This Example shows how to create a new Survey
require_once 'inc/BMEAPI.class.php';
require_once 'inc/config.php';
//contains username & password
//This hack actually skips the login and lets you choose the API Key to expire.
$api = new BMEAPI($username, $password, $apiURL);
if ($api->errorCode) {
    // an error occurred while logging in
    echo "code:" . $api->errorCode . "\n";
    echo "msg :" . $api->errorMessage . "\n";
$retval = $api->surveyGetList("", "", 1, 10, "", "");
$SurveyID = $retval[0][id];
$surveyDetail['id'] = $SurveyID;
$surveyDetail['name'] = 'Sales Survey1';
$surveyDetail['url'] = 'www.benchmarkemail.com';
$surveyDetail['title'] = 'Shop Survey';
$surveyDetail['intro'] = 'Please take our quick, easy survey on the services we provide.';
$retval = $api->surveyUpdate($SurveyID, $surveyDetail);
if (!$retval) {
    echo "Error!";
    echo "\n\tCode=" . $api->errorCode;
    echo "\n\tMsg=" . $api->errorMessage . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Updated Survey ID:" . $retval . "\n";
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