  * function to get a SelectBox field value
  *  @param field_name : the SelectBox field_name
  *  @return String : value of the SelectBox field
 function getSFValues(ArtifactField $af)
     if (!$af->isStandardField() && !$af->isUsername()) {
         $sql = sprintf('SELECT artifact_id as id,afvl.value as val
                         FROM artifact_field_value afv
                         INNER JOIN artifact_field af
                         USING (field_id)
                         INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl
                         USING (group_artifact_id,field_id)
                         WHERE af.group_artifact_id = %d
                         AND af.field_name = "%s"
                         AND afv.valueInt = afvl.value_id
                         AND afv.artifact_id IN (' . implode(',', $this->artifacts) . ')', db_ei($this->chart->getGraphicReport()->getAtid()), db_es($af->field_name));
     } else {
         if ($af->isStandardField() && !$af->isUsername()) {
             $sql = sprintf('SELECT artifact_id as id,afvl.value as val
                         FROM artifact a
                         INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl
                         USING (group_artifact_id)
                         INNER JOIN artifact_field af
                         USING (group_artifact_id,field_id)
                         WHERE a.group_artifact_id = %d
                         AND af.field_name = "%s"
                         AND a.%s = afvl.value_id
                         AND a.artifact_id IN (' . implode(',', $this->artifacts) . ')', db_ei($this->chart->getGraphicReport()->getAtid()), db_es($af->field_name), db_es($af->field_name));
             //echo $sql;
         } else {
             if (!$af->isStandardField() && $af->isUsername()) {
                 $sql = sprintf('SELECT artifact_id as id,u.realName as val
                         FROM artifact_field_value afv
                         INNER JOIN artifact_field af USING (field_id)
                         INNER JOIN user u
                         WHERE af.group_artifact_id = %d
                         AND af.field_name = "%s"
                         AND afv.valueInt = u.user_id
                         AND afv.artifact_id IN (' . implode(',', $this->artifacts) . ')', db_ei($this->chart->getGraphicReport()->getAtid()), db_es($af->field_name));
             } else {
                 $sql = sprintf('SELECT a.artifact_id as id,u.realName  as val
                         FROM artifact a,user u
                         WHERE a.group_artifact_id = %d
                         AND a.%s = u.user_id
                         AND a.artifact_id IN (' . implode(',', $this->artifacts) . ')', db_ei($this->chart->getGraphicReport()->getAtid()), db_es($af->field_name));
     return db_query($sql);
  * function to generate data array based on base_field (and eventually group_field if group_field != null)
  *  @return array : data array
 function generateData()
     require_once 'common/tracker/ArtifactField.class.php';
     $af_x = new ArtifactField();
     $af_x->fetchData($this->atid, $this->field_X);
     // is_null($this->field_Y))
     // $af_x->isStandardField())
     // $af_x->isUsername()
     $result['field1'] = array();
     $result['field2'] = array();
     $result['c'] = array();
     if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
         $af_y = new ArtifactField();
         $af_y->fetchData($this->atid, $this->field_Y);
     if ($af_x->isUsed() && (!isset($af_y) || $af_y->isUsed())) {
         $select = "SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ";
         $from = "FROM ";
         $where = "WHERE ";
         $group_by = "GROUP BY ";
         $order_by = "ORDER BY ";
         // We always join on artifact: it helps to restrict the data set and
         // with the current table schema it helps joins and mysql optimiser to
         // find the right indexes without FORCE INDEX statement. This was crucial
         // on type 3 query because mysql was not able to use index on
         // (artifact_id, field_id, value_int) so perfs was horrible.
         $from .= "artifact a ";
         $where .= "a.artifact_id IN (" . implode($this->artifacts, ',') . ") ";
         if ($af_x->isStandardField() && !$af_x->isUsername()) {
             //echo "1";
             $field = "afvl.value";
             $select .= "afvl.value AS field1 ";
             $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl";
             $from .= " ON (afvl.group_artifact_id = a.group_artifact_id AND afvl.field_id=" . db_ei($af_x->getId()) . " AND afvl.value_id = a." . db_es($this->field_X) . ") ";
         } else {
             if ($af_x->isStandardField() && $af_x->isUsername()) {
                 //echo "2";
                 $field = "u.user_id";
                 $select .= "u.realName AS field1, u.user_id AS id1 ";
                 $from .= "INNER JOIN user u";
                 $from .= " ON (u.user_id=a." . db_es($this->field_X) . ") ";
             } else {
                 if (!$af_x->isStandardField() && !$af_x->isUsername()) {
                     //echo "3";
                     $field = "afvl.value_id";
                     $select .= "afvl.value AS field1 ";
                     $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value afv";
                     $from .= " ON (afv.artifact_id = a.artifact_id AND afv.field_id = " . db_ei($af_x->getId()) . ") ";
                     $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl";
                     $from .= " ON (afvl.group_artifact_id = a.group_artifact_id AND afvl.field_id = afv.field_id AND afvl.value_id = afv.valueInt) ";
                 } else {
                     //if (!$af_x->isStandardField() && ($af_x->isUsername()))
                     //echo "4";
                     $field = "u.user_id";
                     $select .= "u.realName AS field1, u.user_id AS id1 ";
                     $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value afv";
                     $from .= " ON (afv.artifact_id = a.artifact_id AND afv.field_id=" . db_ei($af_x->getId()) . ") ";
                     $from .= "INNER JOIN user u";
                     $from .= " ON (u.user_id=afv.valueInt) ";
         $group_by .= $field . " ";
         $order_by .= $field . " ASC";
         // now if the second field exist
         if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
             $af_y = new ArtifactField();
             $af_y->fetchData($this->atid, $this->field_Y);
             if ($af_y->isStandardField() && !$af_y->isUsername()) {
                 //echo " : 1<br>";
                 $field = "afvl1.value_id";
                 $select .= ",afvl1.value AS field2 ";
                 $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl1";
                 $from .= " ON (afvl1.group_artifact_id = a.group_artifact_id AND afvl1.field_id = " . db_ei($af_y->getId()) . " AND afvl1.value_id = a." . db_es($af_y->getName()) . ") ";
             } else {
                 if ($af_y->isStandardField() && $af_y->isUsername()) {
                     //echo " : 2<br>";
                     $field = "u1.user_id";
                     $select .= ",u1.realName AS field2, u1.user_id AS id2 ";
                     $from .= "INNER JOIN user u1";
                     $from .= " ON (u1.user_id=a." . db_es($this->field_Y) . ") ";
                 } else {
                     if (!$af_y->isStandardField() && !$af_y->isUsername()) {
                         //echo " : 3<br>";
                         $field = "afvl1.value_id";
                         $select .= ",afvl1.value AS field2 ";
                         $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value afv1";
                         $from .= " ON (afv1.artifact_id = a.artifact_id AND afv1.field_id = " . db_ei($af_y->getId()) . ") ";
                         $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value_list afvl1";
                         $from .= " ON (afvl1.group_artifact_id = a.group_artifact_id AND afvl1.field_id = afv1.field_id AND afvl1.value_id = afv1.valueInt) ";
                     } else {
                         //if (!$af_y->isStandardField() && ($af_y->isUsername()))
                         //echo " : 4<br>";
                         $field = "u1.user_id";
                         $select .= ",u1.realName AS field2, u1.user_id AS id2 ";
                         $from .= "INNER JOIN artifact_field_value afv1";
                         $from .= " ON (afv1.artifact_id = a.artifact_id AND afv1.field_id = " . db_ei($af_y->getId()) . ") ";
                         $from .= "INNER JOIN user u1";
                         $from .= " ON (u1.user_id=afv1.valueInt)";
             $group_by .= "," . $field . " ";
             $order_by .= "," . $field . " ASC";
         $select .= ",COUNT(0) AS c ";
         //artifact permissions
         $sql_group_id = "SELECT group_id FROM artifact_group_list WHERE group_artifact_id=" . db_ei($this->atid);
         $result_group_id = db_query($sql_group_id);
         if (db_numrows($result_group_id) > 0) {
             $row = db_fetch_array($result_group_id);
             $group_id = $row['group_id'];
         $user = UserManager::instance()->getCurrentUser();
         $ugroups = $user->getUgroups($group_id, array('artifact_type' => $this->atid));
         $from .= " LEFT JOIN permissions\n                         ON (permissions.object_id = CONVERT(a.artifact_id USING utf8)\n                             AND \n                             permissions.permission_type = 'TRACKER_ARTIFACT_ACCESS') ";
         $where .= " AND (a.use_artifact_permissions = 0\n                             OR\n                             permissions.ugroup_id IN (" . implode(',', $ugroups) . ")\n                            ) ";
         $sql = "{$select} {$from} {$where} {$group_by} {$order_by}";
         //echo "$sql<br>\n";
         $res = db_query($sql);
         for ($i = 0; $i < db_numrows($res); $i++) {
             $r[$i] = db_fetch_array($res);
             $result['field1'][$i] = $r[$i]['field1'];
             if ($af_x->isUsername() && $r[$i]['id1'] == 100) {
                 $result['field1'][$i] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'none');
             if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
                 $result['field2'][$i] = $r[$i]['field2'];
                 if ($af_y->isUsername() && $r[$i]['id2'] == 100) {
                     $result['field2'][$i] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'none');
             $result['c'][$i] = $r[$i]['c'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['field1']); $i++) {
         $x = array_search($result['field1'][$i], $this->x_values);
         if ($x === false) {
             $this->x_values[count($this->x_values)] = $result['field1'][$i];
     if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['field2']); $i++) {
             $y = array_search($result['field2'][$i], $this->y_values);
             if ($y === false) {
                 $this->y_values[count($this->y_values)] = $result['field2'][$i];
     // data initialisation
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->x_values); $i++) {
         if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->y_values); $j++) {
                 $this->data[$i][$j] = 0;
         } else {
             $this->data[$i] = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['c']); $i++) {
         $x = array_search($result['field1'][$i], $this->x_values);
         if (!is_null($this->field_Y)) {
             $y = array_search($result['field2'][$i], $this->y_values);
             if ($x !== false && $y !== false) {
                 $this->data[$x][$y] = $result['c'][$i];
         } else {
             if ($x !== false) {
                 $this->data[$x] = $result['c'][$i];