} } } else { foreach ($templateData as $k => $i){ $newTemplateData[$k] = $templateData[$k]; } } */ if (!($update = $saved->update_JSON($template, $templateData))) { Ajax::outputError('JSON file couldn\'t be updated'); } //!copy original messages $savedJSON = $saved->getJSONContent(); $savedData = json_decode($savedJSON, true); $savedData['configs']['notify'] = $initialData['configs']['notify']; $savedData['configs']['displayRulesFlag'] = $initialData['configs']['displayRulesFlag']; $savedData['display_rules'] = $initialData['display_rules']; //$savedData['configs']['notify']['message'] = $initialData['configs']['notify']['message']; if (!$saved->updateJSON_Data($savedData)) { Ajax::outputError('JSON file couldn\'t be updated'); } //!end $notif = Notify::getByHash($hash); if (!($reload = $notif->getJSONContent())) { Ajax::output('Can\'t reload json data!'); } if ($xmlTemplate) { Ajax::output($customize->getHtml($xmlTemplate, $reload)); } else { Ajax::outputError('Internal server error. Try again later'); }
Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $quizHash = isset($_GET['quiz']) ? $_GET['quiz'] : null; $quiz = Quiz::getByHash($quizHash); if (empty($quiz->id) || !$quiz->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this quiz'); } $filter = new Filter(); $saveType = 'insert'; if (isset($_GET['filter_id']) && !empty($_GET['filter_id'])) { $filter->readId($_GET['filter_id']); if (empty($filter->id)) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid filter'); } if ($filter->quiz_id != $quiz->id) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid filter'); } $saveType = 'update'; } $data = new stdClass(); $data->question = isset($_GET['question']) ? $_GET['question'] : null; $data->answer = isset($_GET['answer']) ? $_GET['answer'] : null; if (!empty($_GET['name'])) { $filter->name = $_GET['name']; } $filter->setData($data); $filter->quiz_id = $quiz->id; $filter->save(); $out = new stdClass(); $out->name = $filter->name; $out->id = $filter->id;
<?php $filterId = isset($_GET['filter']) ? intval($_GET['filter']) : null; $filter = new Filter($filterId); if (empty($filter->id)) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid report'); } $quiz = new Quiz($filter->quiz_id); if (!$quiz->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid report'); } $filter->delete(); Ajax::output($filterId);
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $hash = isset($_POST['hash']) ? $_POST['hash'] : $_GET['hash']; $notify = Notify::getByHash($hash); if (empty($notify->id) || !$notify->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this notification!'); } Ajax::output($notify->name);
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null; $color = isset($_GET['color']) ? $_GET['color'] : Quiz::DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_BGCOLOR; $quiz = new Quiz($id); $match = '/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i'; if (!preg_match($match, $color)) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid color'); } if (empty($quiz->id) || !$quiz->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this quiz'); } $quiz->customize_bgcolor = $color; $quiz->save();
<?php $notify = new Notify($_GET['id']); if (empty($notify->id)) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid notification'); } $notify->delete();
<?php require_once "../init.php"; session_start(); #get the page:: $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? safeFileName($_GET['page']) : null; if (empty($page) && isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = safeFileName($_POST['page']); } $controller = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $page . '.php'; $req = isset($_POST) ? $_POST : $_GET; if (file_exists($controller)) { require_once $controller; Ajax::output('Success'); } else { Ajax::outputError('Bad Request'); }
if (empty($data['email'])) { $data['email'] = 'anonymous'; } elseif (!valid_email($data['email'])) { Ajax::outputError('Please enter a valid email address.'); } if (empty($data['comment'])) { Ajax::outputError('Please enter your comment.'); } if (isset($_SESSION['time_between_albums'])) { if ($_SESSION['time_between_albums'] + QuizComment::TIME_BETWEEN_COMMENTS > time()) { Ajax::outputError('You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.'); } } $quiz = new Quiz($data['quiz_id']); if (empty($quiz->id)) { Ajax::outputError('Internal error'); } $comment = new QuizComment(); $comment->quiz_id = $data['quiz_id']; $comment->name = $data['name']; $comment->email = $data['email']; $comment->website = $data['website']; $comment->comment = $data['comment']; $comment->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $comment->date = $comment->now(); if (User::isLogged()) { if (User::getLogged()->id == $quiz->user_id) { $comment->owner = 1; } } $comment->save();
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $request = isset($_POST) ? $_POST : $_GET; $quizId = isset($request['quiz']) ? $request['quiz'] : null; $quiz = new Quiz($quizId); if (empty($quiz->id) || !$quiz->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this quiz'); } if (!isset($request['data']) || empty($request['data'])) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid data'); } ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(120); parse_str($request['data'], $data); #$quiz->customize($data); $template = new Templates($quiz->template_id); $xmlTemplate = gzdecode(file_get_contents($template->getXmlLink())); if (empty($xmlTemplate)) { Ajax::outputError('Internal error: Cannot load template xml'); } $customize = new Customize($quiz); $xmlTemplate = $customize->parsePost($xmlTemplate, $data); if ($quiz->actualizeParams($xmlTemplate)) { Ajax::output($quiz); } else { Ajax::outputError('Internal server error: Cannot save your quiz'); }
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $message = isset($_GET['message']) ? $_GET['message'] : ''; if (!isset($message) || empty($message)) { Ajax::outputError("Empty message!"); } $hash = isset($_GET['hash']) ? $_GET['hash'] : ''; if (!isset($hash) || empty($hash)) { Ajax::outputError("Empty hash!"); } $user = User::getLogged(); $notification = Notify::getByHash($hash); $feedback = new UserFeedback(); $feedback->user_id = $user->id; $feedback->message = $message; $feedback->date_added = getDateMysql(); $feedback->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $feedback->notification_id = $notification->id; $feedback->save(); $message = '<p>' . nl2br(str_replace(' ', ' ', $message)) . '</p><hr/>'; $message .= '<br/><h4>User info</h4>'; $message .= '<span>Screen name: ' . $user->screenname . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>User email: ' . $user->email . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>Account id: ' . $user->id . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>Notification ID: ' . $notification->id . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>Notification hash: ' . $notification->hash . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>Notification name: ' . $notification->name . '</span>'; $message .= '<br/><span>Notification parent hash: ' . $notification->parent_hash . '</span>'; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $notify = new Notify($_GET['item']); if (empty($notify->id) || !$notify->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this notification'); } $notifyName = trim($_GET['name']); if (empty($notifyName)) { Ajax::outputError('Notification name can\'t be empty'); } /*if ($notifyName != $notify->name) { if ($notify->notificationNameExists($notifyName)){ Ajax::outputError('Notification name already exists'); } }*/ $notify->changeName($notifyName); $out['id'] = $notify->id; $out['name'] = $notify->name; /* $out = new stdClass(); $out->id = $notify->id; $out->name = $notify->name; */ Ajax::output($out);
<?php ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(90); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null; $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null; $notify = new Notify($id); if (!$notify->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this notification'); } if (!($json = $notify->getJSONContent())) { Ajax::output('Could not generate default json params!'); } //doar pe ON se mai poate pune $params = json_decode($json, true); $params['configs']['state'] = 'ON'; if (!$notify->updateJSON_Data($params)) { Ajax::outputError('Could not update json params.'); } //doar pe ON se mai poate pune $notify->id = $id; $notify->state = $state == 'ON'; $notify->save();
Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $id = isset($_GET['item']) ? $_GET['item'] : null; $notify = new Notify($id); if (!$notify->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this notification'); } if ($notify->isPremium()) { //Ajax::outputMyError('This notification is premium already'); } $premiumInfo = $config->premium['others']; $request = new SnacktoolsRequest('remove_points'); $request->addParam('user_id', User::getLogged()->id); $request->addParam('points', $premiumInfo['points']); $request->addParam('description', $premiumInfo['description']); $request->addParam('service_id', $premiumInfo['id']); $request->addParam('item_type', $premiumInfo['itemType']); $request->addParam('item_id', $notify->id); $response = $request->request(); if ($response->areErrors()) { Ajax::outputError($response->error); } $notify->setFlag(Notify::FLAG_PREMIUM, true); $notify->premium_type = $response->data['buy_type']; $notify->activatePremium($response->data['buy_type']); $notify->actualize('no'); $out = new stdClass(); $out->id = $notify->id; $out->flags = $notify->flags; $out->premium_type = $notify->premium_type; $out->date_premium = $notify->date_premium; Ajax::output($out);