    // Declaration of a protected property and its initialization
    private $c = "private \n";
    // Declaration of a private property and its initialization
    function myFunction()
        echo $this->c;
        // Accessing the private property inside the class
class B extends A
    function myFunction()
        echo $this->b;
        // Accessing protected property of the parent class A
        echo $this->c;
        // Fatal error, attempt to access the private property of the parent class A
$obj1 = new A();
$obj2 = new B();
echo $obj1->a;
// Accessing of a public property is possible everywhere throughout the code
echo $obj1->b;
// Fatal error, attempt to access the protected property of the class A
echo $obj1->c;
// Fatal error, attempt to access the private property of the class A
// Accessing the private member through the object of the class A
// Accessing the protected member through the object of the class B