  * Send  SMS
 public static function send()
     $recipients = SmsHandler::$model->recipients;
     $settings = Yii::app()->settings->get(Constants::CATEGORY_SMS, array(Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_USERNAME, Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_API_KEY, Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_SHORTCORD));
     if (!is_array($recipients)) {
         $recipients = explode(',', $recipients);
     if (empty(SmsHandler::$model->from)) {
         SmsHandler::$model->from = $settings[Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_SHORTCORD];
     $gateway = new AfricaStalkingGateway($settings[Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_USERNAME], $settings[Constants::KEY_SMS_AFRICASTALKING_API_KEY]);
     $recipients_count = count($recipients);
     $sent_count = 0;
     SmsHandler::$model->batch_id = MsgSmsOutbox::model()->getNextIntegerID('batch_id');
     $success_count = 0;
     $chunks = SmsHandler::getChunks($recipients, self::MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH, $recipients_count);
     $currency = Yii::app()->settings->get(Constants::CATEGORY_GENERAL, Constants::KEY_CURRENCY, SettingsCurrency::CURRENCY_KES);
     $org_model = !empty(SmsHandler::$model->org_id) ? Org::model()->loadModel(SmsHandler::$model->org_id) : NULL;
     $price_per_sms = NULL !== $org_model ? $org_model->price_per_sms : NULL;
     foreach ($chunks as $contacts) {
         $error = FALSE;
         $status_message = NULL;
         if (SmsHandler::$model->recipients_source === MsgSmsOutbox::RECIPIENTS_SOURCE_DEFAULT) {
             $gsm_numbers = SmsHandler::preparePhoneNumbers($contacts, FALSE);
         } else {
             $gsm_numbers = implode(",", $contacts);
         $results = $gateway->sendMessage($gsm_numbers, SmsHandler::$model->message, SmsHandler::$model->from);
         if (empty($results)) {
             $status_message = "Oops, No messages were sent. ErrorMessage: " . $gateway->getErrorMessage();
             $error = TRUE;
         if (!empty(SmsHandler::$queue_id)) {
             if ($error === FALSE) {
                 $sent_count = $sent_count + count($contacts);
                 $status_message = Lang::t("Processed {$sent_count} of {$recipients_count} messages");
             ConsoleTaskQueue::model()->updateProgress(SmsHandler::$queue_id, $status_message);
             //update status
         } else {
             if ($error === TRUE && NULL !== $status_message) {
                 Yii::log($status_message, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);
         if ($error === FALSE) {
             $success_count += self::saveRecipients(SmsHandler::$model, $results, $currency, $price_per_sms);
     if (NULL !== $org_model) {
         SmsHandler::addBilling($org_model, SmsHandler::$model, $success_count);
     if (!empty(SmsHandler::$queue_id)) {
         ConsoleTaskQueue::model()->updateProgress(SmsHandler::$queue_id, Lang::t('Completed.'), ConsoleTaskQueue::STATUS_COMPLETED);

// Include the helper gateway class
require_once 'AfricasTalkingGateway.php';
// Specify your login credentials
$username = "******";
$apikey = "b363386c84d13496370e9a4b8ba60d8daa98e4a6a41289d392e08b2ee7996f41";
// Create a new instance of our awesome gateway class
$gateway = new AfricaStalkingGateway($username, $apikey);
// Any gateway errors will be captured by our custom Exception class below,
// so wrap the call in a try-catch block
try {
    // Our gateway will return 100 messages at a time back to you, starting with
    // what you currently believe is the lastReceivedId. Specify 0 for the first
    // time you access the gateway, and the ID of the last message we sent you
    // on subsequent results
    $lastReceivedId = 0;
    // Here is a sample of how to fetch all messages using a while loop
    do {
        $results = $gateway->fetchMessages($lastReceivedId);
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            echo " From: " . $result->from;
            echo " To: " . $result->to;
            echo " Message: " . $result->text;
            echo " Date Sent: " . $result->date;
            echo " LinkId: " . $result->linkId;
            echo " id: " . $result->id;
            echo "\n";
            $lastReceivedId = $result->id;
    } while (count($results) > 0);
 private function send_sms($phone, $message)
     require_once 'Gateway.php';
     $username = "******";
     /*$apiKey = "8ad24c5ad1e03125110a8310bb6c1977ab33d3c72fd6dd7c064335f7fa064456";*/
     $apiKey = "508c63f78ed69654e83d756c9f19a944ee96c4d0f35bc272e74576f54994daba";
     $recipients = $this->cleanPhone($phone);
     $gateway = new AfricaStalkingGateway($username, $apiKey);
     try {
         // Thats it, hit send and we'll take care of the rest.
         $results = $gateway->sendMessage($recipients, $message);
         $data = array('to' => $recipients, 'message' => $message, 'datetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     } catch (AfricasTalkingGatewayException $e) {
         return false;