    echo '<br>';
    echo 'Use the Close Button to Continue';
} else {
    $user = new AdminLog();
    $user->surname = htmlspecialchars($_POST['surname'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->othernames = htmlspecialchars($_POST['othernames'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->password = htmlspecialchars(sha1($_POST['epassword']), ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->staff_id = htmlspecialchars($_POST['staffid'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->rank = htmlspecialchars($_POST['rank'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->role = htmlspecialchars($_POST['role'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->department_id = htmlspecialchars($_POST['department_id'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $user->activated_status = 1;
    if ($database->affected_rows() == 1) {
        if ($user->sendVerificationMail($_POST['epassword'])) {
            echo '<h4 class="alert alert-success">Success</h4>';
            echo '<hr>';
            echo "The Information for staff with ID <font color=#0000FF>" . $user->staff_id . "</font> has been successfully saved.\n";
            echo "Use the close botton to go back and continue";
            echo '<br>';
        } else {
            echo '<h4 class="alert alert-info">Information</h4>';
            echo '<hr>';
            echo 'Your information has been successfully saved but activation mail was not sent.<br>';
            echo 'Please contact us at <span class="label label-success">support@unijos.edu.ng</span> for further enquiries';
            echo '<br>';
    } else {