public function renderContinueForm($btn = null, $context = null) { if (empty($btn)) { $btn = ___("Yes, continue"); } $vars = $this->grid->getCompleteRequest()->toArray(); $vars[$this->grid->getId() . '_confirm'] = 'yes'; if ($context !== null) { $vars[$this->grid->getId() . '_group_context'] = $context; } $hidden = Am_Controller::renderArrayAsInputHiddens($vars); $btn = $this->grid->escape($btn); $url_yes = $this->grid->makeUrl(null); return <<<CUT <form method="post" action="{$url_yes}" style="display: inline;"> {$hidden} <input type="submit" value="{$btn}" id='group-action-continue' /> </form> CUT; }
public function renderConfirmationForm($btn = null, $page = null, $addHtml = null) { if (empty($btn)) { $btn = ___("Yes, continue"); } $vars = $this->grid->getCompleteRequest()->toArray(); $vars[$this->grid->getId() . '_confirm'] = 'yes'; if ($page !== null) { $vars[$this->grid->getId() . '_group_page'] = (int) $page; } $hidden = Am_Controller::renderArrayAsInputHiddens($vars); $btn = $this->grid->escape($btn); $url_yes = $this->grid->makeUrl(null); return <<<CUT <form method="post" action="{$url_yes}" style="margin: 10px; display: inline;"> {$hidden} {$addHtml} <input type="submit" value="{$btn}" /> </form> CUT; }
public function renderContent(&$out, Am_Grid_Editable $grid) { $url = json_encode($grid->makeUrl()); $grid_id = $this->grid->getId(); $msg = ___("Drag&Drop rows to change display order. You may want to temporary change setting '%sRecords per Page (for grids)%s' to some big value so all records were on one page and you can arrange all items.", '<a class="link" href="' . REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-setup" target="_top">', '</a>'); $out .= <<<CUT <div class="am-grid-drag-sort-message"><i>{$msg}</i></div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function(\$){ \$(".grid-wrap").ngrid("onLoad", function(){ if (\$(this).find("th .sorted-asc, th .sorted-desc").length) { \$('.am-grid-drag-sort-message').remove(); \$(this).sortable( "destroy" ); return; } //prepend mousedown event to td.record-sort //the handlers of ancestors are called before //the event reaches the element var grid = \$(this); \$(this).mousedown(function(event) { if (\$('record-sort')) { var offset = 0; grid.find('.expandable-data-row').each(function(){ offset += \$(this).offset().top > event.pageY ? 0 : \$(this).outerHeight(); }) grid.find('.expanded').click(); event.pageY -= offset; } }); \$(this).sortable({ items: "tbody > tr.grid-row", handle: "td.record-sort", update: function(event, ui) { var item = \$(ui.item); var url = {$url}; var params ='params'); \$.each(item.closest('table').find('tr.grid-row'), function(index, el) { \$(el).removeClass('odd'); ((index+1) % 2) || \$(el).addClass('odd'); }) params.{$grid_id}_move_item = {}; \$.each('sort-record'), function(index, value) { params.{$grid_id}_move_item[index] = value; }) if(item.prev().data('sort-record')) { params.{$grid_id}_move_after = {}; \$.each(item.prev().data('sort-record'), function(index, value) { params.{$grid_id}_move_after[index] = value; }) } if ('sort-record')) { params.{$grid_id}_move_before = {}; \$.each('sort-record'), function(index, value) { params.{$grid_id}_move_before[index] = value; }) } \$.post(url, params, function(response){}); }, }); }); }); </script> CUT; }