
 * Fansoro Gallery Plugin.
 * (c) Moncho Varela / Nakome <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
* fn: Action::run('Gallery')
* Page/File: gallery.md
* Template: gallery.tpl
include_once 'gallery_functions.php';
Action::add('Gallery', 'Gallery::init');
Action::add('theme_header', 'Gallery::set_css');
Action::add('theme_footer', 'Gallery::set_js');
Shortcode::add('Gallery', 'Gallery::ShortCode');

 *	Bootstrap Markdown plugin
 *	@package Monstra
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *	@author William Marshall / Mightyhaggis
 *	@copyright 2015 William Marshall / Mightyhaggis
 *	@version 1.0.0
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('Bootstrap Markdown', 'bootstrap-markdown'), __('Bootstrap Markdown Editor by @toopay', 'bootstrap-markdown'), '1.0.0', 'Mightyhaggis', 'http://mightyhaggis.com/');
// Add hooks
Action::add('admin_header', 'BootstrapMarkdown::headers');
 * BootstrapMarkdown Class
class BootstrapMarkdown
     * Set editor headers
    public static function headers()
        echo '
            <!-- Bootstrap Markdown & required libs  -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/bootstrap-markdown/lib/markdown.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/bootstrap-markdown/lib/to-markdown.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/bootstrap-markdown/js/bootstrap-markdown.js"></script>

 * Custom Action Plugin for Fansoro CMS
 * Based on https://github.com/pafnuty-fansoro-plugins/fansoro-plugin-boilerplate/custom-action
 * @package    Fansoro
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @author     John Doe
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @license    MIT
// Use in template:
// {Action::run('custom-action')}
Action::add('custom-action', function () {
    // Get config of custom-action
    $config = Config::get('plugins.custom-action');
    // Print the custom-action config
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
Action::add('Media', function () {
    // id of media item
    $id = Request::get('id');
    // Obtain json file on public folder
    $json = array();
    $mediaFile = ROOT_DIR . '/public/media/mdb.json';
    if (File::exists($mediaFile)) {
         *   Json Template 
         *   {
         *       "5606e4ad88ed0": { // id of album
         *           "id": "5606e4ad88ed0", // id of image folder album
         *           "title": "Album title", // title of album
         *           "desc": "Album description", // diescription of album
         *           "thumb": "/public/media/album_thumbs/album_5606e4ad88ed0.jpg", // image preview of album
         *           "images": "/public/media/albums/album_5606e4ad88ed0", // images album
         *           "tag": "Nature", // tag of album for filter with javascript
         *           "width": "700", // style width of tumb
         *           "height": "400" // style height of tumb
         *       }
         *   }
        $json = json_decode(File::getContent($mediaFile), true);
    } else {
        die('OOps Whrere is media.json file!');
    // get single id of album or all albums
    if (Request::get('action') == 'view' && Request::get('id')) {
        // id of album
        $id = Request::get('id');
        if ($id) {
            // get id on json
            $media = $json[$id];
            // get all images of this album
            $mediaImages = File::scan(ROOT_DIR . $media['images']);
            // get images of this album
            $albumImages = '';
            // check files
            if (count($mediaImages) > 0) {
                foreach ($mediaImages as $image) {
                    $albumImages .= '<img class="thumbnail img-responsive" src="public/media/albums/album_' . $id . '/' . File::name($image) . '.' . File::ext($image) . '">';
            // template
            $templateSingle = '<h3>' . toHtml($media['title']) . '</h3>
            ' . toHtml($media['desc']) . '
            <p><b>Tag: </b><span class="label label-info">' . toHtml($media['tag']) . '</span></p>' . $albumImages;
            // return
            echo $templateSingle;
    } else {
        // all media files
        $templateAll = '';
        foreach ($json as $media) {
            $templateAll .= '<figure>
                <img width="' . $media['width'] . '" height="' . $media['height'] . '" src="' . Config::get('site.site_url') . $media['thumb'] . '"/>
                    <a href="' . Config::get('site.site_url') . '/media?action=view&id=' . $media['id'] . '" title="' . toHtml($media['title']) . '">' . toHtml($media['title']) . '</a>
        // check json file if not empty
        if (count($json) > 0) {
            echo $templateAll;
        } else {
            echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">Empty Media albums</div>';
        // get config
                if (!class_exists('resize')) {
                    require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/thumb/classes/resize.php';
                // Изменяем размер
                $resizeImg = new resize($imgResized);
                $resizeImg->resizeImage($imgSize[0], $imgSize[1], $method);
                // Сохраняем картинку в заданную папку
                $resizeImg->saveImage($dir . $fileName, $quality);
            $imgResized = Url::getBase() . $imageDir . $fileName;
        $title = isset($title) ? $title : '';
        $alt = isset($alt) ? $alt : '';
        $class = isset($class) ? $class . ' popup-image' : 'popup-image';
        $gallery = isset($gallery) ? '-gallery' : '';
        $imageLink = '<a class="' . $class . $gallery . '" href="' . $content . '" title="' . $title . '"><img src="' . $imgResized . '" alt="' . $alt . '"></a>';
        return $imageLink;
    return '';
Action::add('theme_header', function () {
    if (Config::get('plugins.thumb.loadcss')) {
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/magnific-popup.js/1.1.0/magnific-popup.min.css">';
Action::add('theme_footer', function () {
    if (Config::get('plugins.thumb.loadjs')) {
        echo '<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/magnific-popup.js/1.1.0/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js"></script>';
        echo '<script src="' . Url::getBase() . '/plugins/thumb/assets/js/thumb.js"></script>';
 * Description :  include class shipcart.
include_once 'shipcart.fn.php';
 * Description : Styles and javascript
Action::add('theme_header', 'Shipcart::set_css');
Action::add('theme_footer', 'Shipcart::set_js');
 * Description : Checkout for navbar ( render li tag )
 * Action : Action::run('Shop_cart')
 * Template: templates/cart.tpl
Action::add('Shop_cart', 'Shipcart::cart');
 * Description : User login
 * ShortCode : {Shop_user}
 * Template: templates/customer.tpl
Shortcode::add('Shop_user', 'Shipcart::customer');
 * Description : Total items
 * ShortCode : {Shop_total}
 * Template: templates/total.tpl
Shortcode::add('Shop_total', 'Shipcart::total');
 * Description :  Category section
 * ShortCode : {Shop_section title="" image="" url="" description=""}

 * Youtube for Fansoro CMS
 * Based on https://togetherjs.com/#tryitout-section.
 * @author     Moncho Varela
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @license    MIT
Action::add('theme_footer', function () {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Url::getBase() . '/plugins/channel/assets/channel-dist.js"></script>';
ShortCode::add('Channel', function ($attr) {
    //{Channel name="nakome" limit="50"}
    $name = isset($name) ? $name : Config::get('plugins.channel.username');
    $limit = isset($limit) ? $limit : 1;
    $quality = isset($quality) ? $quality : 'false';
    $quantity = isset($quantity) ? $quantity : 8;
    // template factory
    $template = Template::factory(PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . Config::get('plugins.channel.name') . '/templates/');
    $template->setOptions(['strip' => false]);
    return $template->fetch('gallery.tpl', ['name' => $name, 'limit' => $limit, 'quality' => $quality, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'apikey' => Config::get('plugins.channel.apikey')]);

// Admin Navigation: add new item
Navigation::add(__('Sandbox', 'sandbox'), 'content', 'sandbox', 10);
// Add actions
Action::add('admin_themes_extra_index_template_actions', 'SandboxAdmin::formComponent');
Action::add('admin_themes_extra_actions', 'SandboxAdmin::formComponentSave');
 * Sandbox admin class
class SandboxAdmin extends Backend
     * Main Sandbox admin function
    public static function main()
        // Do something here...
        // Check for get actions
        // -------------------------------------
        if (Request::get('action')) {
            // Switch actions
            // -------------------------------------
            switch (Request::get('action')) {
                // Plugin action
                // -------------------------------------
                case "add":
                    // Do something here...

 * Define WordPress actions for your theme.
 * Based on the WordPress action hooks.
 * https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/
 * Handle Browser Sync.
 * The framework loads by default the local environment
 * where the constant BS (Browser Sync) is defined to true for development purpose.
 * Note: make sure to update the script statement below based on the terminal/console message
 * when launching the "gulp watch" task.
Action::add('wp_footer', function () {
    if (defined('BS') && BS) {
        <script type="text/javascript" id="__bs_script__">
            document.write('<script async src="http://HOST:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.2.12.7.js"><\/script>'.replace("HOST", location.hostname));

 *	MarkItUp! plugin
 *	@package Monstra
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *	@author Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@copyright 2012-2014 Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@version 1.0.0
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('MarkItUp!', 'markitup'), __('MarkItUp! universal markup jQuery editor', 'markitup'), '1.0.0', 'Awilum', 'http://monstra.org/');
// Add hooks
Action::add('admin_header', 'MarkItUp::headers');
 * MarkItUp Class
class MarkItUp
     * Set editor headers
    public static function headers()
        echo '
            <!-- markItUp! 1.1.13 -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/markitup/markitup/jquery.markitup.js"></script>
            <!-- markItUp! toolbar settings -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/markitup/markitup/sets/html/set.js"></script>
文件: actions.php 项目: cv0/fansoro

 * This file is part of the Fansoro.
 * (c) Romanenko Sergey / Awilum <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
// Set Fansoro Meta Generator
Action::add('theme_meta', function () {
    echo '<meta name="generator" content="Powered by Fansoro" />';

defined('MONSTRA_ACCESS') or die('No direct script access.');
 * Set meta generator
Action::add('theme_meta', 'setMetaGenerator');
function setMetaGenerator()
    echo '<meta name="generator" content="Powered by Monstra ' . Monstra::VERSION . '" />' . "\n";

 *  Asset Plugin
 *  @package Fansoro
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *  @author Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 *  @version 2.1.0
 *  @license https://github.com/pafnuty/fansoro-plugin-asset/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/asset/asset.class.php';
Action::add('asset_folder', function (array $folders = array(), array $excludes = array()) {
    $assetConfig = Fansoro::$plugins['asset'];
    $folders = array_unique(array_filter(array_merge($folders, (array) $assetConfig['folders'])));
    $excludes = array_unique(array_filter(array_merge($excludes, (array) $assetConfig['excludes'])));
    foreach ($folders as $k => $folder) {
        $folders[$k] = '/themes/' . Fansoro::$site['theme'] . $folder;
    Asset::add($folders, $excludes);
Action::add('asset_file', function ($fileName = '', $attributes = '') {
    if ($fileName != '') {
        $fileName = '/themes/' . Fansoro::$site['theme'] . $fileName;
        Asset::addFile($fileName, $attributes);

 * Poll for Fansoro CMS.
 * @author     Moncho Varela
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @license    MIT
Action::add('theme_footer', function () {
    echo '<script>
        var current = "' . Url::getCurrent() . '";
        var pollDb = "' . Url::getBase() . '/plugins/poll/db/db.json";
    echo '<script src="' . Url::getBase() . '/plugins/poll/assets/poll.js"></script>';
 * Description: add function
 * Example: {Poll(1,'Do you like Fansoro?','yes','no')}
function Poll($id, $question, $answer1 = 'Yes', $answer2 = 'No')
    // values
    $id = isset($id) ? $id : '';
    $question = isset($question) ? $question : '';
    $answer1 = isset($answer1) ? $answer1 : '';
    $answer2 = isset($answer2) ? $answer2 : '';
    // json dir
    $dir = PLUGINS_PATH . '/poll/db/db.json';
 *	Sitemap plugin
 *	@package Monstra
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *	@author Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@copyright 2012-2014 Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@version 1.0.0
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('Sitemap', 'sitemap'), __('Sitemap plugin', 'sitemap'), '1.0.0', 'Awilum', 'http://monstra.org/', 'sitemap', 'box');
// Add actions
Action::add('admin_pages_action_add', 'Sitemap::create');
Action::add('admin_pages_action_edit', 'Sitemap::create');
Action::add('admin_pages_action_clone', 'Sitemap::create');
Action::add('admin_pages_action_delete', 'Sitemap::create');
 * Sitemap class
class Sitemap extends Frontend
     * Forbidden components
     * @var array
    public static $forbidden_components = array('pages', 'sitemap');
     * Sitemap Title
     * @return string
Action::add('Edit', function () {
    // login vars
    $user = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.email'));
    $password = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.password'));
    $token = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.token'));
    $hash = md5($token . $password);
    // get plugin info
    // current url
    $url = str_replace(Url::getBase(), '', Url::getCurrent());
    $page = '';
    $name = '';
    // empty = index.md
    if ($url == trim('/')) {
        $name = trim('/index.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
        // blog = blog/index.md
    } elseif ($url == trim('/blog')) {
        $name = trim('/blog/index.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
        // for another index folder names
        }else if($url == trim('/foldername ')){
            $name = trim('/foldername/index.md');
            $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH.'/pages'.$name);
        // others
    } else {
        $name = trim($url . '.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
    // template factory
    $template = Template::factory(PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '/templates/');
    $template->setOptions(['strip' => false]);
    // show loginbtn
    if (Session::exists(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user')) {
        // update file
        if (Request::post('Update_page')) {
            if (Request::post('token')) {
                $content = Request::post('content');
                if ($content) {
                    File::setContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name, $content);
                } else {
                    die('You Cant write empty file');
            } else {
                // crsf
                die('crsf detect');
        // logout
        if (Request::post('access_logout')) {
            Session::delete(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user');
        // show template
        $template->display('admin.tpl', ['title' => $name, 'content' => $page]);
    } else {
        // login
        if (Request::post('access_login')) {
            if (Request::post('token')) {
                if (Request::post('password') == $password && Request::post('email') == $user) {
                    Session::set(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user', $hash);
                    // show admin template
                } else {
                    // password not correct show error
                    $template->display('partials/error.tpl', ['title' => 'Access Error', 'content' => Config::get('plugins.gallery.errorPassword')]);
            } else {
                // crsf
                die('crsf detect');
        // show template

 * Breadcrumb Plugin
 * Based on idea from https://github.com/tovic/breadcrumb-plugin-for-fansoro-cms
 * @package    Fansoro
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @author     Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 * @version    1.1.0
 * @license    https://github.com/pafnuty-fansoro-plugins/fansoro-plugin-breadcrumb/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
Action::add('breadcrumb', function () {
    // Configuration data
    $config = Config::get('plugins.breadcrumb');
    // Get current URI segments
    $paths = Url::getUriSegments();
    // Count total paths
    $total_paths = count($paths);
    // Path lifter
    $lift = '';
    // Breadcrumb's data
    $data = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < $total_paths; $i++) {
        $lift .= '/' . $paths[$i];
        $page = Pages::getPage(file_exists(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . $lift . '/index.md') || file_exists(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . $lift . '.md') ? $lift : '404');
        $data[Url::getBase() . $lift] = ['title' => $page['title'], 'current' => rtrim(Url::getCurrent(), '/') === rtrim(Url::getBase() . $lift, '/')];
    $template = Template::factory(THEMES_PATH . '/' . Config::get('system.theme'));
    $template->display('/plugins/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.tpl', ['home' => rtrim(Url::getCurrent(), '/') === rtrim(Url::getBase(), '/') ? true : Url::getBase(), 'config' => $config, 'branch' => $data]);
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *	@author     Andreas Müller | devmount <*****@*****.**>
 *	@license    MIT
 *  @link       https://github.com/devmount-monstra/events
// Add plugin styles and scripts
Stylesheet::add('plugins/events/css/events.admin.css', 'backend', 11);
Javascript::add('plugins/events/js/events.admin.js', 'backend', 11);
// lib: Image Picker http://rvera.github.io/image-picker/
Stylesheet::add('plugins/events/lib/image-picker/image-picker.css', 'backend', 11);
Javascript::add('plugins/events/lib/image-picker/image-picker.js', 'backend', 11);
// Admin Navigation: add new item
Navigation::add(__('Events', 'events'), 'content', 'events', 10);
// Add action on admin_pre_render hook
Action::add('admin_pre_render', 'EventsAdmin::_getAjaxData');
// register repository classes
require_once 'repositories/repository.events.php';
require_once 'repositories/repository.categories.php';
require_once 'repositories/repository.locations.php';
 * Events class
class EventsAdmin extends Backend
     * Ajax: get Event by ID
    public static function _getAjaxData()

 * Detect plugin for Fansoro CMS
 * @package    Fansoro
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @author     Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 * @author     Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 * @version    1.1.0
 * @license    https://github.com/pafnuty-fansoro-plugins/fansoro-plugin-detect/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
require_once 'classes/Mobile_Detect.php';
Action::add('before_page_rendered', function () {
class Detect
    protected static $detect;
    public static function init()
        static::$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
    public static function isMobile($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null)
        return static::$detect->isMobile($userAgent, $httpHeaders);
    public static function isTablet($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null)
        return static::$detect->isTablet($userAgent, $httpHeaders);

 * Fansoro Fluidbox Plugin
 * (c) Romanenko Sergey / Awilum <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
Action::add('theme_header', function () {
    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fluidbox/2.0.0/css/fluidbox.min.css" type="text/css" />';
    echo '<style>.fluidbox__wrap { display: inline-block; }</style>';
Action::add('theme_footer', function () {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-throttle-debounce/1.1/jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.min.js"></script>';
    echo '<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fluidbox/2.0.0/js/jquery.fluidbox.min.js"></script>';
    $template = Template::factory(PLUGINS_PATH . '/fluidbox/templates/');
    $template->setOptions(["strip" => false]);
    $types = '';
    foreach (Config::get('plugins.fluidbox.types') as $type) {
        $types .= 'a[href$=".' . $type . '"],';
    $types = rtrim($types, ",");
    return $template->display('fluidbox.tpl', ['types' => $types]);

 *  Asset Plugin
 *  @package Morfy
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *  @author Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 *  @version 1.0.0
 *  @license https://github.com/pafnuty/morfy-plugin-asset/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/asset/asset.class.php';
Action::add('asset_folder', function (array $folders = array(), array $excludes = array()) {
    $assetConfig = Config::get('plugins.asset');
    $folders = array_unique(array_filter(array_merge($folders, (array) $assetConfig['folders'])));
    $excludes = array_unique(array_filter(array_merge($excludes, (array) $assetConfig['excludes'])));
    foreach ($folders as $k => $folder) {
        $folders[$k] = '/themes/' . Config::get('system.theme') . $folder;
    Asset::add($folders, $excludes);
Action::add('asset_file', function ($fileName = '', $attributes = '') {
    if ($fileName != '') {
        $fileName = '/themes/' . Config::get('system.theme') . $fileName;
        Asset::addFile($fileName, $attributes);

 *	CodeMirror plugin
 *	@package Monstra
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *	@author Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@copyright 2012-2014 Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *	@version 1.0.0
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('CodeMirror', 'codemirror'), __('CodeMirror is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser.', 'codemirror'), '1.0.0', 'Awilum', 'http://monstra.org/');
// Add hooks
Action::add('admin_header', 'CodeMirror::headers');
 * Codemirror Class
class CodeMirror
    public static $theme = 'mdn-like';
     * Set editor headers
    public static function headers()
        echo '
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/codemirror/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/codemirror/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/plugins/codemirror/codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets.js"></script>

 *  Statistics plugin for Fansoro
 * @package    Fansoro
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @author     Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 * @version    3.1.0
 * @license    https://github.com/pafnuty-fansoro-plugins/fansoro-statistics/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/statistics/ShowStatistics.php';
Action::add('plugins_loaded', function () {
    global $statistics;
    $statistics = new ShowStatistics();
Action::add('after_page_rendered', function () {
    global $statistics;
    echo $statistics->showStat();
 * Morfy Social Sharing Buttons Plugin based on Likely
 * (c) Evgeny Steblinsky / volter9 <volter9.github.io>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
class Likely
     * @param string $title
     * @param string $url
     * @param array|string $classes
    public static function buttons($title = '', $url = '', $classes = '')
        $classes = is_array($classes) ? implode(' ', $classes) : $classes;
        $template = Template::factory(PLUGINS_PATH . '/likely/templates/');
        $template->display('likely.tpl', compact('title', 'url', 'classes'));
Action::add('theme_header', function () {
    $base = Url::getBase();
    printf('<link href="%s/plugins/likely/bower_components/ilyabirman-likely/release/likely.css" rel="stylesheet">', $base);
Action::add('theme_footer', function () {
    $base = Url::getBase();
    printf('<script src="%s/plugins/likely/bower_components/ilyabirman-likely/release/likely.js"></script>', $base);
    if (empty($content)) {
        return $content;
    $content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
    $document = new DOMDocument();
    $imgs = $document->getElementsByTagName('img');
    foreach ($imgs as $img) {
        $existing_class = $img->getAttribute('class');
        $img->setAttribute('class', 'img-responsive ' . $existing_class);
    $html = $document->saveHTML();
    return $html;
Action::add('wp_head', function ($post_id) {
    if (is_single()) {
        if (empty($post_id)) {
        } else {
            global $post;
 * Load translation
 * */
Action::add('after_setup_theme', function () {
    load_theme_textdomain(THEMOSIS_TEXTDOMAIN, themosis_path("theme") . 'languages');
Action::add('Edit', function () {
    // login vars
    $user = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.email'));
    $password = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.password'));
    $token = trim(Config::get('plugins.edit.token'));
    $hash = md5($token . $password);
    // get plugin info
    // current url
    $url = str_replace(Url::getBase(), '', Url::getCurrent());
    $page = '';
    $name = '';
    // empty = index.md
    if ($url == trim('/')) {
        $name = trim('/index.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
        // blog = blog/index.md
    } elseif ($url == trim('/blog')) {
        $name = trim('/blog/index.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
        // others
    } else {
        $name = trim($url . '.md');
        $page = File::getContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name);
    // template factory
    $template = Template::factory(PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '/templates/');
    $template->setOptions(['strip' => false]);
    // show loginbtn
    if (Session::exists(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user')) {
        // update file
        if (Request::post('Update_page')) {
            if (Request::post('token')) {
                $content = Request::post('content');
                if ($content) {
                    File::setContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . $name, $content);
                } else {
                    die('You Cant write empty file');
            } else {
                // crsf
                die('crsf detect');
        // new file
        if (Request::post('Save_page')) {
            if (Request::post('token')) {
                $filename = Request::post('newFile');
                $dir = Request::post('directory');
                $content = Request::post('newContent');
                if ($filename && $content) {
                    // empty dir save on pages dir
                    if ($dir == '') {
                        if (File::exists(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . sanitize($filename) . '.md')) {
                            die('<span class="alert alert-danger">The file ' . sanitize($filename) . ' already exists</span>');
                        File::setContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . $filename . '.md', $content);
                        Request::redirect(Url::getBase() . '/' . $filename);
                    } else {
                        if (File::exists(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . $dir . '/' . sanitize($filename) . '.md')) {
                            die('<span class="alert alert-danger">The file ' . sanitize($filename) . ' already exists</span>');
                        File::setContent(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages/' . $dir . '/' . sanitize($filename) . '.md', $content);
                        Request::redirect(Url::getBase() . '/' . $dir . '/' . sanitize($filename));
                } else {
                    die('You Cant write empty file');
            } else {
                // crsf
                die('crsf detect');
        // remove file
        if (Request::get('del')) {
            if (Request::get('token')) {
                File::delete(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages' . Request::get('del') . '.md');
            } else {
                die('crsf detect !');
        // remove Cache
        if (Request::get('clearcache') == 'true') {
            if (Request::get('token')) {
                if (Dir::exists(CACHE_PATH . '/doctrine/')) {
                    Dir::delete(CACHE_PATH . '/doctrine/');
                if (Dir::exists(CACHE_PATH . '/fenom/')) {
                    Dir::delete(CACHE_PATH . '/fenom/');
            } else {
                die('crsf detect !');
        // logout
        if (Request::post('access_logout')) {
            Session::delete(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user');
        // show template
        $template->display('admin.tpl', ['title' => $name, 'content' => $page, 'current' => $url, 'directory' => Dir::scan(STORAGE_PATH . '/pages')]);
    } else {
        // login
        if (Request::post('access_login')) {
            if (Request::post('token')) {
                if (sha1(md5(Request::post('password'))) == $password && Request::post('email') == $user) {
                    Session::set(Config::get('plugins.edit.name') . '_user', $hash);
                    // show admin template
                } else {
                    // password not correct show error
                    $template->display('partials/error.tpl', ['title' => 'Access Error', 'content' => Config::get('plugins.edit.errorPassword')]);
            } else {
                // crsf
                die('crsf detect');
        // show template
 * Social Meta Plugin
 * @package    Fansoro
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @author     Pavel Belousov / pafnuty
 * @version    1.2.0
 * @license    https://github.com/pafnuty-fansoro-plugins/fansoro-plugin-socialmeta/blob/master/LICENSE MIT
Action::add('theme_meta', function () {
    if (!class_exists('resize')) {
        require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/socialmeta/classes/resize.php';
    require_once PLUGINS_PATH . '/socialmeta/classes/SocialMeta.php';
    $config = Config::get('plugins.socialmeta');
    $page = Pages::getCurrentPage();
    $socialMeta = new SocialMeta();
    $title = $page['title'];
    $description = $page['description'] ? $page['description'] : $page['content'];
    $description = $socialMeta->textLimit($description, 250);
    $twitterImage = isset($page['twitter_image']) ? Url::getBase() . $page['twitter_image'] : $socialMeta->getImage($page['content'], $config['twitter']['noimage'], '600x330', '100');
    $facebookImage = isset($page['og_image']) ? Url::getBase() . $page['og_image'] : $socialMeta->getImage($page['content'], $config['facebook']['noimage'], '600x315', '100');
    $arTwitter = ['twitter:card' => 'summary_large_image', 'twitter:site' => '@' . $config['twitter']['author'], 'twitter:creator' => '@' . $config['twitter']['author'], 'twitter:domain' => Url::getBase(), 'twitter:title' => $title, 'twitter:description' => $description, 'twitter:image' => $twitterImage];
    $arFacebook = ['og:type' => 'website', 'og:site_name' => Config::get('site.title'), 'og:url' => $page['url'], 'og:title' => $title, 'og:description' => $description, 'og:image' => $facebookImage];
    foreach ($arTwitter as $name => $content) {
        echo '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . $content . '">';
    foreach ($arFacebook as $property => $content) {
        echo '<meta property="' . $property . '" content="' . $content . '">';
}, '100');
Action::add('Api', function () {
    if (Request::get('type')) {
        Request::setHeaders('Content-Type: application/json; charset=' . Config::get('system.charset'));
        $result = '';
        switch (Request::get('type')) {
            case 'page':
                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello get all
                if (Request::get('name')) {
                    // get page name
                    $p = @Pages::getPage(Request::get('name'));
                    $title = isset($p['title']) ? $p['title'] : '';
                    $date = isset($p['date']) ? $p['date'] : '';
                    $slug = isset($p['slug']) ? $p['slug'] : '';
                    $url = isset($p['url']) ? $p['url'] : '';
                    $tag = isset($p['tag']) ? $p['tag'] : '';
                    $thumbnail = isset($p['thumbnail']) ? $p['thumbnail'] : '';
                    $template = isset($p['template']) ? $p['template'] : '';
                    $summary = isset($p['summary']) ? $p['summary'] : '';
                    $content = isset($p['content']) ? $p['content'] : '';
                    $keywords = isset($p['keywords']) ? $p['keywords'] : '';
                    $description = isset($p['description']) ? $p['description'] : '';
                    // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=title get only title
                    if (Request::get('filter')) {
                        switch (Request::get('filter')) {
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=title
                            case 'title':
                                $result = array('title' => $title);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=date
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=date
                            case 'date':
                                $result = array('date' => $date);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=slug
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=slug
                            case 'slug':
                                $result = array('slug' => $slug);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=url
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=url
                            case 'url':
                                $result = array('url' => $url);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=tag
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=tag
                            case 'tag':
                                $result = array('tag' => $tag);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=thumbnail
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=thumbnail
                            case 'thumbnail':
                                $result = array('thumbnail' => $thumbnail);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=template
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=template
                            case 'template':
                                $result = array('template' => $template);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=summary
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=summary
                            case 'summary':
                                $result = array('summary' => $summary);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=content
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=content
                            case 'content':
                                $result = array('content' => $content);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=keywords
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=keywords
                            case 'keywords':
                                $result = array('keywords' => $keywords);
                                // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=description
                            // api?type=page&name=blog/hello&filter=description
                            case 'description':
                                $result = array('description' => $description);
                                // filter not found get error
                                $result = array('404' => 'Filter Not Found');
                        // encode to json
                        echo json_encode($result, true);
                    } else {
                        // get all info
                        $result = array('title' => $title, 'date' => $date, 'slug' => $slug, 'url' => $url, 'tag' => $tag, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'template' => $template, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'description' => $description, 'summary' => $summary, 'content' => $content);
                        // encode to jso
                        echo json_encode($result, true);
                } else {
                    // no name get error
                    echo json_encode(array('404' => 'Not Found'), true);
            case 'pages':
                //api?type=pages&name=test get all of test folder
                if (Request::get('name')) {
                    $pages = @Pages::getPages(Request::get('name'));
                    if ($pages != null) {
                        $result = '';
                        if (Request::get('filter')) {
                            switch (Request::get('filter')) {
                                // get titles
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=title
                                case 'title':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $title = isset($page['title']) ? $page['title'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('title' => $title), true) . ',';
                                    // get dates
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=date
                                // get dates
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=date
                                case 'date':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $date = isset($page['date']) ? $page['date'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('date' => $date), true) . ',';
                                    // get slug
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=slug
                                // get slug
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=slug
                                case 'slug':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $slug = isset($page['slug']) ? $page['slug'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('slug' => $slug), true) . ',';
                                    // get urls
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=url
                                // get urls
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=url
                                case 'url':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $url = isset($page['url']) ? $page['url'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('url' => $url), true) . ',';
                                    // get tag
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=tag
                                // get tag
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=tag
                                case 'tag':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $tag = isset($page['tag']) ? $page['tag'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('tag' => $tag), true) . ',';
                                    // get thumbnail
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=thumbnail
                                // get thumbnail
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=thumbnail
                                case 'thumbnail':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $thumbnail = isset($page['thumbnail']) ? $page['thumbnail'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('thumbnail' => $thumbnail), true) . ',';
                                    // get templates
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=template
                                // get templates
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=template
                                case 'template':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $template = isset($page['template']) ? $page['template'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('template' => $template), true) . ',';
                                    // get summary
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=summary
                                // get summary
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=summary
                                case 'summary':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $summary = isset($page['summary']) ? $page['summary'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('summary' => $summary), true) . ',';
                                    // get content
                                    // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=content
                                // get content
                                // api?type=pages&name=test&filter=content
                                case 'content':
                                    foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                        $content = isset($page['content']) ? $page['content'] : '';
                                        $result .= json_encode(array('content' => $content), true) . ',';
                                    // filter not found get error
                                    $result = json_encode(array('404' => 'Not Found'), true) . ',';
                            // get by filter
                            echo '[' . rtrim($result, ',') . ']';
                        } else {
                            // get all data by name
                            foreach ($pages as $page) {
                                $title = isset($page['title']) ? $page['title'] : '';
                                $date = isset($page['date']) ? $page['date'] : '';
                                $slug = isset($page['slug']) ? $page['slug'] : '';
                                $url = isset($page['url']) ? $page['url'] : '';
                                $tag = isset($page['tag']) ? $page['tag'] : '';
                                $thumbnail = isset($page['thumbnail']) ? $page['thumbnail'] : '';
                                $template = isset($page['template']) ? $page['template'] : '';
                                $summary = isset($page['summary']) ? $page['summary'] : '';
                                $content = isset($page['content']) ? $page['content'] : '';
                                $keywords = isset($page['keywords']) ? $page['keywords'] : '';
                                $description = isset($page['description']) ? $page['description'] : '';
                                $data = array('title' => $title, 'date' => $date, 'slug' => $slug, 'url' => $url, 'tag' => $tag, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'template' => $template, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'description' => $description, 'summary' => $summary, 'content' => $content);
                                $result .= json_encode($data, true) . ',';
                            // encode to json
                            echo '[' . rtrim($result, ',') . ']';
                    } else {
                        // not get error
                        echo json_encode(array('404' => 'Not Found'), true);
                } else {
                    // no type get error
                    echo json_encode(array('404' => 'Not Found'), true);

// Add Monstra check action
    Action::add('admin_post_template', 'checkMonstraVersion', 9999);
 * Check Monstra version
function checkMonstraVersion()
    echo '
            <script type="text/javascript">
                        var current_monstra_version = "' . Monstra::VERSION . '";
                        var stable_monstra_version = data.version;
                        if (current_monstra_version < stable_monstra_version) {
                            $("#update-monstra").addClass("alert alert-info").html("' . __("Published a new version of the :monstra", "system", array(":monstra" => "<a target='_blank' href='http://monstra.org/download'>Monstra</a>")) . '");
 * System Admin
class SystemAdmin extends Backend
 *	@license    MIT
 *	@version    0.1.2016-01-02
 *  @link       https://github.com/devmount-monstra/events
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('Events'), __('Event management for Monstra.'), '0.1.2016-01-02', 'devmount', 'http://devmount.de');
// Include plugin admin
if (Session::exists('user_role') && in_array(Session::get('user_role'), array('admin', 'editor'))) {
// Add shortcode
Shortcode::add('events', 'Events::_shortcode');
// Add CSS and JavaScript
Action::add('theme_footer', 'Events::_insertJS');
Action::add('theme_header', 'Events::_insertCSS');
// register repository classes
require_once 'repositories/repository.events.php';
require_once 'repositories/repository.categories.php';
require_once 'repositories/repository.locations.php';
 * Events class
 * <code>
 *      <?php Events::listEvents('list', 'minimal', 'future', 5, 'ASC'); ?>
 * </code>
class Events