/** * sendCustomerNotification() method send an-mail when the account is created * * @param int $iCountryId * @return bool */ protected static function sendCustomerNotification($iIsoLang, $sEmail, $sPassword, $sFirstName, $sLastName) { // set params if (!empty($iIsoLang) && !empty($sEmail) && !empty($sPassword) && !empty($sFirstName) && !empty($sLastName)) { require_once _FPC_PATH_LIB . 'mail-send_class.php'; $aParams = array(); $aParams['isoId'] = $iIsoLang; $aParams['email'] = $sEmail; $aParams['password'] = $sPassword; $aParams['firstname'] = $sFirstName; $aParams['lastname'] = $sLastName; BT_FpcMailSend::create()->run('customerAccountNotification', $aParams); } }
/** * _updateEmail() method update customer email * * @param array $aParams * @return bool */ private function _updateEmail(array $aParams) { $aAssign = array(); if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.4', '>')) { $oLink = new Link(); $sLink = $oLink->getPageLink('my-account.php'); unset($oLink); } else { global $smarty; $sLink = $smarty->_tpl_vars['base_dir_ssl'] . 'my-account.php'; } $aAssign['sLink'] = $sLink; // get serialized connector data BT_FPCModuleTools::getConnectorData(); // check if customer is the same customer connected and if the e-mail is valid if (!empty($aParams['connector']) && !empty($GLOBALS[_FPC_MODULE_NAME . '_CONNECTORS'][$aParams['connector']]['data']['activeConnector']) && !empty($aParams['customerId']) && $aParams['customerId'] === md5(_FPC_MODULE_NAME . $aParams['connector'] . FacebookPsConnect::$oCookie->id_customer) && !empty($aParams['customerId']) && filter_var($aParams['socialEmail'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false) { // include require_once _FPC_PATH_LIB . 'module-dao_class.php'; require_once _FPC_PATH_LIB . 'mail-send_class.php'; // check if exists and return id customer if exists $iCustomerId = BT_FPCModuleDao::existCustomerEmail($aParams['socialEmail']); // if customer not exists if (empty($iCustomerId)) { if (BT_FPCModuleDao::updateCustomerEmail(FacebookPsConnect::$oCookie->id_customer, $aParams['socialEmail'])) { $aAssign['sMsg'] = FacebookPsConnect::$oModule->l('Your information has been updated', 'hook-action_class'); // set the new e-mail in cookie if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>')) { Context::getContext()->cookie->email = $aParams['socialEmail']; } else { global $cookie; $cookie->email = $aParams['socialEmail']; } } else { $aAssign['aErrors'][] = array('msg' => FacebookPsConnect::$oModule->l('Internal server error. The customer e-mail has not been updated. Please try again by clicking on reload button below', 'hook-action_class') . '.', 'code' => 590); } // manage the update firstname and name for twitter connexion BT_FPCModuleDao::updateCustomerFirstName(FacebookPsConnect::$oCookie->id_customer, $aParams['socialFirstName']); BT_FPCModuleDao::updateCustomerName(FacebookPsConnect::$oCookie->id_customer, $aParams['socialName']); BT_FPCModuleDao::updateCustomerPassword(FacebookPsConnect::$oCookie->id_customer, $aParams['socialPassword']); BT_FpcMailSend::_updateEmailTwitter($aParams['socialFirstName'], $aParams['socialName'], $aParams['socialEmail'], $aParams['socialPassword'], FacebookPsConnect::$iCurrentLang, FacebookPsConnect::$iShopId); } else { $aAssign['aErrors'][] = array('msg' => FacebookPsConnect::$oModule->l('This e-mail address is already taken by a customer account or you already have linked this e-mail address with another network. Please try again by clicking on reload button below', 'hook-action_class') . '.', 'code' => 591); } } else { $aAssign['aErrors'][] = array('msg' => FacebookPsConnect::$oModule->l('Internal server error. The customer could not be identified. You may be a victim of cross-site request forgery', 'hook-action_class') . '.', 'code' => 592); } if (empty($aAssign['aErrors'])) { $sTpl = _FPC_TPL_CONFIRM; } else { $sTpl = _FPC_TPL_ERROR; } return array('tpl' => $sTpl, 'assign' => $aAssign); }