public function renderThumb($path, $width = 280, $height = 150, $isThumb = true, $quality = 100) { if ($isThumb) { $path = str_replace(JURI::base(), '', $path); $imagSource = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $path; $imagSource = urldecode($imagSource); $tmp = explode('/', $imagSource); $imageName = md5($path . $width . $height) . '-' . $tmp[count($tmp) - 1]; $thumbPath = $this->_thumbnailPath . $imageName; if (file_exists($imagSource)) { if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { //create thumb BTImageHelper::createImage($imagSource, $thumbPath, $width, $height, true, $quality); } return $this->_thumbnaiURL . $imageName; } else { if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { // Try to load image from external source // Image loaded? if ($this->_CreateImageUsingCurl($path, $thumbPath, 30)) { BTImageHelper::createImage($thumbPath, $thumbPath, $width, $height, true, $quality); return $this->_thumbnaiURL . $imageName; } } else { return $this->_thumbnaiURL . $imageName; } } } //return path return $path; }
public function renderThumb($path, $width = 280, $height = 150, $isThumb = true) { if ($isThumb) { if (!$path) { $path = $this->_defaultThumb; } $path = str_replace(JURI::base(), '', $path); $imagSource = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $path; $imagSource = urldecode($imagSource); if (file_exists($imagSource)) { $tmp = explode("/", $path); $imageName = $width . "x" . $height . "-" . $tmp[count($tmp) - 1]; $thumbPath = $this->_thumbnailPath . $imageName; if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { //create thumb BTImageHelper::createImage($imagSource, $thumbPath, $width, $height, true); } $path = $this->_thumbnaiURL . $imageName; } } //return path return $path; }
} else { if (file_exists($originalPath . $photo->file)) { $originalFile = $originalPath . $photo->file; } else { if (isset($photo->remote)) { $originalFile = $photo->remote; } } } if (file_exists($file)) { $imageSize = getimagesize($file); if ($imageSize[0] != $thumbWidth || $imageSize[1] != $thumbHeight) { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, true, $params->get('jpeg_compression')); } } else { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, true, $params->get('jpeg_compression')); } } } $caption = $params->get('caption', 0); $showTitle = false; $showDesc = false; $showLink = false; switch ($caption) { case '1': $showTitle = true; break; case '2': $showTitle = true; $showLink = true; break;
/** * Upload image */ function upload() { $file = JRequest::getString('btfile'); $file = str_replace(' ', '%20', $file); $source = JRequest::getString('source'); $videoId = JRequest::getString('videoid'); $fileInfo = pathinfo($file); $objFile = new stdClass(); $hashedName = md5($this->moduleID . '-' . $source . '-' . $fileInfo['filename']); if ($videoId) { $hashedName = md5($this->moduleID . '-' . $source . '-' . $videoId); } $filename = $hashedName . '.' . $fileInfo["extension"]; if (JFile::exists($this->saveDir . "/tmp/manager/{$filename}") || in_array($filename, $this->items)) { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('MOD_BTBGSLIDESHOW_FILE_EXISTED'); $validated = false; } else { if (JRequest::getString('remote')) { BTImageHelper::resize($file, $this->saveDir . "/tmp/manager/{$filename}", 128, 96); $objFile->filename = $filename; $objFile->title = JRequest::getString('title') ? JRequest::getString('title') : ''; $objFile->remote = $file; if ($videoId) { $objFile->videoId = $videoId; } $validated = true; } else { //neu chua co file nay trong thu muc original thi load file do vao trong thu muc tmp if (!copy($file, "{$this->saveDir}/tmp/original/{$filename}")) { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('MOD_BTBGSLIDESHOW_ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE'); $validated = false; } else { BTImageHelper::resize($this->saveDir . "/tmp/original/{$filename}", $this->saveDir . "/tmp/manager/{$filename}", 128, 96); $objFile->filename = $filename; $objFile->title = JRequest::getString('title') ? JRequest::getString('title') : ''; if ($videoId) { $objFile->videoId = $videoId; } $validated = true; } } } if ($validated) { $this->result['success'] = true; $this->result['files'] = $objFile; } return json_encode($this->result); }
function rebuild() { $building = JRequest::getVar('building'); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); if ($building) { $images = $session->get('rebuild-images'); $output = $session->get('rebuild-output'); } else { $db->setQuery('Select,im.filename,im.title as image_title,im.item_id,pf.title,pf.params from #__bt_portfolio_images as im inner join #__bt_portfolios as pf on im.item_id = order by pf.title desc'); $images = $db->loadObjectList(); $output = '<h3>Rebuild thumbnail & large images of portfolios:</h3>'; $output .= '<b>Total: ' . count($images) . ' images</b><hr />'; } if (count($images)) { $image = array_pop($images); $session->set('rebuild-images', $images); $registry = new JRegistry(); $registry->loadString($image->params); $this->overrideConfigs($registry); $path_image_thumb = $this->images_path . $image->item_id . '/thumb/'; $path_image_ssthumb = $this->images_path . $image->item_id . '/ssthumb/'; $path_image_large = $this->images_path . $image->item_id . '/large/'; $path_image_orig = $this->images_path . $image->item_id . '/original/'; if (!is_file($path_image_orig . $image->filename) && is_file($path_image_large . $image->filename)) { JFile::copy($path_image_large . $image->filename, $path_image_orig . $image->filename); } if (!is_file($path_image_orig . $image->filename)) { @unlink($path_image_large . $image->filename); @unlink($path_image_thumb . $image->filename); @unlink($path_image_ssthumb . $image->filename); $query = 'DELETE FROM #__bt_portfolio_images WHERE id =' . $image->id; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $output .= $image->title . ':<i> ' . $image->image_title . '</i><font style="color:red"> - Image not found! Removed!</font><br />'; } else { $this->prepareFolders($image->item_id); if ($this->largeimgprocess != -1) { BTImageHelper::resize($path_image_orig . $image->filename, $path_image_large . $image->filename, $this->crop_width, $this->crop_height, $this->largeimgprocess, $this->crop_pos, $this->jpeg_com); } if ($this->thumbimgprocess != -1) { BTImageHelper::resize($path_image_orig . $image->filename, $path_image_thumb . $image->filename, $this->thumb_width, $this->thumb_height, $this->thumbimgprocess, $this->crop_pos, $this->jpeg_com); } BTImageHelper::resize($path_image_orig . $image->filename, $path_image_ssthumb . $image->filename, $this->ssthumb_width, $this->ssthumb_height, $this->thumbimgprocess, $this->crop_pos, $this->jpeg_com); $output .= '' . $image->title . ':<i> ' . $image->image_title . '</i><br />'; } echo '<html><head><title>Rebuilding images...</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=index.php?option=com_bt_portfolio&task=portfolios.rebuild&tmpl=component&building=true;"></head>'; echo '<body>' . $output . '...</body></html>'; $session->set('rebuild-output', $output); exit; } else { return $output; } }
fwrite($pt, json_encode($config)); fclose($pt); $crop = true; $cropThumbnail = true; } } if ($cropImage) { foreach ($photos as $photo) { $originalFile = $originalPath . $photo->file; $file = $cropPath . $photo->file; if (!file_exists($file) || $crop) { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $cropWidth, $cropHeight, true, $imageQuality); } } $folder = $moduleURI . 'images/slideshow/'; } else { $folder = $moduleURI . 'images/original/'; } if ($showPaginationThumbnail) { $thumbailPath = JPATH_BASE . '/modules/mod_bt_simple_slideshow/images/thumbnail/'; $thumbnailLink = $moduleURI . 'images/thumbnail/'; foreach ($photos as $photo) { $originalFile = $originalPath . $photo->file; $file = $thumbailPath . $photo->file; if (!file_exists($file) || $cropThumbnail) { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight, true, $imageQuality); } } } BtSimpleSlideshowHelper::fetchHead($params); require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_bt_simple_slideshow', 'default');
<?php /** * @version $Id: images.php 1 Aug 20, 2011 9:51:20 AM Thomas $ * @package BTShowcase * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Bow Themes. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die; $items = json_decode(base64_decode($params->get('gallery'))); if (count($items) == 0) { echo JText::_('MOD_BTSLIDESWHO_NOTICE_NO_IMAGES'); return; } $moduleID = $module->id; // Clean images that haven't used require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_btslideshow/helpers/files.php'; BTFilesHelper::cleanFiles($items, $moduleID); // Make thumbnail & slideshow images if haven't created or just change the size require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_btslideshow/helpers/images.php'; $dir = JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_btslideshow/images/' . $moduleID; foreach ($items as $item) { BTImageHelper::createImage("{$dir}/original/{$item->file}", "{$dir}/slideshow/{$item->file}", $params->get('width'), $params->get('height'), true, $params->get('jpeg-compression')); BTImageHelper::createImage("{$dir}/original/{$item->file}", "{$dir}/thumbnail/{$item->file}", $params->get('thumb-width'), $params->get('thumb-height'), true, $params->get('jpeg-compression')); } require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_btslideshow', $params->get('layout', 'default'));
private function dailymotionGetVideo($video_id) { $hashedName = md5('dailymotion-' . strtotime("now") . $video_id); $filename = $hashedName . '.jpg'; $pid = JRequest::getVar('id'); $videoObj = NULL; $videoObj = new stdClass(); $video_image = '' . $video_id; $description = get_meta_tags("" . $video_id . '?fields=title'); $urlFeed = simplexml_load_file("" . $video_id . "&format=xml"); $title = $urlFeed->title; $desc = $description['description']; if ($urlFeed) { if (copy($video_image, $this->videoOriginalDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { if (copy($video_image, $this->videothumbDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { if (file_exists($this->videothumbDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { BTImageHelper::resize($this->videoOriginalDir . "/{$filename}", $this->videothumbDir . "/{$filename}", $this->params->get('thumb_width', 336), $this->params->get('thumb_height', 180), $this->params->get('thumbimgprocess', 1), $this->params->get('crop-position', 'c'), $this->params->get('jpeg-compression', 100)); } } if (copy($video_image, $this->videolargeDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { if (file_exists($this->videolargeDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { BTImageHelper::resize($this->videoOriginalDir . "/{$filename}", $this->videolargeDir . "/{$filename}", $this->params->get('crop_width', 600), $this->params->get('crop_height', 400), $this->params->get('thumbimgprocess', 1), $this->params->get('crop-position', 'c'), $this->params->get('jpeg-compression', 100)); } } if (copy($video_image, $this->videossthumbDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { if (file_exists($this->videossthumbDir . '/' . $hashedName . '.jpg')) { BTImageHelper::resize($this->videoOriginalDir . "/{$filename}", $this->videossthumbDir . "/{$filename}", $this->params->get('ss_thumb_width', 70), $this->params->get('ss_thumb_height', 40), $this->params->get('thumbimgprocess', 1), $this->params->get('crop-position', 'c'), $this->params->get('jpeg-compression', 100)); } } $videoObj->name = (string) $title; $videoObj->description = (string) $desc; $videoObj->id_video = $video_id; $videoObj->thumb_video = $filename; $videoObj->source_video = 'dailymotion Server'; $videoObj->video_type = 'video'; $this->sessionStore('video_dailymotion', $videoObj, $this->videodailymotion); $rs_html = $this->createHTML($hashedName, $videoObj->thumb_video, $videoObj->name, 'video_dailymotion'); $this->result['success'] = TRUE; $this->result['title'] = (string) $title; $this->result['description'] = (string) $desc; $this->result['embed'] = (string) ('<iframe frameborder="0" src="' . trim($video_id) . '?autoplay=1&logo=0&info=0"></iframe>'); $this->result['message'] = JText::_('Video has been get successfully!'); $this->result['data'] = $rs_html; $this->result['url'] = '' . $video_id; } else { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('Video not found'); } } else { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('This video not found.'); } return json_encode($this->result); }
/** * Handle uploadify ajax request */ function html5upload() { $validated = true; $file = $_FILES['bt_images']['tmp_name']; $objFile = new stdClass(); $extension = explode('.', $_FILES['bt_images']['name']); $extension = strtolower($extension[count($extension) - 1]); if (in_array($extension, $this->allowedExtensions)) { $hashedName = md5($this->moduleID . '-' . 'upload-' . substr($_FILES['bt_images']['name'], 0, strrpos($_FILES['bt_images']['name'], '.'))); $filename = "{$hashedName}.{$extension}"; if (!JFile::exists($this->saveDir . "/tmp/manager/{$filename}") && !in_array($filename, $this->items)) { if (!JFile::upload($file, "{$this->saveDir}/tmp/original/{$filename}")) { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE'); $validated = false; } else { BTImageHelper::resize($this->saveDir . "/tmp/original/{$filename}", $this->saveDir . "/tmp/manager/{$filename}", 128, 96); $objFile->filename = $filename; $objFile->title = $filename; } } else { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('FILE_EXISTED'); $validated = false; } } else { $this->result['message'] = JText::_('FILE_EXTENSION_INVALID'); $validated = false; } if ($validated) { $this->result['success'] = true; $this->result['files'] = $objFile; } return json_encode($this->result); }
$hashedName = md5($moduleID . '-' . $photo1->source . '-' . $fileInfo['filename']); if (!JFile::exists($saveDir . "/manager/{$hashedName}.{$fileInfo["extension"]}")) { $addedPhotos[] = $photo1; } } if ($params->get('get_limit')) { $addedPhotos = array_slice($addedPhotos, 0, $params->get('get_limit')); } $addedObjPhotos = array(); foreach ($addedPhotos as $photo2) { $fileInfo = $photo2->pathInfo; $hashedName = md5($moduleID . '-' . $photo2->source . '-' . $fileInfo['filename']); $filename = "{$hashedName}.{$fileInfo["extension"]}"; $objFile = new stdClass(); if (copy($photo2->file, "{$saveDir}/original/{$filename}")) { BTImageHelper::resize($saveDir . "/original/{$filename}", $saveDir . "/manager/{$filename}", 128, 96); $objPhoto = new stdClass(); $objPhoto->file = $filename; $objPhoto->remote = $remote ? $photo2->file : ''; $objPhoto->title = $photo2->title; $addedObjPhotos[] = $objPhoto; } } $photos = array_merge($photos, $addedObjPhotos); if ($syncType == 'sync') { // get photo existed $photoExisted = array(); if (is_dir($managerPath)) { $open = opendir($managerPath); $arrFiles = array(); $filename = readdir($open);
protected function _build($moduleID, $name, $value) { /* @var JDocument $document */ $document = JFactory::getDocument(); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) { $document->addScript(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/btslideshow.min.js"); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/btbase64.min.js"); $document->addScriptDeclaration('(function($){$(document).ready(function(){initGallery();});})(jQuery);'); } else { $document->addScript(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/btloader.min.js"); // Hack, replace mootools by newer foreach ($document->_scripts as $key => $tmp) { if (preg_match('#media/system/js/mootools.js#is', $key)) { unset($document->_scripts[$key]); } } $mootools = array(JURI::root() . "modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/mootools-core.js" => 'text/javascript', JURI::root() . "modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/mootools-more.js" => 'text/javascript'); $document->_scripts = $mootools + $document->_scripts; ?> <script> (function(){ var libs = [ '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/mootools-core.js', '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/mootools-more.js', '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/btslideshow.min.js', '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/js/btbase64.min.js', '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/squeezebox/squeezebox.min.js' ]; BT.Loader.js(libs, function(){ initGallery(); }); BT.Loader.css('<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> modules/mod_bt_apb/assets/squeezebox/assets/squeezebox.css'); window.addEvent('load', function() { document.combobox = null; var combobox = new JCombobox(); document.combobox = combobox; }); })(); </script> <?php } // Remove temp files $images = json_decode(base64_decode($value)); //check if 0 folder exists $saveDir = JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_bt_apb/images'; if ($moduleID != 0 && JFolder::exists($saveDir . '/0')) { JFolder::move($saveDir . '/0', $saveDir . '/' . $moduleID); } //load file if miss save $originalDir = $saveDir . '/' . $moduleID . '/original'; if (is_dir($originalDir)) { $open = opendir($originalDir); $arrFiles = array(); $filename = readdir($open); while ($filename !== false) { //check validated file if (filetype($originalDir . '/' . $filename) == "file") { $existed = false; if (count($images) > 0) { foreach ($images as $image) { if ($image->file == $filename) { $existed = true; break; } } } if (!$existed) { $objFile = new stdClass(); $objFile->file = $filename; $objFile->title = ''; $images[] = $objFile; } } $filename = readdir($open); } } $moduleURI = JPATH_SITE . "/modules/mod_bt_apb/"; if (isset($this->params)) { $thumbWidth = $this->params->thumbnail_width; $thumbHeight = $this->params->thumbnail_height; // Make thumbnail if haven't created or just change the size $originalPath = JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_bt_apb/images/original/'; $thumbnailPath = JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_bt_apb/images/thumbnail/'; $originalFile = ''; foreach ($images as $image) { $file = $thumbnailPath . $image->file; if ($this->params->remote_image) { if (isset($image->remote)) { $originalFile = $image->remote; } else { $originalFile = $originalPath . $image->file; } } else { if (file_exists($originalPath . $image->file)) { $originalFile = $originalPath . $image->file; } else { if (isset($image->remote)) { $originalFile = $image->remote; } } } if (file_exists($file)) { $imageSize = getimagesize($file); if ($imageSize[0] != $thumbWidth || $imageSize[1] != $thumbHeight) { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, true, 100); } } else { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, true, 100); } } } $value = base64_encode(json_encode($images)); $html = ' <div id="btss-message" class="clearfix"></div> <ul id="btss-upload-list"></ul> <div id="btss-file-uploader"> <noscript> <p>' . JText::_('MOD_BTBGSLIDESHOW_NOTICE_JAVASCRIPT') . '</p> </noscript> </div> <input id="btss-gallery-hidden" class="gallery-option" type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="" /> <ul id="btss-gallery-container" class="clearfix"></ul> '; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function openFrame(a){ var jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); if(jQ("#ifK2Articles").css('display') != 'none') return false; if(jQ(a).attr('rel') == 0){ jQ(a).html('Back'); jQ(a).attr('rel', 1); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").hide(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 450}, 300); jQ("#ifArticles").show(); }else{ jQ(a).html('Select Article'); jQ(a).attr('rel', 0); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").show(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 380}, 300); jQ("#ifArticles").hide(); } return false; } function jSelectArticle_jform_params_id(id, title, order){ var jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); jQ("#btss-article").html('Select Article'); jQ("#btss-article").attr('rel', 0); jQ("#ifArticles").hide(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 380}, 300); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").show(); jQ.ajax({ type: "post", url: location.href, data: {action: "get_article",article_id : id}, success: function(response){ var data = jQ.parseJSON(response); if(data!= null && data.success){ jQ("#sbox-window .btss-title").val(title); jQ("#sbox-window .btss-link").val(; jQ("#sbox-window .btss-desc").val(data.desc); }else{ jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").prepend( "<div style='color: red; font-size: 10px;'>Importing article is failed. Have some errors.</div>" ); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ //alert('Sending ajax request is failed. Check ajax.php, please.') } }); } <?php require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_bt_apb/helpers/helper.php'; if (BtApbHelper::checkK2Component()) { ?> function openK2Frame(a){ var jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); if(jQ("#ifArticles").css('display') != 'none') return false; if(jQ(a).attr('rel') == 0){ jQ(a).html('Back'); jQ(a).attr('rel', 1); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").hide(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 450}, 300); jQ("#ifK2Articles").show(); }else{ jQ(a).html('Select K2 Article'); jQ(a).attr('rel', 0); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").show(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 380}, 300); jQ("#ifK2Articles").hide(); } return false; } function jSelectItem(id, title, objectname){ var jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); jQ("#btss-k2article").html('Select K2 Article'); jQ("#btss-k2article").attr('rel', 0); jQ("#ifK2Articles").hide(); jQ("#sbox-window").animate({height: 350}, 300); jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").show(); jQ.ajax({ type: "post", url: location.href, data: {action: "get_article", article_id : id, k2 : 1}, success: function(response){ var data = jQ.parseJSON(response); if(data!= null && data.success){ jQ("#sbox-window .btss-title").val(title); jQ("#sbox-window .btss-link").val(; jQ("#sbox-window .btss-desc").val(data.desc); }else{ jQ("#sbox-window .adminform").prepend( "<div style='color: red; font-size: 10px;'>Importing k2 article is failed. Have some errors.</div>" ); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ //alert('Sending ajax request is failed. Check ajax.php, please.') } }); } <?php } ?> function initGallery(){ BTSlideshow = new BT.Slideshow({ liveUrl: '<?php echo JURI::root(); ?> ', encodedItems: '<?php echo $value; ?> ', moduleID: '<?php echo $moduleID; ?> ', galleryContainer: 'btss-gallery-container', dialogTemplate: '<div style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 10px;" class="button2-left">'+ ' <div class="blank">'+ ' <a id="btss-article" onclick="openFrame(this);" title="Import from article" class="btn btn-small" rel="0">Select Article</a>' + ' </div>'+ '</div>'+ <?php if (BtApbHelper::checkK2Component()) { ?> '<div style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 10px;" class="button2-left">'+ ' <div class="blank">'+ ' <a id="btss-k2article" onclick="openK2Frame(this);" title="Import from K2 article" class="btn btn-small" rel="0">Select K2 Article</a>' + ' </div>'+ '</div>'+ <?php } ?> '<fieldset style="clear: both;" class="adminform">' + '<legend><?php echo JText::_('CAPTION'); ?> </legend>'+ '<ul class="adminformlist">' + '<li>' + '<label class="btss-title-lbl" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('TITLE_DESC'); ?> " for="btss-title"><?php echo JText::_('TITLE_LABEL'); ?> </label>' + '<input class="btss-title" type="text" name="btss-title" size="90" />' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<label class="btss-link-lbl" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('LINK_DESC'); ?> " for="btss-link"><?php echo JText::_('LINK_LABEL'); ?> </label>' + '<input class="btss-link" type="text" name="btss-link" size="90" />' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<label class="btss-target-lbl" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('TARGET_DESC'); ?> " for="btss-target"><?php echo JText::_('TARGET_LABEL'); ?> </label>' + '<select class="btss-target" name="btss-link">' + ' <option value=""><?php echo JText::_('TARGET_CURRENT'); ?> </option>' + ' <option value="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('TARGET_BLANK'); ?> </option>' + ' <option value="window"><?php echo JText::_('TARGET_WINDOW'); ?> </option>' + '</select>'+ '</li>' + '<li>' + '<label class="btss-desc-lbl" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('DESCRIPTION_DESC'); ?> " for="btss-desc"><?php echo JText::_('DESCRIPTION_LABEL'); ?> </label>' + '<textarea style="width: 375px;" class="btss-desc" name="btss-desc" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '</fieldset>' + '<div style="clear: both;">' + '<label> </label><button class="btss-dialog-ok btn btn-small" style="margin-left: 10px;"><?php echo JText::_('BTN_OK'); ?> </button><button class="btss-dialog-cancel btn btn-small" style="margin-left: 10px;"><?php echo JText::_('BTN_CANCEL'); ?> </button>'+ '</div>' + '<iframe style="display: none" id="ifArticles" height="400" frameborder="0" width="775" src="index.php?option=com_content&view=articles&layout=modal&tmpl=component&function=jSelectArticle_jform_params_id"></iframe>'+ '<iframe style="display: none" id="ifK2Articles" height="400" frameborder="0" width="775" src="index.php?option=com_k2&view=images&task=element&tmpl=component"></iframe>' }); }; </script> <?php return $html; }
if (isset($photo->remote)) { $originalFile = $photo->remote; } else { $originalFile = $originalPath . $photo->file; } } else { if (file_exists($originalPath . $photo->file)) { $originalFile = $originalPath . $photo->file; } else { if (isset($photo->remote)) { $originalFile = $photo->remote; } } } if (file_exists($file)) { $imageSize = getimagesize($file); if ($imageSize[0] != $thumbWidth || $imageSize[1] != $thumbHeight) { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); } } else { BTImageHelper::resize($originalFile, $file, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); } } $photosList = array_chunk($photos, $itemPerLi); } $liWidth = floor($thumbWidth * 0.7); $liWidth = floor($thumbHeight * 0.7); BTImageGalleryHelper::fetchHead($params); $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); $rtl = $language->isRTL(); require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_btimagegallery', 'default');