/** * This function is called from the Wordpress Settings menu */ function settings() { // Get our options and see if we're handling a form submission. $action = OX_Tools::sanitize_post_var('advman-action'); if ($action == 'save') { global $advman_engine; $settings = array('openx-market', 'openx-market-cpm', 'openx-sync', 'enable-php', 'stats', 'purge-stats-days'); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $value = isset($_POST["advman-{$setting}"]) ? OX_Tools::sanitize($_POST["advman-{$setting}"]) : false; $advman_engine->setSetting($setting, $value); } } $template = Advman_Tools::get_template('Settings'); $template->display(); }
/** * This function is called from the Wordpress Settings menu */ static function settings() { global $advman_engine; // Get our options and see if we're handling a form submission. $action = OX_Tools::sanitize_post_var('advman-action'); if ($action == 'save') { global $advman_engine; // We need to know if we are changing the adjs settings $adjs_pre = $advman_engine->getSetting('enable-adjs'); $settings = array('enable-php', 'stats', 'purge-stats-days', 'enable-adjs'); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $value = isset($_POST["advman-{$setting}"]) ? OX_Tools::sanitize($_POST["advman-{$setting}"]) : false; $advman_engine->setSetting($setting, $value); } $adjs_post = $advman_engine->getSetting('enable-adjs'); // If a user is turning on adjs // This generates a client ID given the admin email address and the domain. Note: user has given consent in settings if we have made it this far. if (!$adjs_pre && $adjs_post) { $url = 'http://adjs.io/beta_signups'; $params = array('headers' => array("Accept" => 'application/json'), 'body' => array('beta_signup' => array("email" => get_option('admin_email'), "url" => get_option('siteurl')))); // print_r($params); // exit; $response = wp_remote_post($url, $params); if (is_array($response) && $response['body']) { $clientId = json_decode($response['body'])->client_id; $advman_engine->setSetting('adjs-clientid', $clientId); } else { // Fail silently! // print_r($response); // exit; } } // If a user is turning off adjs // This generates a client ID given the admin email address and the domain. Note: user has given consent in settings if we have made it this far. if ($adjs_pre && !$adjs_post) { $clientId = $advman_engine->getSetting('adjs-clientid'); if ($clientId) { $url = "http://adjs.io/beta_signups/{$clientId}"; $params = array('method' => 'DELETE', 'headers' => array("Accept" => 'application/json')); $response = wp_remote_request($url, $params); if ($response['response'] && $response['response']['code'] == 204) { $advman_engine->setSetting('adjs-clientid', ''); } } } } $template = Advman_Tools::get_template('Settings'); $template->display(); }