/** * Constructor. */ function __construct($values, $model_name) { $this->model_name = $model_name; $uri = "/" . hyphenate($model_name); if ($this->model()) { $uri .= ($pk = $values[$this->model()->pk]) ? "/{$pk}" : ''; } $this->uri($uri); parent::__construct($values); }
/** * Constructor. */ function __construct($params = null) { $config = self::$config; // Request param defaults. $default_params = array('env' => self::$env, 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'layout' => $config->app['default_layout'], 'view' => $config->app['default_action'], 'output' => $config->app['default_output'], 'models' => array(), 'messages' => array(), 'notices' => array(), 'warnings' => array(), 'errors' => array(), 'method' => strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), 'post' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? true : false, 'get' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' ? true : false, 'ajax' => $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == 'XMLHttpRequest' || isset($_REQUEST['__ajax']) ? true : false, 'host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); // Merge defaults with $_SERVER. foreach (array_merge($_SERVER, $default_params) as $key => $val) { $key = strtolower($key); if ($params[$key] === null) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Apply params to request. parent::__construct($params); }
/** * Setup session. */ function __construct($params = null) { // Enable sessions by HTTP request only. if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && !self::$instance) { register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); $this->__session_maxlifetime = intval(ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')); $this->__session_data = null; // Session params by config. if ($params) { // Session domain sharing. if ($params['share_domain']) { ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.' . preg_replace('/(.*?)([^\\.]+\\.[^\\.]+)$/', '\\2', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); unset($params['share_domain']); } // Directly set all ini. foreach ((array) $params as $key => $value) { ini_set('session.' . $key, $value); } } // Initiate cache sessions by config param session->use_cache. if ($params['use_cache']) { $this->__session_cache = true; // Internal save handlers? session_set_save_handler(array(&$this, 'open'), array(&$this, 'close'), array(&$this, 'read'), array(&$this, 'write'), array(&$this, 'destroy'), array(&$this, 'gc')); } // Start. session_start(); // Cronstruct arrayinterface. parent::__construct($_SESSION); // Save session id. $this->id = session_id(); // Singleton. self::$instance =& $this; } return self::$instance; }
function __construct($path = null, $required = true, $refresh = false) { if ($path) { parent::__construct((array) self::load($path, $required = true, $refresh)); } }