function checksession($sg = null) { if ($sg != null && isset($_SESSION['operatorid'])) { $ap = new Approval(); $ap->setValue('skillgroup', $sg); $ap->setValue('operatorid', $_SESSION['operatorid']); if ($ap->checkAuthority()) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { if (isset($_SESSION["LAST_ACTIVITY"])) { if (time() - $_SESSION["LAST_ACTIVITY"] > 300) { // last request was more than 30 minutes ago session_unset(); // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time session_destroy(); // destroy session data in storage return false; } else { $_SESSION["LAST_ACTIVITY"] = time(); // update last activity time stamp return true; } } } return false; }
public function getSidebar($catid = 0) { $sidebarAlias = "application.modules.article.views.sidebar"; $approvals = Approval::model()->fetchAllApproval(); $params = array("approvals" => $approvals, "categoryData" => $this->getCategoryOption(), "catid" => $catid); return $this->renderPartial($sidebarAlias, $params, true); }
protected function getSidebar($catid = 0) { $sidebarAlias = "application.modules.officialdoc.views.sidebar"; $approvals = Approval::model()->fetchAllApproval(); $params = array("approvals" => $approvals, "categoryData" => $this->getCategoryOption(), "catid" => $catid); $noSignCount = Officialdoc::model()->countNoSignByUid(Ibos::app()->user->uid); $params["noSignCount"] = $noSignCount; return $this->renderPartial($sidebarAlias, $params, true); }
public function status_options($id) { LeaveWPay::with('user')->where('leave_id', $id)->update(array('status' => Input::get('status'))); $approve = LeaveWPay::with('user')->where('leave_id', $id)->first(); $adminlog = new AdminLogWP(); $adminlog->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); $adminlog->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $adminlog->days_of_leave = $approve->days_of_leave; $adminlog->wdays_of_leave = $approve->wdays_of_leave; $adminlog->date_from = $approve->date_from; $adminlog->time_from = $approve->time_from; $adminlog->date_to = $approve->date_to; $adminlog->time_to = $approve->time_to; $adminlog->reason = $approve->reason; $adminlog->message = Input::get('message'); $adminlog->status = Input::get('status'); $adminlog->save(); $userlog = new UserLeaveLog(); $userlog->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); $userlog->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $userlog->type_of_leave = 'Leave with pay'; $userlog->days_of_leave = $approve->days_of_leave; $userlog->wdays_of_leave = $approve->wdays_of_leave; $userlog->date_from = $approve->date_from; $userlog->time_from = $approve->time_from; $userlog->date_to = $approve->date_to; $userlog->time_to = $approve->time_to; $userlog->company = ''; $userlog->address = ''; $userlog->reason = $approve->reason; $userlog->status = Input::get('status'); $userlog->save(); $approve = new Approval(); $approve->employee_id = Auth::user()->employee_id; $approve->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $approve->type_of_leave = 'Leave with pay'; $approve->message = Input::get('message'); $approve->status = Input::get('status'); $approve->save(); return Redirect::route('leavepay'); }
public function actionDel() { if (Ibos::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $id = EnvUtil::getRequest("id"); $delRet = Approval::model()->deleteApproval($id); if ($delRet) { $ret["isSuccess"] = true; $ret["msg"] = Ibos::lang("Del succeed", "message"); } else { $ret["isSuccess"] = false; $ret["msg"] = Ibos::lang("Del failed", "message"); } $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } }
</div><!-- /.box-header --> <!-- form start --> <form role="form" id="marks_enter"> <div class="box-body"> <div class="form-group"> <p> Note: Internal assessment, Class Tests, Mid-sem, End-sem is equally applicable to practicals, seminars etc. but do set grading scale accordingly. </p> <label for="course">Select course with respective department</label> <select class="form-control" id="course" name="course_id" onchange="changeload(this.value);"> <option value="" >Select your Course</option> <?php $i = 0; $c = new Course(); $courses = $c->getAppointed(Session::get('teacher_id')); $a = new Approval(); while (!empty($courses) && ($course = $courses->fetch_object())) { $matched = 0; $b = $a->underApproval(); while ($key = $b->fetch_object()) { if ($key->course_code == $course->course_code && $key->course_dep == $course->course_dep) { $matched = 1; break; } } if (!$matched) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $course->course_code . ',' . $course->course_dep; ?> "> <?php
if (isset($_GET['ui'])) { $nc->showNCUI(); } if (isset($_GET['newtmrow'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $ope = new Operator(); $ope->createOperatorList(); $any = new Anylist(); $any->createList('Department'); echo '<tr><td>'; $sel = new selectlist("teammember[" . $id . "]", $ope->getOperatorList(), 'Select Member Name', 'Operator_ID', 'Operator_Name', 'class="required"', '', ''); echo '</td><td>'; $sel = new selectlist("department[" . $id . "]", $any->anylist, 'Select Department', 'Department', 'Department', 'class="required"', '', ''); echo '</td><td><input id="work[' . $id . ']" name="work[' . $id . ']" class="required"></td>'; echo '<td><input id="tdate[' . $id . ']" name="tdate[' . $id . ']" class="required"></td><td><input id="memberremarks[' . $id . ']" name="memberremarks[' . $id . ']"></td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="tdatedb[' . $id . ']" name="tdatedb[' . $id . ']"></tr>'; } if (isset($_GET['nclid'])) { $nc->setValue('nonconformanceid', $_GET['nclid']); $nc->showNCUI(); } if (isset($_GET['sgid'])) { $au = new Approval(); $au->setValue('skillgroup', $_GET['sgid']); $au->setValue('tname', 'NonConformance'); $au->setValue('linkcol', 'NonConformance_ID'); $au->setValue('linkid', $_GET['lid']); $au->setValue('remarks', $_GET['appremarks']); $au->saveApproval(); } }
<?php require_once '../core/init.php'; if (loggedIn() && privilege() != NULL) { if (Input::exists('get')) { $tid = Input::get('tid'); $cid = Input::get('cid'); $did = Input::get('did'); $a = new Approval(); $b = $a->approve($tid, $cid, $did); if ($b === 1) { echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'Result approved!'; echo '</div>'; } else { if ($b === 2) { echo '<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'Already approved by you!'; echo '</div>'; } else { if ($b === 0) { echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'Temporary Error!'; echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo $b; echo '</div>'; } } }
public function checkIsApproval($catid, $uid) { $aid = $this->fetchAidByCatid($catid); $approvalUids = Approval::model()->fetchApprovalUidsByIds($aid); $res = in_array($uid, $approvalUids); return $res; }
public static function getApprovalStatus($id) { $apv = Approval::find($id); return isset($apv->approvalStatus) ? $apv->approvalStatus : ''; }
public function postApproval() { $in = Input::get(); $ticket_id = $in['ticket_id']; $approval_status = $in['approval_status']; $approval = Approval::find($ticket_id); if ($approval) { $approval->approvalStatus = $approval_status; $approval->save(); $p = json_encode($approval); $actor = isset(Auth::user()->email) ? Auth::user()->fullname . ' - ' . Auth::user()->email : 'guest'; Event::fire('log.a', array('approval', 'change', $actor, $p)); return Response::json(array('result' => 'OK')); } else { $p = 'asset not found'; $actor = isset(Auth::user()->email) ? Auth::user()->email : 'guest'; Event::fire('log.a', array('approval', 'change', $actor, $p)); return Response::json(array('result' => 'ERR::NOTFOUND')); } }
</div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="box box-default"> <div class="box-header"> <h3 class="box-title">Approval Status</h3> <div class="box-tools pull-right"> <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-widget="collapse"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></button> </div> </div> <!-- /.box header --> <div class="box-body"> <h3><strong> <?php $a = new Approval(); $b = $a->statusApproval($cid, $dep); if ($b->num_rows) { $status = $b->fetch_object()->status_level; } else { $status = -1; } switch ($status) { case -1: echo "Not yet approved by you for result."; break; case 0: echo "Approved by course teacher for result."; break; case 1: echo "Approved by 1 DUPC/DPPC member for result.";
private function verify() { if (Ibos::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $uid = Ibos::app()->user->uid; $artIds = trim(EnvUtil::getRequest("articleids"), ","); $ids = explode(",", $artIds); if (empty($ids)) { $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => false, "msg" => Ibos::lang("Parameters error", "error"))); } $sender = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($uid); foreach ($ids as $artId) { $artApproval = ArticleApproval::model()->fetchLastStep($artId); if (empty($artApproval)) { $this->verifyComplete($artId, $uid); } else { $art = Article::model()->fetchByPk($artId); $category = ArticleCategory::model()->fetchByPk($art["catid"]); $approval = Approval::model()->fetch("id={$category["aid"]}"); $curApproval = Approval::model()->fetchNextApprovalUids($approval["id"], $artApproval["step"]); $nextApproval = Approval::model()->fetchNextApprovalUids($approval["id"], $artApproval["step"] + 1); if (!in_array($uid, $curApproval["uids"])) { $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => false, "msg" => Ibos::lang("You do not have permission to verify the article"))); } if (!empty($nextApproval)) { if ($nextApproval["step"] == "publish") { $this->verifyComplete($artId, $uid); } else { ArticleApproval::model()->recordStep($artId, $uid); $config = array("{sender}" => $sender, "{subject}" => $art["subject"], "{category}" => $category["name"], "{content}" => $this->renderPartial("remindcontent", array("article" => $art, "author" => $sender), true), "{url}" => $this->createUrl("default/index", array("type" => "notallow"))); foreach ($nextApproval["uids"] as $k => $approvalUid) { if (!ArticleUtil::checkReadScope($approvalUid, $art)) { unset($nextApproval["uids"][$k]); } } Notify::model()->sendNotify($nextApproval["uids"], "article_verify_message", $config, $uid); Article::model()->updateAllStatusAndApproverByPks($artId, $uid, 2); } } } } $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => true, "msg" => Ibos::lang("Verify succeed", "message"))); } }
$i = $_GET['rowno'] - 1; $data = array('id' => $i, 'tl' => $_GET['tl'], 'tu' => $_GET['tu']); $dimn->addDimensionRow($data); } if (isset($_GET['rev'])) { $dimn->setValue('operationid', $_GET['opid']); if (isset($_GET['oldrev'])) { $dimn->setValue('oldrev', 1); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $dimn->getStageRevno($_GET['id']); } else { $dimn->getStageRevno(); } } if (isset($_GET['sgid'])) { $au = new Approval(); $au->setValue('skillgroup', $_GET['sgid']); $au->setValue('tname', 'Ope_Drawing'); $au->setValue('linkcol', 'Ope_Drawing_ID'); $au->setValue('linkid', $_GET['opdrgid']); $au->setValue('remarks', $_GET['appremarks']); $au->saveApproval(); } if (isset($_GET['copy'])) { ///show dimwnsions list for copying to another operation $dimn->setValue('operationid', $_GET['opid']); $dimn->setValue('opedrawingid', $_GET['revid']); $dimn->showDimensionCopyUI(); } }
public function post_delete($id) { $d_login = UserLogin::where('employee_id', $id)->first(); $d_login->delete(); $userlog = UserLeaveLog::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); LeaveWPay::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); LeaveWOPay::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); LeaveCounter::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); LeaveAWT::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); LeaveOB::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); AdminLogWP::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); AdminLogWOP::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); AdminLogOB::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); AdminLogAWT::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); AnnouncementComments::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); Approval::where('employee_id', $id)->delete(); $d_user = UserDetails::where('employee_id', $id)->first(); $d_user->delete(); return Redirect::route('view_users'); }
} } $dimnob->showDimensionObservationUI(); } if (isset($_GET['jno'])) { $dimnob->setValue('operationid', $_GET['opid']); $dimnob->setValue('batchid', $_GET['bid']); $dimnob->setValue('opedrawingid', $_GET['revid']); $dimnob->getJobnos(); } if (isset($_GET['date'])) { $dimnob->setValue('dimnobservationid', $_GET['doid']); $dimnob->getDate(); } if (isset($_GET['check'])) { $dimnob->checkvalue($_GET['edimn'], $_GET['tlow'], $_GET['tup'], $_GET['bdim']); } if (isset($_GET['tomm'])) { $dimnob->converttomm($_GET['edimn']); } if (isset($_GET['sgid'])) { $au = new Approval(); $au->setValue('skillgroup', $_GET['sgid']); $au->setValue('tname', 'Dimn_Observation'); $au->setValue('linkcol', 'Dimn_Observation_ID'); $au->setValue('linkid', $_GET['doid']); $au->setValue('remarks', $_GET['appremarks']); $au->saveApproval(); } } }
protected function getCurApproval() { $catid = EnvUtil::getRequest("catid"); $category = OfficialdocCategory::model()->fetchByPk($catid); $approval = Approval::model()->fetchByPk($category["aid"]); $this->ajaxReturn(array("approval" => $approval)); }
$insqry = "insert into {$skills_table} set skill_name='{$v[$skname]}',DATE_OF_ADDITION=now(),added_by='{$emp_id}',over_used='{$v[$ovused]}',career_killer='{$v[$crklr]}',compensator='{$v[$cmptr]}',"; if ($v[$sktp] == "t") { $subqry = "skill_description='{$v[$skdes]}',unskilled_desc=NULL,skill_type='{$v[$sktp]}'"; } else { $subqry = "skill_description=NULL,unskilled_desc='{$v[$skdes]}',skill_type='{$v[$sktp]}'"; } $insqry = $insqry . $subqry; // echo $insqry; $db_object->insert($insqry); $insqry = ""; $subqry = ""; } } if (count($skillids) > 0) { $skills_id = @implode(",", $skillids); $skill_ids = "(" . $skills_id . ")"; //$delqry="delete from $unapskill where emp_id='$emp_id'"; $delqry = "delete from {$unapskill} where skill_id in {$skill_ids}"; $db_object->insert($delqry); } echo $alert_msg["cApproved"]; //print_r($skill_set); } } $aprobj = new Approval(); if ($fApproval) { $aprobj->approve($common, $db_object, $_POST, $emp_id, $gbl_skill_type, $alert_msg); } else { $aprobj->display($common, $db_object, $emp_id); } include "footer.php";
<?php require_once 'autoload.php'; include 'checksession.php'; if (!checksession()) { header('Location: login.php'); } $au = new Approval(); $commallowed = array('2', '17'); if (isset($_SESSION['operatorid'])) { $au->setValue('operatorid', $_SESSION['operatorid']); $me = new Message(); $me->setTo($_SESSION['operatorid']); $nm = $me->getMessagecount(); } else { checksession('index.php'); } echo <<<_END <!DOCTYPE HTML> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Divya Engineering ERP</title> <link href="js/css/sm-core-css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="js/css/sm-blue/sm-blue.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js" ></script> <script src="js/jquery.smartmenus.js" ></script> <script>
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * POST /atw * * @return Response */ public function store($id) { // LeaveAWT::with('user')->where('leave_id', $id)->update(array('status' => Input::get('status'))); $approve = LeaveAWT::with('user')->where('leave_id', $id)->first(); $adminlog = new AdminLogAWT(); $adminlog->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); $adminlog->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $adminlog->days_of_leave = $approve->days_of_leave; $adminlog->wdays_of_leave = $approve->wdays_of_leave; $adminlog->date_from = $approve->date_from; $adminlog->time_from = $approve->time_from; $adminlog->date_to = $approve->date_to; $adminlog->time_to = $approve->time_to; $adminlog->reason = $approve->reason; $adminlog->message = Input::get('message'); $adminlog->status = Input::get('status'); $adminlog->save(); $userlog = new UserLeaveLog(); $userlog->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); $userlog->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $userlog->type_of_leave = 'Application for Authority to Work (ATW)'; $userlog->days_of_leave = $approve->days_of_leave; $userlog->wdays_of_leave = $approve->wdays_of_leave; $userlog->date_from = $approve->date_from; $userlog->time_from = $approve->time_from; $userlog->company = ''; $userlog->address = ''; $userlog->date_to = $approve->date_to; $userlog->time_to = $approve->time_to; $userlog->reason = $approve->reason; $userlog->status = Input::get('status'); $userlog->save(); $approve = new Approval(); $approve->employee_id = Auth::user()->employee_id; $approve->leave_id = Input::get('leave_id'); $approve->type_of_leave = 'Application for Authority to Work (ATW)'; $approve->message = Input::get('message'); $approve->status = Input::get('status'); $approve->save(); return Redirect::route('leaveatw_admin'); }
$op->adminUI(); } if (isset($_GET['holui'])) { $op->holidayUI(); } if (isset($_GET['leaveappui'])) { $op->setValue('leaveid', $_GET['lid']); $op->leaveapproveUI(); } if (isset($_GET['attendence'])) { $op->setValue('uitype', 'att'); $op->setValue('attstatusid', 1); $op->saveAttendence(); } if (isset($_GET['sgid'])) { $au = new Approval(); $au->setValue('skillgroup', $_GET['sgid']); $au->setValue('tname', 'Leaves'); $au->setValue('linkcol', 'Leave_ID'); $au->setValue('linkid', $_GET['lid']); $au->setValue('remarks', $_GET['appremarks']); $au->saveApproval(); } if (isset($_GET['plan'])) { if (isset($_GET['mid'])) { $op->setValue('operatorid', $_GET['mid']); } $op->showAttencence(); } if (isset($_GET['mpdetail'])) { $op->setValue('attendenceid', $_GET['id']);
<?php require_once '../core/init.php'; if (privilege() == NULL) { die; } if (loggedIn()) { if (Input::exists('post')) { $validate = new Validate(); $validation = $validate->check($_POST, array('reject_msg' => array('required' => true))); if ($validate->passed()) { $tid = Input::get('tid'); $cid = Input::get('cid'); $did = Input::get('did'); $reject_msg = Input::get('reject_msg'); $a = new Approval(); $b = $a->reject($tid, $cid, $did, $reject_msg); if ($b === 1) { echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'Result rejected!'; echo '</div>'; } else { if ($b === 2) { echo '<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'You cannot reject because you have already approved this result.'; echo '</div>'; } else { if ($b === 0) { echo '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo 'Temporary Problem!!'; echo '</div>';
if (isset($_GET['class'])) { $class = 'class="required"'; } else { $class = ''; } $sel = new selectlist('Skill_Group_ID', $sg->getSkillGroupList(), 'Select Skill Group', 'Skill_Group_ID', 'Group_Desc', $class, '', '1'); break; case 'auth': //machine list $au = new Authority(); $au->createAuthorityList(); $sel = new selectlist('Authority_ID', $au->getAuthorityList(), 'Select Authority Group', 'Authority_ID', 'Authority', '', '', '1'); break; case 'approval': //machine list $app = new Approval(); $app->setValue('skillgroup', $_GET['sgid']); $app->createApprovarList(); $sel = new selectlist('Approver_ID', $app->getApprovarList(), 'Select Approver', 'Operator_ID', 'Operator_Name', '', '', '1'); break; case 'idle': //machine list $act = new Activitylog(); $act->createReasonList(); $sel = new selectlist('Idle_ID', $act->getReasonList(), 'Select Idle Reason', 'Idle_ID', 'Idle_Reason', 'class="required"', '', '1'); break; case 'nclog': //machine list $ncl = new NCLog(); if (isset($_GET['class'])) { $class = 'class="required"';
public static function handleApproval($datas) { $allApprovals = Approval::model()->fetchAllSortByPk("id"); $allCategorys = ArticleCategory::model()->fetchAllSortByPk("catid"); $artApprovals = ArticleApproval::model()->fetchAllGroupByArtId(); $backArtIds = ArticleBack::model()->fetchAllBackArtId(); foreach ($datas as &$art) { $art["back"] = in_array($art["articleid"], $backArtIds) ? 1 : 0; $art["approval"] = $art["approvalStep"] = array(); $catid = $art["catid"]; if (!empty($allCategorys[$catid]["aid"])) { $aid = $allCategorys[$catid]["aid"]; if (!empty($allApprovals[$aid])) { $art["approval"] = $allApprovals[$aid]; } } if (!empty($art["approval"])) { $art["approvalName"] = !empty($art["approval"]) ? $art["approval"]["name"] : ""; $art["artApproval"] = isset($artApprovals[$art["articleid"]]) ? $artApprovals[$art["articleid"]] : array(); $art["stepNum"] = count($art["artApproval"]); $step = array(); foreach ($art["artApproval"] as $artApproval) { $step[$artApproval["step"]] = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($artApproval["uid"]); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $art["approval"]["level"]; $i++) { if ($i <= $art["stepNum"]) { $art["approval"][$i]["approvaler"] = isset($step[$i]) ? $step[$i] : "未知"; } else { $levelName = Approval::model()->getLevelNameByStep($i); $approvalUids = $art["approval"][$levelName]; $art["approval"][$i]["approvaler"] = User::model()->fetchRealnamesByUids($approvalUids, "、"); } } } } return $datas; }