  * Process the XML and treat it as a blogpost
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML to process.
  * @return bool
 private function processXMLAsPost(SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     // init var
     $postID = substr((string) $xml->id, mb_strpos((string) $xml->id, 'post-') + 5);
     // validate
     if ($postID == '') {
         return false;
     if ((string) $xml->title == '') {
         return false;
     // build item
     $item['id'] = (int) BackendBlogModel::getMaximumId() + 1;
     $item['user_id'] = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getUserId();
     $item['hidden'] = 'N';
     $item['allow_comments'] = 'Y';
     $item['num_comments'] = 0;
     $item['status'] = 'active';
     $item['language'] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
     $item['publish_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate(null, strtotime((string) $xml->published));
     $item['created_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate(null, strtotime((string) $xml->published));
     $item['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate(null, strtotime((string) $xml->updated));
     $item['category_id'] = 1;
     $item['title'] = (string) $xml->title;
     $item['text'] = (string) $xml->content;
     // set drafts hidden
     if (strtotime((string) $xml->published) > time()) {
         $item['hidden'] = 'Y';
         $item['status'] = 'draft';
     // build meta
     $meta = array();
     $meta['keywords'] = $item['title'];
     $meta['keywords_overwrite'] = 'N';
     $meta['description'] = $item['title'];
     $meta['description_overwrite'] = 'N';
     $meta['title'] = $item['title'];
     $meta['title_overwrite'] = 'N';
     $meta['url'] = BackendBlogModel::getURL($item['title']);
     $meta['url_overwrite'] = 'N';
     // replace f****d up links
     $item['text'] = preg_replace('|<a(.*)onblur="(.*)"(.*)>|Ui', '<a$1$3>', $item['text']);
     // fix images
     $item['text'] = preg_replace('|<img(.*)border="(.*)"(.*)>|Ui', '<img$1$3>', $item['text']);
     // remove inline styles
     $item['text'] = preg_replace('|<(.*)style="(.*)"(.*)>|Ui', '<$1$3>', $item['text']);
     // whitespace
     $item['text'] = preg_replace('|\\s{2,}|', ' ', $item['text']);
     // cleanup
     $search = array('<br /><br />', '<div><br /></div>', '<div>', '</div>', '<i>', '</i>', '<b>', '</b>', '<p><object', '</object></p>', '<p><p>', '</p></p>', '...');
     $replace = array('</p><p>', '</p><p>', '', '', '<em>', '</em>', '<strong>', '</strong>', '<object', '</object>', '<p>', '</p>', '…');
     // cleanup
     $item['text'] = '<p>' . str_replace($search, $replace, SpoonFilter::htmlentitiesDecode($item['text'])) . '</p>';
     // get images
     $matches = array();
     preg_match_all('/<img.*src="(.*)".*\\/>/Ui', $item['text'], $matches);
     // any images?
     if (isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1])) {
         // init var
         $imagesPath = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/userfiles/images/blog';
         $imagesURL = FRONTEND_FILES_URL . '/userfiles/images/blog';
         // create dir if needed
         if (!SpoonDirectory::exists($imagesPath)) {
         // loop matches
         foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $file) {
             // get file info
             $fileInfo = SpoonFile::getInfo($file);
             // init var
             $destinationFile = $item['id'] . '_' . $fileInfo['basename'];
             try {
                 // download
                 SpoonFile::download($file, $imagesPath . '/' . $destinationFile);
                 // replace the old URL with the new one
                 $item['text'] = str_replace($file, $imagesURL . '/' . $destinationFile, $item['text']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // ignore
     // get links
     $matches = array();
     preg_match_all('/<a.*href="(.*)".*\\/>/Ui', $item['text'], $matches);
     // any images?
     if (isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1])) {
         // loop matches
         foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $file) {
             // get new link
             $replaceWith = self::download($file, $item['id']);
             // should we replace?
             if ($replaceWith !== false) {
                 // replace the old URL with the new one
                 $item['text'] = str_replace($file, $replaceWith, $item['text']);
     // insert meta
     $item['meta_id'] = BackendModel::getDB(true)->insert('meta', $meta);
     // insert
     // store the post
     $this->newIds[$postID] = $item['id'];
     // get tags
     $tags = array();
     // loop categories
     foreach ($xml->category as $category) {
         // is this a tag? if so add it
         if ((string) $category['scheme'] == 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#') {
             $tags[] = (string) $category['term'];
     // any tags?
     if (!empty($tags)) {
         BackendTagsModel::saveTags($item['id'], implode(',', $tags), $this->getModule());
     // return
     return true;
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted?
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get the status
         $status = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('status', array('active', 'draft'), 'active');
         // cleanup the submitted fields, ignore fields that were added by hackers
         // validate fields
         if ($this->frm->getField('category_id')->getValue() == 'new_category') {
         if ($this->imageIsAllowed) {
             // validate the image
             if ($this->frm->getField('image')->isFilled()) {
                 // image extension and mime type
                 $this->frm->getField('image')->isAllowedExtension(array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'), BL::err('JPGGIFAndPNGOnly'));
                 $this->frm->getField('image')->isAllowedMimeType(array('image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'), BL::err('JPGGIFAndPNGOnly'));
         // validate meta
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // build item
             $item['id'] = (int) BackendBlogModel::getMaximumId() + 1;
             $item['meta_id'] = $this->meta->save();
             $item['category_id'] = (int) $this->frm->getField('category_id')->getValue();
             $item['user_id'] = $this->frm->getField('user_id')->getValue();
             $item['language'] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
             $item['title'] = $this->frm->getField('title')->getValue();
             $item['introduction'] = $this->frm->getField('introduction')->getValue();
             $item['text'] = $this->frm->getField('text')->getValue();
             $item['publish_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate(null, BackendModel::getUTCTimestamp($this->frm->getField('publish_on_date'), $this->frm->getField('publish_on_time')));
             $item['created_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             $item['edited_on'] = $item['created_on'];
             $item['hidden'] = $this->frm->getField('hidden')->getValue();
             $item['allow_comments'] = $this->frm->getField('allow_comments')->getChecked() ? 'Y' : 'N';
             $item['num_comments'] = 0;
             $item['status'] = $status;
             if ($this->imageIsAllowed) {
                 // the image path
                 $imagePath = FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/blog/images';
                 // validate the image
                 if ($this->frm->getField('image')->isFilled()) {
                     // build the image name
                     $item['image'] = $this->meta->getURL() . '.' . $this->frm->getField('image')->getExtension();
                     // upload the image
                     $this->frm->getField('image')->moveFile($imagePath . '/source/' . $item['image']);
             // insert the item
             $item['revision_id'] = BackendBlogModel::insert($item);
             // trigger event
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_add', array('item' => $item));
             // save the tags
             BackendTagsModel::saveTags($item['id'], $this->frm->getField('tags')->getValue(), $this->URL->getModule());
             // active
             if ($item['status'] == 'active') {
                 // add search index
                 BackendSearchModel::saveIndex($this->getModule(), $item['id'], array('title' => $item['title'], 'text' => $item['text']));
                 // ping
                 if (BackendModel::getModuleSetting($this->getModule(), 'ping_services', false)) {
                     BackendModel::ping(SITE_URL . BackendModel::getURLForBlock('blog', 'detail') . '/' . $this->meta->getURL());
                 // everything is saved, so redirect to the overview
                 $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('index') . '&report=added&var=' . urlencode($item['title']) . '&highlight=row-' . $item['revision_id']);
             } elseif ($item['status'] == 'draft') {
                 // everything is saved, so redirect to the edit action
                 $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('edit') . '&report=saved-as-draft&var=' . urlencode($item['title']) . '&id=' . $item['id'] . '&draft=' . $item['revision_id'] . '&highlight=row-' . $item['revision_id']);