/** * @method * * Returns a list or user. * * @name PMFGetUserEmailAddress * @label PMF Get User Email Address * @link http://wiki.processmaker.com/index.php/ProcessMaker_Functions#PMFGetUserEmailAddress.28.29 * * @param string(32) or Array | $id | Case ID | Id of the case. * @param string(32) | $APP_UID = null | Application ID | Id of the Application. * @param string(32) | $prefix = "usr" | prefix | Id of the task. * @return array | $aRecipient | Array of the Recipient | Return an Array of the Recipient. * */ function PMFGetUserEmailAddress($id, $APP_UID = null, $prefix = 'usr') { require_once 'classes/model/UsersPeer.php'; require_once 'classes/model/AppDelegation.php'; G::LoadClass('case'); if (is_string($id) && trim($id) == "") { return false; } if (is_array($id) && count($id) == 0) { return false; } //recipient to store the email addresses $aRecipient = array(); $aItems = array(); /* * First at all the $id user input can be by example erik@colosa.com * 2.this $id param can be a array by example Array('000000000001','000000000002') in this case $prefix is necessary * 3.this same param can be a array by example Array('usr|000000000001', 'usr|-1', 'grp|2245141479413131441') */ /* * The second thing is that the return type will be configurated depend of the input type (using $retType) */ if (is_array($id)) { $aItems = $id; $retType = 'array'; } else { $retType = 'string'; if (strpos($id, ",") !== false) { $aItems = explode(',', $id); } else { array_push($aItems, $id); } } foreach ($aItems as $sItem) { //cleaning for blank spaces into each array item $sItem = trim($sItem); if (strpos($sItem, "|") !== false) { // explode the parameter because always will be compose with pipe separator to indicate // the type (user or group) and the target mai list($sType, $sID) = explode('|', $sItem); $sType = trim($sType); $sID = trim($sID); } else { $sType = $prefix; $sID = $sItem; } switch ($sType) { case 'ext': if (G::emailAddress($sID)) { array_push($aRecipient, $sID); } break; case 'usr': if ($sID == '-1') { // -1: Curent user, load from user record if (isset($APP_UID)) { $oAppDelegation = new AppDelegation(); $aAppDel = $oAppDelegation->getLastDeleration($APP_UID); if (isset($aAppDel)) { $oUserRow = UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($aAppDel['USR_UID']); if (isset($oUserRow)) { $sID = $oUserRow->getUsrEmail(); } else { throw new Exception('User with ID ' . $oAppDelegation->getUsrUid() . 'doesn\'t exist'); } if (G::emailAddress($sID)) { array_push($aRecipient, $sID); } } } } else { $oUserRow = UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($sID); if ($oUserRow != null) { $sID = $oUserRow->getUsrEmail(); if (G::emailAddress($sID)) { array_push($aRecipient, $sID); } } } break; case 'grp': G::LoadClass('groups'); $oGroups = new Groups(); $oCriteria = $oGroups->getUsersGroupCriteria($sID); $oDataset = GroupwfPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while ($oDataset->next()) { $aGroup = $oDataset->getRow(); //to validate email address if (G::emailAddress($aGroup['USR_EMAIL'])) { array_push($aRecipient, $aGroup['USR_EMAIL']); } } break; case 'dyn': $oCase = new Cases(); $aFields = $oCase->loadCase($APP_UID); $aFields['APP_DATA'] = array_merge($aFields['APP_DATA'], G::getSystemConstants()); //to validate email address if (isset($aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID]) && G::emailAddress($aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID])) { array_push($aRecipient, $aFields['APP_DATA'][$sID]); } break; } } switch ($retType) { case 'array': return $aRecipient; break; case 'string': return implode(',', $aRecipient); break; default: return $aRecipient; } }