uses("attachment", "album"); check_permission("album"); $attachment_controller = new Attachment('pic'); $attachment = new Attachments(); $album = new Albums(); $tpl_file = "album"; $page = new Pages(); if (empty($companyinfo)) { flash("pls_complete_company_info", "company.php", 0); } if (isset($_POST['do'])) { pb_submit_check('album'); $vals = $_POST['album']; $vals['title'] = $title = trim($vals['title']); $vals['description'] = $description = trim($vals['description']); $now_album_amount = $attachment->findCount(null, "created>" . $today_start . " AND member_id=" . $_SESSION['MemberID']); if (!empty($_FILES['pic']['name'])) { $type_id = 1; $attach_id = empty($id) ? "album-" . $_SESSION['MemberID'] . "-" . ($album->getMaxId() + 1) : "album-" . $_SESSION['MemberID'] . "-" . $id; $attachment_controller->title = $title; $attachment_controller->description = $description; $attachment_controller->rename_file = $attach_id; $attachment_controller->upload_process($type_id); } if (!empty($id)) { if (empty($attachment_controller->id)) { $attachment_id = $pdb->GetOne("SELECT attachment_id FROM {$tb_prefix}albums WHERE id=" . $id); } else { $attachment_id = $attachment_controller->id; } $sql = "UPDATE {$tb_prefix}attachments a,{$tb_prefix}albums ab SET a.title='" . $title . "',a.description='" . $description . "',ab.attachment_id={$attachment_id},type_id='" . $vals['type_id'] . "' WHERE{$id} AND" . $attachment_id;
uses("attachment", "album"); check_permission("album"); $attachment_controller = new Attachment('pic'); $attachment = new Attachments(); $album = new Albums(); $tpl_file = "album"; $page = new Pages(); if (!$company->Validate($companyinfo)) { flash("pls_complete_company_info", "company.php", 0); } if (isset($_POST['do'])) { pb_submit_check('album'); $vals = $_POST['album']; $vals['title'] = $title = trim($vals['title']); $vals['description'] = $description = trim($vals['description']); $now_album_amount = $attachment->findCount(null, "created>" . $today_start . " AND member_id=" . $the_memberid); $id = intval($_POST['id']); if (!empty($_FILES['pic']['name'])) { $type_id = 1; $attach_id = empty($id) ? "album-" . $the_memberid . "-" . ($album->getMaxId() + 1) : "album-" . $the_memberid . "-" . $id; $attachment_controller->title = $title; $attachment_controller->description = $description; $attachment_controller->rename_file = $attach_id; $attachment_controller->upload_process($type_id); } if (!empty($id)) { if (empty($attachment_controller->id)) { $attachment_id = $pdb->GetOne("SELECT attachment_id FROM {$tb_prefix}albums WHERE id=" . $id); } else { $attachment_id = $attachment_controller->id; }