public function displayOptionsList() { global $currentIndex; parent::displayOptionsList(); echo '<br /><br /> <form action="' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '" method="post" class="width3"> <fieldset> <legend><img src="../img/admin/exchangesrate.gif" />' . $this->l('Currency rates') . '</legend> <label>' . $this->l('Update currencies rates:') . '</label> <div class="margin-form"> <p>' . $this->l('Update your currencies exchanges rates with a real-time tool') . '</p> </div> <div class="margin-form"> <input type="submit" value="' . $this->l('Update currencies rates') . '" name="submitExchangesRates" class="button" /> </div> </fieldset> </form>'; }
public function displayOptionsList() { global $currentIndex; $dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname(__FILE__)); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) { $adminDir = array_pop($dir); } parent::displayOptionsList(); echo '<br /><br /> <form action="' . $currentIndex . '&token=' . $this->token . '" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend><img src="../img/admin/exchangesrate.gif" />' . $this->l('Currency rates') . '</legend> <label>' . $this->l('Update currency rates') . '</label> <div class="margin-form"> <p>' . $this->l('Update your currencies exchanges rates with a real-time tool') . '</p> </div> <div class="margin-form"> <input type="submit" value="' . $this->l('Update currency rates') . '" name="submitExchangesRates" class="button" /> </div> </fieldset> </form>'; echo '<br /></br /> <fieldset> <legend><img src="../img/admin/tab-tools.gif" />' . $this->l('Currency rates update') . '</legend> <p>' . $this->l('Place this URL in crontab or call it manually daily') . ':<br /> <b>' . Tools::getShopDomain(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . $adminDir . '/cron_currency_rates.php?secure_key=' . md5(_COOKIE_KEY_ . Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')) . '</b></p> </fieldset>'; }
public function displayOptionsList() { parent::displayOptionsList(); echo '<br /><p><img src="../img/admin/asterisk.gif" class="middle" /> ' . $this->l('You can also replace the icon representing your store in Google Maps. Go to the Preferences tab, and then the Appearance subtab.') . '</p>'; }