function __construct($path) { $chanbar = ' <ul> <li id="settings" class="option"><a href="#" class="button">settings</a></li> <li id="files" class="option"><a href="#" class="button">files</a></li> <li id="people" class="option"><a href="#" class="button">people</a></li> </ul> '; $user = Auth::user(); $curchan = DB::get()->val('SELECT name from channels where user_id = :user_id AND active = 1', array('user_id' => $user->id)); if ($curchan == '') { $curchan = 'bar'; } $widgets = Widgets::get_widgets(); $components = array('title' => 'Barchat Home', 'path' => $path, 'chanbar' => $chanbar, 'user_id' => Auth::user_id(), 'username' => $user->username, 'nickname' => $user->nickname, 'session_key' => $user->session_key, 'cur_chan' => addslashes($curchan), 'widgets' => $widgets); $v = new View($components); Plugin::call('reload', $user); //check for user agent $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // if (preg_match('/ip(hone|od|ad)/i', $useragent)) { $v->render('template-ios'); } else { $v->render('template'); } }
function header($header) { $toolpanelwidth = DB::get()->val("SELECT value FROM options WHERE user_id = :user_id AND grouping = 'Interface' AND name = 'toolpanel';", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id())); $header .= <<<HEADER <script type="text/javascript"> \$(function(){ \tgetToolpanel({$toolpanelwidth}); \t\$('#drawer').width(\$(window).width() - {$toolpanelwidth} - 30); }); </script> HEADER; echo $header; }
function __construct() { //Instancia de Codeigniter self::$ci =& get_instance(); //Instancia de Libreria ACL de Zend Framework self::$acl = new Acl(); //Informacion del Usuario self::$user_id = self::$ci->session->userdata('id_usuario'); //Recurso Actual self::$resource_name = self::$ci->uri->uri_string; //Verificar si la session existe self::check_session(); //Inicializar permisos del usuario self::init_acl(); }
function upload($path) { $access = DB::get()->assoc("SELECT name, value FROM options WHERE grouping = 'Amazon Web Services'"); $s3 = new S3($access['AWS Access Key ID'], $access['AWS Secret Access Key']); $bucketname = $access['S3 Bucket Name']; $filename = $_FILES['uploaded']['name']; $s3filename = $this->_safestring(Auth::user()->username) . '/' . date('YmdHis') . '/' . $filename; preg_match('%\\.(\\w+)$%', $filename, $matches); $filetype = $matches[1]; $s3->putObject(S3::inputFile($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name']), $bucketname, $s3filename, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ, array(), array("Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream", "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=" . urlencode($filename) . ';')); //echo "Put {$filename} to {$bucketname} at {$s3filename}\n"; $url = "http://{$bucketname}{$s3filename}"; DB::get()->query("INSERT INTO files (user_id, filename, filesize, filetype, url) VALUES (:user_id, :filename, :filesize, :filetype, :url);", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id(), 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $_FILES['uploaded']['size'], 'filetype' => $filetype, 'url' => $url)); $filenumber = DB::get()->lastInsertId(); echo <<<RELOAD_FILES atbottom = isVisible(\$('#notices tr:last-child')); \$('#filelisting').load('/files/filelist', function(){ \t\$('body').css('margin-bottom', \$('#command').height() + 15); \tdo_scroll(); }); send('/file {$filenumber}'); RELOAD_FILES; }
function save($path) { $options = DB::get()->results('SELECT * FROM options WHERE user_id = 0 OR user_id = :user_id', array('user_id' => Auth::user_id())); foreach ($options as $option) { if ($option->istoggle) { if (isset($_POST['option'][$option->id])) { DB::get()->query('UPDATE options SET value = 1 WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $option->id)); } else { DB::get()->query('UPDATE options SET value = 0 WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $option->id)); } } elseif ($option->ispassword) { if (isset($_POST['option'][$option->id]) && !preg_match('%^\\*+$%', $_POST['option'][$option->id])) { DB::get()->query('UPDATE options SET value = :value WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $option->id, 'value' => $_POST['option'][$option->id])); } } else { if (isset($_POST['option'][$option->id])) { DB::get()->query('UPDATE options SET value = :value WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $option->id, 'value' => $_POST['option'][$option->id])); } } } echo <<<JSOUT <script type="text/javascript">window.parent.\$('#options').slideToggle('fast');</script> JSOUT; }
/** * * Create the cart array if it doesn't already exist * **/ private static function create_cart() { if (!isset($_SESSION[Config::$sitename]['cart'][Auth::user_id()])) { $_SESSION[Config::$sitename]['cart'][Auth::user_id()] = array(); } }
<?php #1. LOGIC Auth::kickout('/pokecart/'); $comment = new Comment(); $comment->load(Route::param('id')); if ($comment->user_id == Auth::user_id()) { if (Input::posted()) { $comment->content = Input::get('message'); $comment->save(); URL::restore(); } } Sticky::set('message', $comment->content); #2. LOAD VIEWS include VIEWS . 'header.php'; include VIEWS . 'edit_comment.php'; include VIEWS . 'footer.php';
function _get_search_sql(&$sql, &$params, $crit, $fortitle = false) { $where = <<<DEFAULT_WHERE ((user_to = 0) OR (user_to = :user_id) OR (presence.user_id = :user_id)) DEFAULT_WHERE; $criteria = array(); $limited = false; $limit = ''; $title = ''; if (preg_match('%date\\s*=\\s*(?P<date>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', $crit, $datematches)) { $crit = preg_replace('%date\\s*=\\s*(?P<date>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', '', $crit); $date = trim($datematches['date'], '"'); $df = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)); $dt = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date) + 86400); $where .= ' AND (presence.msgtime >= :fromtime) AND (presence.msgtime < :totime)'; $params['fromtime'] = $df; $params['totime'] = $dt; $criteria[] = 'On ' . date('D, M j, Y', strtotime($df)); $limited = true; $title = $df; } if (preg_match('%(channel|room)\\s*=\\s*(?P<channel>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', $crit, $channelmatches)) { $channel = $channelmatches['channel']; $crit = preg_replace('%(channel|room)\\s*=\\s*(?P<channel>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', '', $crit); $where .= ' AND ( = :channel)'; $params['channel'] = $channel; $criteria[] = 'In channel "' . htmlspecialchars($channel) . '"'; $title = htmlspecialchars($channel); } if ($allowedchannels = DB::get()->col("SELECT room FROM options WHERE grouping = 'Permissions' AND name = 'allowedchannel' AND user_id = :user_id", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id()))) { $inclause = DB::inclause($allowedchannels, 'allowed'); $where .= ' AND ( IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($inclause)) . '))'; $params = array_merge($params, $inclause); } if ($deniedchannels = DB::get()->col("SELECT room FROM options WHERE grouping = 'Permissions' AND name = 'deniedchannel' AND user_id = :user_id", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id()))) { $inclause = DB::inclause($deniedchannels, 'denied'); $where .= ' AND ( NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($inclause)) . '))'; $params = array_merge($params, $inclause); } if (preg_match('%(type)\\s*=\\s*(?P<type>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', $crit, $typematches)) { $type = $typematches['type']; $crit = preg_replace('%(type)\\s*=\\s*(?P<type>("[^"]+"|\\S+))%i', '', $crit); $where .= ' AND (presence.type = :type)'; $params['type'] = $type; $criteria[] = 'Message type "' . htmlspecialchars($type) . '"'; $title = htmlspecialchars($type); } if (trim($crit) != '') { $where .= " AND data LIKE CONCAT('%', :crit, '%')"; $params['crit'] = trim($crit); $criteria[] = '"' . htmlspecialchars(trim($crit)) . '"'; $title = htmlspecialchars(trim($crit)); } else { if (!$limited) { $limit = 'LIMIT 100'; $criteria[] = 'Last 100 messages'; } } $sql = <<<SEARCH_SQL SELECT \tpresence.status, \tpresence.type, \, \tpresence.msgtime, \tpresence.user_id, \tpresence.cssclass, \tpresence.js, \tpresence.user_to, \tpresence.received, \ as inchannel, \t:searchchannel as channel, \tusers.username, \toptions.value as nickname, \t:crit as crit FROM \tpresence LEFT JOIN \tusers \tON presence.user_id = LEFT JOIN \toptions \tON options.user_id = AND = 'Nickname' AND options.grouping = 'Identity' WHERE \t{$where} ORDER BY \tinchannel DESC, \tstatus DESC {$limit} SEARCH_SQL; if ($fortitle) { return $title; } else { return implode(' · ', $criteria); } }
<?php # new_task.php # 1. logic $project = new Project(); $project->load(['slug' => Route::param('slug')]); if (Input::posted()) { $task = new Task(); $task->fill(Input::all()); $task->user_id = Auth::user_id(); $task->project_id = $project->id; if (Input::get('name') != "" || Input::get('description') != "") { $task->save(); } } URL::redirect('/' . $project->slug);
public static function get($grouping, $name) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM options WHERE grouping = :grouping AND name = :name AND (user_id = 0 OR user_id = :user_id) ORDER BY user_id DESC;"; return DB::get()->row($sql, array('grouping' => $grouping, 'name' => $name, 'user_id' => Auth::user_id()), __CLASS__); }
<?php # controllers/user.php # Logic if (!Auth::is_logged_in()) { Auth::kickout('/login'); } $user = new User(); $user->load(Auth::user_id()); ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $unpaidaccounts = new Accounts_Collection(); $unpaidaccounts->where('paid', '0'); $unpaidaccounts->where('confirmed', '0'); $unpaidaccounts->where('deleted', '0'); $unpaidaccounts->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id); $unpaidaccounts->get(); $bills = new Bills_Collection(); $bills->where('deleted', '0'); $bills->where('paid', '0'); foreach ($unpaidaccounts->items as $key => $ua) { $bills->where('id', $ua->bill_id, true, $key != 0); } $bills->order_by('date', 'asc'); if (count($unpaidaccounts->items)) { $bills->get(); } $total = 0; foreach ($bills->items as $bill) { $total += $bill->splitcost; } ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?php Auth::kickout('/pokecart/product/' . Route::param('id') . '/view'); $comment = new Comment(); $comment->content = Input::get('message'); $comment->product_id = Route::param('id'); $comment->user_id = Auth::user_id(); $comment->date_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $comment->save(); URL::redirect('/pokecart/product/' . Route::param('id') . '/view');
function _state_task($list, $taskid, $state = 0) { $tasks = $this->_get_tasks($list); $tasks[$taskid]['state'] = $state; switch ($state) { case 1: $tasks[$taskid]['completed'] = time(); break; } DB::get()->query("DELETE FROM options WHERE grouping = 'tasklists' AND name = :name AND user_id = :user_id", array('name' => $list, 'user_id' => Auth::user_id())); DB::get()->query("INSERT INTO options (grouping, name, user_id, value) VALUES ('tasklists', :name, :user_id, :value);", array('name' => $list, 'user_id' => Auth::user_id(), 'value' => serialize($tasks))); }
# new_project.php # 1. logic AUTH::kickout('login'); $projects = new Projects_Collection(); $projects->where(['deleted' => '0']); $projects->where(['user_id' => AUTH::user_id()]); $projects->get(); if (Input::posted()) { $slug = Input::get('project_name'); $slug = strtolower($slug); $slug = explode(" ", $slug); $slug = implode("-", $slug); $deadline = Input::get('deadline'); $deadline = intval($deadline); $project = new project(); $project->fill(Input::all()); $project->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $project->slug = $slug; $project->user_id = Auth::user_id(); if (Input::get('project_name') != "" || Input::get('project_description') != "") { $project->save(); URL::redirect('/' . $project->slug); } URL::redirect('/new_project'); } $title = 'New Project'; # 2. views include VIEWS . 'header.php'; include VIEWS . 'new_project.php'; include VIEWS . 'footer.php';
<div class="thumbnail comment"> <h3><?php echo ucfirst($comment->author->username); ?> </h3> <p>at <?php echo date('g:ia y/m/d', strtotime($comment->date_time)); ?> </p> <p><?php echo $comment->content; ?> </p> <? if(Auth::user_id() == $comment->user_id) : ?> <a href="/pokecart/delete_comment/<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " class="white btn btn-danger">Delete</a> <a href="/pokecart/edit_comment/<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " class="white btn btn-success">Edit</a> <? endif; ?>
function autocomplete($auto, $cmd) { // Get the list of projects by most logged hours // select p.uri from project_projects p left join (select, sum(t.hours) as hours from project_issue_time t where t.uid = 13 and created > unix_timestamp(date_sub(now(), interval 21 month)) group by t2 on = p.nid order by t2.hours desc, p.uri asc; if (preg_match('/^@(?P<time>\\s*(\\d*:\\d{2})|\\s*(\\d*(?:\\.\\d{1,2})?))/i', $cmd, $timematch)) { $projects = $this->_get_projects(); $aliases = DB::get()->col("SELECT name FROM options where user_id = :user_id and grouping = 'time alias'", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id())); $projects = array_merge($projects, $aliases); if (strpos($timematch['time'], ':') === 0) { $task = 'task for ' . substr($timematch['time'], 1) . ' minutes'; } elseif (strpos($timematch['time'], ':') > 0) { $task = 'task started at ' . $timematch['time']; } else { $task = 'task for'; if (floor($timematch['time']) > 0) { $task .= ' ' . floor($timematch['time']) . ' hours'; } if (round(60 * ($timematch['time'] - floor($timematch['time']))) > 0) { $task .= ' ' . round(60 * ($timematch['time'] - floor($timematch['time']))) . ' minutes'; } } foreach ($projects as $project) { $auto[] = '@' . $timematch['time'] . ' ' . $project . " \t{$task}"; } } if (preg_match('/^@@(?P<time>\\s*(\\d*:\\d{1,2})|\\s*(\\d+(?:\\.\\d{1,2})?))/i', $cmd, $timematch)) { $projects = $this->_get_projects(); $aliases = DB::get()->col("SELECT name FROM options where user_id = :user_id and grouping = 'time alias'", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id())); $projects = array_merge($projects, $aliases); if (strpos($timematch['time'], ':') === 0) { $task = 'instant task for ' . substr($timematch['time'], 1) . ' minutes'; } elseif (strpos($timematch['time'], ':') > 0) { list($hours, $minutes) = split(':', $timematch['time']); $task = "instant task for {$hours} hours {$minutes} minutes"; } else { $task = 'instant task for'; if (floor($timematch['time']) > 0) { $task .= ' ' . floor($timematch['time']) . ' hours'; } if (round(60 * ($timematch['time'] - floor($timematch['time']))) > 0) { $task .= ' ' . round(60 * ($timematch['time'] - floor($timematch['time']))) . ' minutes'; } } foreach ($projects as $project) { $auto[] = '@@' . $timematch['time'] . ' ' . $project . " \t{$task}"; } } else { if ($cmd[0] == '@') { $projects = $this->_get_projects(); $aliases = DB::get()->col("SELECT name FROM options where user_id = :user_id and grouping = 'time alias'", array('user_id' => Auth::user_id())); $projects = array_merge($projects, $aliases); foreach ($projects as $project) { $auto[] = '@' . $project . " \ttask begins now"; } } } return $auto; }