public static function getNotificationRecipients($notificationID) { global $db; $agents = $db->select('agentsNotifications', ['agent'], ['notification' => $notificationID]); $toReturn = []; foreach ($agents as $agent) { array_push($toReturn, Agents::getAgent($agent)); } return $toReturn; }
public static function getAllNotificationsToShow() { global $db; $notifications = $db->select('notifications', '*'); $toReturn = []; foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $notification['recipients'] = Agents::getNotificationRecipients($notification['id']); array_push($toReturn, $notification); } return $toReturn; }
public static function authenticateAgent($sourceId) { $agent = new Agent($sourceId); $xmlStr = REC_XML; $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); //if authentication type is username and password if (Zone::getZoneAuthenticationType() == 1) { if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { GeneralError::invalidUserError($xmlStr); exit; } else { $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; if ($agent->username == $username && $agent->password == $password) { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; return; } else { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Invalid User] User does not exist', 'User in agent request does not exist in the system', 'Authenticate Agent', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::invalidUserError($xmlStr); exit; } } } else { if (Zone::getZoneAuthenticationType() == 2) { if (!isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Missing Certificate] Certificate is missing for agent', 'Agent request does not contain a certificate. Zone is set to certificate authentication', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::missingSenderCertificate($xmlStr); exit; } else { $cert = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']; $dn = "C: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_S'] || '<br/>' || "O: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O'] || '<br/>' || "OU: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU'] || '<br/>' || "CN: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'] || '<br/>' || "End Date: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_V_END'] || '<br/>'; } if ($agent->certCommonName == null || $agent->certCommonName == '' || $agent->certCommonName == ' ') { $agents = new Agents($db); $row = $agents->fetchRow("agent_id = " . $agent->agentId); $row->cert_common_name = $cert; $row->cert_common_dn = $dn; $row->save(); $agent->certCommonName = $cert; } if ($agent->certCommonName != $cert) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[CN is not valid] CN of certificate is invalid', 'CN of request certificate does not match the CN setup with the agent', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::agentCommonNameDoesNoMatch($xmlStr); exit; } } } /* if($agent->isRegistered()) { //$remoteAddress = SifProcessRequest::getIpAddress(); $cn = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN']; $result = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY']; switch($agent->getAgentRegistrationSifAuthenticationLevel()) { case 1: if($cn == null || $cn == '' || $cn == ' '){ ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Missing Certificate] Certificate is missing for agent', 'Agent request does not contain a certificate. Zone is set to certificate authentication', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::missingSenderCertificate(REC_XML); exit; } break; case 3: if($agent->certCommonName != $cn){ ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[CN is not valid] CN of certificate is invalid', 'CN of request certificate does not match the CN setup with the agent', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::agentCommonNameDoesNoMatch(REC_XML); exit; } break; } } */ // }//end authentication type check }
/** * Return agent as object. * @return Agent */ public function GetAgentObj() { if ($this->_AgentObj == null) { $ags = new Agents(); $this->_AgentObj = $ags->GetAgent($this->GetAgentId()); } return $this->_AgentObj; }
/** * Creates query string from given params * @param string $select * @param string $sorting * @param array $filters * @return string */ protected static function GetQuery($select = "SELECT * ", $sorting = "", $filters = null, $groupBy = '') { $query = $select . " FROM #S#offers AS o "; if ($filters != null && (array_key_exists("department", $filters) || array_key_exists("departments", $filters) || array_key_exists("NajpierwIdekiOddzialow", $filters) || array_key_exists("not_agents", $filters) || array_key_exists("not_mls", $filters))) { $query .= " LEFT JOIN #S#agents AS a ON "; } if (array_key_exists('properties', $filters)) { $i = 1; foreach ($filters['properties'] as $name => $values) { $query .= " INNER JOIN #S#offers_properties AS op{$i} ON ( = op{$i}.offers_id AND o.id_lng = op{$i}.offers_id_lng AND op{$i}.properties_id = " . OffersHelper::getProps($name) . ")"; $i++; } if ($groupBy === '') { $groupBy = ''; } } $query .= " WHERE 1=1 "; if ($filters != null) { foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case "country": $query .= " AND = ?"; break; case "floor_noFrom": $query .= " AND o.floor_no >= ?"; break; case "floor_noTo": $query .= " AND o.floor_no <= ?"; break; case "RokBudowyOd": $query .= " AND CAST(o.year_of_construction AS SIGNED) >= ?"; break; case "RokBudowyDo": $query .= " AND CAST(o.year_of_construction AS SIGNED) <= ?"; break; case "PierwszaStrona": $query .= " AND o.first_page = ?"; break; case "house_types": $query .= " AND o.house_type IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "object_types": $query .= " AND o.object_type IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "wylacznosc": $query .= " AND o.contract_type LIKE ?"; break; case "IloscOdslonWWWSort": $query .= " AND o.visits_no "; break; case "StatusWlasnosci": $query .= " AND o.ownership_status = ?"; break; case "StanPrawny": $query .= " AND o.legal_status = ?"; break; case "umeblowanie": $query .= " AND o.furnishings = ?"; break; case "field_areaFrom": $query .= " AND o.field_area >= ?"; break; case "field_areaTo": $query .= " AND o.field_area <= ?"; break; case "zamiana": $query .= " AND o.change_status = 1"; break; case "pola_opisowe": $query .= " AND (o.notices LIKE ? OR o.notices_property LIKE ?)"; break; case "IdLng": $query .= " AND o.id_lng=?"; break; case "status": $query .= " AND o.status = ?"; break; case "statuses": $query .= " AND o.status IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "symbol": $query .= " AND o.symbol LIKE ?"; break; case "province": $query .= " AND o.province = ?"; break; case "district": $query .= " AND o.district = ?"; break; case "location": $query .= " AND o.location = ?"; break; case "object": $query .= " AND o.object = ?"; break; case "quarter": $query .= " AND o.quarter = ?"; break; case "region": $query .= " AND o.region = ?"; break; case "street": $query .= " AND o.street LIKE ?"; break; case "building_technology": $query .= " AND o.building_technology = ?"; break; case "construction_material": $query .= " AND o.construction_material = ?"; break; case "construction_status": $query .= " AND o.construction_status = ?"; break; case "construction_statuses": $query .= " AND o.construction_status IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "building_type": $query .= " AND o.building_type = ?"; break; case "priceFrom": $query .= " AND o.price >= ?"; break; case "priceTo": $query .= " AND o.price <= ?"; break; case "price_squareFrom": $query .= " AND o.price_square >= ?"; break; case "price_squareTo": $query .= " AND o.price_square <= ?"; break; case "rooms_no": $query .= " AND o.rooms_no = ?"; break; case "rooms_noFrom": $query .= " AND o.rooms_no >= ?"; break; case "rooms_noTo": $query .= " AND o.rooms_no <= ?"; break; case "areaFrom": $query .= " AND o.area >= ?"; break; case "areaTo": $query .= " AND o.area <= ?"; break; case "floorFrom": $query .= " AND FLOOR(REPLACE(REPLACE(o.floor,'parter','0'),'p','')) >= ?"; break; case "floorTo": $query .= " AND FLOOR(REPLACE(REPLACE(o.floor,'parter','0'),'p','')) <= ?"; break; case "districts": $query .= " AND o.district IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "locations": $query .= " AND o.location IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "objects": $query .= " AND o.object IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "quarters": $query .= " AND o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "noquarters": $query .= " AND o.quarter NOT IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "locations_or_quarters": $query .= " AND (o.location IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . "))"; break; case "locations_or_quarters_or_region": $query .= " AND (o.location IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.region IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . "))"; break; case "quarters_or_region": $query .= " AND ( o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.region IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . "))"; break; case "districts_or_locations_or_quarters_or_region": $query .= " AND (o.district IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.location IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.region IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . "))"; break; case "districts_or_locations_or_quarters_or_region_or_street": $query .= " AND (o.district IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.location IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.quarter IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.region IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") OR o.street IN(" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") )"; break; case "location_or_location": $query .= " AND " . self::prepareArrayToBind($value); break; case "building_types": $query .= " AND o.building_type IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "creationDateFrom": $query .= " AND o.creation_date >= ?"; break; case "creationDateTo": $query .= " AND o.creation_date <= ?"; break; case "modificationDateFrom": $query .= " AND o.modification_date >= ?"; break; case "modificationDateTo": $query .= " AND o.modification_date <= ?"; break; case "expirationDateFrom": $query .= " AND o.expiration_date >= ?"; break; case "video_swf": $query .= " AND (o.has_swfs=1 OR o.video_link IS NOT NULL)"; break; case "virtual_visit": $query .= " AND o.has_swfs=1"; break; case "without_virtual_visit": $query .= " AND o.has_swfs=0"; break; case "photos": $query .= " AND o.has_photos=1"; break; case "projs": $query .= " AND o.has_proj=1"; break; case "ids": $query .= " AND IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "not_ids": $query .= " AND NOT IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "original": $query .= " AND o.original=?"; break; case "on_map": $query .= " AND o.latitude > 0 AND o.longitude > 0"; break; case "map_bounds": $query .= " AND o.latitude < ? AND o.latitude > ? AND o.longitude < ? AND o.longitude > ?"; break; case "department": $query .= " AND a.departments_id = ?"; break; case "departments": $query .= " AND a.departments_id IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "not_agents": $query .= " AND NOT IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ")"; break; case "not_mls": $query .= " AND NOT IN (" . Agents::GetMLSAgentId() . ")"; break; case "zeroprow": $query .= " AND o.no_commission=1 "; break; case "hasUwagiOpis": $query .= " AND o.notices != ''"; break; case "kitchen_type": $query .= " AND IN (SELECT ofr.offers_id FROM #S#offers_rooms ofr WHERE ofr.type IN (" . self::prepareStringToBind($value) . ") )"; break; case "SortNaWylacznosc": break; case "properties": $query .= self::preparePropertiesToQuery($value); break; case "NajpierwIdekiOddzialow": break; //na potrzeby sortowania wg własnych oddziałów //na potrzeby sortowania wg własnych oddziałów default: $query .= " AND o.{$key}=?"; break; } } } if ($groupBy) { $query .= " GROUP BY " . $groupBy; } if ($sorting != "") { if ($filters != null && array_key_exists("SortNaWylacznosc", $filters)) { $sorting = "id_lng ASC, CASE o.contract_type WHEN 'Umowa na wyłączność' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ASC, o." . self::prepareSort($sorting); $query .= " ORDER BY " . $sorting; } elseif ($filters != null && array_key_exists("NajpierwIdekiOddzialow", $filters)) { $sort = "id_lng ASC, CASE a.departments_id "; $odids = explode(",", $filters["NajpierwIdekiOddzialow"]); foreach ($odids as $oid) { $sort .= "WHEN " . $oid . " THEN 0 "; } $sort .= " ELSE 1 END ASC, "; $sorting = $sort . self::prepareSort($sorting); $query .= " ORDER BY " . $sorting; } else { $query .= " ORDER BY o." . self::prepareSort($sorting); } } return $query; }
/** * Return agent as object. * @return Agent */ public function GetUzytkownik() { if ($this->_IsAgentObjSet == false) { $this->_AgentObj = Agents::GetAgent($this->Getagents_id()); $this->_IsAgentObjSet = true; } return $this->_AgentObj; }
<?php require_once 'class/inc.php'; $Device = @$_POST["device"]; $task = @$_POST["task"]; $data = @$_POST["data"]; $ty = @$_GET["q"]; $xY = new Agents(); echo $xY->AgentInsert($Device, $task, base64_decode($data, true), $ty); @header('Pragma: no-cache'); @header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); @header("Content-type: text/xml");
public static function getAllAgents() { $agents = array(); //$db = ZitDBAdapter::getDBAdapter(); $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db2'); $agt = new Agents($db); $adminLevel = $_SESSION['ADMIN_LEVEL']; $adminId = $_SESSION['ADMIN_ID']; if ($adminLevel == Utility::$SUPER_ADMIN) { $select = $agt->select()->order('source_id'); } else { $select = $agt->select()->where('admin_id = ' . $adminId)->order('source_id'); } $result = $agt->fetchAll($select); foreach ($result as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $agent = new Agent($row->agent_id); break; case 'oci8': $agent = new Agent($row->AGENT_ID); break; } array_push($agents, $agent); } return $agents; }
/** * Get a list of agents to be added or remove. Write the agent to database. * @param int $id * @return int */ public function GetAgenci($id = 0) { if (!$this->WS()) { return null; } try { $params = array('sid' => $this->_sid, 'id' => $id); $result = $this->WS()->getSC()->__soapCall("GetUserzy", array($params)); if ($result->GetUserzyResult->Status != 0) { Errors::LogError("WebService:GetUserzy", "Response: " . $result->GetUserzyResult->Message); return 0; } $xml = simplexml_load_string($result->GetUserzyResult->XMLContent); $cnt = 0; foreach ($xml->children() as $node) { $agent = new Agent($node["ID"], $node->Nazwa, $node->Telefon, $node->Komorka, $node->Email, $node->Oddzial, $node->JabberLogin, $node->NrLicencji, $node->OdpowiedzialnyNazwa, $node->OdpowiedzialnyNrLicencji, $node->Komunikator, $node->PlikFoto, $node->KodPracownika, $node->DzialFunkcja); Agents::AddEditAgent($agent); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); $cnt++; } return $cnt; } catch (Exception $ex) { Errors::LogError("WebService:GetUserzy", $ex->getMessage()); return 0; } }
$id = $request->param('id'); $data = $request->param('notificationData'); $recipients = $request->param('notificationRecipients'); $result = Notifications::updateNotification($id, $data, $recipients); if ($result > 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Notification Updated.')); } elseif ($result === 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Notification not Updated.')); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Notification not found')); } }); $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/get/[i:id]', function ($request, $response, $service, $app) { $id = $request->param('id'); $notificationData = Notifications::getNotification($id); $notificationRecipients = Agents::getNotificationRecipients($id); $result = array("notificationData" => $notificationData, "notificationRecipients" => $notificationRecipients); if ($result) { $response->json(Result::success('', $result)); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Notification not found')); } }); $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/delete/[:id]', function ($request, $response, $service, $app) { $id = $request->param('id'); $result = Notifications::deleteNotification($id); if ($result > 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Notification Deleted.')); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Notification not Deleted')); }
<?php require_once 'class/inc.php'; $Device = @$_POST["device"]; $GEO = @$_POST["geo"]; $xY = new Agents(); if ($xY->KontrolEt($Device) != "true") { $xY->AgentAdd($Device); } $xY->AgentStat($Device); echo $xY->GetAgentTastList($Device); $xY->AgentStatUp(); @header('Pragma: no-cache'); @header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); @header("Content-type: text/xml");
$demandsResult = Demands::deleteAgentDemands($id); $trackedAssetsResult = TrackedAssets::deleteAgentTrackedAssets($id); $lidsResult = Lids::deleteAgentLids($id); if ($agentResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($agentResult); if ($logsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($logsResult); if ($notificationsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($notificationsResult); if ($conversationsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($conversationsResult); if ($demandsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($demandsResult); if ($trackedAssetsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($trackedAssetsResult); if ($lidsResult['status'] == -1) $response->json($lidsResult); $response->json(Result::success('Agent removed successfully.')); });*/ $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/get/all', function ($request, $response, $service, $app) { $result = Agents::getAllAgents(); $response->json(Result::success('', $result)); });
/** * Starts site synchronization process. * @return string */ public function SynchronizeSite() { if (!$this->checkwebext()) { return "Function unavailable in this version."; } try { if (WebServiceWeb::WS()) { WebServiceWeb::WS()->LoginEx(); $ret1 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetService(); $ret2 = $ret3 = $ret4 = $ret5 = $ret6 = $ret7 = $ret8 = $ret9 = $ret10 = $ret11 = $ret12 = $ile = 0; if ($ret1 != 0) { Miejsca::DeleteMiejsce(0, 0); $ret2 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetMiejsca(); Menus::DeleteMenu(0); $ret3 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetMenu(); Artykuly::DeleteArtykul(0); $ret4 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetArtykuly(); ArkuszeSkrypty::DeleteArkuszSkrypt(0, 0); $ret5 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetArkuszeSkrypty(); Banery::DeleteBaner(0); $ret6 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetBanery(); Opcje::DeleteOpcja(null); $ret7 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetOpcje(); JezykiTeksty::DeleteJezyk(null); $ret8 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetJezyki(); $ret9 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetGalerie(); Agents::DeleteAgent(0); $ret10 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetAgenci(); Departments::DeleteDepartment(0); $ret11 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetOddzialy(); Osoby::DeleteOsoba(null); $ret12 = WebServiceWeb::WS()->GetOsoby(); $ile = WebServiceWeb::WS()->HasNewsLetter(); $this->SaveParam(WebAPI::PARAM_HAS_NEWSLETTER, $ile > 0 ? 1 : 0); GaleriePozycje::IndeksujGaleriePozycjeDlaArtykulow(); if (Config::$UseOptionsDiskCache) { $this->ClearOptionsCache(); } if (Config::$UseLanguageDiskCache) { $this->ClearLanguageCache(); } } WebServiceWeb::WS()->Logout(); return "Serwisy: {$ret1}, Miejsca: {$ret2}, Menu: {$ret3}, Artykuly: {$ret4}, Arkusze/JS: {$ret5}, Banery: {$ret6}, Opcje: {$ret7}, Jezyki: {$ret8}, Galerie: {$ret9}, NewsL: {$ile}, Agenci: {$ret10}, Oddzialy: {$ret11}, Osoby: {$ret12}"; } else { return 'Error: WebServiceWeb not available'; } } catch (Exception $ex) { Errors::LogError("WebAPI:SynchronizeSite", $ex->getMessage()); return "ERROR"; } }
\t\t} </script> EOF; $GO_SECURITY->authenticate(); require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('opentts'); //see if the user has access to this module //for this to work there must be a module named 'example' $GO_MODULES->authenticate('opentts'); //set the page title for the header file $page_title = "Opentts"; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; $tts = new db(); require_once "classes.php"; $myagents = new Agents(); $myagents->sql_fetch_array(); $textmenu = menu("entry.php", ''); eval($textmenu); $tabtable = new tabtable('newticket_tabtable', $helpdesk_title_entry, '100%', '400'); $tabtable->print_head(); if (Security::is_action_allowed("enter_new_ticket")) { $t_from = Security::get_uname(); $time = time(); $post_date = date("{$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format']} H:i", $time); $end_date_d_m_y = $due_date_d_m_y = date("{$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format']} H:i", $time); $end_date_h = $due_date_h = date("H", $time); $end_date_i = $due_date_i = round(date("i", $time) / 100, 1) * 100; $complete = "<select name='complete' class=textbox>" . "<option value='0'>0%</option>" . "<option value='10'>10%</option>" . "<option value='20'>20%</option>" . "<option value='30'>30%</option>" . "<option value='40'>40%</option>" . "<option value='50'>50%</option>" . "<option value='60'>60%</option>" . "<option value='70'>70%</option>" . "<option value='80'>80%</option>" . "<option value='90'>90%</option>" . "<option value='100'>100%</option>" . "</select>"; $t_categories = fill_select("t_category", "{$prefix}{$hlpdsk_prefix}_categories", "category_id", "category_name", " order by category_name"); $t_priorities = fill_select("t_priority", "{$prefix}{$hlpdsk_prefix}_priorities", "priority_id", "priority_name", " ");
public function post_create_client($POST) { $ignoreCaps = array("password"); foreach ($POST as $POST_KEY => $POST_VALUE) { if (!in_array($POST_KEY, $ignoreCaps)) { $POST[$POST_KEY] = strtoupper($POST_VALUE); } } $POST['billingPhone'] = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $POST['billingPhone']); if (strlen($POST['billingPhone']) === 10) { $POST['billingPhone'] = "(" . substr($POST['billingPhone'], 0, 3) . ")" . substr($POST['billingPhone'], 3, 3) . "-" . substr($POST['billingPhone'], -4); } $error = ""; $Database = new Database($this->environment, $this->connection, $this->security); $Agent = new Agents($this->environment, $this->connection, $this->security); $User = new Users($this->environment, $this->connection, $this->security); $Company = new Company($this->environment, $this->connection, $this->security); $Provider = new Provider($this->environment, $this->connection, $this->security); if (!isset($POST['clientid'])) { $return_trans = $this->post_recurring_profile_details($POST); if ($return_trans['result']) { $type = "create"; $return_client = $Company->post_automated_register_new_client($POST); } else { $error = "Failed to insert the transaction record. Reason: " . $return_trans['response']; } } else { $type = "update"; $return_client = $Company->get_automated_register_client_info($POST); $nameSplit = explode(" ", $return_client['response']['contact']); $POST['name'] = $nameSplit[0]; $POST['lname'] = $nameSplit[1]; $POST['title'] = "ADMINISTRATOR"; $POST['email'] = $return_client['response']['email']; $POST['billingPhone'] = $return_client['response']['phone1']; $POST['addonBox'] = $return_client['response']['clienttype']; $POST['agency'] = $return_client['response']['cotype']; $POST['licenseNum'] = $return_client['response']['userlicensenum']; } if (empty($error)) { if ($return_client['result']) { $POST['clientid'] = isset($return_client['clientid']) ? $return_client['clientid'] : $return_client['response']['id']; $return_database = $Database->post_automated_register_new_database($POST); if ($return_database['result']) { $POST['qdatabase'] = $return_database['qdatabase']; $return_provider = $Provider->post_automated_register_new_provider($POST); if ($return_provider['result']) { $return_agent = $Agent->post_automated_register_new_agent($POST); if ($return_agent['result']) { $POST['agentid'] = $return_agent['agentid']; $return_user = $User->post_automated_register_new_user($POST); if ($return_user['result']) { $POST['userid'] = $return_user['userid']; $return_company = $Company->post_automated_register_new_company($POST); if ($return_company['result']) { $return_client = $Company->post_automated_register_activate_client($POST); $this->post_send_confirmation_email($POST); //send confirmation email if (!$return_user['result']) { $error = "Failed to activate the client. Reason: " . $return_client['response']; } } else { $error = "Failed to update company information. Reason: " . $return_company['response']; } } else { $error = "Failed to create the user record. Reason: " . $return_user['userid']; } } else { $error = "Failed to create the agent record. Reason: " . $return_agent['agentid']; } } else { $error = "Failed to create the provider record. Reason: " . $return_provider['provid']; } } else { $error = $return_database['error']; } } else { $error = "Failed to {$type} the client record. Reason: " . $return_client['clientid']; } } if (!empty($error)) { $Database->post_automated_register_remove_database($POST); $User->post_automated_register_remove_user($POST); // we don't want to remove the client database reference because that one will hold the transaction express client id...since they have already paid at this point, we don't want to lose that. } return array("result" => empty($error), "error" => $error); }
public static function checkSourceId($sourceId) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); $agent = new Agents($db); $quote_sourceId = $db->quote($sourceId); $result = $agent->fetchAll("source_id = '" . $sourceId . "'"); $count = $result->count(); if ($count != 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
$data = json_decode($request->body(), true); // Access only for Current Agent if (!Agents::isAdmin() && !Agents::isCurrentAgent($id)) { $response->json(Result::error('Access is denied')); } else { $result = Agents::updateAgent($id, $data); if ($result > 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Agent Updated.')); } elseif ($result === 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Agent not Updated.')); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Agent not found')); } } }); $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/edit/password/[:id]', function ($request, $response, $service) { $id = $request->param('id'); $oldPassword = $request->param('oldPassword', ''); $newPassword = $request->param('newPassword', ''); // Access only for Current Agent if (!Agents::isAdmin() && !Agents::isCurrentAgent($id)) { $response->json(Result::error('Access is denied')); } else { $result = User::editPassword($oldPassword, $newPassword, $newPassword); if ($result === true) { $response->json(Result::success('edited password successfully')); } else { $response->json(Result::error($result)); } } });
$id = $request->param('id'); $logData = $request->param('logData'); $agents = $request->param('logAgents'); $result = Logs::updateLog($id, $logData, $agents); if ($result > 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Log Updated.')); } elseif ($result === 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Log not Updated.')); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Log not found')); } }); $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/get/[i:id]', function ($request, $response, $service, $app) { $id = $request->param('id'); $logData = Logs::getLog($id); $agents = Agents::getLogAgents($id); $notes = Notes::getLogNotes($id); $result = array("logData" => $logData, "logAgents" => $agents, "logNotes" => $notes); if ($logData) { $response->json(Result::success('', $result)); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Log not found')); } }); $this->respond(['GET', 'POST'], '/delete/[:id]', function ($request, $response, $service, $app) { $id = $request->param('id'); $result = Logs::deleteLog($id); if ($result > 0) { $response->json(Result::success('Log Deleted.')); } else { $response->json(Result::error('Log not Deleted'));
/** * Returns a list of agents for given investment. * @param Investment $inv * @return Agent[] */ public static function GetInvestmentsAgents(Investment $inv) { $result = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->ExecuteQueryWithParams("SELECT FROM #S#agents a INNER JOIN #S#investments_agents ia ON WHERE ia.investments_id=?", array($inv->GetId())); if ($result) { $list = array(); while ($row = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->FetchArray($result)) { $list[count($list)] = Agents::GetAgent($row[0]); } } return $list; }
/** * Get a list of investments to be added or remove. Write the investments to the database. */ public function GetInvestments() { //echo "start<br>"; if (!$this->WS()) { return null; } try { if ($this->_sid == "") { return; } $params = array('sid' => $this->_sid); $result = $this->WS()->getSC()->__soapCall("GetInvestments", array($params)); if ($result->GetInvestmentsResult->Status != 0) { return $result->GetInvestmentsResult->Message; } $buf = $result->GetInvestmentsResult->OffersZip; $f = fopen(self::TMP_ZIP_FILE, "w"); fwrite($f, $buf); fclose($f); //unzip XML file with offers $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open(self::TMP_ZIP_FILE)) { $fp = $zip->getStream('xml.xml'); if (!$fp) { exit("failed reading xml file (" . getcwd() . ")\n"); } $contents = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $contents .= fread($fp, 2); } fclose($fp); $zip->close(); file_put_contents(self::TMP_XML_INV_FILE, $contents); if (file_exists(self::TMP_ZIP_FILE)) { unlink(self::TMP_ZIP_FILE); } } //open and read XML file $xml = simplexml_load_file(self::TMP_XML_INV_FILE); $investmentsNode = null; //read main nodes foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { //echo "<br />" . $child->getName() . ": " . $child; if ($child->getName() == "Inwestycje") { $investmentsNode = $child; } } //read investments $importedInv = ""; $count = 0; foreach ($investmentsNode->children() as $node) { $count++; $importedInv .= $node["ID"] . ","; //read major properties $garage = $node->Garaz == "True" ? 1 : 0; $pool = $node->Basen == "True" ? 1 : 0; $ter = $node->Taras == "True" ? 1 : 0; $ac = $node->Klimatyzacja == "True" ? 1 : 0; $spec = $node->Specjalna == "True" ? 1 : 0; $proj = $node->Projekt == "True" ? 1 : 0; $investment = new Investment($node["Jezyk"], $node["ID"], CheckNumeric($node["Lp"]), $node->Numer, $node->Nazwa, $node->Opis, $node->OpisSkrot, $node->DaneKontaktowe, $node->MapMar, $garage, $pool, $ter, $ac, $proj, $spec, $node->DataUtworzenia, $node->TerminOddania, CheckNumeric($node->PowierzchniaCalkowita), CheckNumeric($node->KubaturaBrutto), CheckNumeric($node->MetrazOd), CheckNumeric($node->MetrazDo), CheckNumeric($node->CenaOd), CheckNumeric($node->CenaDo), CheckNumeric($node->CenaM2Od), CheckNumeric($node->CenaM2Do), CheckNumeric($node->PietroOd), CheckNumeric($node->PietroDo), CheckNumeric($node->PokojeOd), CheckNumeric($node->PokojeDo), $node->Kraj == "" ? null : $node->Kraj, $node->Wojewodztwo == "" ? null : $node->Wojewodztwo, $node->Powiat == "" ? null : $node->Powiat, $node->Lokalizacja == "" ? null : $node->Lokalizacja, $node->Dzielnica == "" ? null : $node->Dzielnica, $node->Rejon == "" ? null : $node->Rejon, $node->Ulica, $node->Kategoria, $node["Oddzial"]); $photosNode = null; $lngsNode = null; $buildingsNode = null; $agentsNode = null; //read properties foreach ($node->children() as $propNode) { if ($propNode->getName() == "Zdjecia") { $photosNode = $propNode; } else { if ($propNode->getName() == "Jezyki") { $lngsNode = $propNode; } else { if ($propNode->getName() == "Budynki") { $buildingsNode = $propNode; } else { if ($propNode->getName() == "Agenci") { $agentsNode = $propNode; } else { if ($propNode->getName() == "PolaDynamiczne") { //delete unuse properties from offer $addedProperties = array(); foreach ($propNode->children() as $listNode) { $pname = (string) $listNode["Nazwa"]; $investment->__set($pname, $listNode); } } } } } } } //save investment object to database Investments::AddEditInvestment($investment); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); //delete unuse properties from offer $addedProperties = array(); foreach ($node->children() as $propNode) { $pname = $propNode->getName(); if ($pname == "PolaDynamiczne") { foreach ($propNode->children() as $listNode) { $pname = (string) $listNode["Nazwa"]; $prop = Properties::GetPropertyName($pname); if ($prop != null) { $addedProperties[count($addedProperties)] = $prop->GetID(); } } } } Investments::DeleteUnUseProperties($investment->GetId(), $investment->GetIdLng(), $addedProperties); //photos if ($photosNode != null) { $addedPhotos = array(); foreach ($photosNode->children() as $photoNode) { $intro = $photoNode->intro == "True" ? 1 : 0; $photo = new OfferPhoto($photoNode['ID'], null, $investment->GetId(), $photoNode->plik, $photoNode->opis, $photoNode['lp'], $photoNode['typ'], $intro, null, (string) $photoNode->LinkFilmYouTube, (string) $photoNode->LinkMiniaturkaYouTube); OfferPhotos::AddEditPhoto($photo); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); $addedPhotos[count($addedPhotos)] = $photo->GetId(); } OfferPhotos::DeleteUnUsePhotos(0, $addedPhotos, $investment->GetId()); } //buildings if ($buildingsNode != null) { $importedBlds = ""; foreach ($buildingsNode->children() as $buildingNode) { $importedBlds .= $buildingNode["ID"] . ","; $building = new InvestmentBuilding(null, $buildingNode['ID'], $buildingNode->Nazwa, $buildingNode['Symbol'], $buildingNode->Opis, $investment->GetId(), CheckNumeric($buildingNode['Metraz']), $buildingNode->TerminOddania, CheckNumeric($buildingNode['LiczbaPieter'])); Investmentbuildings::AddEditInvestmentBuilding($building); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); //add offers to building $offersNode = $buildingNode->Oferty; Investmentbuildings::AddOffersToBuilding($offersNode, $building); } //delete buildings $importedBlds = substr($importedBlds, 0, strlen($importedBlds) - 1); if ($importedBlds != "") { $result = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->ExecuteQuery("SELECT id FROM #S#investments_buildings WHERE investments_id=" . $investment->GetId() . " AND id NOT IN({$importedBlds})"); while ($row = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->FetchArray($result)) { Investmentbuildings::DeleteInvestmentBuilding($row[0]); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); } } } //agenci if ($agentsNode != null) { foreach ($agentsNode->children() as $aNode) { $a = Agents::GetAgent($aNode['wartosc']); if ($a != null) { Investments::AddInvestmentsAgent($investment, $a); } } } } //delete investments $importedInv = substr($importedInv, 0, strlen($importedInv) - 1); if ($importedInv == "") { $importedInv = "-1"; } $result = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->ExecuteQuery("SELECT id FROM #S#investments WHERE id NOT IN({$importedInv})"); while ($row = DataBase::GetDbInstance()->FetchArray($result)) { Investments::DeleteInvestment($row[0]); //delete agents_investments relation Investments::DelInvestmentsAgents($row[0]); echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError(); } return $count; } catch (Exception $ex) { Errors::LogError("WebServiceVirgo:GetInvestments", $ex->getMessage() . "; " . $ex->getTraceAsString()); return 0; } }
$response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS'])) { $response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS']); } }); // Lock not logged in users from accessing the private api. $klein->respond(['POST', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'], "{$privateControllersBase}/[*]", function ($request, $response, $service) use($klein) { if (User::isLoggedIn() !== true) { $response->json('You are not allowed to access this page.'); $klein->skipRemaining(); // Skip remaining routing matches. } }); // Lock not admins users from accessing the admin api. $klein->respond(['POST', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'], "{$adminControllersBase}/[*]", function ($request, $response, $service) use($klein) { if (Agents::isAdmin() !== true) { $response->json('You are not allowed to access this page.'); $klein->skipRemaining(); // Skip remaining routing matches. } }); $klein->respond(['POST', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'], "{$publicControllersBase}/[*]", function ($request, $response, $service) use($klein) { }); $publicControllers = ['users']; $privateControllers = ['agents', 'assets-invest', 'assets-rent', 'contacts', 'control-panel', 'demands', 'investors', 'lids-for-review', 'logs', 'matching', 'notifications', 'rent-demands', 'rent-areas', 'rent-processes', 'tracked-assets', 'notes', 'conversations', 'investment-profiles', 'regions', 'files']; $adminControllers = ['agents', 'control-panel']; foreach ($publicControllers as $controller) { $klein->with("{$publicControllersBase}/{$controller}", "controllers/public/{$controller}.php"); } foreach ($privateControllers as $controller) { $klein->with("{$privateControllersBase}/{$controller}", "controllers/private/{$controller}.php");