
class Army
    public static $strength = 20;
    public static function getStrength()
        //late static binding... if the child that called the method has a the property, use that one
        //else, go up the class hierarchy and find the static property
        return static::$strength;
echo 'Army strength: ' . Army::getStrength() . '<br/>';
class Batallion extends Army
    public static $strength = 10;
echo 'Batallion strength: ' . Batallion::getStrength() . "<br/>";

class Army
    public static $strength = 20;
    public static function getStrength()
        return static::$strength;
        // will check child class first then parent class
        //This is called late static binding
        //return self::$strength; will renter 20 for battalion
class Battalion extends Army
    public static $strength = 10;
echo 'Army strength: ' . Army::getStrength() . "<br/>";
echo 'Battalion strength: ' . Battalion::getStrength() . "<br/>";
//Batallion str is 10 but it will render 20 because it will render the parent static as the default
class Unit extends Battalion
    public static $strength = 5;
echo 'Unit strength: ' . Unit::getStrength() . "<br/>";