  * Returns an array of values for this Attribute.
  * If the array has not been initialized, the method tries to
  * do so from the database.
  * The array has the form
  *  array(
  *    option ID => array(
  *      'id' => option ID,
  *      'attribute_id' => Attribute ID,
  *      'value' => value name,
  *      'price' => price,
  *    ),
  *    ... more ...
  *  );
  * For relations to the associated Product, if any, see
  * {@link getRelationArray}.
  * @access  public
  * @return  array                       Array of Options
  *                                      upon success, false otherwise.
  * @global  ADONewConnection
 function getOptionArray()
     if (!is_array($this->arrValues)) {
         $this->arrValues = Attributes::getOptionArrayByAttributeId($this->id);
     return $this->arrValues;
  * Add the option IDs of the given Attribute ID to the Order item
  * Will add error messages using {@see Message::error()}, if any.
  * The $arrOptionIds array must have the form
  *  array(attribute_id => array(option_id, ...))
  * @param   integer   $item_id        The Order item ID
  * @param   integer   $attribute_id   The Attribute ID
  * @param   array     $arrOptionIds   The array of option IDs
  * @return  boolean                   True on success, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function insertAttribute($item_id, $attribute_id, $arrOptionIds)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $objAttribute = Attribute::getById($attribute_id);
     if (!$objAttribute) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID']);
     $name = $objAttribute->getName();
     $_arrOptions = Attributes::getOptionArrayByAttributeId($attribute_id);
     foreach ($arrOptionIds as $option_id) {
         $arrOption = null;
         if ($objAttribute->getType() >= Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_OPTIONAL) {
             // There is exactly one option record for these
             // types.  Use that and overwrite the empty name with
             // the text or file name.
             $arrOption = current($_arrOptions);
             $arrOption['value'] = $option_id;
         } else {
             // Use the option record for the option ID given
             $arrOption = $_arrOptions[$option_id];
         if (!is_array($arrOption)) {
         $query = "\n                INSERT INTO `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_attributes`\n                   SET `item_id`={$item_id},\n                       `attribute_name`='" . addslashes($name) . "',\n                       `option_name`='" . addslashes($arrOption['value']) . "',\n                       `price`='" . $arrOption['price'] . "'";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if (!$objResult) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ERROR_INSERTING_ORDER_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE']);
     return true;
  * Set up the HTML elements for all the Product Attributes of any Product.
  * The following types of Attributes are supported:
  * 0    Dropdown menu, customers may select no (the default) or one option.
  * 1    Radio buttons, customers need to select one option.
  * 2    Checkboxes, customers may select no, one or several options.
  * 3    Dropdown menu, customers need to select one option.
  * 4    Optional text field
  * 5    Mandatory text field
  * 6    Optional file upload field
  * 7    Mandatory file upload field
  * Types 1 and 3 are functionally identical, they only differ by
  * the kind of widget being used.
  * The individual Product Attributes carry a unique ID enabling the
  * JavaScript code contained within the Shop page to verify that
  * all mandatory choices have been made before any Product can
  * be added to the cart.
  * @param   integer     $product_id     The Product ID
  * @param   string      $formName       The name of the HTML form containing
  *                                      the Product and options
  * @param   integer     $cart_id        The optional cart Product ID,
  *                                      null if not applicable.
  * @param   boolean     $flagUpload     If a product has an upload
  *                                      Attribute associated with it,
  *                                      this parameter will be set to true
  * @return  string                      The string with the HTML code
 static function productOptions($product_id, $formName, $cart_id = null, &$flagUpload = false)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     //\DBG::log("productOptions($product_id, $formName, $cart_id, $flagUpload): Entered");
     // Semicolon separated list of Attribute name IDs to verify
     // before the Product is added to the cart
     $checkOptionIds = '';
     // check if the product option block exists in the template
     if (self::$objTemplate->blockExists('shopProductOptionsRow') && self::$objTemplate->blockExists('shopProductOptionsValuesRow')) {
         $domId = 0;
         $count = 0;
         $arrAttributes = Attributes::getArray($count, null, null, '`ord` ASC', array('product_id' => $product_id));
         //\DBG::log("Attributes: ".var_export($arrAttributes, true));
         // When there are no Attributes for this Product, hide the
         // options blocks
         if (empty($arrAttributes)) {
         } else {
             // Loop through the Attribute Names for the Product
             foreach ($arrAttributes as $attribute_id => $objAttribute) {
                 $mandatory = false;
                 $arrOptions = Attributes::getOptionArrayByAttributeId($attribute_id);
                 $arrRelation = Attributes::getRelationArray($product_id);
                 // This attribute does not apply for this product
                 if (empty($arrRelation)) {
                 $selectValues = '';
                 // create head of option menu/checkbox/radiobutton
                 switch ($objAttribute->getType()) {
                     case Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_URL_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_OPTIONAL:
                         // No container nor hidden field for optional types
                     case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_OPTIONAL:
                         // There is no hidden input field here either,
                         // but the dropdown menu container
                         $selectValues = '<select name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" style="width:180px;">' . "\n" . '<option value="0">' . $objAttribute->getName() . '&nbsp;' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CHOOSE'] . "</option>\n";
                     case Attribute::TYPE_RADIOBUTTON:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_URL_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_MANDATORY:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_MANDATORY:
                         $mandatory = true;
                         // The Attribute name, indicating a mandatory option.
                         $selectValues = '<input type="hidden" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '" value="' . $objAttribute->getName() . '" />' . "\n";
                         // The Attribute verification regex, if applicable
                         $regex = Attribute::getVerificationRegex($objAttribute->getType());
                         if ($regex != '') {
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="hidden" id="attributeVerification-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '" value="' . $regex . '" />' . "\n";
                         $checkOptionIds .= "{$attribute_id};";
                     case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_MANDATORY:
                         $selectValues = '<input type="hidden" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '" value="' . $objAttribute->getName() . '" />' . "\n" . '<select name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" style="width:180px;">' . "\n" . (count($arrOptions) > 1 ? '<option value="0">' . $objAttribute->getName() . '&nbsp;' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CHOOSE'] . "</option>\n" : '');
                         $checkOptionIds .= "{$attribute_id};";
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($arrOptions as $option_id => $arrOption) {
                     // This option does not apply to this product
                     if (!isset($arrRelation[$option_id])) {
                     $option_price = '';
                     $selected = false;
                     // Show the price only if non-zero
                     if ($arrOption['price'] != 0) {
                         $option_price = '&nbsp;(' . Currency::getCurrencyPrice($arrOption['price']) . '&nbsp;' . Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol() . ')';
                     // mark the option value as selected if it was before
                     // and this page was requested from the cart
                     if (isset($cart_id)) {
                         $options = Cart::get_options_array($cart_id, $attribute_id);
                         if (is_array($options) && in_array($option_id, $options)) {
                             $selected = true;
                     // create option menu/checkbox/radiobutton
                     switch ($objAttribute->getType()) {
                         case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_OPTIONAL:
                             $selectValues .= '<option value="' . $option_id . '" ' . ($selected ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' >' . $arrOption['value'] . $option_price . "</option>\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_RADIOBUTTON:
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="radio" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $option_id . '"' . ($selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /><label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">&nbsp;' . $arrOption['value'] . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="checkbox" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . '][' . $i . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $option_id . '"' . ($selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /><label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">&nbsp;' . $arrOption['value'] . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_MANDATORY:
                             $selectValues .= '<option value="' . $option_id . '"' . ($selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' >' . $arrOption['value'] . $option_price . "</option>\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="text" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $arrOption['value'] . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="text" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $arrOption['value'] . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_URL_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_URL_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="text" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $arrOption['value'] . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             // Passed by reference
                             $element_id = 'productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId;
                             $selectValues .= \Html::getDatepicker('productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']', array('defaultDate' => $arrOption['value']), 'style="width:180px;"', $element_id) . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="text" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $arrOption['value'] . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="text" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" value="' . $arrOption['value'] . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $option_price = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<input type="file" name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" style="width:180px;" />' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                         case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_OPTIONAL:
                         case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_MANDATORY:
                             //                            $valuePrice = '&nbsp;';
                             $selectValues .= '<textarea name="productOption[' . $attribute_id . ']" id="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '" style="width:300px;">' . contrexx_input2xhtml($arrOption['value']) . '</textarea>' . '<label for="productOption-' . $product_id . '-' . $attribute_id . '-' . $domId . '">' . $option_price . "</label><br />\n";
                 // create foot of option menu/checkbox/radiobutton
                 switch ($objAttribute->getType()) {
                     case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_OPTIONAL:
                         $selectValues .= "</select><br />";
                     case Attribute::TYPE_RADIOBUTTON:
                         $selectValues .= "<br />";
                     case Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
                         $selectValues .= "";
                     case Attribute::TYPE_MENU_MANDATORY:
                         $selectValues .= "</select><br />";
                         // Set enctype in form if one of these is present
                     // Set enctype in form if one of these is present
                     case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_OPTIONAL:
                     case Attribute::TYPE_UPLOAD_MANDATORY:
                         // Avoid code analyzer warning
                         $flagUpload = true || $flagUpload;
                         /* Nothing to to
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_TEXTAREA_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_EMAIL_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_URL_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_URL_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_DATE_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_INT_MANDATORY:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_OPTIONAL:
                                                 case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER_FLOAT_MANDATORY:
                 $selectValues .= "\n";
                 self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODCUT_OPTION' => $selectValues, 'SHOP_PRODUCT_OPTION' => $selectValues, 'SHOP_PRODUCT_OPTIONS_NAME' => $objAttribute->getName(), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_OPTIONS_TITLE' => '<a href="javascript:{}" onclick="toggleOptions(' . $product_id . ', this)" title="' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_OPTIONS'] . '">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_OPTIONS'] . "</a>\n"));
                 if ($mandatory && self::$objTemplate->blockExists('product_attribute_mandatory')) {
     return "return checkProductOption('shopProductForm{$formName}', " . "{$product_id}, '" . substr($checkOptionIds, 0, strlen($checkOptionIds) - 1) . "');";
  * Partial view of the Attributes for a Product being edited
  * Only called by {@see view_product_edit()}.
  * Mind that the $product_id may be empty (usually zero) for new Products.
  * @access  private
  * @param   integer   $product_id    The ID of the Product being edited
  * @return  void
 private static function viewpart_product_attributes($product_id = null)
     $i = 0;
     $count = 0;
     // If a Product is selected, check those Product Attribute values
     // associated with it
     $arrRelation = Attributes::getRelationArray($product_id);
     foreach (Attributes::getArray($count) as $attribute_id => $objAttribute) {
         // All options available for this Product Attribute
         $arrOptions = Attributes::getOptionArrayByAttributeId($attribute_id);
         $nameSelected = false;
         $order = 0;
         foreach ($arrOptions as $option_id => $arrOption) {
             $valueSelected = false;
             if (in_array($option_id, array_keys($arrRelation))) {
                 $valueSelected = true;
                 $nameSelected = true;
                 $order = $arrRelation[$option_id];
             self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_ID' => $attribute_id, 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ID' => $option_id, 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TEXT' => $arrOption['value'] . ' (' . $arrOption['price'] . ' ' . Currency::getDefaultCurrencySymbol() . ')', 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SELECTED' => $valueSelected ? \Html::ATTRIBUTE_CHECKED : ''));
         self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_ROW_CLASS' => 'row' . (++$i % 2 + 1), 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_ID' => $attribute_id, 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME' => $objAttribute->getName(), 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTED' => $nameSelected ? \Html::ATTRIBUTE_CHECKED : '', 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAY_TYPE' => $nameSelected ? 'block' : 'none', 'SHOP_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTE_SORTID' => $order));