/** * Optional method. If exists, allows this class to decide the title for * all blockinstances of this type */ public static function get_instance_title(BlockInstance $bi) { $configdata = $bi->get('configdata'); if (!empty($configdata['artefactid'])) { safe_require('artefact', 'ilps'); $ilp = new ArtefactTypeilp($configdata['artefactid']); $title = $ilp->get('title'); return $title; } return ''; }
/** * Creates a ilp or unit from the given entry * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry The entry to create the ilp or unit from * @param PluginImportLeap $importer The importer * @return array A list of artefact IDs created, to be used with the artefact mapping. */ private static function create_ilp(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer) { // First decide if it's going to be a ilp or a unit depending // on whether it has any ancestral ilps. if (self::get_ancestor_entryid($entry, $importer)) { $artefact = new ArtefactTypeunit(); } else { $artefact = new ArtefactTypeilp(); } $artefact->set('title', (string) $entry->title); $artefact->set('description', PluginImportLeap::get_entry_content($entry, $importer)); $artefact->set('owner', $importer->get('usr')); if (isset($entry->author->name) && strlen($entry->author->name)) { $artefact->set('authorname', $entry->author->name); } else { $artefact->set('author', $importer->get('usr')); } if ($published = strtotime((string) $entry->published)) { $artefact->set('ctime', $published); } if ($updated = strtotime((string) $entry->updated)) { $artefact->set('mtime', $updated); } $artefact->set('tags', PluginImportLeap::get_entry_tags($entry)); // Set targetcompletion and points status if we can find them if ($artefact instanceof ArtefactTypeunit) { $namespaces = $importer->get_namespaces(); $ns = $importer->get_leap2a_namespace(); $dates = PluginImportLeap::get_leap_dates($entry, $namespaces, $ns); if (!empty($dates['target']['value'])) { $targetcompletion = strtotime($dates['target']['value']); } $artefact->set('targetcompletion', empty($targetcompletion) ? $artefact->get('mtime') : $targetcompletion); if ($entry->xpath($namespaces[$ns] . ':status[@' . $namespaces[$ns] . ':stage="points"]')) { $artefact->set('points', 1); } } $artefact->commit(); return array($artefact->get('id')); }
/** * This function returns a list of the current ilps units. * * @param limit how many units to display per page * @param offset current page to display * @return array (grandtotalpoints: number, count: integer, data: array) * */ public static function get_units($ilp, $offset = 0, $limit = 20) { ($results = get_records_sql_array("\n SELECT a.id, at.artefact AS unit, at.status, at.points, " . db_format_tsfield('targetcompletion') . ", " . db_format_tsfield('datecompleted') . ",\n a.title, a.description, a.parent\n FROM {artefact} a\n JOIN {artefact_ilps_unit} at ON at.artefact = a.id\n WHERE a.artefacttype = 'unit' AND a.parent = ?\n ORDER BY at.targetcompletion DESC", array($ilp), $offset, $limit)) || ($results = array()); // format the date and calculate grand total of points $grandtotalpoints = 0; $aquiredpoints = 0; $remainingpoints = ArtefactTypeilp::get_points($ilp); foreach ($results as $result) { $grandtotalpoints = $grandtotalpoints + $result->points; if (!empty($result->targetcompletion)) { $result->targetcompletion = strftime(get_string('strftimedate'), $result->targetcompletion); } if (!empty($result->datecompleted)) { $result->datecompleted = strftime(get_string('strftimedate'), $result->datecompleted); $aquiredpoints = $aquiredpoints + $result->points; $remainingpoints = $remainingpoints - $result->points; } } $result = array('grandtotalpoints' => $grandtotalpoints, 'aquiredpoints' => $aquiredpoints, 'remainingpoints' => $remainingpoints, 'count' => count_records('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'unit', 'parent', $ilp), 'data' => $results, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'id' => $ilp); return $result; }