 public function indexAction()
     $searchForm = new Receiptpayment_Form_Search();
     $this->view->form = $searchForm;
     $this->view->title = "Receipts and payments";
     if ($this->_request->isPost() && $this->_request->getPost('Search')) {
         $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
         $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
         $fromDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($this->_request->getParam('field1'));
         $toDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($this->_request->getParam('field2'));
         $this->view->field1 = $this->_request->getParam('field1');
         $this->view->field2 = $this->_request->getParam('field2');
         $this->view->pageTitle = "Receipt and Payment";
         $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
         if ($searchForm->isValid($formData)) {
             $this->view->savings = 10;
             $transaction = new Receiptpayment_Model_Receiptpayment();
             //Saving Account Credit and Debit
             $this->view->savingsCredit = $transaction->totalSavingsCredit($fromDate, $toDate);
             $this->view->savingsDebit = $transaction->totalSavingsDebit($fromDate, $toDate);
             //Opening and Closing Balace Calculation
             //Opening Balance Saving Account Credit and Debit
             $this->view->openingsavingsCredit = $transaction->openingBalance($fromDate, $toDate);
             $this->view->openingsavingsDebit = $transaction->closingBalance($fromDate, $toDate);
             $this->view->field1 = $this->_request->getParam('field1');
             $this->view->field2 = $this->_request->getParam('field2');
 public function searchRoles($post)
     $convertdate = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     if ($post['granteddate']) {
         $searchdate = $convertdate->mysqlformat($post['granteddate']);
     } else {
         $searchdate = $post['granteddate'];
     $select = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('ourbank_grant')->where('name like "%" ? "%" ', $post['grantname'])->where('created_date  like "%" ? "%" ', $searchdate);
     $result = $this->fetchAll($select);
     return $result->toArray();
     // return searched grant details
 function indexAction()
     $path = $this->view->baseUrl();
     $this->view->form = $searchForm = new Ledgerbalancebook_Form_Search($path);
     $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     $GeneralList = new Ledgerbalancebook_Model_Ledgerbookbalance();
     $officename = $GeneralList->getHier();
     foreach ($officename as $officename) {
         $searchForm->hierarchy->addMultiOption($officename['id'], $officename['type']);
     if ($this->_request->isPost() && $this->_request->getPost('Search')) {
         $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
         if ($searchForm->isValid($formData)) {
             $this->view->date1 = $this->_request->getParam('date1');
             $fromDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($this->view->date1);
             $hierarchy = $this->_request->getParam('hierarchy');
             $branch = $this->_request->getParam('branch');
             $this->view->ledegerList = $GeneralList->generalLedger($fromDate, $hierarchy, $branch);
             $this->view->ledegerListAssets = $GeneralList->generalLedgerAssets($fromDate, $hierarchy, $branch);
 function pdftransactionAction()
     $fromdate = $this->_request->getParam('fdate');
     $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     $Date = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($fromdate);
     $this->view->fdate = $Date;
     $asofDate = $dateconvertor->normalformat($fromdate);
     $this->view->asofdate = $asofDate;
     $incomeexpenditure = new Incomeexpenditure_Model_Incomeexpenditure();
     $this->view->income = $income = $incomeexpenditure->incomedetails($Date);
     $this->view->expenditure = $expenditure = $incomeexpenditure->expendituredetails($Date);
     $app = $this->view->baseUrl();
     $word = explode('/', $app);
     $projname = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($word); $i++) {
         if ($i > 0 && $i < count($word) - 1) {
             $projname .= '/' . $word[$i];
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     $totalexpe = 0;
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     $criteria = $this->view->translate('As of') . " " . $asofDate;
     $currency = "* " . $this->view->translate('Amount in Rs');
     // // // file:///var/www/IDF/application/modules/incomeexpenditure/controllers/IndexController.php
     /*$page->drawText("Date : ".date('d/m/Y'),500, 800); //date('Y-m-d')
       $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d/m/Y'),500, 800);*/
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     $page->drawText($text[0], 185, 780);
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     //Search criteria
     $page->drawText($criteria, 500, 780);
     $page->drawText($currency, 500, 770);
     $page->drawText($currency, 500, 770);
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     $page->drawLine(30, 730, 570, 730);
     foreach ($income as $income) {
         $page->drawText($income['header'], $x1, $y1);
         $page->drawText($income['credit'], $x2, $y1);
         $totalincome += $income['credit'];
         $y1 = $y1 - 15;
     foreach ($expenditure as $expe) {
         $page->drawText($expe['header'], $x3, $y2);
         $page->drawText($expe['credit'], $x4, $y2);
         $totalexpe += $expe['credit'];
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     $page->drawText($text[5], $x3, $y1 - 15);
     $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalexpe), $x4, $y1 - 15);
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     $account_number = $Date;
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     //$path = '/var/www/ourbank/reports/incomeexpenditure.pdf';
     $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/' . $account_number . 'incomeexpenditure.pdf');
     $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/' . $account_number . 'incomeexpenditure.pdf';
     chmod($path, 0777);
 public function editcropAction()
     $this->view->title = $this->view->translate('Edit Contact');
     $this->view->title = $this->view->translate('Add Crop');
     //Base line data
     $familycommon = new Familycommonview_Model_familycommonview();
     $this->view->memberid = $this->_getParam('id');
     $this->view->membername = $familycommon->getfamily($this->_getParam('id'));
     //agriculture view
     $this->view->agriculture = $edit_agriculture = $familycommon->getagriculturedetails($this->_getParam('id'));
     $this->view->acretotal = $familycommon->getacretotal($this->_getParam('id'));
     $this->view->guntatotal = $familycommon->getguntatotal($this->_getParam('id'));
     $revvillageid = $this->view->membername[0]['rev_village_id'];
     if ($revvillageid) {
         $revvillagename = $this->view->adm->editRecord("ourbank_master_villagelist", $revvillageid);
     //getting module id and submodule id
     $module = $familycommon->getmodule('Family');
     foreach ($module as $module_id) {
     $this->view->mod_id = $module_id['parent'];
     $this->view->sub_id = $module_id['module_id'];
     $this->view->insurance = $familycommon->getinsurance($this->_getParam('id'));
     //load crop details form with two arguments ...
     $form = new Crop_Form_Crop($this->_getParam('id'), $this->_getParam('subId'));
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $this->view->submitform = new Crop_Form_Submit();
     //dynamically change the path name
     $addressmodel = new Address_Model_addressInformation();
     $module_name = $addressmodel->getmodule($this->view->subId);
     foreach ($module_name as $module_view) {
         $path1 = $module_view['module_description'] . 'commonview';
     $path1 = $this->view->path1 = strtolower($path1);
     $crop = new Crop_Model_Crop();
     $this->view->cropdetails = $crop->getCrop();
     $this->view->seasondetails = $crop->getSeason();
     $this->view->units = $crop->getUnits();
     //update contact details
     if ($this->_request->getPost('submit')) {
         $formdata = $this->_request->getPost();
         //             echo '<pre>'; print_r($formdata);
         //   if($formdata['enteredacre']>=$formdata['availableacre']){
         //   $this->view->errormsg="<p style='color:red;'>The Entered acres should be less than or equal to ".$formdata['availableacre'];
         //   } else {
         $id = $this->_getParam('id');
         $crop = new Crop_Model_Crop();
         $editCrop = $crop->getCropdetails($id);
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($editCrop); $j++) {
             $this->view->adm->addRecord("ourbank_cropdetails_log", $editCrop[$j]);
         $tenant = $this->_getParam('tenant');
         $acer = $this->_getParam('acre');
         $gunta = $this->_getParam('gunta');
         $season = $this->_getParam('season');
         $unit = $this->_getParam('unit');
         $quantity = $this->_getParam('quantity');
         $marketed = $this->_getParam('marketed');
         $price = $this->_getParam('price');
         $realised = $this->_getParam('realised');
         $soldDate = $this->_getParam('date');
         $dateconvert = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($this->_getParam('crop_id') as $val) {
             if ($soldDate[$i]) {
                 if ($soldDate[$i] == "00/00/0000" or $soldDate[$i] == NULL) {
                     $date = date("y/m/d H:i:s");
                 } else {
                     $date = $dateconvert->mysqlformat($soldDate[$i]);
             } else {
                 echo $date = date("y/m/d H:i:s");
             $crop = array('family_id' => $id, 'crop_id' => $val, 'land_id' => $tenant[$i], 'season_id' => $season[$i], 'acre' => $acer[$i], 'gunta' => $gunta[$i], 'unit' => $unit[$i], 'quantity' => $quantity[$i], 'marketed' => $marketed[$i], 'price' => $price[$i], 'realised' => $realised[$i], 'sold_date' => $date);
             $this->view->adm->addRecord("ourbank_cropdetails", $crop);
         $this->_redirect('/familycommonview/index/commonview/id/' . $id);
         //   }
     } else {
         //set the contact details in the contact form...
         $sub_id = $this->_getParam('subId');
         $id = $this->_getParam('id');
         $individualcommon = new Familycommonview_Model_familycommonview();
         $this->view->editCrop = $individualcommon->getcrop($this->_getParam('id'));
 public function pdftransactionAction()
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     function position($amt, $posValue)
         $len = strlen($amt);
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     $branchid = $this->_request->getParam('office');
     $this->view->field1 = $fromDate;
     $this->view->branchid = $branchid;
     //         $fromDate = $this->_request->getParam('field1');
     //         $this->view->field1 = $fromDate;
     //date format instance
     $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     $cfromDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($fromDate);
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     $page->drawText("Cash Scroll", 270, 780);
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     $page->drawText("Credit", 50, $y1);
     $page->drawText("Debit", 310, $y1);
     $y1 = 745;
     $y2 = 740;
     $page->drawText("As of From " . $fromDate, 465, $y1);
     //For Top Header
     $text = array("", "SL No.", "Particulars", "Amount", "Total", "Particulars", "Opening Cash", "Closing Cash");
     $this->view->savings = 10;
     $page->drawText("Date : " . date('d-m-Y'), 500, 800);
     //         $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d-m-Y'),500, 800);
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     $transaction = new Cashscroll_Model_Cashscroll();
     $this->view->savings = 10;
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     $this->view->savingsDebit = $transaction->totalSavingsDebit($cfromDate, $branchid);
     //Credit and Debit
     $savingsCredit = $transaction->totalSavingsCredit($cfromDate, $branchid);
     $savingsDebit = $transaction->totalSavingsDebit($cfromDate, $branchid);
     // Opening Cash
     $openingBalance = 0;
     $osc = $transaction->openingBalance($cfromDate, $branchid);
     foreach ($osc as $osc1) {
         $openingBalance = $osc1->openingBalance;
     $this->view->openingBalance = $openingBalance;
     $amountCredit = "0";
     $amountDebit = "0";
     $i = 0;
     $j = 0;
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         $page->drawText($i, $x1, $y1);
         $page->drawText($savingsCredit->account_number, $x2, $y1);
         //             $page->drawText($savingsCredit->amount_to_bank,$x3, $y1);
         $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank), $x3);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank), $pos + 2, $y1);
         $amountCredit = $amountCredit + $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank;
         $y1 = $y1 - 15;
     foreach ($savingsDebit as $savingsDebit) {
         $page->drawText($j, $x4, $y2);
         $page->drawText($savingsDebit->account_number, $x5, $y2);
         //             $page->drawText($savingsDebit->amount_from_bank,$x6, $y2);
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     $page->drawText($text[6], $x1, $y1 - 10);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $x3, $y1 -10);
     $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $x3);
     $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $pos + 2, $y1 - 10);
     //closing Balance
     $page->drawText($text[7], $x4, $y1 - 10);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ( $sum = ($amountCredit + $openingBalance) - $amountDebit)), $x6, $y1 -10);
     $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum = $amountCredit + $openingBalance - $amountDebit), $x6);
     $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum = $amountCredit + $openingBalance - $amountDebit), $pos + 2, $y1 - 10);
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     $page->drawText($text[4], $x1, $y1 - 15);
     $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountCredit + $openingBalance), $x3);
     $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountCredit + $openingBalance), $pos + 2, $y1 - 15);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ($amountCredit + $openingBalance)), $x3, $y1 -15);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ($amountCredit + $openingBalance)), $x3, $y1 -15);
     $page->drawText($text[4], $x4, $y1 - 15);
     $page->drawText($text[4], $x4, $y1 - 15);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6, $y1 -15);
     //         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6, $y1 -15);
     $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6);
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     $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/cashscroll.pdf');
     $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/cashscroll.pdf';
     chmod($path, 0777);
 function pdftransactionAction()
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     $word = explode('/', $app);
     $projname = '';
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         if ($i > 0 && $i < count($word) - 1) {
             $projname .= '/' . $word[$i];
     $Dispdate = $this->_request->getParam('field1');
     $this->view->field1 = $Dispdate;
     $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     $Date = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($Dispdate);
     $title1 = $this->view->translate('Loan Supplementary');
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     $criteria = $this->view->translate('As of') . $Dispdate;
     $currency = "* " . $this->view->translate('Amount in Rs');
     $this->view->savings = 10;
     //         $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d/m/Y'),500, 800); //date('Y-m-d')
     //         $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d/m/Y'),500, 800);
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     //Search criteria
     $page->drawText($criteria, 500, 780);
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     $page->drawText($currency, 500, 770);
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     $y1 = 710;
     $y2 = 710;
     $this->view->loan = 10;
     $transaction = new Loansupplementary_Model_Loansupplementary();
     //                 //Loan Account Credit and Debit
     $loanCredit = $transaction->totalloanCredit($Date);
     $this->view->loanCredit = $loanCredit;
     $loanDebit = $transaction->totalloanDebit($Date);
     $this->view->loanDedit = $loanDebit;
     $totalCredit = "0";
     $totalTransferCredit = "0";
     $totalDebit = "0";
     $totalTransferDebit = "0";
     $i = 0;
     $columntotal1 = 0;
     $columntotal = 0;
     $columntotald = 0;
     $columntotald1 = 0;
     foreach ($loanCredit as $loansCredit) {
         $columntotal = 0;
         if ($loansCredit->paymenttype_id == 1 or $loansCredit->paymenttype_id == 5) {
             $page->drawText($i, $x1, $y1);
             $productname = "To " . $loansCredit->account_number;
             $page->drawText($productname, $x2, $y1);
             $page->drawText($loansCredit->account_id, $x3, $y1);
             if ($loansCredit->paymenttype_id == 1) {
                 $page->drawText($loansCredit->amount_to_bank, $x4, $y1);
                 $totalCredit = $totalCredit + $loansCredit->amount_to_bank;
                 $columntotal += $loansCredit->amount_to_bank;
             } elseif ($loansCredit->paymenttype_id == 5) {
                 $page->drawText($loansCredit->amount_to_bank, $x5, $y1);
                 $totalTransferCredit = $totalTransferCredit + $loansCredit->amount_to_bank;
                 $columntotal += $loansCredit->amount_to_bank;
             $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotal), $x6, $y1);
             $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotal), $x6, $y1);
             $columntotal1 += $columntotal;
             $y1 = $y1 - 15;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($loanDebit as $loansDebit) {
         $columntotald = 0;
         if ($loansDebit->paymenttype_id == 1 or $loansDebit->paymenttype_id == 5) {
             $page->drawText($i, $x7, $y2);
             $productnamed = "By " . $loansDebit->account_number;
             $page->drawText($productnamed, $x8, $y2);
             $page->drawText($loansDebit->account_id, $x9, $y2);
             if ($loansDebit->paymenttype_id == 1) {
                 $page->drawText($loansDebit->amount_from_bank, $x10, $y2);
                 $totalDebit = $totalCredit + $loansDebit->amount_from_bank;
                 $columntotald += $loansDebit->amount_from_bank;
             } elseif ($loansDebit->paymenttype_id == 5) {
                 $page->drawText($loansDebit->amount_from_bank, $x11, $y2);
                 $totalTransferDebit = $totalTransferDebit + $loansDebit->amount_from_bank;
                 $columntotald += $loansDebit->amount_from_bank;
             $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotald), $x12, $y2);
             $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotald), $x12, $y2);
             $columntotald1 += $columntotald;
             $y2 = $y2 - 15;
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     $page->drawText($text[6], $x1, $y1 - 15);
     $page->drawText($text[6], $x1, $y1 - 15);
     if ($totalCredit != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalCredit), $x4, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalCredit), $x4, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x4, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x4, $y1 - 15);
     if ($totalTransferCredit != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalTransferCredit), $x5, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalTransferCredit), $x5, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x5, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x5, $y1 - 15);
     if ($columntotal1 != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotal1), $x6, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotal1), $x6, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x6, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x6, $y1 - 15);
     if ($totalDebit != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalDebit), $x10, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalDebit), $x10, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x10, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x10, $y1 - 15);
     if ($totalTransferDebit != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalTransferDebit), $x11, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalTransferDebit), $x11, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x11, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x11, $y1 - 15);
     if ($columntotald1 != "0") {
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotald1), $x12, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $columntotald1), $x12, $y1 - 15);
     } else {
         $page->drawText("----", $x12, $y1 - 15);
         $page->drawText("----", $x12, $y1 - 15);
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     $pdfData = $pdf->render();
     $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/loansupplementary.pdf');
     $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/loansupplementary.pdf';
     chmod($path, 0777);
 public function mainSearch($input, $fieldname, $table, $condition)
     $dateconvert = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     function checkingDate($value)
         return preg_match('`^\\d{1,2}/\\d{1,2}/\\d{4}$`', $value);
     $keyvalue = array_filter($input);
     $searchcounter = count($keyvalue);
     if ($searchcounter > 0) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($fieldname); $i++) {
             $inputA = $fieldname['input' . $i];
             $inputB = $input['s' . $i];
             $checkdate = checkingDate($inputB);
             if ($checkdate == 1) {
                 $inputB = $dateconvert->mysqlformat($inputB);
                 $where[] = "a." . $inputA . " like '%" . $inputB . "%'";
             } else {
                 $where[] = "a." . $inputA . " like '%" . $inputB . "%'";
         $condwhere = implode(" AND ", $where);
         if ($condition) {
             $wherecond = 'AND (' . $condition . ')';
         } else {
             $wherecond = '';
         $this->db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " as a WHERE " . $condwhere . " {$wherecond} ORDER BY a.DateofEntry Desc";
         $result = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
         //         echo $sql;
         return $result;
     } else {
         if ($condition) {
             $select = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->join(array('a' => $table), array('id'))->order(array('a.id DESC'))->where($condition);
             $result = $this->fetchAll($select);
         } else {
             $select = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->join(array('a' => $table), array('id'))->order(array('a.id DESC'));
             $result = $this->fetchAll($select);
         return $result->toArray();
 public function editassetAction()
     $this->view->title = $this->view->translate('Edit Livingasset details');
     //Base line data
     $familycommon = new Familycommonview_Model_familycommonview();
     $this->view->memberid = $this->_getParam('id');
     $this->view->membername = $familycommon->getfamily($this->_getParam('id'));
     // // // //         $revvillageid = $this->view->membername[0]['rev_village_id'];
     // // // //         if ($revvillageid) {
     // // // //             $revvillagename = $this->view->adm->editRecord("ourbank_master_villagelist",$revvillageid);
     // // // //             $this->view->revvillagename=$revvillagename[0]['name'];
     // // // //         }
     //getting module id and submodule id
     $module = $familycommon->getmodule('Family');
     foreach ($module as $module_id) {
     $this->view->mod_id = $module_id['parent'];
     $this->view->sub_id = $module_id['module_id'];
     $this->view->insurance = $familycommon->getinsurance($this->_getParam('id'));
     //edit assets
     $this->view->memberid = $member_id = $this->_getParam('id');
     //load form for living assets
     $this->view->submoduleid = $this->_getParam('subId');
     //dynamically change the path name
     //get all type of living assets
     $this->view->liveasset_details = $this->view->adm->viewRecord("ourbank_master_liveassets", "id", "DESC");
     //update contact details
     if ($this->_request->isPost() && $this->_request->getPost('Submit')) {
         $id = $this->_getParam('id');
         $submoduleid = $this->_getParam('subid');
         $asset_db = new Livingassets_Model_livingassets();
         $editAsset = $asset_db->getAssetdetails($id);
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($editAsset); $j++) {
             $this->view->adm->addRecord("ourbank_liveassetdetails_log", $editAsset[$j]);
         $number = $this->_getParam('number');
         $value = $this->_getParam('value');
         $date = $this->_getParam('date');
         $dateconvert = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($this->_getParam('assettype') as $val) {
             if ($date[$i]) {
                 if ($date[$i] == "00/00/0000" or $date[$i] == NULL) {
                     $dates = date("y/m/d H:i:s");
                 } else {
                     $dates = $dateconvert->mysqlformat($date[$i]);
             } else {
                 $dates = date("y/m/d H:i:s");
             if ($value[$i]) {
                 $values = $value[$i];
             } else {
                 $values = 0;
             $assettype = array('submodule_id' => $submoduleid, 'family_id' => $id, 'liveasset_id' => $val, 'number' => $number[$i], 'date_of_value' => $dates, 'value' => $values);
             $this->view->adm->addRecord("ourbank_liveassetdetails", $assettype);
         $this->_redirect('/familycommonview/index/commonview/id/' . $id);
     } else {
         //set the contact details in the contact form...
         $sub_id = $this->_getParam('subId');
         $id = $this->_getParam('id');
         $individualcommon = new Familycommonview_Model_familycommonview();
         $this->view->editAsset = $individualcommon->getlivingassetsdetails($id);
 public function holidayeditAction()
     //calling the holiday form
     $holidayForm = new Holiday_Form_Holiday();
     $this->view->form = $holidayForm;
     //getting id
     $id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $this->view->id = $id;
     // calling holiday model
     $holiday = new Holiday_Model_Holiday();
     //listing office names
     $officename = $this->view->adm->viewRecord("ourbank_officehierarchy", "id", "DESC");
     foreach ($officename as $officename) {
         $holidayForm->office_id->addMultiOption($officename['id'], $officename['type']);
     //displaying the values to edit
     $result = $holiday->getHoliday($id);
     $dateconvert = new App_Model_dateConvertor();
     foreach ($result as $holidaydetails) {
     //update action
     if ($this->_request->isPost() && $this->_request->getPost('Update')) {
         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
             $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
             if ($holidayForm->isValid($formData)) {
                 //update and edit
                 $formdata1 = array('name' => $formData['name'], 'office_id' => $formData['office_id'], 'holiday_from' => $dateconvert->mysqlformat($formData['holiday_from']), 'holiday_upto' => $dateconvert->mysqlformat($formData['holiday_upto']), 'repayment_date' => $dateconvert->mysqlformat($formData['repayment_date']), 'created_by' => $this->view->createdby);
                 $previousdata = $this->view->adm->editRecord("ourbank_holiday", $id);
                 $this->view->adm->updateLog("ourbank_holiday_log", $previousdata[0], $this->view->createdby);
                 $this->view->adm->updateRecord("ourbank_holiday", $id, $formdata1);