     * Build a categories tree
     * @param array $indexedCategories Array with categories where product is indexed (in order to check checkbox)
     * @param array $categories Categories to list
     * @param array $current Current category
     * @param integer $id_category Current category id
    public static function recurseCategoryForInclude($id_obj, $indexedCategories, $categories, $current, $id_category = 1, $id_category_default = null, $has_suite = array())
        global $done;
        static $irow;
        $content = '';
        if (!isset($done[$current['infos']['id_parent']])) {
            $done[$current['infos']['id_parent']] = 0;
        $done[$current['infos']['id_parent']] += 1;
        $todo = count($categories[$current['infos']['id_parent']]);
        $doneC = $done[$current['infos']['id_parent']];
        $level = $current['infos']['level_depth'] + 1;
        $content .= '
		<tr class="' . ($irow++ % 2 ? 'alt_row' : '') . '">
				<input type="checkbox" name="categoryBox[]" class="categoryBox' . ($id_category_default == $id_category ? ' id_category_default' : '') . '" id="categoryBox_' . $id_category . '" value="' . $id_category . '"' . (in_array($id_category, $indexedCategories) || (int) Tools::getValue('id_category') == $id_category && !(int) $id_obj ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />
				' . $id_category . '
        for ($i = 2; $i < $level; $i++) {
            $content .= '<img src="../img/admin/lvl_' . $has_suite[$i - 2] . '.gif" alt="" />';
        $content .= '<img src="../img/admin/' . ($level == 1 ? 'lv1.gif' : 'lv2_' . ($todo == $doneC ? 'f' : 'b') . '.gif') . '" alt="" /> &nbsp;
			<label for="categoryBox_' . $id_category . '" class="t">' . stripslashes($current['infos']['name']) . '</label></td>
        if ($level > 1) {
            $has_suite[] = $todo == $doneC ? 0 : 1;
        if (isset($categories[$id_category])) {
            foreach ($categories[$id_category] as $key => $row) {
                if ($key != 'infos') {
                    $content .= AdminProductsController::recurseCategoryForInclude($id_obj, $indexedCategories, $categories, $categories[$id_category][$key], $key, $id_category_default, $has_suite);
        return $content;