public function getAppaccount() { if ($this->appaccount == null) { $appDomain = new App_Domain_Account(); $this->appaccount = $appDomain->getById($this->appaccount_id); } return $this->appaccount; }
public function showAction() { if ($this->_isUserAllowed(App_Module_Acl::ACL_RESOURCE_APPACCOUNT, App_Module_Acl::ACL_RESOURCE_APPACCOUNT_PRIVILEGE_VIEW)) { $account = new App_Model_Account(); if ($this->_hasParam('id')) { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); if (!$id) { $id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->appaccount_id; } } else { $id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->appaccount_id; } $domain = new App_Domain_Account(); $account = $domain->getById($id); $this->view->account = $account; } }
public function populateUser($data) { if (is_array($data)) { Agana_Data_BeanUtil::populate($this->_user, $data); } else { $this->setUser($data); } $ad = new App_Domain_Account(); if (!is_null($this->_user->appaccount_id)) { $app = $ad->getById($this->_user->appaccount_id); } else { $app = $ad->getById(Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->appaccount_id); } $this->_user->setAppAccount($app); $pd = new Persons_Domain_Person(); $person = $pd->getById($this->_user->person_id); $this->_user->setPerson($person); }
public function populateRole($data) { if (is_array($data)) { if ($this->_role == null) { $this->_role = new User_Model_Role(); } Agana_Data_BeanUtil::populate($this->_role, $data); } else { $this->setRole($data); } $ad = new App_Domain_Account(); if (!is_null($this->_role->appaccount_id)) { $app = $ad->getById($this->_role->appaccount_id); } else { $app = $ad->getById(Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->appaccount_id); } $this->_role->setAppAccount($app); return $this->_role; }
public function indexAction() { // TODO implementar configuração para saber se pode ser chamado este install try { $ad = new App_Domain_Account(); $app = new App_Model_Account(); $appName = 'Winponta Software'; $app = $ad->getByName($appName); if (!$app->getId()) { $app->setName($appName); $app->setEmail('*****@*****.**'); $ad->setAccount($app); $app->setId($ad->createInstall()); } $ud = new User_Domain_User(); $ud->createSuperAdmin(null, $app); $login = new Agana_Auth_Helper_Login(); $login->redirectToLoginForm(); } catch (Exception $ae) { $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage(array('error' => $ae->getMessage())); } }
/** *prepare data to be returned from query * @param array * @return User_Model_User */ protected function _prepareReturnData($data, $returnArray = true) { if (is_array($data)) { if (!isset($data[0])) { $data = array(0 => $data); } $col = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $row) { if ($row) { $o = new User_Model_User($row); $o->setLastLogin($row['last_login']); $ad = new App_Domain_Account(); $app = $ad->getById($row['appaccount_id']); $o->setAppAccount($app); $pd = new Persons_Domain_Person(); $person = $pd->getById($row['person_id']); $o->setPerson($person); $col[] = $o; } } if ($returnArray) { return $col; } else { return $col[0]; } } else { return null; } }