  * Show dictionary words by Language code, Area name and key
  * @param   string 	$code Language code
  * @param   string 	$area Area name
  * @param   string 	$what Dictionary key
  * @return  void
 public function keys($code = '', $area = 'public', $what = '', $str = '')
     // load dictionary
     $area_mod = new Area_model();
     list($id_area, $areas) = $area_mod->get_my_areas(2);
     if ($id_area != 2) {
         $area = $area_mod->get_var($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
     if (empty($str)) {
         $code = empty($code) ? X4Route_core::$lang : $code;
         // get page
         $page = $this->get_page('dictionary/keys');
         // content
         $view = new X4View_core('container');
         $view->content = new X4View_core('languages/words');
         $view->content->page = $page;
         // keys
         $dict = new Dictionary_model();
         $keys = $dict->get_keys($code, $area);
         $view->content->keys = $keys;
         // check empty what
         if (empty($what) && !empty($keys)) {
             $what = $keys[0]->what;
         $view->content->items = $dict->get_words($code, $area, $what);
         $view->content->what = $what;
         $view->content->str = '';
         // area switcher
         $view->content->area = $area;
         $view->content->areas = $areas;
         // language switcher
         $view->content->lang = $code;
         $lang = new Language_model();
         $view->content->langs = $lang->get_languages();
         header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
     } else {
         $this->search($code, $area, $what, $str);
     * Rename area (secret method)
     * If for whatever reason you need to rename an area you can call this script
     * /admin/areas/reaname_area/ID_AREA/NEW_NAME
     * @param   integer $id_area Area ID to rename
     * @param   string  $new_name New name to set
     * @return  string
    public function rename_area($id_area, $new_name)
        // Comment the next row to enable the method
        die('Operation disabled!');
        $mod = new Area_model();
        // clean the new name
        $new = X4Utils_helper::unspace(urldecode($new_name), true);
        // check if already exists
        $chk = $mod->exists($new, $id_area);
        // get the old area name
        $old = $mod->get_var($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
        if (!$chk && $old && $old != $new && strlen($new) > 2) {
            // replace name
            $res = $mod->rename_area($id_area, $old, $new);
            if ($res[1]) {
                echo '<h1>CONGRATULATIONS!</h1>';
                echo '<p>The changes on the database are applied.</p>';
                // print instructions for manual changes
                echo '<p>Follow this instructions to perform manual changes.</p>
					<li>Rename the folder /cms/controllers/' . $old . ' to /cms/controllers/' . $new . '</li>
					<li>Rename the folder /cms/views/' . $old . ' to /cms/views/' . $new . '</li>
					<li>In the file system/core/X4Route_core.php replace the old area name "' . $old . '" with the new "' . $new . '" in the static vars</li>
					<li>In the file cms/config/config.php replace the old area name "' . $old . '" with the new "' . $new . '" in the $default array</li>
				<p>NOTE: this operation acts on the core system of the CMS, if you use plugins you have to check if they need to be changed.</p>';
            } else {
                echo '<h1>WARNING!</h1>';
                echo '<p>Something went wrong, changes are not applied.</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<h1>WARNING!</h1>';
            if (!$old) {
                echo '<p>Not exists an area with ID ' . $id_area . '.</p>';
            } else {
                if (strlen($new) < 3) {
                    echo '<p>The new name "' . $new . '" is too short (the minimum is 3 chars).</p>';
                if (!$chk) {
                    echo '<p>An area with the same name "' . $new . '" already exists.</p>';
                if ($old == $new) {
                    echo '<p>The old name "' . $old . '" and the new name "' . $new . '" are equal.</p>';