                        $host->save_in_db($conn_aux, FALSE);
                        $hosts_in_db[$ip][$ctx] = $ip;
                        <script type="text/javascript">                                          
                        echo _('Inserting new host') . ' <strong>' . $hostname . '</strong>';
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
                } else {
                    $hostname = Asset_host::get_autodetected_name($ip);
                    $h_key = $ip . ';' . $ctx;
                    if (array_key_exists($h_key, $new_hosts) == FALSE) {
                        $new_hosts[$h_key] = array('hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip);
                        fputs($f, $ip . ' detected from Network ' . $net['name'] . "\n");
if ($mode == 'insert') {
    Util::disable_perm_triggers($conn_aux, FALSE);
    if (count($new_hosts) > 0) {
function import_assets_from_csv($filename, $iic, $ctx, $import_type)
    //Process status
    $summary = array('general' => array('status' => '', 'data' => '', 'statistics' => array('total' => 0, 'warnings' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'saved' => 0)), 'by_hosts' => array());
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    $str_data = file_get_contents($filename);
    if ($str_data === FALSE) {
        $summary['general']['status'] = 'error';
        $summary['general']['data']['errors'] = _('Failed to read data from CSV file');
        $summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] = 1;
        return $summary;
    $array_data = preg_split('/\\n|\\r/', $str_data);
    foreach ($array_data as $k => $v) {
        if (trim($v) != '') {
            $data[] = explode('";"', trim($v));
     * From asset section:
     *  - Version 4.x.x or higher: "IP (IP1,IP2,...)";"Hostname";"FQDNs(FQDN1,FQDN2,...)";"Description";"Asset value";"Operating System";
     *                   "Latitude";"Longitude";"Host ID";"External Asset";"Device Types(Type1,Type2,...)"
     *  - Version 3.x.x: "IP"*;"Hostname";"FQDNs(FQDN1,FQDN2,...)";"Description";"Asset value";"Sensors(Sensor1,Sensor2,...)";
     *                   "Operating System";"Latitude";"Longitude"
     * From welcome wizard:
     *  - Version 4.x.x or higher: "IP (IP1,IP2,...)";"Hostname";"Description";"Operating System";"Device Type(Type1,Type2,...)"
    //Check file size
    if (count($data) <= 0 || count($data) == 1 && preg_match('/IP/', $data[0][0])) {
        $summary['general']['status'] = 'error';
        $summary['general']['data'] = _('CSV file is empty');
        $summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] = 1;
        return $summary;
    //Check importation type and headers
    $csv_headers = array();
    if ($import_type == 'hosts') {
        if (preg_match('/Operating System/', $data[0][5]) || preg_match('/Sensors/', $data[0][5])) {
            $csv_headers = array_shift($data);
        } else {
            $summary['general']['status'] = 'error';
            $summary['general']['data'] = _('Headers not found');
            $summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] = 1;
            return $summary;
    //Setting total hosts to import
    $summary['general']['statistics']['total'] = count($data);
    //Getting all Operating System
    $all_os = Properties::get_all_os();
    //Getting devices types
    $all_devices = array();
    $aux_all_devices = Devices::get_all_for_filter($conn);
    $_all_devices = $aux_all_devices[0];
    foreach ($_all_devices as $d_data) {
        $d_key = $d_data['type_name'];
        $d_key .= $d_data['subtype_id'] != 0 ? ':' . $d_data['subtype_name'] : '';
        $all_devices[$d_key] = $d_data['type_id'] . ':' . $d_data['subtype_id'];
    //Allowed sensors
    $filters = array('where' => "acl_sensors.entity_id = UNHEX('{$ctx}')");
    $a_sensors = Av_sensor::get_basic_list($conn, $filters);
    $sensor_ids = array_keys($a_sensors);
    if (count($sensor_ids) == 0) {
        $summary['general']['status'] = 'error';
        $s_error_msg = Session::is_pro() ? _('There is no sensors for this context') : _('There is no sensors for this IP address');
        $summary['general']['data'] = $s_error_msg;
        $summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] = 1;
        return $summary;
    Util::disable_perm_triggers($conn, TRUE);
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        //Clean previous errors
        $num_line = $k + 1;
        //Set default status
        $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'error';
        //Check file format
        $cnd_1 = $import_type == 'hosts' && count($v) < 9;
        $cnd_2 = $import_type == 'welcome_wizard_hosts' && count($v) < 5;
        if ($cnd_1 || $cnd_2) {
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Format'] = _('Number of fields is incorrect');
        //Clean values
        $param = array();
        $index = 0;
        $max_index = count($v) - 1;
        foreach ($v as $field) {
            $parameter = trim($field);
            if ($index == 0) {
                $pattern = '/^\\"|^\'/';
                $param[] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $parameter);
            } else {
                if ($index == $max_index) {
                    $pattern = '/\\"$|\'$/';
                    $param[] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $parameter);
                } else {
                    $param[] = $parameter;
        $is_in_db = FALSE;
        $host_id = '';
        $sensors = $sensor_ids;
        $csv_ips = preg_replace("/\\s+/", '', $param[0]);
        if (!empty($param[1])) {
            $name = $param[1];
        } else {
            $aux_name = str_replace(' ', '', $csv_ips);
            $aux_name = str_replace(',', '-', $aux_name);
            $name = Asset_host::get_autodetected_name($aux_name);
        if ($import_type == 'hosts') {
            $fqdns = $param[2];
            $descr = $param[3];
            $asset_value = !empty($param[4]) ? $param[4] : 2;
            if (preg_match('/Host ID/', $csv_headers[8])) {
                $os = $param[5];
                $latitude = floatval($param[6]);
                $longitude = floatval($param[7]);
                $external = empty($param[9]) ? 0 : intval($param[9]);
                $csv_devices = $param[10];
            } else {
                $os = $param[6];
                $latitude = floatval($param[7]);
                $longitude = floatval($param[8]);
                $external = 0;
                $csv_devices = '';
        } else {
            $descr = $param[2];
            $os = $param[3];
            $latitude = 0;
            $longitude = 0;
            $asset_value = 2;
            $external = 0;
            $csv_devices = $param[4];
        $can_i_create_assets = Session::can_i_create_assets();
        $can_i_modify_ips = TRUE;
        if (!ossim_valid($csv_ips, OSS_IP_ADDR, 'illegal:' . _('IP'))) {
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['IP'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
        //Check Host ID: Is there a host registered in the System?
        $host_ids = Asset_host::get_id_by_ips($conn, $csv_ips, $ctx);
        $host_id = key($host_ids);
        if (!empty($host_id)) {
            $is_in_db = TRUE;
        } else {
            $host_id = Util::uuid();
        // Special case: Forced Host ID [Version 4.x.x or higher]
        if ($import_type == 'hosts' && preg_match('/Host ID/', $csv_headers[8]) && valid_hex32($param[8])) {
            $csv_hosts_id = strtoupper($param[8]);
            if ($is_in_db == TRUE && $csv_hosts_id != $host_id) {
                $id_error_msg = _('Host is already registered in the System with another Host ID');
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Host'] = $id_error_msg;
            } else {
                if ($is_in_db == FALSE) {
                    $host_id = $csv_hosts_id;
                    // Save host ID to insert it
        if (!empty($iic)) {
            $name = clean_iic($name);
        if (!ossim_valid($name, OSS_HOST_NAME, 'illegal:' . _('Hostname'))) {
            $name = Asset_host::create_valid_name($name);
            $warning_msg = _('Hostname does not match with RFC 1123 specifications') . '<br/>' . _('Hostname will be replaced by') . ": <strong>{$name}</strong>";
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['warnings']['Hostname'] = $warning_msg;
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'warning';
            if (!ossim_valid($name, OSS_HOST_NAME, 'illegal:' . _('Hostname'))) {
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'error';
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Hostname'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
        if (!ossim_valid($descr, OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_ALL, 'illegal:' . _('Description'))) {
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Description'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
        } else {
            if (mb_detect_encoding($descr . ' ', 'UTF-8,ISO-8859-1') == 'UTF-8') {
                $descr = mb_convert_encoding($descr, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
        //Operating System
        $os_pattern = '/' . preg_quote(implode('|', $all_os), '/') . '/';
        $os_pattern = str_replace('\\|', '|', $os_pattern);
        if (!empty($os) && !preg_match($os_pattern, $os)) {
            $warning_msg = _('Operating System unknown');
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['warnings']['Operating System'] = $warning_msg;
            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'warning';
            $os = 'Unknown';
        //Devices Types
        $devices = array();
        $unallowed_devices = array();
        if (!empty($csv_devices)) {
            $aux_devices = explode(',', $csv_devices);
            if (is_array($aux_devices) && !empty($aux_devices)) {
                foreach ($aux_devices as $d_name) {
                    $d_name = trim($d_name);
                    if (array_key_exists($d_name, $all_devices)) {
                        $devices[] = $all_devices[$d_name];
                    } else {
                        $unallowed_devices[] = $d_name;
                if (!empty($unallowed_devices)) {
                    $warning_msg = _('Some devices could not be added (Type and/or subtype unknown)') . ': ' . implode(',', $unallowed_devices);
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['warnings']['Devices'] = $warning_msg;
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'warning';
        if ($is_in_db == FALSE) {
            //Only update host sensors with unregistered hosts
            if ($import_type == 'hosts' && preg_match('/Sensors/', $csv_headers[5])) {
                //Special case: Sensors in CSV file //[Version 3.x.x]
                $sensors = array();
                $_sensors = explode(',', $param[4]);
                if (is_array($_sensors) && !empty($_sensors)) {
                    $_sensors = array_flip($_sensors);
                    if (is_array($a_sensors) && !empty($a_sensors)) {
                        foreach ($a_sensors as $s_id => $s_data) {
                            if (array_key_exists($s_data['ip'], $_sensors)) {
                                $sensors[] = $s_id;
                if (!is_array($sensors) || empty($sensors)) {
                    $s_error_msg = Session::is_pro() ? _('There is no sensors for this context') : _('There is no sensors for this IP address');
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Sensors'] = $s_error_msg;
         ********** Only for importation from host section **********
        if ($import_type == 'hosts') {
            if (!ossim_valid($fqdns, OSS_FQDNS, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('FQDN/Aliases'))) {
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['FQDN/Aliases'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
            if (!ossim_valid($asset_value, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _('Asset value'))) {
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Asset value'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
            if (!empty($latitude)) {
                if (!ossim_valid(trim($latitude), OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_DOT, '\\-', 'illegal:' . _('Latitude'))) {
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Latitude'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
            if (!empty($longitude)) {
                if (!ossim_valid(trim($longitude), OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_DOT, '\\-', 'illegal:' . _('Longitude'))) {
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Longitude'] = ossim_get_error_clean();
        //Insert/Update host in database
        if (count($summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']) == 0) {
            try {
                $host = new Asset_host($conn, $host_id);
                if ($is_in_db == TRUE) {
                    $host->load_from_db($conn, $host_id);
                    $can_i_modify_ips = Asset_host::can_i_modify_ips($conn, $host_id);
                } else {
                    if ($can_i_create_assets == FALSE) {
                        $n_error_msg = _('Host') . ' ' . $name . ' ' . _("not allowed. You don't have permissions to import this host");
                        $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Net'] = $n_error_msg;
                //Check IPs
                if ($can_i_modify_ips == TRUE) {
                    $aux_ips = explode(',', $csv_ips);
                    foreach ($aux_ips as $ip) {
                        $host_ids = Asset_host::get_id_by_ips($conn, $ip, $ctx);
                        if (!empty($host_ids)) {
                            $c_error_msg = _('IP') . ' ' . $csv_ips . ' ' . _("not allowed. IP {$ip} already exists for this entity");
                            $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['IP'] = $c_error_msg;
                        } else {
                            $cnd_1 = Session::get_net_where() != '' && !Session::only_ff_net();
                            $cnd_2 = Asset_host::is_ip_in_cache_cidr($conn, $ip, $ctx, TRUE);
                            if ($cnd_1 && !$cnd_2) {
                                $c_error_msg = sprintf(_("Error! The IP %s is not allowed. Please check with your account admin for more information"), $csv_ips);
                                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['IP'] = $c_error_msg;
                } else {
                    $c_error_msg = _('Host') . ' ' . $name . ': ' . _("IP address not allowed. IP address cannot be modified");
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'warning';
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['warnings']['IP'] = $c_error_msg;
                //Setting new values
                if (count($summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']) == 0) {
                    if ($is_in_db == FALSE) {
                        if ($can_i_modify_ips == TRUE) {
                            if (is_array($aux_ips) && !empty($aux_ips)) {
                                $ips = array();
                                foreach ($aux_ips as $ip) {
                                    $ips[$ip] = array('ip' => $ip, 'mac' => NULL);
                    if (!empty($fqdns)) {
                    $host->set_location($latitude, $longitude);
                    $host->save_in_db($conn, FALSE);
                    //Save Operating System
                    if (!empty($os)) {
                        Asset_host_properties::save_property_in_db($conn, $host_id, 3, $os, 2);
                    $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['data'] = $is_in_db == TRUE ? _('Asset updated') : _('New asset inserted');
                    //Keep warnings
                    if ($summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] != 'warning') {
                        $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['status'] = 'success';
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $summary['by_hosts'][$num_line]['errors']['Database error'] = $e->getMessage();
    if ($summary['general']['statistics']['saved'] > 0) {
        if ($summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] == 0) {
            $summary['general']['status'] = 'success';
            $summary['general']['data'] = _('All assets have been successfully imported ');
        } else {
            $summary['general']['status'] = 'warning';
            $summary['general']['data'] = _('Some assets cannot be imported');
        Util::disable_perm_triggers($conn, FALSE);
        try {
            Asset_host::report_changes($conn, 'hosts');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e->getMessage());
    } else {
        $summary['general']['statistics']['errors'] = count($data);
        //CSV file is not empty, but all lines are wrong
        if (empty($summary['general']['status'])) {
            $summary['general']['status'] = 'error';
            $summary['general']['data'] = _('Assets cannot be imported');
    @$conn->Execute("REPLACE INTO alienvault.host_net_reference SELECT host.id,net_id FROM alienvault.host, alienvault.host_ip, alienvault.net_cidrs WHERE host.id = host_ip.host_id AND host_ip.ip >= net_cidrs.begin AND host_ip.ip <= net_cidrs.end");
    return $summary;