]', 'used_in', true);
     // check if this action is allowed
     if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction('save_translation')) {
         // add columns
         $this->dgBackend->addColumn('translation', null, null, null, BL::lbl('Add'));
         // add a class for the inline edit
         $this->dgBackend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('class' => 'translationValue'));
         // add attributes, so the inline editing has all the needed data
         $this->dgBackend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('data-id' => '{language: \'[language]\', application: \'[application]\', module: \'[module]\', name: \'[name]\', type: \'[type]\'}'));
         $this->dgBackend->setColumnAttributes('translation', array('style' => 'width: 150px'));
     // disable paging
  * Set locale
  * It will require the correct file and init the needed vars
  * @return	void
  * @param	string $language		The language to load.
 public static function setLocale($language)
     // redefine
     $language = (string) $language;
     // check if file exists
     if (!SpoonFile::exists(BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/' . $language . '.php')) {
         // require the BackendLocaleModel
         require_once BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/locale/engine/model.php';
         // build locale file
         BackendLocaleModel::buildCache($language, APPLICATION);
     // store
     self::$currentInterfaceLanguage = $language;
     // attempt to set a cookie
     try {
         // store in cookie
         SpoonCookie::set('interface_language', $language);
     } catch (SpoonCookieException $e) {
         // settings cookies isn't allowed, because this isn't a real problem we ignore the exception
     // store in session for TinyMCE
     SpoonSession::set('tiny_mce_language', $language);
     SpoonSession::set('interface_language', $language);
     // init vars
     $err = array();
     $lbl = array();
     $msg = array();
     // require file
     require BACKEND_CACHE_PATH . '/locale/' . $language . '.php';
     // set language specific labels
     self::$err = (array) $err;
     self::$lbl = (array) $lbl;
     self::$msg = (array) $msg;