<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); $manifest = $apk->getManifest(); $permissions = $manifest->getPermissions(); echo '<pre>'; echo "Package Name : " . $manifest->getPackageName() . "" . PHP_EOL; echo "Version : " . $manifest->getVersionName() . " (" . $manifest->getVersionCode() . ")" . PHP_EOL; echo "Min Sdk Level : " . $manifest->getMinSdkLevel() . "" . PHP_EOL; echo "Min Sdk Platform : " . $manifest->getMinSdk()->platform . "" . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo "------------- Permssions List -------------" . PHP_EOL; // find max length to print more pretty. $perm_keys = array_keys($permissions); $perm_key_lengths = array_map(function ($perm) { return strlen($perm); }, $perm_keys); $max_length = max($perm_key_lengths); foreach ($permissions as $perm => $detail) { echo str_pad($perm, $max_length + 4, ' ') . "=> " . $detail['description'] . " " . PHP_EOL; echo str_pad('', $max_length - 5, ' ') . ' cost => ' . ($detail['flags']['cost'] ? 'true' : 'false') . " " . PHP_EOL; echo str_pad('', $max_length - 5, ' ') . ' warning => ' . ($detail['flags']['warning'] ? 'true' : 'false') . " " . PHP_EOL;
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['file' => 'required']); $file = $request->file('file'); $original_file_name = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file_name = pathinfo($original_file_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $extension = \File::extension($original_file_name); $actual_name = $file_name . '.' . $extension; $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser($file); $manifest = $apk->getManifest(); $labelResourceId = $apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->getLabel(); $appLabel = $apk->getResources($labelResourceId); $package_name = $manifest->getPackageName(); if (Apk::packageExist($package_name)) { Session::flash('flash_class', 'alert-danger'); Session::flash('flash_message', 'Apk namespace already exist.'); return redirect()->route("apk.create"); } Apk::create(array('app_name' => $appLabel[0], 'pkgname' => $package_name, 'version' => $manifest->getVersionCode(), 'version_name' => $manifest->getVersionName(), 'md5' => md5_file($file), 'filename' => $actual_name, 'filesize' => str_format_filesize(\File::size($file)), 'token' => md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)))); $folderpath = base_path() . '/storage/apk/' . $manifest->getPackageName(); if (!\File::exists($folderpath)) { \File::makeDirectory($folderpath); } $file_path = $request->file('file')->move($folderpath, $actual_name); return redirect()->route("apk.index"); }
public function saveApk($file, $label, $name, $icon) { $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); $parser = new ApkParser\Parser($file->getRealPath()); $version = $parser->getManifest()->getVersionCode(); $bundle = $parser->getManifest()->getPackageName(); if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android')) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android'); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label); } if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version); } $label_model = Label::where('label_name', '=', $label)->where('build_type_id', '=', self::BUILD_ANDROID_TYPE_ID)->first(); if ($label_model != null) { $version_model = $label_model->versions()->where('version', '=', $version)->first(); if ($version_model != null) { $build_version_count = Build::where('version_id', '=', $version_model->id)->count(); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => $build_version_count + 1)); } else { $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } } else { $label_model = Label::create(array('label_name' => $label, 'build_type_id' => self::BUILD_ANDROID_TYPE_ID)); $version_model = Version::create(array('version' => $version, 'label_id' => $label_model->id)); $build = Build::create(array('bundle' => $bundle, 'name' => $name, 'version_id' => $version_model->id, 'build' => 1)); } $fn = public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.apk'; if (!$fileSystem->exists(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build)) { $fileSystem->makeDirectory(public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build); } $fileSystem->move($file->getRealPath(), $fn); $fileSystem->move($icon->getRealPath(), public_path() . '/builds/android/' . $label . '/' . $version . '/' . $build->build . '/' . $bundle . '.png'); return Config::get("app.domain") . "/android/builds/{$label}/{$version}/{$build->build}"; }
<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); $resourceId = $apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->getIcon(); $resources = $apk->getResources($resourceId); $labelResourceId = $apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->getLabel(); $appLabel = $apk->getResources($labelResourceId); echo $appLabel[0]; header('Content-type: text/html'); echo $appLabel[0] . '<br/>'; foreach ($resources as $resource) { echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,', base64_encode(stream_get_contents($apk->getStream($resource))), '" />'; }
<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); echo '<pre>'; foreach ($apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->getActivityNameList() as $activityName) { echo $activityName . PHP_EOL; }
function apkinfo($path) { include '/home/wwwroot/www.voteapps.com/terry/libs/apk-parser/examples/autoload.php'; //print_r($_GET[path]); $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser($path); $manifest = $apk->getManifest(); $permissions = $manifest->getPermissions(); //$info.='<pre>'; //$info="Package Name : " . $manifest->getPackageName() . "" . PHP_EOL; //$info.="Version : " . $manifest->getVersionName() . " (" . $manifest->getVersionCode() . ")" . PHP_EOL; $info[PackageName] = $manifest->getPackageName(); $info[version] = $manifest->getVersionName(); $info[MinSdkLevel] = $manifest->getMinSdkLevel(); $info[platform] = $manifest->getMinSdk()->platform; //$info.="Min Sdk Level : " . $manifest->getMinSdkLevel() . "" . PHP_EOL; //$info.="Min Sdk Platform : " . $manifest->getMinSdk()->platform . "" . PHP_EOL; //$info.=PHP_EOL; //$info.="------------- Permssions List -------------" . PHP_EOL; $info[permissions] = $permissions; // find max length to print more pretty. $perm_keys = array_keys($permissions); $perm_key_lengths = array_map(function ($perm) { return strlen($perm); }, $perm_keys); $max_length = max($perm_key_lengths); /************* foreach ($permissions as $perm => $detail) { $info.=str_pad($perm, $max_length + 4, ' ') . "=> " . $detail['description'] . " " . PHP_EOL; $info.=str_pad('', $max_length - 5, ' ') . ' cost => ' . ($detail['flags']['cost'] ? 'true' : 'false') . " " . PHP_EOL; $info.=str_pad('', $max_length - 5, ' ') . ' warning => ' . ($detail['flags']['warning'] ? 'true' : 'false') . " " . PHP_EOL; $info.=str_pad('', $max_length - 5, ' ') . ' danger => ' . ($detail['flags']['danger'] ? 'true' : 'false') . " " . PHP_EOL; } //$info.=PHP_EOL; //$info.="------------- Activities -------------" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->activities as $activity) { $info.=$activity->name . ($activity->isLauncher ? ' (Launcher)' : null) . PHP_EOL; } $info.=PHP_EOL; $info.="------------- All Classes List -------------" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($apk->getClasses() as $className) { $info.=$className . PHP_EOL; } *********/ return $info; }
<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); echo '<pre>'; foreach ($apk->getClasses() as $className) { echo $className . PHP_EOL; }
<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); $extractFolder = 'extract_folder'; if (is_dir($extractFolder) || mkdir($extractFolder)) { $apk->extractTo($extractFolder); }
<?php /** * This file is part of the Apk Parser package. * * (c) Tufan Baris Yildirim <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ include 'autoload.php'; $apk = new ApkParser\Parser('EBHS.apk'); header("Content-Type:text/xml;Charset=UTF-8"); echo $apk->getManifest()->getXmlString();