public function execute($id) { $app = \App::getInstance(); $docs = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Documents(); $conn = $app->DB_CONNECT; $params = array(); $params[":id"] = $id; $ref = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Refs\Ref(); $ref->setRel("source"); $ref->setHref($id); $docs->setRef($ref); $query = "SELECT `r`.`xmlview` AS `rxmlview`,`l`.`xmlview` AS `lxmlview` FROM `links` AS `l` \n\t\t LEFT JOIN `resources` AS `r` ON `l`.`destination`=`r`.`id`\n\t\t LEFT JOIN `documents_keys` AS `dk` ON `l`.`destination`=`dk`.`documentId`\n\t\t WHERE `l`.`source`=:id AND `r`.`type`='document'\n\t\t ORDER BY `dk`.`year`;"; $sth = $conn->prepare($query); $sth->execute($params); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $doc = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Documents\Document(); $doc->fromXmlStr($row["rxmlview"]); $link = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Links\Link(); $link->fromXmlStr($row["lxmlview"]); $doc->setLink($link); $docs->setDocument($doc); } return $docs; }
public function execute() { $app = \App::getInstance(); $docs = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Documents(); $conn = $app->DB_CONNECT; $params = array(); $start = isset($app->QUERY['start']) ? intval($app->QUERY['start']) : 0; $count = isset($app->QUERY['count']) ? intval($app->QUERY['count']) : (isset($app->QUERY['search']) ? 100 : 100); $where = ""; if (isset($app->QUERY['id']) && $app->QUERY['id'] != "") { $where = " AND `r`.`id`= :id"; $id = trim($app->QUERY['id']); $params[":id"] = $id; $ref = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Refs\Ref(); $ref->setRel("id"); $ref->setHref($id); $docs->setRef($ref); } if (isset($app->QUERY['path']) && $app->QUERY['path'] != "") { $where = " AND `dk`.`path`= :path"; $path = trim($app->QUERY['path']); $params[":path"] = $path; $ref = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Refs\Ref(); $ref->setRel("path"); $ref->setHref($path); $docs->setRef($ref); } if (isset($app->QUERY['snumber']) && $app->QUERY['snumber'] != "") { $start = intval(trim($app->QUERY['snumber'])); $count = 1; } $query = "SELECT `r`.`autoid`,`r`.`xmlview` FROM `resources` AS `r` \n\t\t LEFT JOIN `documents_keys` AS `dk` ON `dk`.`documentId`=`r`.`id`\n\t\t WHERE `r`.`type`='document' {$where}\n\t\t ORDER BY `dk`.`path` LIMIT {$start},{$count};"; $sth = $conn->prepare($query); $sth->execute($params); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $autoid = $row["autoid"]; $doc = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Documents\Document(); $doc->fromXmlStr($row["xmlview"]); $docs->setDocument($doc); } if (count($docs->getDocument()) == 1) { $params = [$autoid]; $query = "SELECT COUNT(`autoid`) AS `total` FROM `resources` WHERE `type`='document' AND `autoid` < ?;"; $sth = $conn->prepare($query); $sth->execute($params); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $ref = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Refs\Ref(); $ref->setRel("snumber"); $ref->setHref($row["total"]); $docs->setRef($ref); } $query = "SELECT COUNT(`autoid`) AS `total` FROM `resources` WHERE `type`='document';"; $sth = $conn->prepare($query); $sth->execute($params); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $ref = new \Archive\Port\Adaptor\Data\Archive\Refs\Ref(); $ref->setRel("max"); $ref->setHref($row["total"] - 1); $docs->setRef($ref); } } return $docs; }